Theron Stevenson
Class Time: 9:00-9:50 A.M.

  1. What were the main objectives/goals for the class?
     To prepare students for college by teaching them useful study skills.
     To explain and answer questions about the course content.

2. What are your expectations from the students?
     I have four expectations:
     1. Have (or develop) opinions and ideas about the subjects we're learning.
     2. Share those opinions and ideas with the group.
     3. Respect other peoples ideas and opinions.
     4. Do the assigned work well.

3. Briefly describe the structure of the class? What tactics do you use to teach the material? Are there any special projects or activities?
     The class structure is evolving to meet the students needs as they appear to me and the other TA's. I try to ask questions that will spark interest, and answer questions to maintain interest.
I ask the students to work alone and in small groups to decide what they think is important in the material, and to develop study guides from that process. I also have them compare class notes with a partner.

4. How does this class help prepare the students for college?
     The class subjects the students to the sort of pressures that are endured by the typical college freshman. Hopefully, with encouragement from us, the students will enter college with a better understanding of those pressures and with the skills to overcome those pressures.

5. Describe the overall participation in the classroom?
       Generally the majority of students have questions to ask about the course. However, few of the students try to take the initiative to determine for themselves what is important information. They expect me to tell them exactly what the pertinent facts are.