Field Trips


1) When you were younger what did you want to be?

A nun, seriously!  And my church will assign me to do work in less developed countries, particularly helping young girls. 

2) When you were younger what superhero did you pretend/want to be and why?

Unfortunately, I don’t have any superhero in my mind. 

3) Who do you think is the most memorable student in Upward Bound and why?

Michael, our Mr. Bug Rescuer!  

4) How was your first year in Upward Bound? Did you have a hard time working with the students?

I have been teaching regular college-level classes with many Running Start students enrolled in community colleges.  Overall, the experience is positive and I learned different teaching techniques with Upward Bound student population.

5) When you were little who was the best teacher you ever had?

My best teacher was actually my private piano instructor back in the days when my family was in Hong Kong.  Only she could make me sit quietly and practice all day.ll the pieces over 2 hours every day!




