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1) When you were younger what did you want to be?

A teacher or a super agent like Agent 99 on Get Smart. But I had to settle for teacher

2) When you were younger what superhero did you pretend/want to be and why?

Cat woman.  Mainly because cats seem pretty decisive, they know what they want and are quick, agile, can cover a lot of ground in a short period, are observant and most of the time subtle in comings and goings—coupled with human skills and compassion, it would be pretty interesting.


3)Who do you think is the most memorable student in Upward Bound and why?

This is not a great question –there are so many!  And to not remember them all equally is hard.  But in general the most memorable are the ones who are sooooo intelligent and talented, but for some reason or another do not complete college right away.  Many DO come back, however with a little more wisdom and focus to complete their dreams.


4) How was your first year in Upward Bound? Did you have a hard time working with the students?

I never had a really hard time with students.  In fact, it was so exciting to begin working as a teacher in tech.  You never stop learning and this was the beginning of a great journey –it was a lot of fun and still is!


5) When you were little who was the best teacher you ever had?

The best teacher I ever had was one who believed in me. I was a very quiet student and not many students or teachers took notice because of this.  But this one teacher saw potential and pushed me to do more.  I tried my best for that teacher and succeeded all the way.



