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1) When you were younger what did you want to be?

  1. I wanted to be an artist or writer, I thought it would be a fun way to make a living.
  2. 2) When you were younger what superhero did you pretend/want to be and why?
  1. I wanted to be Superwoman so I could fly.
  2. 3) Who do you think is the most memorable student in Upward Bound and why?

  3. Cynthia is the most memorable because she keeps coming back to TTQ (3 years in a row!) and keeps winning in the competition. Her Samurai team won the Gold Award last year, and her Chinese Zodiac team won the Gold Award the year before. I remember the first year she came up and introduced herself at the orientation before class had even started.

4) How was your first year in Upward Bound? Did you have a hard time working with the students?

My first year working with UB was a very good experience, and all good students in the group!


5) When you were little who was the best teacher you ever had?

My 4th and 5th grade teachers at Sanislo Elementary were the best, Ms. Chin & Ms. Wicklund.


