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1) When you were younger what did you want to be?

I always wanted to be a teacher.  When I was a little girl, I would come home from school and immediately go up to my room.  I would be up there for hours doing homework – all the while – I was “playing school” and pretending to be the teacher.

I do love the question “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Me? There are several dreams and passions that I hope to pursue.  Who knows what I will do next?!?


2) When you were younger what superhero did you pretend/want to be and why?

It may not be the famous or common superhero, but I wanted to be Jem from Jem and the Punkrockers.  She was one cool chick and I even dressed up like her one year for Halloween.



3) Who do you think is the most memorable student in Upward Bound and why?

If space allowed, I would list each of my eighteen students and an attribute for each that I will remember past the days of this summer. 
Simply, the most memorable is the first Upward Bound ASL class that rocked it out!

4) How was your first year in Upward Bound? Did you have a hard time working with the students?
This summer has been an incredible experience and I am looking forward to next year.  I have learned so much from my students over the past month.  I hope they learned from me as well and will continue to use their ASL skills in their future endeavors.
One day we needed a jolt of motivation, but we all need a few reminders on occasion.  My students came to class each day ready to learn, be challenged, and laugh a bit along the way.

5)When you were little who was the best teacher you ever had?
There are two teachers that had a profound impact on me: Ms. Liem (1st grade) and Mrs. Duetschman (3rd grade).  In both instances, the teachers made learning fun.  During college, I went back to visit with Ms. Liem and I was awestruck to be standing in her classroom again!

