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1) When you were younger what did you want to be?

I always wanted to be a teacher

2) When you were younger what superhero did you pretend/want to be and why?

Filipino folklore boasts of Princess Urduha, daughter of a small barangay or tribal kingdom, who took it upon herself to fight the invading Spaniards, sadly, to her death. I found her presence and her courage compelling; she was not intimidated by men and she was not afraid to die for a cause she passionately believed in. I remember feeling proud that I belong to a culture that understood a worthy woman needs to be given her due place in history. Bad a—is bad a--, regardless of gender.

3) Who do you think is the most memorable student in Upward Bound and why?

There had been so many. It’s impossible to select just one.

4) How was your first year in Upward Bound? Did you have a hard time working with the students?

I started working with Upward Bound students as the Senior Counselor in 1991. There were years that were not as good as others. There were years when the number of half-steppers outnumbered the kids who really wanted to complete college and realize their own dreams. It still bothers me to hear the sad tale that befell those same students, now in their mid-30’s, whose lives had not been productive nor positive, nor easy.

5) When you were little who was the best teacher you ever had?

I come from a family of teachers. My siblings and I chose this profession because our father was a teacher and he remains to be the best professional influence in my life.


