








"I’d have to say my best childhood memory was my first girlfriend. I enjoyed doing multiple things as a child. I was really occupied with a lot of things, basketball, girls. I’d have to say women have been my favorite past time. Things I’ve changed as a kid to becoming a full fledged man is understanding that there’s good and bad times, but it’s how you work those obstacles positively and mature counts you as just another member to manhood.When I was a child I remember asking my father if I could be a basketball player, he shot me down and told me that short Asian boys with basketball skills and determination fall short to people who are born with the advantage. It hurt for a while but it was my very first encounter to the real world. How cruel things can seem. I found comfort in other things and understood that I could still have a place in this world; I am still trying to figure that out. I don’t really know what college I want to attend yet, I know for sure im getting out of Washington. I want to see more of the world, to experience as much of the world as I can. My best memory of Upward Bound was how easy it was to make friends. I’ve learned how to greet older people and understand that I can take this to my advantage when I get older."