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Weather In Seattle

If you want to talk about Seattle, you should talk about the weather. Seattle has four seasons; fall, winter, spring and summer. In Winter, there is rain and snow. Sometimes we have snow storms and the temperature drops to twenty five degree fahrenheit. The weather gets so cold, but the temperature never drops to zero degrees. It's also windy and sometimes, it keeps raining for two weeks. In Spring, it mostly rains. In some places, we have two or three inches of rain, because our city is located near the coast. The first two weeks of summer, the temperature is about sixty to seventy degrees and the sun comes out. It doesn't rain that much. As it gets to mid-summer, it gets extremely hot. The sun goes down at 10 P.M., however, temperatures go up to ninety-five degrees. We still see some rain after those hot days in Seattle but it isn't until Fall that the weather turns cool. We have sunshine and a little rain.

There are times, however, when Seattle experiences all four seasons in one day. We can have Winter, Summer, Fall and Spring in five minutes. Sometimes we have sunshine in winter and rain in summer. It is so confusing that even the forstcaser can't guess what will happen. If you look around on the streets in Seattle, you can see this causes people to wear all kinds of styles of clothing. You can see someone with shorts and the another with a thick winter jacket. You will ask your self, "why?" But it's not because they're crazy, it is because one of them made a wrong guess about the weather. Our weather not only changes fast, but sometimes it gets humid, because the temperature switches so fast, the sun and the moisture combines. In the morning, the sky can be cloudy or foggy, but about one o'clock it gets back to sunshine.

I think there is no other place in the world that has our weather. It can drop from ninety-nine degrees to thirty-four degrees in a short period of time and as you know, Seattle always has four seasons. However everyone can enjoy these advantages year round because of the favorable climate; the nearby ocean prevents extremes of heat and cold. But if I have an opportunity to pick a place to live, Seattle will be the first place that I can think of.