Leah V
Period 5
July 9, 1995

"Touring Seattle The Uncommon Way"

Seattle is such a great city. It is surrounded by water, and it has wonderful places to go. If you are to tour Seattle, I would recommend first for you to go to Alki Beach in West Seattle. Alki, for me, has the best view anyone can see in Seattle. Next, you should go downtown so that you can have close-up views of the towering buildings. After that, you should go to the Space Needle. From up there, you can see the small-green islands that surround Seattle, the snow-covered Olympic Mountains, and then of course, the famous Mt. Rainier. You can also see some of the neighborhoods of Seattle, the beautiful lakes, and the lovely parks. They are for everyone who enjoys fresh air and the environment. I would surely recommend for you to go to Caboota Park. That place is so pretty. It has a man-made pond filled with gold fishes, a bridge made of wood, Japanese plants, and a spectacular view of all the garden below.

If you are still up for walking, you should go to the waterfront where you can go for a nice-long walk and at the same time enjoy the sight of the dark- blue sea and the scent of the salty air.

For the best foods around, you should drive up to China Harbor located at Greenlake's waterfront. They serve one of the best Chinese foods you could ever had. They have a good view of the big ferries, luxurious yachts that passes by around the lake. I will tell you that they not only serve the best, but it is also inexpensive.

There is a place be Lake Washington at Seward Park that is not accessible by cars. You can walk down a trail that leads to the clear-cool water that you should go for a swim.

Next, if you feel like shopping, then I would recommend for you to Southcenter, a mall where a lot of people shop and a place where teenagers hang-out. You should also go to Bellevue Square. It is less crowded, bigger, and they have great stores to shop.

Then at night, you should go to this place on top of a hill at West Seattle.You could enjoy the views of Seattle at night, the bright lights from the speeding cars that are trying to go somewhere. You could also view the lights from the busy freeways at night.

There are so many great and interesting places that you could go here in Seattle. You would not need that much money to enjoy yourself around here. There are museums, plays, dance clubs, amusements, and entertainment from classic to hip, for older people to the younger generations, and so much more.