Jonis B
Language Arts 3rd
July 10, 1995

Touring Seattle the Uncommon Way

When people come to Seattle they always think they must have lots of money in order to have fun. It's true some of the time, but there are a number of places where you can have fun without spending a lot of money or even a single cent! Here are a few:

Myrtle Edwards Park is located on the piers and is most beautiful at night. Shadows lurk around as the sound of the waves crashing on the rocks makes a loud noise. There is a splendid view of the water and buildings of the city. The bright light that shines across the water shows a faint image of the buildings and a beautiful blue sky background.

Alki beach is a well-known beach. There's a lot of sand for little ones to play in and a spectacular sunset for the adults to appreciate. The sand is a clean brown and feels really smooth when you run it through you hands. There is more then enough of it to go around. Now about the sunset. You first see the sun slowly going down towards the mountains. The sun disappears, but leaves a strong glow for a few minutes. Then the brightness starts vanishing out of the sky and you're able to see a faint glow and then a light blue shine. If you want you can have a nice warm bonfire and cuddle up with someone special.

For those more adventurous types you can go and explore Rocky Beach which is located two blocks from Alki. When you're there, watch out for the slippery rocks and the crabs that lurk underneath. There's a lot more sea life too. It is better to go there during the day so you have less of a chance of falling down; and at night the tide is in most of the time.

If you like sightseeing this next one is for you! There is a little neighborhood in Seattle called Freemont and underneath the bridge at Freemont there's a gruesome surprise - The Fremont Troll. At last sighting he was seen eating a Volkswagen bug. So if you want to see this monster, remember you will be taking your chances and if you drive a Volkswagen be really careful.

Those are a few places you can go for fun. If you want to know about more places just feel free to stop a person who looks like a Seattlite. Don't worry we don't bite. Seattlites are the best people who know where to go and have fun too. Have a great time and remember to watch out for the Seattle Slugs!