LeNeeshia L
Language Arts P-3

Touring Seattle the Uncommon Way

If you are ever in Seattle for the Fourth of July take an uncommon trip. Come to Angle Lake. I know for a fact you will love what you see. If you do not, I will pay for your trip back home.

Going to Angle Lake for the Fourth of July has become a tradition for my family and me. The first time my god-father took me to watch the fireworks, I was only seven years old I was taken in by its beauty, from the sound of the first firecracker to the sight of the last firework.

The sky lit up for hours but to me it seemed like only a few minutes. It seemed so short a time that I was sad to see it end. It made me mad to know that I had to wait a whole year to see it again.

It was such a beautiful display of fireworks from the little ones that you can only hear to the huge ones that reached across the whole sky! People come from all over just to see the sky light with such a rainbow of assorted colors. They love all the different shapes (circle square and hearts) and sizes.

Angle Lake is a great place to visit not just on the Fourth of July but any time of the year. When its nice and hot you can rent a paddle boat, a canoe or even a sail boat if you want to go out on the water. If you just want to go for a swim you're welcome to do just that.

I like it at Angle Lake because it's a great place to go when you want to have fun or when you want to go some place just to relax. I think you would like Angle Lake- as a matter of fact I know you will.

I love Angle Lake because of its beautiful scenery and spectacular views. It has a beautiful beach. Angle Lake is a great place to go for a vacation with its many friendly neighbors. If I were you, I would go to Angle Lake today for the best time of your life.