Huston G
L.A. Pd.5
I am Who I am

Sailing as a Passion

Who am I ? I believe that there are many things in my life that have affected me, but one that stands out is my real passion for sailing; because in my heart, I'm a sailor.

Sailing. Having the wind in your hair, waves crashing against the boat; there is nothing like it being able to control the boat, being able to take it were you want and making it do as you wish. Sailing lets me be free and gives me the confidence to know that I can do anything. Sailing allows me to get away from life and forget all my problems; sailing gives me the willpower and strength to face almost anything and do it with the thought, "I can control this ." I don't know what it is about sailing that attracts me. It could be the waves on the side of the boat or the wind in the sail, or it could be all of these in one big combination. To say the least, sailing is a real passion and I love it.

About two months ago, I was at Lake Washington racing for my old middle school. I was coming around the last buoy when I lost all my wind (you should know that with no wind in a sail the boat doesn't go very far!). Consequently I started to float into the channel which is right next to the race course. Suddenly there was a big fishing boat coming down on me fast. I had to jump into a Zodiac (a small inflatable motor boat) in order to save myself. Fortunately I got to the shore safely; the sail boat was not damaged. I should have been terrified yet I was not. I was calm and under control at the scene. I'm still not sure why.

I also think that sailing has affected my self control; it has affected my patience. When you are out there with no wind, all you can do is sit there and wait until the wind comes back or some one comes to tow you in. Most of the time however you have to wait a long time.

All together I believe that sailing has really affected me. I think it has helped to shape who I am. I now have more patience's strength (both in mental and physical attributes) because of sailing; it's now in my heart.