By Michael B

It was a dark and foggy night when Linda woke up that morning with light in her eyes, and realized it was still dark outside. There were three lights coming down from the sky and she didn't know what or why. She peeped in through the curtains but didn't see a thing. All she saw was a bright blood-like beam shooting down from the sky. Wondering what it was, she decided to step outside and take a look. She opened the door and walked five paces out the door; she vanished.

A week passed since her dissappearance. Her friend Molly, who had been away for several weeks, had a dream:

It was as if Linda was screaming my name, but I couldn't hear her. Molly!!! Molly!!! she cried. The sound of her voice suddenly filtered through my ears. It seemed as if she had gone into a major shock--she was screaming and shaking "Take me away Molly, let's run away, they're very bad, they're going to come back for me if we don't run away, let's go now." Hold on, who's they? What are you talking about? And suddenly she was very quiet. Linda looked past Molly's shoulders and saw the same creature that she was with when she was captured. Linda turned and ran like a scared rabbit. I thought that it was me that got her scared--I couldn't figure it out. Finally I heard loud breathing in the background and turned around. I looked back and saw my friend Anthony. "Why are you here?" I asked. "You've been gone for so long and I really missed you so I came to look for you." We walked for a mile and there we saw Linda hiding in a big hollow rock. As we went closer she screamed her lungs out and passed out. I couldn't find Anthony but saw a red, from head to toe, skinny bone-like creature with bugged eyes and two fangs, two on the top and two on the bottom of its mouth. I started to scream and ran for about a quarter of a mile knowing where not Linda was, and then my alarm clock went off; it was six in the morning.

That afternoon Anthony was nowhere to be found. I left school as soon as I could, so when I got home I called Anthony but no one answered. I went to Linda's house but it seemed as if no one had lived there for years. I finally came home when I met Linda's parents. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. B" said Molly. "Where's Linda, haven't seen her around lately." Mrs. B stared crying, "Haven't you heard! Linda dissappeared about a week ago." I ran home right away; when I got home I tried to piece Anothy and Mollys' dissappearance with my dream and realized there was a relation. I couldn't do nothing but waited until I knew where they were. A week passed when I finally had a dream. There were no Anothy or Molly but somehow it was a part of them. I heard a deep loud voice from the background, where I could find them.

I went to the place where we used to hang out. When I got there I waited and waited but nothing happened. I closed my eyes and finally fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, the room was different. Not knowing where I was, I started to panic and then the door of the room slowly opened. Looking straight through the door, there I saw both Anothy and Linda. Somehow, and in some way, they didn't recognize me at all-- I was like a stranger to them. It was time for them to be sent back, and they were transported in a beam-like ray. Soon they vanished.

They went back home, but didn't recognize anything or anyone. The creature was coming my way when I suddenly fainted. In my dream I was like fantasy.