By Crystal B

I was walking in the forest and I noticed that the regular path was blocked, so I decided to go on a off trail. As I was walking I looked up and all of a sudden I tripped over something.

I woke up and there was some weird little Troll like people standing above me. I tried to talk, but no words came out! I thought about it for a little while, well just long enough to figure out were I was at. I had fallen in to the "Under World". The way I figured this out was that there was no sunlight and the only light was coming from the torches on the cave walls.

I looked at the Trolls; they all were wearing little overalls. I couldn't believe it all of the overalls were color coordinated but the color also had something to do with the height of the troll. Each of the trolls were roughly 3 feet tall and had on Forest green, the other trolls that were about three foot five inches, all had black on. I think that the only thing that was the same about all the trolls was that they all had Black shirts on.

The trolls had me stand up and as they led me down the long hallway, I couldn't help to notice that they had pictures of all kinds of different plants. Around one side of the frame there was a mushroom neckless, those also had different colors.

As we were nearing the end of the dream, I heard them whispering. Then one of them asked me my name; in english! Well I told them, "My name is Crystal." The troll said, "my name is Opium". I said, "Where did you learn english?"Opium said, "I just learned it from you, when we did a brain scan."I asked, "When did you do a brain scan?" He said, "When you were unconscious."

As he opened the door, I saw the most unbeliveable glow. The glow was coming from all the jewels. The jewels that were in there were undescribleable. The diamonds were as big as footballs; the gold was in stacks as big as the roof.

As I reached for the gold ball in the trolls hand I woke up, but the funny thing was I still had the gold ball in my hand.