Maxine's Page of Summer 1995

My name is Maxine K and this is my second summer here with Upward Bound at the University of Washington. Right now, I am seventeen years old and will be a senior next fall. After graduation, I plan to attend the University of Washington for at least four years.

I am half Thai and half Hmong but I was born and raised in Seattle. I like here in Seattle, however, it would be nice if I could travel.

In my spare time, I like to read and listen to music. Sometimes I do cultural performances at ethnic festivals such as the Folklife or World Fest' at the Seattle Center and Northgate Mall.

The Upward Bound Program:

The Upward Bound Program is very helpful in terms of my academic future. The program provides not only an opportunity to do well in high school but a also aids me in preparing for college as well.

During the summer, the classes at the University of Washington offers me a chance to brush up on my math and English skills. Also, there are art classes, dance classes, or drama classes available for something that is less focused on academics. I like the summer classes because they aren't extremely lengthy and also, it gives me something productive to do. I don't think that it is a waste of time because when I go back to regular school in the fall, I will have received some credits for the classes that I have taken.

During the summer, it also gives me an opportunity for me to meet new people from the other school and work with them as well. It's fun because Upward Bound tries to produce various outdoor activities for the students to do without being indoors in class all the time.

Being on-line through the World Wide Web:

Being on-line is an amazing experience and I have discovered that it can hook me up with a lot of information at a very quick speed. It is helpful in finding different information about other things that go on and also it provides miscellaneous material for me such as the weather at the Univerity of Washington campus or the highlight of last night's basketball game.

The first time I had a chance to explore the World Wide Web, I discovered I can go on and continue with what I have found by simply clicking on the highlighted areas of interest to me. It's not difficult to work and I can find out a lot about how different people like to display their work.

Many people have put into the computer their drawings and pictures. From reading what they have typed into their page, I can kind of figure out what kind of person they are and what their interest are. I can also see the work they have done.

I plan to take advantage of this system and as I am doing now, create my own page where I can be able to write about myself and my interests. Those who read my page will learn more about me and have a better idea of who I am. With this, I can obtain access to different information and be updated.


Good luck to the class of 1996. (That includes all of us from Cleveland and Hale.) I know that all of us will do well. Vinjo, my UB buddy, I will always remember our weekend trip at Fort Wordan up at Port Townsend. Thanks for listening in all my stupid problems. I better see you next year. To Erhiza, even though you're not a '96er like us, it's all good! Stay smart and of course, funny as usual. To Christine, it was fun this year 'eh? Christina, "do you know what you're gonna do?!!!"Drama was a lot of laughs and fun. Jonis and Mynesha, well, even though you two are kindda crazy, you guys still are cool. Good luck with cheerleading next year!There are so many others that I wish I could say good-bye to but that would take me forever so to those I haven't yet mentioned, best of luck!

Finally, last but not least, I would like to take a moment to say "thank you" to all the staff members of Upward Bound. Leny, thanks for taking the time to work with us during the school year. I really learned a lot from your lectures (college-wise) and I look forward to your help throughout next year. Donna, Deirdra, and Sharon, thanks for all the tips for writing analysis papers. I also got a lot more from you guys and now, I am more aware of what I need to do to make my papers better and more detailed. Joe and Harris, I never thought that I would like drama as much as I do now. Your class was great and even though we all worked hard, we stil had fun and had time to kick back. To Barry, even though Math is not my best class, for some reason, I enjoyed yours and caught up with a lot of things that I needed to work on. (Thanks for your help too Katie!) Your hardwork and dedication for me and other students like me are well-appreciated. I wish you all the best of luck and happiness! This year will be my last year with Upward Bound and I must say that it was fun. The worst thing about it was probably waking up at six o'clock in the morning to catch my bus. (But it was worth it!) With Love, Maxine Kajsongkram xoxoxoxoxoxo


Performing Ethnic Dances
It's fun and enjoyable to both the audience and myself.
I have been performing in many different schools and events ever since I was younger so I am not nervous or shy.
Dancing is part of my culture and helps me find out who I am. It helps me to learn and share my culture with others at the same time.
It helps me relax when I am tired or restless.
Music can change my moods from being angry and cynical to being calm and happy.
When I listen to music, I like to think about how I can relate to it and if my feelings compare to the words and lyrics to the songs.
Sports can benefit physically and emotionally.
Sports are fun and can involve determination and team work with others.
When I have nothing to do, I can play sports to occupy my time and at the same time, I can be able to feel healthy and fit.

My Fellow Students on the Washington Bound Staff:
Erhiza N
Erhiza's 1995 Upward Bound WWW Page
,Christine T
One of the Editors
Christina R
Christina's Personal WWW Page
Chien L
Chien L's WWW Special Project 1995

Please send your questions and comments to: Maxine K

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