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UW Botanic Gardens Newsletter, Vol 9 Issue 7, July 2014

Arboretum at night - adventures for families timed with the moons

Upcoming Events

7/8 Curator Talks - Hydrangea Family
7/10 Lavender Farm Tour
7/12 How, Why & Use of Garden & Kitchen Composting
7/12 Park in the Dark
7/16 ProHort: First Detector Summer Monitoring Walk
7/16 Wednesday Walks with John Wott
7/17 Fiddleheads - Fun in the Sun
See all events »

Free Weekend Walks 

hydrangea photo

July is the month to view Hydrangeas. On our Free Weekend Walks this month we will view and talk about the variety of Hydrangeas in the collection; from the exotic Chinese H. aspera to the common lace caps and mop head varieties. Join us Sunday at 1pm. Learn more.

On Exhibit in the Miller Library

Toner sculpture photo

Mixed media sculpture by James Toner, including ceramic flowers & bronze birds will be on display through July 30.

New Books in the Library

books photo

Park in the Dark returns

owl photoNight time is special at the Arboretum – the people and cars are gone, and the nocturnal animals move about. Designed for families with children aged 5-12, hikes are 8-9:30pm on Saturday nights:

  • July 12 (Full Moon)
  • July 26 (New Moon)
  • August 9 (Full Moon)
  • August 23 (New Moon)

Cost is $8 per person
Register online or call 206-685-803. Read more


UW Students improving the visitor experience with technology

Capstone students photoThree Information School students recently completed their Capstone project for a Masters of Library and Information Science degree by designing a prototype for an app featuring an interactive map of the Washington Park Arboretum. Loryn Lestz and Sarai Dominguez reflected on the experience of interviewing volunteers and defining information needs.

Loryn reported: "the most rewarding part of this project for me as a designer was getting to negotiate a balance between enriching Arboretum visitors’ experience with new technologies and keeping that experience focused on the natural beauty of the Arboretum."

We hope to recruit another team of students to code and develop the iPhone app this fall.

Glimpse of the past - Curator Joe Witt in the "pit house"

By John A. Wott, Director Emeritus

photo of Joe WittThis photograph taken in April 1976, shows Joseph A. Witt inspecting seed flats and cuttings in the “pit houses” of the University of Washington Greenhouses at Washington Park Arboretum. Joe was a “people person” and was instrumental in assisting the Arboretum Foundation in starting many programs, including encouraging volunteers, “fun days” in weeding, and other educational events. Read the full article.


July 2014 Plant Profile: Hydrangea integrifolia

hydrangea integrifolia photo

An evergreen hydrangea?!! You betcha!

There are very few evergreen vines for gardeners in the Pacific Northwest, but now this gorgeous gem from Asia is becoming more readily available. Read the full Profile.

Common Name:  Evergreen Climbing Hydrangea
Location: Center for Urban Horticulture – Miller Library North Foundation Bed
Origin: Taiwan/Philippines
Height and Spread: Can get 40′ tall and about 20′ wide
Bloom Time: Late June – July 


Pruning tip for Big Leaf Hydrangeas: flowers are produced on previous year's growth so wait to prune after flowering in late summer and cut only spindly twigs to healthy buds or unproductive old branches all the way to the base. More about pruning Hydrangeas.

After two years of hardwork the Washington Park Arboretum has an Interactive Map in beta testing. Please give it a spin and let us know what you think.

To improve the quality of the plant data in the Interactive Map we need volunteer help. The GIS Mapping Assistant position involves doing field checks in the Arboretum and database editing in the Records Office at the Center for Urban Horticulture. Apply online today!

Bee lady photoWhat happens when you mix preschoolers and honey bees? Find out what happend last month when the Bee Lady made a visit to the Fiddleheads Forest School.


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