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UW Botanic Gardens Newsletter, Vol 13 Issue 7, July 2017

July E-Flora: Spectacular Summer Blooms

Upcoming Events

7/6-7/7 Family Nature Class: Wind and Air
7/6 First Thursday Tram Tour
7/6 First Thursday Center for Urban Horticulture Tour
7/7 Twilight Tram Tour
7/8 Free Family Weekend Walks: Birds
7/9 Free Weekend Walks
7/10 Garden Hospitality: Inviting Wildlife To Your Yard
7/11 Botanical Sketching In Ink and Watercolor
7/13-7/14 Family Nature Class: Bats
7/15 Free Family Weekend Walks: Birds
7/16 Free Weekend Walks
7/19 Smartphone Macro Photography in the Gardens
7/20 Family Nature Class: Reptiles
7/21 Twilight Tram Tour
Free Family Weekend Walks: Birds
Free Weekend Walks
Summer Pruning of Trees and Shrubs
7/29 Free Family Weekend Walks: Birds
7/30 Free Weekend Walks
8/1 Garden Tour at McMenamins Anderson School
Family Nature Class: Water!
8/3 First Thursday Tram Tour
8/3 First Thursday Center for Urban Horticulture Tour
8/4 Twilight Tram Tour
8/5 Forest Therapy Walk
8/5 Free Family Weekend Walks: Ecosystems
8/6 Free Weekend Walks
See all events »

Free Public Tours at the Washington Park Arboretum 


Our Free Public Tours include First Thursday Tram Tours and Free Weekend Walks. Weekend walks offer programming for families with children on Saturdays and adult audiences on Sundays.

On Exhibit in the Miller Library

Susan Lally-Chiu art

Ongoing through July 28: Susan Lally-Chiu's art work celebrates the diversity of locally grown vegetables and fruits through elegant large scale drawings, colorful watercolor sketches with pen, delicate linocuts and a series of sketchbooks.

New Books in the Miller Library

Food Forest

Hydrangeas, Crape Myrtles and Giant Himalayan Lilies: Summer Delights at the Botanic Gardens


Summer is a great time to visit UW Botanic Gardens, offering the best weather of the year to enjoy blooms and botanically interesting walks. Curator of Living Collections Ray Larson highlights some of his favorite plants of the season in a recent blog post.


Bellevue Botanical Garden's Urban Meadow and Bench Dedication

Reichard Bench Dedication at BBG

Photo courtesy of Bellevue Botanical Garden. Pictured left to right: Dr. John A. Wott, Susie Martin, and Brian Reichard

On Saturday, June 10, 2017, the new Urban Meadow Garden was officially dedicated at the Bellevue Botanical Garden, as part of their 25th Anniversary Celebration. One of the new benches in this garden is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Sarah Reichard, UW Botanic Gardens Director and was given by Susie Marglin, long-time friend and UW Botanic Gardens supporter. Attending the dedication were Brian Reichard, Dr. John A, Wott and Susie Marlin.


A Midsummer Night’s Dream…in the Park!

ArbFest 2017 Invitation

Experience the Arboretum in a unique way at the second annual ArbFest summer party, hosted by the Arboretum Foundation on Thursday, July 20, 6-10pm. Inspired by Shakespeare’s immortal comedy A Midsummer Night’s Dream, this year’s party promises to be a magical adventure! RSVP by July 11!

July 2017 Plant Profile: Hydrangea integrifolia


Photo by Riz Reyes

This month, we revisit an old favorite, first featured in July 2014, and just starting to bloom out in the gardens. You can check it out at both the Center for Urban Horticulture and Washington Park Arboretum. Read more about its culture and care in our July Plant Profile.

Common Name: Evergreen Climbing Hydrangea
Location: Center for Urban Horticulture – Miller Library North Foundation Bed; Washington Park Arborteum – Map grids 12-7E (near the Camelia collection) and 28-2E (growing up a Douglas fir near the Asiatic maple collection)
Origin: Taiwan/Philippines
Height and Spread: Can get 40′ tall and about 20′ wide
Bloom Time: Late June – July

Glimpse into the past - an old pond and a new garden in the works

Azalea Way south pond

When visiting the Washington Park Arboretum on a regular basis, it is usually not evident that changes occur in both the plants themselves as well as the land forms. However it is easy to see when you compare the photographs over a period of years. This month's history post reflects upon changes to the southern-most pond along Azalea Way, where we will be building a summer garden to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Seattle Garden Club.



Plant a Tree in 2017! Seattle residents can apply this month to receive up to four free trees for planting in their yards or planting strip. See this year's tree list.

Arboretum Foundation Executive Director Paige Miller recently announced that she will be leaving the Foundation on August 4 for a new adventure in New Orleans. We thank Paige for her contributions over the past 10 years and wish her well in her new endeavors!

Looking for a beautiful space for an upcoming meeting or event? Learn more about our event spaces.

The programs of UW Botanic Gardens are supported in large part by private donations. Please consider supporting our work with a gift.

Give a gift today!


E-Flora is a regular online newsletter of the University of Washington Botanic Gardens
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