Graduate Leave Information

In order to maintain status as a graduate student in CLMS, it is necessary to either be enrolled every quarter (except summer, which is optional) or to be on graduate student leave. Failing to enroll in coursework or go on leave for a quarter during the regular academic year (autumn, winter, spring) will result in losing status as a matriculated CLMS student. Once graduate student status is lost a student is classified as inactive, and it is necessary to reinstate to the UW Graduate School in order to continue a program as a matriculated CLMS student. Reinstatement requires departmental approval and payment of a $250 reinstatement fee.

To make a graduate leave request, go to MyGrad Student and request graduate student leave, or look for a link in MyUW.

Note: you can also find a link to the Master's Request form in MyGrad Student.

After submitting the leave request form, send a brief e-mail to Dr. Bender describing how you plan to continue your program after returning from being on leave. Skipping this step will cause a delay in the approval process.

When you have received approval, you will need to pay the $25 graduate leave fee by 5pm on the last day of instruction of the quarter for which you have requested leave. You can also pay the leave fee in MyGrad Student.

More information on graduate student leave.

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