Language: Maltese Language code: mlt Author: Safiyyah Saleem Source a: Stephan Mueller's test suite which is based on Fabri's grammar Source b: A study of aspect in Maltese by Albert Borg Source c: Semitic Languages edited by Robert Hetzron Source d: Fabri 1993 Source e: Mueller 2009 #Item 1: Since we are not distinguishing differences information structure, # All of the SVO permutations are considered grammatical. Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Pawlu kiel ilmazzita. Pawlu kl-ieio-CvCvC l-mazzita. Pawlu eat-internal.vowels-perfect.3msg df-blutwurst-fsg "Pawlu ate blutwurst." #Item 2: Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Kiel ilmazzita Pawlu. kl-ieio-CvCvC l-mazzita Pawlu 'eat-internal.vowels-perfect.3msg df-blutwurst-fsg Pawlu' "Pawlu ate blutwurst." #Item 3 Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Kiel Pawlu ilmazzita kl-ieio-CvCvC Pawlu l-mazzita 'eat-internal.vowels-3msg.perfect Pawlu df-blutwurst-fsg' Pawlu ate blutwurst #Item 4 Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Pawlu ilmazzita kiel. Pawlu l-mazzita kl-ieio-CvCvC 'Pawlu df-blutwurst-fsg eat-internal.vowels-perfect.3msg' "Pawlu ate blutwurst." #Item 5 Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Ilmazzita Pawlu kiel. l-mazzita Pawlu kl-ieio-CvCvC. 'df-blutwurst-fsg Pawlu internal.vowels-perfect.3msg' "Pawlu ate blutwurst." #Item 6 Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: word order Il-mazzita kiel Pawlu. l-mazzita kl-ieio-CvCvC Pawlu 'df-blutwurst-fsg internal.vowels-perfect.3msg Pawlu' "Pawlu ate blutwurst." #Item 7 demonstrates the first person singular form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). The first and second person #and share the same form in the perfect Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Jien ktibt il-ittra. jien ktb-ieie-CCvCt l-ittra 1sg write-internal.vowels-1sg.perfect def-letter.fem I wrote the letter #Item 8 demonstrates the second person singular form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). The first and second person #share the same form in the perfect Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: tam Int ktibt il-ittra. Int ktb-ieie-CCvCt l-ittra 2sg write-internal.vowels-2sg.perfect def-letter.fem You wrote the letter #Item 9 demonstrates the third person feminine singular form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). The first and second person #and share the same form in the perfect Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Norma kitbet il-ittra. Norma ktb-ieie-CvCCvt l-ittra 3sg.fem write-internal.vowels-3sg.fem.perfect def-letter.fem Norma wrote the letter #Item 10 demonstrates the first person plural form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr aħna ktibna il-ittra. aħna ktb-ieie-CCvCna l-ittra 1pl write-internal.vowels-1pl.perfect def-letter.fem We wrote the letter #Item 11 demonstrates the second person plural form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Intom ktibtu il-ittra. intom ktb-ieie-CCvCtu l-ittra 2pl def-letter.fem You (plural) wrote the letter #Item 12 demonstrates the third person plural form of a perfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Huma kitbu il-ittra. huma ktb-ieie-CvCCu l-ittra 3pl def-letter.fem They wrote the letter #Item 13 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement. Here a third #person plural verb is paired with a third person feminine singular subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Norma kitbu il-ittra. Norma ktb-ieie-CvCCu l-ittra Norma def-letter.fem Norma wrote the letter #Item 14 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement. #Here the second person plural form of a perfect verb #is paired with a third person plural subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 292). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Huma ktibtu il-ittra. huma ktb-ieie-CCvCtu l-ittra write-internal.vowels-2nd.perfect-pl def-letter.fem They wrote the letter #Item 15 demonstrates the first person singular form of an imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Jien nikteb il-ittra. jien nvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra 1sg 1sg.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem I wrote the letter #Item 16 demonstrates the second person singular form of an imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). The second person and #third person feminine singular are the same in the imperfect. Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Int tikteb il-ittra. Int tvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra 2sg 2nd.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem You wrote the letter #Item 17 demonstrates the third person feminine singular form of an #imperfect verb. The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). #The second person and third person feminine singular are the same #in the imperfect. Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Norma tikteb il-ittra. Norma tvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra 3sg.fem 3s.fem.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem Norma writes the letter #Item 18 demonstrates the first person plural form of a imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr aħna niktbu il-ittra. aħna nvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 1pl 1pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem We write the letter #Item 19 demonstrates the second person plural form of an imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Intom tiktbu il-ittra. intom tvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 2pl 2pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem You (plural) write the letter #Item 20 demonstrates the third person plural form of an imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Huma jiktbu il-ittra. huma jvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 3pl 3pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem They write the letter #Item 21 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement for imperfect verbs. #Here the third person feminine inflection is paired with a third person plural #subject. The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Huma tikteb il-ktieb. Huma tvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ktieb 3pl 3s.fem.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-book.masc They write the book #Item 22 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement. Here the #third person plural form of an imperfect verb is paired with a second #person singular subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Intom jiktbu il-ittra. intom jvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 2sg 3pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem You write the letter #Item 23 demonstrates ungrammatical verb subject agreement. #Here the second person plural form of an imperfect verb is #is paired with a first person plural subect. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Aħna tiktbu il-ittra. aħna tvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 1pl 2pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem We write the letter #Item 24 demonstrates the third person singular masculine of an imperfect verb #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: agr Pawlu jikteb il-ittra. Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu 3sg.masc.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem Pawlu writes the letter #Item 25 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement. #Here the third person singular masculine of an imperfect verb #is paired with a third person feminine singular subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Norma jikteb il-ittra. Norma jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Norma.3fs 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem Norma writes the letter #Item 26 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreeement. #Here a first person plural form of a imperfect verb #is paired with a second person singular subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Intom niktbu il-ittra. intom nvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 2sg 1pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem You write the letter #Item 27 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreeement. #Here the second person singular form of an imperfect verb #is paired with a third person plural subject. #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Huma tiktbu il-ittra. Huma tvCCCu-ktb-ieie l-ittra 3pl 2pl.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem They wrote the letter #Item 28 demonstrates ungrammatical subject verb agreement. #Here the first person singular form of an imperfect verb #is paired with a second person singular subject #The verb conjugations come from (Source c, 293). Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: agr Int nikteb il-ittra. int nvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra 2sg 1sg.imperfect-write-internal.vowels def-letter.fem I wrote the letter #Item 29 demonstrates sentential negation. It requires an adverb that #precedes the verb and an affix 'x' that attaches to the verb. #The example is adapted from (b, p29). Borg's example does not #include an overt subject. I have added one to the example. #The present tense vowel sequence is taken from Aquilina p.257,255 Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: negation Pawlu ma ħareġx Pawlu ma ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC-x Pawlu neg leave-internal.vowels-3msg.perfect-neg Pawlu didn't leave #Item 30 demonstrates ungrammatical sentential negation. #It requires an adverb that #precedes the verb and an affix 'x' that attaches to the verb. #Here the affix 'x' is missing. #The example is adapted from (b, p29). Borg's example does not #include an overt subject. I have added one to the example. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: negation Pawlu ma ħareġ Pawlu ma ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC Pawlu neg leave-internal.vowels-3msg.perfect Pawlu didn't leave #Item 31 demonstrates ungrammatical sentential negation. #It requires an adverb that #precedes the verb and an affix 'x' that attaches to the verb. #Here the adverb 'ma' is missing. #The example is adapted from (b, p29). Borg's example does not #include an overt subject. I have added one to the example. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: negation Pawlu ħareġx Pawlu ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC-x Pawlu leave-internal.vowels-3msg.perfect-neg Pawlu didn't leave #Item 32 demonstrates ungrammatical sentential negation. #It requires an adverb that #precedes the verb and an affix 'x' that attaches to the verb. #Here adverb 'ma' comes after the verb. #The example is adapted from (b, p29). Borg's example does not #include an overt subject. I have added one to the example. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: negation Pawlu ħareġ ma. Pawlu ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC ma Pawlu leave-internal.vowels-3msg.perfect neg Pawlu didn't leave. #Item 33 demonstrates NP coordination. It is formed # using one 'u' between the coordinands. The example follows the form of (b, 119) #I have simplified it and substituted with verbs already #used in the test suite. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: coordination Pawlu u Norma ħareġu. Pawlu u Norma ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu Pawlu and Norma leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl Pawlu and Norma left. #Item 34 demonstrates ungrammatical NP coordination. It is formed # using one 'u' between the coordinands. #Here 'u' is ommitted. #This judgement may be incorrect. I have not found any #explicit statements that juxtapostion is disallowed. #The example follows the form of (b, 119) #I have simplified it and substituted with verbs already #used in the test suite. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu Norma ħareġu. Pawlu Norma ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu Pawlu Norma leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl Pawlu and Norma left. #Item 35 demonstrates ungrammatical NP coordination. It is formed # using one 'u' between the coordinands. #Here 'u' is used twice. #This judgement may be incorrect. I have not found any #explicit statements that juxtapostion is disallowed. #The example follows the form of (b, 119) #I have simplified it and substituted with verbs already #used in the test suite. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu u Norma u ħareġu. Pawlu u Norma u ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu Pawlu and Norma and leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl Pawlu and Norma left. #Item 36 demonstrates ungrammatical NP coordination. It is formed # using one 'u' between the coordinands. #Here 'u' becomes before the first coordinand. #This judgement may be incorrect. I have not found any #explicit statements that juxtapostion is disallowed. #The example follows the form of (b, 119) #I have simplified it and substituted with verbs already #used in the test suite. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination u Pawlu Norma ħareġu u Pawlu Norma ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu and Pawlu Norma leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl Pawlu and Norma left #Item 37 demonstrates ungrammatical NP coordination. It is formed # using one 'u' between the coordinands. #Here 'u' comes after the second coordinand. #This judgement may be incorrect. I have not found any #explicit statements that juxtapostion is disallowed. #The example follows the form of (b, 119) #I have simplified it and substituted with verbs already #used in the test suite. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu Norma u ħareġu Pawlu Norma u ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu Pawlu Norma and leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl Pawlu and Norma left #Item 38 demonstrates VP coordination. It is formed using #'u' between the two coordinands #I patterned the item after an example in Source b on page 41. #I substituted vocabulary that was already used in the test suite. #The example in the book also uses a preposition that we are unable to handle Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: coordination Pawlu kiel ilmazzita u ħareġ. Pawlu kl-ieio-CvCvC l-mazzita u ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC Pawlu eat-internal.vowels-3ms.perfect def-blutwurst.fsg and leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3ms Pawlu ate the blutwurst and left. #Item 39 demonstrates ungrammatical VP coordination. It is formed using #'u' between the two coordinands #I patterned the item after an example in Source b on page 41. #Here 'u' follows the second coordinand #I substituted vocabulary that was already used in the test suite. #The example in the book also uses a preposition that we are unable to handle Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu kiel ilmazzita ħareġ u. Pawlu kl-ieio-CvCvC l-mazzita ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC u Pawlu eat-internal.vowels-perfect.3ms def-blutwurst.fsg leave-internal.vowels-3msperfect and Pawlu ate the blutwurst and left. #Item 40 demonstrates ungrammatical VP coordination. It is formed using #'u' between the two coordinands #I patterned the item after an example in Source b on page 41. #Here 'u' precedes the first coordinand #I substituted vocabulary that was already used in the test suite. #The example in the book also uses a preposition that we are unable to handle Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu u kiel ilmazzita ħareġ. Pawlu u kl-ieio-CvCvC l-mazzita ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC Pawlu and eat-internal.vowels-3ms.perfect def-blutwurst.fsg leave-internal.vowels-3ms.perfect Pawlu ate the blutwurst and left. #Item 41 demonstrates ungrammatical VP coordination. It is formed using #'u' between the two coordinands #Here 'u' comes between the first V and it's complement. #I patterned the item after an example in Source b on page 41. #I substituted vocabulary that was already used in the test suite. #The example in the book also uses a preposition that we are unable to handle Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: coordination Pawlu kiel u ilmazzita ħareġ. Pawlu kl-ieio-CvCvC u l-mazzita ħrġ-aeoo-CvCvC Pawlu eat-3ms.internal.vowels.perfect and def-blutwurst.fsg leave-3ms.internal.vowels.perfect Pawlu ate the blutwurst and left. #Item 42 Kaye and Rosenhouse in Hetzron state that 'kien' can be used to give #a past progressive meaning. Borg gives an example of it being #used as past habitual. They differ in remarks on 'qed.' Kaye and #Roesnhouse give 'qed' as an alternative to 'kien' in forming the past #progressive while Borg has an example of the 'qed' being used for the #present progressive Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: aux Pawlu kien jikteb il-ittra Pawlu kwn-ie jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu aux-internal.vowel.perfect 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel def-letter.fem Pawlu was writing the letter. Or Pawlu used to write letters #Item 43 Kaye and Rosenhouse in Hetzron state that 'kien' can be used to give #a past progressive meaning. Borg gives an example of it being #used as past habitual. They differ in remarks on 'qed.' Kaye and #Roesnhouse give 'qed' as an alternative to 'kien' in forming the past #progressive while Borg has an example of the 'qed' being used for the #present progressive Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: aux Pawlu kien jikteb il-ittra Pawlu kwn-ie jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu aux-internal.vowel.perfect 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel def-letter.fem Pawlu was writing the letter. Or Pawlu used to write letters #Item 44 Kaye and Rosenhouse in Hetzron state that 'kien' can be used to give #a past progressive meaning. Borg gives an example of it being #used as past habitual. They differ in remarks on 'qed.' Kaye and #Roesnhouse give 'qed' as an alternative to 'kien' in forming the past #progressive while Borg has an example of the 'qed' being used for the #present progressive Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: aux Pawlu qed jikteb il-ittra Pawlu qed jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu aux 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel def-letter.fem Kaye and RosenHouse: Pawlu was writing the letter. Borg: Pawlu is writing the letter #Item 45 is an ungrammatical use of an auxiliary. #The auxiliary should appear before the main verb #Here it appears after it. #Kaye and Rosenhouse in Hetzron state that 'kien' can be used to give #a past progressive meaning. Borg gives an example of it being #used as past habitual. They differ in remarks on 'qed.' Kaye and #Roesnhouse give 'qed' as an alternative to 'kien' in forming the past #progressive while Borg has an example of the 'qed' being used for the #present progressive Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: aux Pawlu jikteb kien il-ittra Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie kwn-ie l-ittra Pawlu 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel aux-internal.vowel.perfect def-letter.fem Pawlu was writing the letter. Or Pawlu used to write letters #Item 47 is an ungrammatical use of the auxiliary 'qed' #It should appear before the main verb and hear it appears after it. # Kaye and Rosenhouse in Hetzron state that 'kien' can be used to give #a past progressive meaning. Borg gives an example of it being #used as past habitual. They differ in remarks on 'qed.' Kaye and #Roesnhouse give 'qed' as an alternative to 'kien' in forming the past #progressive while Borg has an example of the 'qed' being used for the #present progressive Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: aux Pawlu jikteb qed il-ittra Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie qed l-ittra Pawlu 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel aux def-letter.fem Kaye and RosenHouse: Pawlu was writing the letter. Borg: Pawlu is writing the letter #Item 48 demonsrates subject dropping. Source: b Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: argument optionality ħareġu ħrġ-aeoo-CvCCu leave-internal.vowels-perfect.3pl They left #Item 49 demonsrates object dropping. The item is adapeted from Source a Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: argument optionality Pawlu jiktebha Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie-ha Pawlu 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel-3f.obj Pawlu writes it #Item 50 demonsrates subject and object dropping. The item is adapeted from Source a Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: argument optionality jiktebha jvCCvC-ktb-ieie-ha 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel-3f.obj He writes it #Item 51 demonsrates ungrammatical object dropping. #If an object is dropped, the object clitic is required #The item is adapeted from Source a Source: a Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: argument optionality Pawlu jikteb Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie Pawlu 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowels Pawlu writes it #Item 52 demonstrates object dropping. #If an overt object is present, an object clitic can optionally appear Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: argument optionality Pawlu jikteb-ha il-ittra. Pawlu jvCCvC-ktb-ieie-ha l-ittra Pawlu 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel-3f.obj aux def-letter.fem Pawlu writes it. #Item 53 demonsrates the use of 'se' as future tense auxiliary. #(Source b, 164-166) 'se' must appear before an imperfect verb Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: aux Pawlu se jikteb il-ittra Pawlu se jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu aux 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel def-letter.fem Paul is going to write the letter./Paul is about to start writing the letter #Item 54 demonsrates the use of 'sejjer' as future tense auxiliary. #(Source b, 164-166) 'sejjer' can appear before an imperfect verb #or alone. It cannot appear before an perfect verb. Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: g Phenomena: {aux, tam} Pawlu sejjer jikteb il-ittra Pawlu sejjer jvCCvC-ktb-ieie l-ittra Pawlu aux 3ms.imperfect-write-internal.vowel def-letter.fem Paul is going to write the letter. #Item 55 demonsrates ungrammatical use of 'se' as future tense auxiliary. #(Source b, 164-166) 'se' must appear before an imperfect verb. #Here it appears alone Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: {aux, tam} Pawlu se il-ittra Pawlu se l-ittra Pawlu aux def-letter.fem Paul is going to the letter./Paul is about to start writing the letter #Item 56 demonsrates ungrammatical use of 'se' as future tense auxiliary. #(Source b, 164-166) 'se' must appear before an imperfect verb. #Here it appears alone Source: c Vetted:s Judgment: u Phenomena: {aux, tam} Pawlu se Pawlu se Pawlu aux Paul is going. # #Item 56 demonsrates using 'sejjer' as a main verb. # #Here it appears alone # Source: c # Vetted:s # Judgment: g # Phenomena: {aux, tam} # Pawlu sejjer # Pawlu sjr- # Pawlu going # Paul is going/leaving. #Item 57 Lil marking #Human direct objects are lil-marked. Source: e Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {case} Rajt lil Pawlu. Raj-CCvCt lil Pawlu. See-1sg acc Pawlu. I saw Pawlu. #Item 58 #Human direct objects are lil-marked. Source: e Vetted: s Judgment: u Phenomena: {case} Rajt Pawlu. Raj-CCvCt Pawlu. See-1sg Pawlu. I saw Pawlu. #Item 59 #Non-human direct objects are not lil-marked. Source: e Vetted: s Judgment: g Phenomena: {case} Xtrajt il-ktieb Xtraj-CCvCt l-ktieb buy-1sg def-book I bought the book. #Item 60 #Non-human direct objects are not lil-marked. Source: e Vetted: s Judgment: u Phenomena: {case} Xtrajt lil il-ktieb Xtraj-CvCvC lil l-ktieb buy-1sg acc def-book I bought the book. # #Item 61 # #Indirect objects are always lil marked: # Source: e # Vetted: s # Judgment: g # Phenomena: {case} # Bagħat il-ktieb lil Ġanni # Bagħa-CvCvC l-ktieb lil Ġanni # send-3sgm def-book acc Ġanni # He sent the book to Ġanni. # #Item 62 # #Indirect objects are always lil marked: # Source: e # Vetted: s # Judgment: u # Phenomena: {case} # Bagħat il-ktieb Ġanni # Bagħa-CvCvC l-ktieb Ġanni # send-3sgm def-book Ġanni # He sent the book to Ġanni. # #Item 63 # #Indirect objects are always lil marked: # #Simplied from Mueller's (32c) # Source: author # Vetted: s # Judgment: g # Phenomena: {case} # Bagħat l-ittra lil universitajiet # Bagħa-CvCvC l-ittra lil universita-jiet # sent-3sgm def-letter-fsg acc university-pl # He sent the letter to some universities.