NW-NLP 2010

The Pacific Northwest Regional NLP Workshop (NW-NLP 2010)

UPDATE: Submission deadline extended to March 1st
UPDATE: Schedule posted


9:30 Gather (Coffee Break Food Available)
10:00 Welcome to NW NLP (10min)
10:10 Introduction Blitz (50min)
11:00 Coffee Break (30min)
Extended Abstract Session -- SMT
11:30 Baskaran Sankaran, Ajeet Grewal and Anoop Sarkar. Incremental Decoding for Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation
12:00 Ann Clifton and Anoop Sarkar. Morphology Generation for Statistical Machine Translation Using Conditional Random Fields
12:30 Lunch (1h 15min)
Extended Abstract Session -- Other Topics in NLP
1:45 Maider Lehr and Izhak Shafran. Using duration features in a discriminative joint acoustic, duration, and language model for speech recognition
2:15 Nicholas FitzGerald, Giuseppe Carenini and Raymond Ng. ASSESS: Abstractive Summarization System for Evaluative Statement Summarization
2:45 Shafiq Joty, Giuseppe Carenini, Gabriel Murray and Raymond Ng. Exploiting Conversation Features for Finding Topics in Emails
3:15 Poster Session (and Coffee Break) (1h 15min)
Full Paper Session
4:30 Ethan Selfridge and Peter Heeman. Importance-Driven Turn-Bidding for Spoken Dialogue Systems
5:00 Yudong Liu, Gholamreza Haffar and Anoop Sarkar. Latent SVMs for Semantic Role Labeling using LTAG Derivation Trees
5:30 Nathan Bodenstab, Brian Roark and Keith Hall. Exponential Decay Pruning for Variable Beam-Search Parsing
6:00 Coffee Break (15min)
6:15 Awards for Best Presentation and Best Poster

Poster Presentations

Abu Mohammad Hammad AliDesigning a discourse parser for the evaluative text genre
Eric Bell, Liam McGrath and Michelle GregoryVerb-Triggered Event Detection and Classication
Aaron Dunlop and Brian RoarkOptimizing CYK parsing on modern processors
Sauleh Eetemadi and Hayder RadhaEffects of Parallel Corpus Selection on Statistical Machine Translation Quality
Ryan GeorgiBreaking Down WALS: Investigating the World Atlas of Language Structures for Low-Density Language Tool Development
David Goss-grubbsLocutus: A Portable Natural Language Interface to Databases
Gholamreza Haffari, Majid Razmara and Fred PopowichSemi-Supervised Block ITG Models for Word Alignment
Rebecca Lunsford and Peter A HeemanUsing Reinforcement Learning to Create Communication Channel Management Strategies for Diverse Users
Kelly O'Hara, Liam McGrath and Michelle GregoryQuery Generation for Web-Based Automated Document Discovery
Emily Tucker Prud'hommeauxToward Automatic Scoring and Alignment of Narrative Recall
Stuart Rose, Dave Engel, Nick Cramer and Wendy CowleyAutomatic Keyword Extraction from Individual Documents
Maxim Roy and Fred PopowichPhrase-based Statistical Machine Translation for a low-density language pair
Oana Sandu, Giuseppe Carenini, Gabriel Murray and Raymond NgDomain adaptation for summarization of conversations
Abhishek Singh, Lucy Vanderwende and Wei JinRanking Summaries for Content and Coherence without Reference Summaries
Milan Tofiloski, Fred Popowich and Maite TaboadaExtending Centering Theory For The Measure Of Coherence

Call for Submissions and Participation

The first Northwest Regional NLP Workshop will occur on Friday, April 23, 2010 in Redmond, WA. We welcome submissions for both oral and poster presentations on all aspects of natural language text and speech processing, computational linguistics, and human language technologies.

The goals of this one-day NW-NLP workshop are three-fold. First, to push research forward: This conference will be a less-formal setting for individuals and research groups in the Pacific Northwest to present and get feedback on their research agendas. Second, to make new acquaintances: Relatively short distances separate the NLP groups of the northwest, and yet there are many researchers that have yet to meet in person: A regional conference will provide a convenient excuse for computational linguists from Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and the surrounding areas to become better acquainted. Third, to instigate collaboration: Researchers who meet new people and learn about their research will identify areas of mutual interest and complementary expertise.

We encourage submissions to this workshop for both completed work and work in progress. Poster and oral presentations may be practice for presentations at upcoming conferences. This NW-NLP workshop is also an ideal place to receive feedback on early-stage research. We particularly invite students and young researchers to present their work.


With funds provided by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, we are pleased to announce two monetary awards for NW-NLP 2010:

Important Dates:


Microsoft Research Redmond
Building 99, Room 1919
14820 NE 36th Street
Redmond, WA 98052

Click here for directions to Microsoft Research.

Submission and Reviewing Procedure:

The NW-NLP Workshop will accept two types of submissions:

Option 1) Extended abstracts. 2-page maximum. This option is intended for submissions of original, completed or ongoing, unpublished research.

Option 2) Authors may submit 'as is' any full conference paper that has been (or that will soon be) submitted to an international conference or workshop that is to be held in 2010 (e.g. ACL, LREC, COLING, etc.). This option is intended to provide students the opportunity of a dry run for their more formal conference presentation. Because full conference papers will already be extensively peer-reviewed by the corresponding international conference, authors of full conference papers will receive less detailed review notes from NW-NLP than they should expect from their major conference. Please specify two pieces of information on each full paper submission: 1. The conference that the paper has been (or will be) submitted to, 2. The paper's status at that conference (e.g. will be submitted / has been submitted / has been accepted / has been rejected).

To submit either an extended abstract or a full paper to NW-NLP, authors should upload a .pdf version of their submission to the EasyChair conference submission system.

Reviews of submissions at NW-NLP will *not* be double-blind: A strong preference will be given for submissions from students. Please include author information on your submission. Additionally, submissions from student authors may begin with a statement of recommendation from the student's faculty advisor. A statement of recommendation should explain why this student would benefit from presenting at NW-NLP.

Please also indicate on your submitted .pdf file a preference for oral or poster presentation format.

We look forward to an exciting and busy day of presentations and research at NW-NLP 2010.


General Chair:

Christian Monson (monsonc at ohsu dot edu), Oregon Health & Science University

Program Committee:

Emily M. BenderUniversity of Washington
Giuseppe Carenini The University of British Columbia
Michael Gamon Microsoft Research
Michelle L. Gregory Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Will Lewis Microsoft Research
Liam R McGrath Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Fred Popowich Simon Fraser University
Chris Quirk Microsoft Research
Brian Roark Oregon Health & Science University
Anoop Sarkar Simon Fraser University
Fei Xia University of Washington
Megan Schneider University of Washington
Pat Pattabhiraman Conversay