
2012 SWS Pacific Northwest Chapter Conference

Call for abstracts

You may click here to download a PDF announcement, or read instructions below for how to submit a proposal to the technical program committee.

2012 SWS PNW Chapter Annual Meeting:
September 19-21, 2012

East or West, Water Defines Us All

Abstracts were accepted through May 18, 2012

Submissions have been reviewed, and invited presenters notified.


A wide range of wetland topics are expected to be included in the program.

Isolated wetlands and vernal pools
Riparian and fringe wetlands
Spring and seep restoration
Wetland mitigation-start to finish
Regulatory updates
Linear and energy projects
Ecosystem markets and economics
Problematic hydric soils
Arid wetland hydrology and vegetation
Livestock management
Invasive species
Climate Change: Effects on wetlands


The content on this page is managed by UW Conference Management on behalf of the PNW Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Questions about the 2012 Regional Meeting including registration, abstract submission, and local information may be directed to Syd Fredrickson,, 206-543-1537