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    Number 302
    February 25, 2000

    This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

    This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

    Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

    Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

    Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at uwcr@u.washington.edu.








    Program on Environmental Studies (1014)

    ENVIR 451 Comparative Historical and Social Ecology of the Tropics (3) COMPAR ECOL TROPICS. Offered jointly with ANTH 451. Effective SPR/2001.


    Urban Design and Planning (0050)

    URBDP 560 Urban Affairs (3) URBAN AFFAIRS. Change number, title, short tile, joint status, description. Offered jointly with PB AF 560. Effective AUT/2000.
    URBDP 561 Urban Economics and Public Policy (3) URB EC & PUBLIC POL. Change number, title, short title, prerequisite, joint status, description. Offered jointly with PB AF 561. Effective AUT/2000.
    URBDP 562 Introduction to Neighborhood Planning and Community Development (3) NBRHD PLAN&COM DVLP. Change title, short title, joint status, description. Offered jointly with PB AF 562. Effective AUT/2000.
    URBDP 563 Seminar in Urban Planning and Policy (1) SM URB PLAN POL. Offered jointly with PB AF 563. Effective AUT/2000.


    Anthropology (0102)

    ANTH 362 Anthropology of Tourism (5) ANTH OF TOURISM. Effective SPR/2000.
    ANTH 371 Anthropology of Development (5) ANTH OF DEVELOP. Effective WIN/2002.
    ANTH 451 Comparative Historical and Social Ecology of the Tropics (3) COMPAR ECOL TROPICS. Offered jointly with ENVIR 451. Effective SPR/2001.
    ANTH 488 Agroecology (5) AGROECOLOGY. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 541 Cultural Aspects of International Development (3) ASPECTS INTL DEVEL. Effective WIN/2001.

    Art (0105)

    ART 328 Intermediate Fiber Studio (5, max. 15) INTER FIBER STUDIO. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 329 Topics in Fiber Art (5, max. 15) TOPICS IN FIBER ART. Effective AUT/2000.
    Atmospheric Sciences (0108)

    ATMS 460 Water in the Environment (3) WATER IN ENVIRONMNT. Offered jointly with GPHYS 460 and PHYS 460. Effective AUT/2000.

    Chemistry (0117)

    CHEM 475 Honors Physical Chemistry (3) H-PHYSICAL CHEM. Effective AUT/2000.
    CHEM 476 Honors Physical Chemistry (3) HONORS PHYS CHEM. Effective WIN/2001.
    CHEM 477 Honors Physical Chemistry (3) HONORS PHYS CHEM. Effective SPR/2001.

    Communications (0131)

    CMU 302 The Cultural Impact of Information Technology (5) CLTRL IMPACT TECH. Offered jointly with CHID 370. Conversion of a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.
    CMU 589 Gender, Race, and Media (5) GENDER, RACE & MEDIA. Offered jointly with SP CMU 527 and WOMEN 589. Effective SPR/2001.

    Comparative History of Ideas (0202)

    CHID 370 The Cultural Impact of Information Technology (5) CLTRL IMPACT TECH. Offered jointly with CMU 302. Conversion of a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.

    Drama (0134)

    DRAMA 455 Alexander Technique (3) ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE. Effective SUM/2000.

    Geography (0188)

    GEOG 466 Regional Economic Development (5) REGIONAL ECON DEVT. Effective SPR/2000.
    GEOG 571 Research Seminar: Critical and Normative Ecologies (5) CRITICAL ECOLOGIES. Effective AUT/2000.

    Geophysics (0187)

    GPHYS 460 Water in the Environment (3) WATER IN ENVIRONMNT. Offered jointly with ATM S 460 and PHYS 460. Effective AUT/2000.

    History (0193)

    HSTAA 213 African Americans in the American West (5) AFRAM AMER AM WEST. Effective SPR/2000.
    HSTAA 549 Culture, Politics, and Power in Nineteenth Century Black America (5) CLTR & POWER BLK AMER. Effective SPR/2000.
    HSTAA 570 American Environmental History (5) AMER ENVIRON HIST. Effective AUT/2000.

    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)

    SIS 497 International Studies (1-5, max. 15) INTERNSHIP. Permanent credit/no credit grading. Effective AUT/2000.
    SISA 399 Study Abroad: Asian Studies (1-5, max. 15) STUDY ABROAD. Effective SUM/2000.
    SISA 490 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Effective SUM/2000.
    SISA 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Effective SUM/2000.
    SISAF 399 Study Abroad: African Studies (1-5, max. 15) STUDY ABROAD. Effective SUM/2000.
    SISEA 517 Foreign Trade and Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (1-4, max. 4) TRADE LAW/PRC. Offered jointly with LAW E 517. Conversion from a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.
    SISME 213 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (5) INTRO MOD MID EAST. Offered jointly with NEAR E 213. Conversion of temporary course to permanent. Effective AUT/2000.
    SISME 499 Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Effective SUM/2000.

    Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)

    NEAR E 213 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (5) INTRO MOD MID EAST. Offered jointly with SISME 213. Conversion of temporary course to permanent. Effective AUT/2000.
    TKISH 401 Intensive Elementary Modern Turkish (15) INTENS ELEM TURKISH. Temporary course. Effective SUM/2000 to SUM/2003.

    Physics (0239)

    PHYS 460 Water in the Environment (3) WATER IN ENVIRONMNT. Offered jointly with ATM S 460 and GPHYS 460. Effective AUT/2000.

    Romance Languages and Literature (0264)

    ITAL 466 Italian Society in Cinema and Literature in Italian (5) ITAL SOC IN CINEMA. Effective AUT/2000.
    ITAL 502 Early Modern Italian Readings I (5) EARLY MOD ITAL RDGS-1. Effective SPR/2000.
    SPAN 314 Spanish for Bilingual/Heritage Students (5) FOR HERITAGE STDNTS. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 487 Mexican Cinema (5) MEXICAN CINEMA. Effective SPR/2001.

    Speech Communication (0295)

    SP CMU 527 Gender, Race, and Media (5) GENDER, RACE & MEDIA. Offered jointly with CMU 589 and WOMEN 589. Effective SPR/2001.

    Statistics (0294)

    STAT 550 Statistical Genetics I: Mendelian Traits (3) STAT GENET I. Offered jointly with BIOST 550. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 551 Statistical Genetics II: Quantitative Traits (3) STAT GENET II. Offered jointly with BIOST 551. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 552 Statistical Genetics III: Medical Genetic Studies (3) STAT GENET III. Offered jointly with BIOST 552. Effective AUT/2000.

    Women Studies (0298)

    WOMEN 589 Gender, Race, and Media (5) GENDER, RACE & MEDIA. Offered jointly with CMU 589 and SP CMU 527. Effective SPR/2001.


    Accounting (0301)

    ACCTG 199 Accounting Problem Solving (2) ACCTG PROB SOLVING. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 to AUT/2003.
    ACCTG 303 Intermediate Accounting III (3) INTERMED ACCTG III. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 520 Information Quality and Assurance Services (4) INFO QUAL &ASSR SRV. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 521 Cases and Issues in Information Quality and Assurance Services (4) CASES IN INFO QUALITY. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 522 Advanced Financial Reporting (4) ADV FINAN REPORT. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 523 Advanced Financial Analysis (4) ADV FIN ANALYSIS. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 524 Individual Taxation (4) INDIV TAXATION. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 525 Business and International Taxation (4) BUS & INTERN TAX. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 526 Preparation for IPO's and SEC Reporting (4) IPO & SEC REPORT. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 527 Communications in Professional Accounting (4) CMU IN PROF ACCTG. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 562 Accounting for Business Combinations in a Global Marketplace (4) BUS COMB GLBL MKT. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 564 Governmental Accounting (4) GOVERN ACCTG. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 566 Issues in International Accounting (4) INTL ACCTG. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 568 Advanced Management Accounting (4) ADV MGT ACCTG. Effective AUT/2000.


    Electrical Engineering (0410)

    E E 484 Sensors and Sensor Systems (4) SENSRS/SENSR SYSTMS. Effective SPR/2000.

    Material Science and Engineering (0423)

    MSE 590 Advanced Seminar in Materials Science and Engineering (2) ADV SEM IN MSE. Effective AUT/2000.

    Technical Communication (0438)

    T C 428 Policy Dimensions of Genetic Engineering (3) POLICY GENETIC ENG. Effective SPR/2000.
    T C 440 Science and Engineering News Writing (3) SCIENCE WRITING. Effective AUT/2000.
    T C 540 SciTech Writing Practicum I (4) SCITECH PRACTICUM I. Effective WIN/2001.


    Forest Resources (0523)

    CFR 591 Seminar in Resource Policy and Management (1) SM IN RSRCE POL MGT. Offered jointly with PB AF 591. Effective AUT/2000.
    CFR 592 Environmental Policy Processes (3-4) ENVIR POL PROC. Offered jointly with PB AF 590. Effective AUT/2000.
    ESC 402 Forest Conservation Biology (5) FOR CONSERV BIOL. Effective SPR/2000.
    F E 451 GIS-based Landscape Modeling (5) LANDSCAPE MODELING. Effective SPR/2001.
    F E 452 Stream-Road System Interactions (5) STREAM-ROAD IMPACTS. Effective SPR/2001.


    UCONJ 510 Integrating Arts into the Classroom (4) INTEGRATING ARTS. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2000.


    Law (0852)

    LAW E 517 Foreign Trade and Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (1-4, max. 4) TRADE LAW/PRC. Offered jointly with SISEA 517. Conversion from a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.


    Library (0671)

    LIS 533 Advanced Cataloging and Classification (4) ADV CAT & CLASSIF. Effective AUT/2000.


    Medical Education (0918)

    MEDED 534 Biology for Informaticists (4) BIOLOGY FOR INFORM. Effective AUT/2000.

    Medical History and Ethics (0929)

    MHE 541 Exercise in Modern Medicine (1) EXERCISE MOD MED. Effective WIN/2001.

    Molecular Biotechnology (0952)

    MBT 551 Seminars in Computational Biology (1) SEM IN COMP BIO. Credit/no credit grading. Effective AUT/2000.
    MBT 561 Research Discussions (1) RES DISC. Credit/no credit grading. Effective AUT/2000.

    Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)

    REHAB 527 Neuroscience IV: Physical Rehabilitation of Adult Neurological Disorders (2) NEUROSCIENCE IV. Effective WIN/2001.


    Pharmaceutics (0614)

    PCEUT 336 Pharmaceutical Compounding (1) PHARM COMPOUNDING. Offered jointly with PHARM 336. Effective AUT/2000.

    Pharmacy (0610)

    PHARM 336 Pharmaceutical Compounding (1) PHARM COMPOUNDING. Offered jointly with PCEUT 336. Effective AUT/2000.
    PHARM 447 Overview of Contraceptive Management (1) OV CONTRACEPT MGMT. Effective SPR/2000.
    PHARM 573 Laboratory and Functional Assessment: Geriatrics (1) LAB/FUNC ASSESS:GER. Effective AUT/2000.


    Public Affairs (0770)

    PB AF 563 Seminar in Urban Planning and Policy (1) SM URB PLAN POL. Offered jointly with URBDP 563. Effective AUT/2000.
    PB AF 591 Seminar in Resource Policy and Management (1) SM IN RSRCE POL MGT. Offered jointly with CFR 591. Effective AUT/2000.


    Biostatistics (0700)

    BIOST 550 Statistical Genetics I: Mendelian Traits (3) STAT GENET I. Offered jointly with STAT 550. Effective AUT/2000.
    BIOST 551 Statistical Genetics II: Quantitative Traits (3) STAT GENET II. Offered jointly with STAT 551. Effective AUT/2000.
    BIOST 552 Statistical Genetics III: Medical Genetic Studies (3) STAT GENET III. Offered jointly with STAT 552. Effective AUT/2000.
    BIOST 598 Techniques of Statistical Consulting (1) TECH STAT CONSULT. Offered jointly with STAT 598. Effective AUT/2000.

    Health Services (0706)

    HSERV 507 Mass Media, Health, and Society (3) MASS MEDIA AND HEALTH. Effective AUT/2000.


    Business (0881)

    B BUS 310 Managerial Economics (5) MANAGERIAL ECON. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 431 Electronic Marketing (5) E-MARKETING. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 459 Special Topic in Finance (5) SPEC TOPIC FINANCE. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 461 Business, Government, and Society (5) BUS, GOV'T, & SOC. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 462 Negotiations and Conflict Management (5) NEGOTNS CONFLCT MGT. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 464 New Product Marketing (5) NEW PRODUCT MKTG. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 476 New Technology and Future Markets (5) NEW TECH & FUTR MKTS. Effective AUT/2000.
    B BUS 477 Human Resource Management (5) HUMAN RES MGMT. Effective AUT/2000.

    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)

    BLS 306 Marine Diversity and Conservation (5) MARINE DIV & CONSER. Effective AUT/2000.
    BLS 456 Watershed Ecology and Management (5) WATERSHED ECO & MGMT. Effective AUT/2000.


    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)

    TCSIUS 450 Black Labor in America (5) BLACK LABOR. Effective SPR/2000.

    Social Work (1019)

    T SOCW 580 Aging and American Society (3) AGING AM SOCIETY. Effective SUM/2000.



    Anthropology (0102)

    BIO A 486 Primate Socioecology (3) PRIMATE SOC-ECOLOGY. Change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.

    Applied Mathematics (0208)

    AMATH 520 Special Topics in Mathematical Applications (5) SPEC TOPICS MATH APPLS. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 521 Special Topics in Mathematical Biology (5) SPEC TOPICS MATH BIO. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 570 Advanced Methods in Applied Mathematics I (5) ADV METH APPLD MATH I. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 571 Advanced Methods in Applied Mathematics II (5) ADV METH APPLD MATH 2. Change in title, short title, credits, prerequisite, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 572 Advanced Methods in Applied Mathematics III (5) ADV METH APPLD MATH 3. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Art (0105)

    ART 224 Concepts in Fiber (5) CONCEPTS IN FIBER. Change title, short title, credits, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 226 Introduction to Structure (5) INTRO TO STRUCTURE. Change title, short title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 227 Introduction to Surface (5) INTRO TO SURFACE. Change title, short title, credits, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 330 History of Textiles (5) HISTORY OF TEXTILES. Change number, credits. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 428 Senior Thesis in Fiber Arts (5, max. 20) SR THESIS FIBER ART. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.

    Asian Languages and Literature (0144)

    CHIN 342 The Chinese Language (5) THE CHINESE LNGUAGE. Change credits, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Astronomy (0107)

    ASTR 422 Interstellar Material (3) INTERSTELR MATERIAL. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.

    Biology (0112)

    BIOL 470 Biogeography (4) BIOGEOGRAPHY. Change prefix, number, credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.

    Communications (0131)

    CMU 505 Communications and Politics (5) CMU & POLITICS. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.

    History (0193)

    HSTAS 452 Chinese History from Earliest Times to 1276 (5) CHN HST TO AD 1276. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 453 Chinese History from 1276 to 1895 (5) CHN HST 1276-1895. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 454 History of Modern China (5) HIST MDRN CHINA. Change description. Offered jointly with SISEA 454. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 551 Field Course in Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1268 (3-6) CHIN HIST TO 1268. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 552- Seminar in Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1276 ([3-6]-, max. 12) SEM CH HST TO 1276. Change title, short tile, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -553- Seminar in Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1276 (-[3-6]-, max. 12) SEM CH HST TO 1276. Change title, short tile, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -554 Seminar in Chinese History: Earliest Times to 1276 (-[3-6], max. 12) SEM CH HST TO 1276. Change title, short tile, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 560- Field Course in Chinese History: 1276-1895 ([3-6]-, max. 6) CHINA: 1276-1895. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -561 Field Course in Chinese History: 1276-1895 (-[3-6], max. 6) CHINA: 1276-1895. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 562- Seminar in Chinese History: 1268-1895 ([3-6]-, max. 6) SM CH HST:1278-1895. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -563- Seminar in Chinese History: 1268-1895 (-[3-6]-, max. 6) SM CH HST:1278-1895. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 571 Field Course in Modern Chinese History (3-6) CHIN HIST-MDRN. Change title, short title, description.
    HSTAS 572 Seminar in Twentieth Century Chinese History ([3-6]-, max. 6) SEM CH HST MOD PER. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -573- Seminar in Twentieth Century Chinese History (-[3-12]-, max. 12) SEM CH HST MOD PER. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS -574 Seminar in Twentieth Century Chinese History ([-3-6], max. 12) SEM CH HST MOD PER. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)

    SISEA 454
    History of Modern China (5) HIST MDRN CHINA. Change description. Offered jointly with HSTAS 454. Effective AUT/2000.

    Linguistics (0203)

    SPLING 400 The Syntactic Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH SYNTAX. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPAN 400. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPLING 401 The Morphological Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH MORPHOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPAN 401. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPLING 402 The Phonological Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH PHONOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPAN 402. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPLING 403 The Evolution of the Spanish Language (5) EVOLUTION SPAN LANG. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPAN 403. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPLING 409 Spanish Phonetics (5) SPANISH PHONETICS. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPAN 409. Effective AUT/2000.

    Mathematics (0206)

    MATH 390 Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Science (4) PROB STAT ENG SCI. Change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.

    Music (0217)

    MUSED 301 Techniques for Teaching Music to Children (2) TECH TEACH CHILDREN. Change title, credits, description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)

    TKISH 411, 412, 413 Elementary Turkish (5, 5, 5) ELEMENTARY TURKISH. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Psychology (0262)

    PSYCH 333 Sensory and Perceptual Processes (5) SEN/PERCPT PROCESS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.
    PSYCH 446 Personality Assessment (3) PERSONALITY ASSMNT. Change course title, abbreviated title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    PSYCH 511 Personality (3) PERSONALTY. Change course title, abbreviated title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Romance Languages and Literature (0264)

    ITAL 366 Italian Society in Film and Literature (5) SOCIETY IN FILM. Change course title, change short title, change course number. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 334 Latin American Film (3) LATIN AMERICAN FILM. Change credits, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 400 The Syntactic Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH SYNTAX. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPLING 400. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 401 The Morphological Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH MORPHOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPLING 401. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 402 The Phonological Structure of Spanish (5) SPANISH PHONOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPLING 402. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 403 The Evolution of the Spanish Language (5) EVOLUTION SPAN LANG. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPLING 403. Effective AUT/2000.
    SPAN 409 Spanish Phonetics (5) SPANISH PHONETICS. Change prerequisite. Offered jointly with SPLING 409. Effective AUT/2000.

    Statistics (0294)

    STAT 390 Probability and Statistics in Engineering and Science (4) PROB STAT ENG SCI. Change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 506 Applied Probability and Statistics (4) APPL PROB AND STATS. Change course title, change short title, change course description. Offered jointly with AMATH 506. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 581 Advanced Theory of Statistical Inference (3) ADV THRY STAT INFER. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 586 Matingales: Survival Analysis (3) MARTINGALES. Offered jointly with BIOST 586. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
    STAT 598 Techniques of Statistical Consulting (1) TECH STAT CONSULT. Change credits, prerequisite, joint status, description. Offered jointly with BIOST 598. Effective AUT/2000.


    Accounting (0301)

    ACCTG 301 Intermediate Accounting I (3) INTERMED ACCTG I. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 320 Introduction to Accounting Information Systems (3) ACCTG INFO SYSTEMS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 470 Accounting for Mergers, Acquisitions, and International Operations (3) ACCTG FOR BUS COMB. Change Title, short title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 515 Seminar in Financial Statement Analysis (4) SMNR FIN STMT ANLYS. Change number. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 517 Seminar in International Accounting (4) SEM INTL ACCTG. Change number. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 519 Seminar in Financial Control Systems (4) SMNR-IN FIN CON SYS. Change number. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 539 Tax Research and Decision Making (4) TAX RESEARCH. Change number, title, short title. Effective AUT/2000.
    ACCTG 541 Communications for Taxation Professionals (4) CMU TAX PROF I. Change number, title, short title. Effective AUT/2000.

    Business Administration (0300)

    FIN 450 Problems in Corporate Finance (4) PROB IN CORP FIN. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    I S 495 Practical Experience in Information Systems (1-4, max. 8) PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    I S 545 Database Management (4) DATA BASE MGMT SYS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    I S 560 Information Systems Development (4) INFOR SYS DEVLP. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    I S 579 Selected Topics in Information Systems (4, max. 12) TOPICS IN INFO SYS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    MKTG 465 Marketing Research Topics (4) MKTG RES TOPICS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    MKTG 511 Business-to-Business Marketing (4) BUS-TO-BUS MKTG. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    MKTG 512 Consumer Marketing (4) CONSUMER MARKETING. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    MKTG 552 Marketing Issues for New Ventures (4) MKTG ISS NEW VENT. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    OPMGT 550 Project Management (4) PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.


    Dentistry (0805)
    DENT 563 Elements of Conscious Sedation (1-2) CONSCIOUS SEDATION. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.
    DENT 565 Dental Photography (2) DENTAL PHOTOGRAPHY. Change to credit grading. Effective AUT/2000.
    DENT 568- Internal Medicine for Dentistry ([1-3]-, max. 6) INTERNAL MEDICINE. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.

    Endodontics (0808)

    EDNO 534 Endodontic Clinical Procedures (1) ENDODNTIC CLIN PROC. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ENDO 562 Anatomical Bases for Surgical Endodontics (2) ANAT BAS SURG ENDO. Change title, short title. Effective AUT/2000.
    ENDO 630- Clinical Endodontics (1-, max. 7) P-CLINICAL ENDODNTCS. Change description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Orthodontics (0821)

    ORTHO 599 Biomechanics (1) BIOMECHANICS. Change to credit grading only. Effective AUT/2000.


    Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)

    A A 320 Aerospace Instrumentation (3) AEROSPACE INSTR. Change title, short title, contact hours, course description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Mechanical Engineering (0419)

    M E 123 Introduction to Visualization and Computer-Aided Design (4) VISUALIZATION & CAD. Change prefix, number, title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    M E 523 Energy and Environment Seminar (1) ENERGY ENVIR SEMINR. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Technical Communication (0438)

    T C 420 Introduction to Technology as a Social and Political Phenomenon (5) INTRO TECH SOC/POLS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.
    T C 425 Technology Assessment (5) TECHLGY ASSESSMENT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2001.


    Forest Resources (0523)

    F E 341 Timber Harvesting (4) TIMBER HARVESTING. Change credits, prerequisite, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.
    F E 346 Design of Low-Volume Roads (4) LOW VOL ROAD DESIGN. Change credits, prerequisite, contact hours, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    F E 450 Advanced Forest Engineering Design (5) ADV FOR ENGR DESIGN. Change credits, prerequisite, contact hours. Effective SPR/2001.


    Nutritional Science (0689)

    NUTR 441 Chemistry of Foods (3) CHEMISTRY OF FOODS. Change title, short title, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    NUTR 445 Food Policy and Safety (3-5) FOOD POLICY & SAFET. Change title, short title, credits, prerequisite, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    NUTR 529 Nutrition Research Design (3) NUTR RESRCH DESIGN. Change title, short title. Effective AUT/2000.
    NUTR 561 Dietetic Internship (10) DIETETIC INTERNSHIP. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, description.
    NUTR 562 Nutrition and Chronic Disease (4-6) NUTR & CHRONIC DIS. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    NUTR 563 Nutrition in Acute Care (4-6) NUTR IN ACUTE CARE. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    NUTR 564 Management of Nutrition Services (4) MGMT NUTR SERV. Change credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2000.


    Naval Science (0446)

    N SCI 112 Sea Power Practicum I (2) SEAPOWER PRACT I. Change description. Effective WIN/2001.
    N SCI 113 Sea Power Practicum II (2) SEAPOWER PRACT II. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 211 Naval Weapon Systems (3) NAVAL WEAPON SYSTMS. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 212 Naval Ship Systems I (3) NAVAL SHIP SYSTEMS. Change course descriptions. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 213 Naval Ship Systems II (3) NAVAL SHIP SYST II. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 321 Evolution of Warfare I (3) EVOL OF WARFARE I. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 322 Evolution of Warfare II (3) EVOL OF WARFARE II. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
    N SCI 323 USMC Leadership and Administration of Justice I (3) USMC LEADERSHIP I. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    N SCI 422 Amphibious Warfare II (3) AMPHIB WARFARE II. Change prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2001.
    N SCI 423 USMC Leadership and Administration of Justice II (3) USMC LEADERSHIP II. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.


    Library (0671)

    LIS 531 Catalogs, Cataloging and Classification (4) CATALOGING. Change title, short title, credits, prerequisite, course description, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.
    LIS 565 Children's Material: Evaluation and Use (4) CHILD MAT-EVAL USE. Change credits, prerequisite, description, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.


    Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)

    REHAB 400 Medical Science (4) MEDICAL SCIENCE. Change course number. Effective WIN/2001.
    REHAB 401 Medical Science (4) MEDICAL SCIENCE. Change number. Effective SPR/2001.
    REHAB 402 Medical Sciences Laboratory (1, max. 2) MEDICAL SCIENCE LAB. Change course number. Effective WIN/2001.
    REHAB 403 Pathological Physiology (5) PATH PHYS REHAB PRO. Change course number. Effective AUT/2000.
    REHAB 587 Industrial Rehabilitation (3) INDUSTRIAL REHAB. Change course number, title, short title, course description. Effective SPR/2001.


    Nursing (0552)

    NURS 580 Current Issues in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2, max. 12) CR ISS OCC/ENV MED. Change maximum number of credits. Effective AUT/2000.


    Fisheries (0452)

    FISH 101 Aquatic and Fishery Biology (5) AQUA & FISH BIOL. Change title, short title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    FISH 312 Fisheries Ecology (3/5) FISH ECOLOGY. Change credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2001.
    FISH 420 Life History of Marine Fishes (5) LIFE HISG MAR FISH. Change title, short title, credits, contact hours, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    FISH 475 Marine Mammology (3/5) MARINE MAMMOLOGY. Change credits, contact hours, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    FISH 480 Marine Resource Conservation and Management (3) MAR RESOURCE MNGMNT. Change course number, title, short title, joint status, course description. Offered jointly with SMA 480.

    School of Marine Affairs (0458)

    SMA 480 Marine Resource Conservation and Management (3) MAR RESOURCE MNGMNT. Change course number, title, short title, joint status, course description. Offered jointly with FISH 480.
    SMA 509 Integrated Coastal Management (3) INTGRATD COAST MGMT. Change title, short title, joint status, description. Effective SPR/2000.


    Medicinal Chemistry (0612)

    MEDCH 401 Immunizing and Antimicrobial Agents (4) IMM&ANTIMICRO AGNTS. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2001.
    MEDCH 435 Diagnostic Medicinal Chemistry (3) DIAGNOSTIC MED CHEM. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
    MEDCH 450 Medicinal Biochemistry I (3) MED BIOCHEM I. Change course title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MEDCH 451 Medicinal Biochemistry II (3) MED BIOCHEM II. Change title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.

    Pharmaceutics (0614)

    PCEUT 510 Pharmacokinetics of Drug Interactions (3) DRUG INTERACTIONS. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.

    Pharmacy (0610)

    PHARM 403 Chemical Dependency Concepts (1) CHEM DEPEN CONCEPTS. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    PHARM 437 Chemical Dependency Issues in Practice (3) CD ISSUES IN PRAC. Change course description, change titles. Effective WIN/2001.
    PHARM 460 Principles of Professional Practice Management (3) PRIN PROF PRACT MGT. Change course description. Effective SPR/2001.


    Public Affairs (0770)

    PB AF 560 Urban Affairs (3) URBAN AFFAIRS. Change number, title, short tile, joint status, description. Offered jointly with URBDP 560. Effective AUT/2000.
    PB AF 561 Urban Economics and Public Policy (3) URB EC & PUBLIC POL. Change number, title, short title, prerequisite, joint status, description. Offered jointly with URBDP 561. Effective AUT/2000.
    PB AF 562 Introduction to Neighborhood Planning and Community Development (3) NBRHD PLAN&COM DVLP. Change title, short title, joint status, description. Offered jointly with URBDP 562. Effective AUT/2000.
    PB AF 590 Environmental Policy Processes (3-4) ENVIR POL PROC. Change number, credits, joint status, contact hours. Offered jointly with CFR 592. Effective AUT/2000.


    Biostatistics (0700)

    BIOST 586 Martingales: Survival Analysis (3) MARTINGALES. Offered jointly with STAT 586. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.

    Environmental Health (0702)

    ENV H 453 Industrial Hygiene (3) INDUST HYGIENE. Change title, short title, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    ENV H 472 Environmental Risk and Society (3) ENV RISK & SOCIETY. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    ENV H 535 Inhalation Toxicology (3) INHAL TOXICOL. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.
    ENV H 596 Current Issues in Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2, max. 12) CR ISS OCC/ENV MED. Change maximum number of credits. Effective AUT/2000.

    Epidemiology (0704)

    EPI 501 Public Health Practice at the Local Level (3) PUB H PRACTICE. Change description. Effective AUT/2000.

    Health Services (0706)

    HSERV 501 Public Health Practice at the Local Level (3) PUB H PRACTICE. Change description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSERV 521 Health Services Research Methods (3) HLTH SERV RES METH. Change description. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSERV 572 Community Development for Health (4) COM DEVEL FOR HLTH. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.


    Social Work (0779)

    SOC WF 390 Introduction to Social Welfare Research (5) INTRO SOC WELFR RES. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2000.
    SOC W 598 Integrative Seminar (1-5, max. 12) INTEGRATIVE SMNR. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SUM/2000.


    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)

    BLS 321 U.S. Politics and Culture from 1865 (5) US POL&CTR FRM 1865. Change title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2000.
    BLS 323 U.S. Politics and Culture to 1865 (5) US POL&CLTR TO 1865. Change description. Effective AUT/2000.


    Social Work (1019)

    T SOCW 536 Children, Youth, and Family Methods (3, max. 12) CYF SELECTIVE. Change title, short title, description. Effective SPR/2000.



    Art (0105)

    ART 215 Principles of Dyes and Dying (5) DYE PRINCIPLES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000
    ART 324 Alternative Approaches: Fiber Arts (5, max. 10) ALT APP: FIBER ARTS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 326 Weaving II (5, max. 10) WEAVING II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ART 327 Surface Design II (5, max. 10) SURFACE DESIGN II. Effective AUT/2000.

    Atmospheric Sciences (0108)

    ATM S 302 Computer Applications for Atmospheric Sciences (2) COMPUTER APPLICATNS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ATM S 350 Atmospheric Data Analysis (3) ATMOSPH DATA ANLYS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.

    Psychology (0262)

    PSYCH 461 Introduction to Hearing Science (5) HEARING SCIENCE. Offered jointly with SPHSC 461. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.

    Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)

    SPHSC 461 Introduction to Hearing Science (5) HEARING SCIENCE. Offered jointly with PSYCH 461. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.

    Zoology (0297)

    ZOOL 475 Biogeography (3) BIOGEOGRAPHY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Business Administration (0300)

    MKTG 300 Marketing Concepts for Nonbusiness Majors (4) MKTG CON FOR NON BA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    OPMGT 545 Strategic Management of Quality (4) QUALITY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    OPMGT 577 System Dynamics (4) SYSTEM DYNAMICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Dentistry (0805)

    DENT 567 Physical Diagnosis (1) PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Law (0852)

    LAW B 566 Principles of Coastal Zone Management (3) COASTAL ZONE MNGMNT. Drop joint status.


    Library (0671)

    LIS 533 Subject Analysis of Library Materials (3) SUBJECT ANALYSIS. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.


    Immunology (0927)

    IMMUN 553 Immunogenetics and Immunobiology (1, max. 30) IMMUNOGENET/BIOLOGY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    IMMUN 556 Immune Recognition, Autoimmunity, and Immunogenetics (1, max. 30) IMM RECOG/GENETICS. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.

    Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)

    REHAB 459 Physical Therapy Procedures I (2) PT PROCED I. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.


    Fisheries (0452)

    FISH 425 Life History of Marine Fishes (9) LIFE HIST MARN FSHS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    FISH 476 Laboratory of Marine Mammology (2) LB MARINE MAMMOLOGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.


    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)

    BLS 329 U.S. Politics and Culture, 1920-Present (5) US POL&CLTR 1920-PR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.