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    Number 305
    May 31, 2000

    This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

    This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

    Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

    Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

    Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at uwcr@u.washington.edu.



    Business Administration (0300)

    B A 410 Business Advantage (10) BUSINESS ADVANTAGE. Credit/no credit only. Effective SUM/2000 to SUM/2000.






    Program on Environmental Studies (1014)

    ENVIR 451 Comparative Historical and Social Ecology of the Tropics (3) COMPAR ECOL TROPICS. Offered jointly with ANTH 451. Correcting effective quarter and responsible department. Effective AUT/2000.


    Anthropology (0102)

    ANTH 451 Comparative Historical and Social Ecology of the Tropics (3) COMPAR ECOL TROPICS. Offered jointly with ENVIR 451. Correcting effective quarter and responsible department. Effective AUT/2000.

    Applied Mathematics (0208)

    AMATH 400 Mathematical Communication for Undergraduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with MATH 400 and STAT 400. Effective WIN/2001.
    AMATH 519 Introduction to Applied Stochastic Analysis (5) AP STOCHASTIC ANLYS. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 580 Mathematical Communication for Graduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with MATH 500 and STAT 500. Effective SPR/2001.

    Asian Languages and Literature (0144)

    THAI 345 Foreign Study: Advanced Thai (1-15, max. 20) FOREIGN STUDY. Effective SPR/2000.

    Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (1029)

    CS&SS 320 Evaluation of Evidence (5) EVALUATION EVIDENCE. Offered jointly with STAT 320 and SOC 320. Effective AUT/2000.
    CS&SS 399 Undergraduate Internship (2-5, max. 15) INTERNSHIP. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.
    CS&SS 498 Special Topics (1-5, max. 30) SPECIAL TOPICS. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.
    CS&SS 499 Independent Study or Research (1-5, max. 15) INDEP STUDY OR RESH. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.
    CS&SS 590 CS&SS Seminar (1, max. 20) SEMINAR. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.
    CS&SS 594 Special Topics in Social Science and Statistics (1-5, max. 30) SPEC TOPIC SOC STAT. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.
    CS&SS 600 Independent Study or Research (*) INDEP STUDY OR RES. Temporary course. Effective AUT/2000 through SPR/2001.

    Geography (0188)

    GEOG 476 Women and The City (5) WOMEN & THE CITY. Effective WIN/2001.

    History (0193)

    HSTAM 418 The World of Late Antiquity: AD 150-750 (5) LATE ANTIQUITY. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAM 518 Topics in Late Antiquity (3-6, max. 18) LATE ANTIQUITY. Effective WIN/2001.
    HSTAS 457 Women in China to 1800 (5) WOMEN IN CHINA. Offered jointly with WOMEN 457. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSTAS 490 Undergraduate Seminar in Asian History (5, max. 10) SMNR ASIAN HISTORY. Effective SPR/2001.

    Mathematics (0206)

    MATH 400 Mathematical Communication for Undergraduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with AMATH 400 and STAT 400. Effective WIN/2001.
    MATH 500 Mathematical Communication for Graduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with AMATH 580 and STAT 500. Effective SPR/2001.

    Philosophy (0221)

    PHIL 242 Introduction to Medical Ethics (5) MEDICAL ETHICS. Effective WIN/2001.
    PHIL 538 Philosophy of Human Rights (5, max. 20) PHIL HUMAN RIGHTS. Effective WIN/2001.

    Sociology (0293)

    SOC 320 Evaluation of Evidence (5) EVALUATION EVIDENCE. Offered jointly with STAT 320 and CS&SS 320. Effective AUT/2000.
    SOC 565 Inequality: Current Trends and Explanations (3) INEQUALITY. Effective AUT/2000.

    Statistics (0294)

    STAT 320 Evaluation of Evidence (5) EVALUATION EVIDENCE. Offered jointly with SOC 320 and CS&SS 320. Effective AUT/2000.
    STAT 400 Mathematical Communication for Undergraduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with AMATH 400 and MATH 400. Effective WIN/2001.
    STAT 500 Mathematical Communication for Graduates (2) MATH COMMUNICATION. Offered jointly with AMATH 580 and MATH 500. Effective SPR/2001.

    Women Studies (0298)

    WOMEN 457 Women in China to 1800 (5) WOMEN IN CHINA. Offered jointly with HSTAS 457. Effective AUT/2000.


    Industrial Engineering (0418)

    IND E 570 Supply Chain Systems (3) SUPPLE CHAIN SYST. Effective AUT/2000.


    Nursing (0552)

    NCLIN 546 Management of Acute and Chronic Wounds (2-3) WOUND MANAGEMENT. Effective WIN/2001.
    NURS 499 Special Electives (1-4, max. 15) SPECIAL ELECTIVES. Effective AUT/2000.


    Business (0881)

    B BUS 431 Electronic Marketing (5) E-MARKETING. Correcting effective quarter. Effective SUM/2000.
    B BUS 461 Business, Government, and Society (5) BUS, GOV'T, & SOC. Correcting effective quarter. Effective AUT/2000.

    Education (0875)

    B EDUC 392 Independent Study (1-5, max. 10) INDEPENDENT STUDY. Effective SUM/2000.
    B EDUC 408 Knowing, Teaching, and Assessing in Multicultural Education and Social Studies (5) MLTCLTRL ED/SOC STUD. Effective AUT/2000.
    B EDUC 427 Reflections on Professional Practice Seminar: Becoming a Professional Educator (3) PROF SEM: EDUCATOR. Effective SUM/2000.
    B EDUC 493 Environmental Education (3) ENVIRONMENTAL EDUC. Effective SUM/2000.
    B EDUC 507 Reviewing the Literature (2, max. 4) REVIEW LITERATURE. Effective SUM/2000.
    B EDUC 527 Educational Theorists and Reformers (3, max. 6) ED THEORIST/REFRMR. Effective WIN/2001.
    B EDUC 537 Assessment (3) ASSESSMENT. Effective WIN/2001.
    B EDUC 555 Building Partnerships: Home, School, and Community (3) BUILDING PARTNRSHPS. Effective AUT/2000.
    B EDUC 578 Reflections on Learning Mathematics (3) REFLECTIONS ON MATH. Effective AUT/2000.
    B EDUC 587 Science, School Knowledge, and Contemporary Social Issues (3) SCIENCE/SCH KNOWLDG. Effective AUT/2000.

    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)

    BLS 451 Northwest Indian Myths and Tales (5) NW INDIAN MYTHS. Effective WIN/2001.

    Nursing (0870)

    B NURS 597 Selected Topics in Nursing (1-5, max. 15) SELECTED TOPICS. Effective WIN/2001.


    Business (0981)

    TIS 435 Telecommunications for Business (5) TELECOMM FOR BUS. Conversion of temporary course to permanent. Effective AUT/2000.

    Education (0975)

    T EDUC 460 Mathematics Methods I (3) MATH METHODS I. Effective SUM/2000.

    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)

    TCXIN 460 Communication and National Development (5) COMMUN NATL DEVELOP. Effective WIN/2001.
    TCXUS 475 Writing, Reporting, and Editing for the Mass Media (5) MASS MEDIA WRITING. Effective SPR/2001.
    TSMIN 430 Global Networks, Local Identities (5) GLOBAL NETWORKS. Effective WIN/2001.

    Social Work (1019)

    T SOCW 531 Child and Family Policy and Services (3) CHILD FAM POLICY. Effective AUT/2000.



    Art (0105)

    ART 353 Intermediate Ceramic Art (5, max. 20) INTERM CERAMIC ART. Changing maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.

    Asian Languages and Literature (0144)

    INDN 590 Special Topics in Indology (1-5, max. 27) STUDIES IN INDOLOGY. Changing maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.

    Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (1029)

    CS&SS 426 Methodology: Quantitative Techniques in Sociology (3) MTHD QUANT TECH SOC. Adding joint status. Offered jointly with SOC 426. Effective AUT/2000.
    CS&SS 536 Log-Linear Modeling and Logistic Regression for the Social Sciences (3) LOG-LINEAR MODELING. Adding joint status. Offered jointly with SOC 536. Effective AUT/2000.

    Dance (0133)

    DANCE 102 Introduction to Dance (5, max. 10) INTRO TO DANCE. Correcting maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.
    DANCE 103 Introduction to Dance (5, max. 10) INTRO TO DANCE. Correcting maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.
    DANCE 530 Choreographer/Composer Collaboration (2, max. 6) CHOREA/COMPOSE COLL. Changing maximum number of credits. Effective SPR/2000.

    History (0193)

    HIST 320 Greek History: 7000 BC to Present (5) GRK HST 7000BC-PRES. Changing prefix and number, changing titles, changing joint status, changing course description. Offered jointly with EURO 320. Effective AUT/2000.

    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)

    EURO 320 Greek History: 7000 BC to Present (5) GRK HST 7000BC-PRES. Changing HIST prefix and number, changing titles, changing joint status (adding EURO), changing course description. Offered jointly with HIST 320. Effective AUT/2000.

    Music (0217)

    MUSIC 201 First-Year Theory I (3) 1ST YEAR THEORY I. Changing course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 202 First-Year Theory II (3) 1ST YEAR THEORY II. Changing course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 203 First-Year Theory III (3) 1ST YEAR THEORY III. Changing course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 260 Orchestral Music (5) ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. Changing course prefix. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 261 Mozart (5) Mozart. Changing course prefix. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 262 Introduction to Twentieth-Century Music (3) INTRO 20 CENT MUSIC. Changing course prefix and prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 263 Opera (5) OPERA. Changing course prefix. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 301 Second-Year Theory I (3) 2ND YEAR THEORY I. Changing course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 302 Second-Year Theory II (3) 2ND YEAR THEORY II. Changing course description. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 330 Music in the United States (5) MUSIC IN THE U S. Changing course prefix. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 332 Music in European Society: Antiquity to 1700 (5) MUS EUR SOC TO 1700. Changing course prefix and prerequisites. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 333 Music in European Society: 1700 to Present (5) MUSIC IN EUR SOC II. Changing course prefix and prerequisites. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 487 Tonal Counterpoint (3) TONAL COUNTERPOINT. Changing course description and prerequisites. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 544 Music Perception and Cognition (3, max. 9) MUS PERC COGNITION. Changing maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.

    Sociology (0293)

    SOC 426 Methodology: Quantitative Techniques in Sociology (3) MTHD QUANT TECH SOC. Adding joint status. Offered jointly with CS&SS 426. Effective AUT/2000.
    SOC 536 Log-Linear Modeling and Logistic Regression for the Social Sciences (3) LOG-LINEAR MODELING. Adding joint status with CS&SS. Offered jointly with CS&SS 536 and STAT 536. Effective AUT/2000. Women Studies (0298)

    WOMEN 590 Special Topics (1-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Changing credits. Effective AUT/2000.


    Restorative Dentistry (0835)

    RES D 620 P- Introduction to Clinical Restorative Dentistry (3) P-INTRO RESD CLINIC. Change credits and contact hours. Effective SUM/2000.


    Computer Science and Engineering (0406)

    CSE 100 Fluency in Information Technology (5) COMPUTER FLUENCY. Changing prefix of joint course from IMT to INFO. Offered jointly with INFO 100. Effective WIN/2001.

    Material Science and Engineering (0423)

    MSE 541 Defects in Materials (3) DEFECTS IN MAT. Change titles, change prerequisites, change course description. Effective WIN/2001.

    Technical Communication (0438)

    T C 411 Visuals in Technical Communication (5) VISUALS IN TECH COM. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.
    T C 501 Theoretical Dimensions of Technical Communication (4) THEOR FOUND OF T C. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.


    Library (0671)

    INFO 100 Fluency in Information Technology (5) COMPUTER FLUENCY. Change prefix. Offered jointly with CSE 100. Effective WIN/2001.
    INFO 220 Information Research Strategies (3) INFO RES STRATEGIES. Change prefix. Effective WIN/2001.


    Physiology and Biophysics (0932)

    P BIO 507 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiology (3) CV-RESP PHYSIOLOGY. Change titles, change course description. Effective WIN/2001.


    Pharmacy (0610)

    PHARM 412 Nonprescription Drug Therapeutics (3) OTC DRUGS. Change titles, change credits, change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    PHARM 541 Health Care and Society (3) HEALTH CARE SOCIETY. Change titles, change joint status, change course description. Offered jointly with HSERV 515. Effective WIN/2001.


    Health Services (0706)

    HSERV 515 Health Care and Society (3) HEALTH CARE SOCIETY. Add joint status, change course description. Offered jointly with PHARM 541. Effective WIN/2001.
    HSERV 552 Health Policy Development (3) HEALTH POLICY DEVEL. Change course description. Effective WIN/2001.


    Education (0875)

    B EDUC 417 Families, Communities, and Schools (3) FAMILY, COM, SCHOOL. Change number of credits, change to permanent credit/no credit grading. Effective SUM/2000.

    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)

    BLS 384 Popular and Literary Genres (5, max. 10) LIT & POPULAR GENRE. Change maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.
    BLS 387 Women and American Literature (5, max. 10) WOMEN & AMER LIT. Change maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.
    BLS 455 Literature and Sexuality (5, max. 10) LIT & SEXUALITY. Change maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/2001.


    Education (0975)

    T EDUC 501 Education in Society (3) EDUCATION & SOCIETY. Change titles, change course description. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 511 Science Methods for Elementary School Classrooms (3) SCIENCE METHOD ELEM. Change titles, change course description, change prerequisites. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 512 Science Methods for Secondary School Classrooms (3) SCIENCE METHODS SEC. Change titles, change course description, change prerequisites. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 513 Using Technology in Science Education (3) TECH IN SCIENCE ED. Change prerequisites. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 520 Multicultural Education (3) MULTICULTURAL EDUCN. Change course titles. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 532 Interdisciplinary Design and Instruction (3) INTRDSPLRY DSGN INS. Change course titles. Effective SUM/2000.



    Music (0217)

    MUSIC 310 Medieval/Renaissance Counterpoint (3) MED/REN COUNTERPNT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 311 Tonal Counterpoint (3) TONAL COUNTERPOINT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 312 Twentieth-Century Techniques (3) TWENTIETH CENT TECH. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 313 Piano Technology (3) PIANO TECHNOLOGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 343 Musical Acoustics (3) MUSICAL ACOUSTICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 395 Composition with Synthesizers (3, max. 9) COMPOS W/ SYNTHSZRS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 456 Music and Signal Processing (3) MUSIC SIGNAL PROCES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 457 Audio Engineering (3) AUDIO ENGINEERING. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 486 Practicum in Music Technology (3) PRAC MUS TECHNOLOGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 514 Proseminar in Systematic Musicology (3) PROSEM SYS MUSCOLGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 521 Seminar in Music Perception (3) MUSIC PERCEPTION. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 529 Aural Analysis (3) AURAL ANALYSIS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 541 Seminar in Music and Society (3, max. 9) MUSIC AND SOCIETY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 543 Acoustics of Musical Instruments (3) ACOUSTIC MUSIC INST. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 545 Sociomusicology (3) SOCIOMUSICOLOGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 547 Seminar in Music Technology (3) SEM MUS TECHNOLOGY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 555 Systematic Methods of Music Research (3) SYSTMATIC MUS RSRCH. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 556 Seminar in Music Acoustics (3, MAX. 9) SEMINAR MUSIC ACOUSTICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 595 Seminar in Systematic Field and Laboratory Research (3, MAX. 9) SEM SYS FLD/LAB RES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 596 Seminar in Systematic Field and Laboratory Research (3, MAX. 9) SEM SYS FLD/LAB RES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSIC 597 Seminar in Systematic Field and Laboratory Research (3, MAX. 9) SEM SYS FLD/LAB RES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUSED 302 Musicianship for Teachers (1) TCHR MUSICNSHP. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUHST 213 Music After 1750 (3) MUSIC AFTER 1750. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUHST 214 Music After 1750 (3) MUSIC AFTER 1750. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUHST 215 Music After 1750 (3) MUSIC AFTER 1750. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUHST 313 Music Before 1750 (3) MUSIC BEFORE 1750. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.
    MUHST 314 Music Before 1750 (3) MUSIC BEFORE 1750. Drop course. Effective WIN/2001.

    Sociology (0293)

    SOC 320 P - Introduction to Sociological Research (5) INTRO SOC RES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Restorative Dentistry (0835)

    RES D 523 P - Introduction to Operative Dentistry (2) P-INTRO OPER DENT. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.


    Education (0875)

    B EDUC 455 Building Partnerships: Home, School, and Community (3) HOME, SCHOOL, COMMUN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Education (0975)

    T EDUC 503 Education in Society: Institutional Perspectives (3) US ED: INST PERSPCT. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.
    T EDUC 505 Classroom Assessment (3) CLASSROOM ASSESSMNT. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.