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Number 307
August 23, 2000

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at


Course Prefix, NumberTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
General Studies (0185)
GIS 160Introduction to Human Memory (5) INTRO HUMAN MEMORY. Effective AUT/2000 through AUT/2000.
GIS 165Politics and Popular Culture (5) POLITICS/POP CULTURE. Effective AUT/2000 through AUT/2000.
GIS 175Thinking Like a Scientist: Lessons from the Nervous System (5) SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT. Effective AUT/2000 through AUT/2000.
Business Administration (0300)
B A 546 Global Business Study Tour (1-2, max. 2) GLOBAL STUDY TOUR. Effective WIN/2001.
I S 570Business Data Communications and Networking (4) BUS DATA COM & NET. Effective AUT/2000.
Chemical Engineering (0402)
CHEM E 445Fuel Cell Engineering (3) FUEL CELL ENGR. Conversion from temporary to permanent status. Effective SPR/2001.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 500Civil and Environmental Engineering Seminars (1, max. 3) CEE SEMINARS.Correction to report 306.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE 546Data Mining (3) DATA MINING. Effective WIN/2001.
Forest Resources (0523)
EHUF 462Restoration Ecology Capstone: Introduction (2) RESTORATION ECOL 1. Effective AUT/2000.
EHUF 463Restoration Ecology Capstone: Proposal and Plan (3) RESTORATION ECOL 2. Effective WIN/2001.
EHUF 464Restoration Ecology Capstone: Field Site Restoration (5) RESTORATION ECOL 3. Effective SPR/2001.
ESC 454Biology and Conservation of Mammals Laboratory (3) MAMMALOGY LAB/FIELD. Effective AUT/2000.
PSE 104Products and Energy from Renewable Resources (5) BIOMASS ENERGY PROD. Effective AUT/2000.
PSE 502Pulp and Paper Technology (4) PULP AND PAPER TECH. Effective AUT/2000.
PSE 505Biotechnology in Pulp and Paper Industry (3) BIOTECH IN P&P INDU. Effective WIN/2001.
Global Trade, Transportation, and Logistics Studies (0993)
GTTL 600Independent GTTL Studies (*, max. 30) GTTL INDEP STUDY. Effective AUT/2000.
GTTL 601Internship in GTTL Studies (3-5, max. 30) GTTL INTERNSHIP. Effective AUT/2000.
Law (0852)
LAW T 526-Low-Income Taxpayer Clinic (2-, max. 6) LOW INCOME TX CLNC. Effective AUG/2000 through SPR/2001.
Library (0671)
INSC 500Theoretical Foundations of Human Information Behavior (5) HUMAN INFO BEHAVIOR. Effective AUT/2000.
INSC 570Research Design (5) RESEARCH DESIGN. Effective WIN/2001.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 480Neuroscience for Rehabilitation Professionals (5) NEUROSCI REHAB PRO. Effective WIN/2001.
MED 655P-Clinical HIV Care (8) P-HIV CARE. Effective AUT/2000.
MED 656P-Clinical Nutrition (8) P-CLINICAL NUTRTION. Effective WIN/2001.
Surgery (0941)
SURG 680Emergency Medicine Elective (8) EMER MED/MADIGAN. Effective SUM/2001.
Nursing (0552)
NCLIN 546Management of Acute and Chronic Wounds (2-3) WOUND MANAGEMENT. Effective AUT/2000. Correction to Curriculum Report 306.
HIA 410Introduction to Health Care Systems and Health Data Systems (7) HLTH CARE/DATA SYS.Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 420Computer Systems in Health Care (5) COMPUTER SYS/HLTH. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 421Health Information Systems Analysis (5) HLTH INFO SYS ANLYS. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 450Organizational Theory in Health Facilities and Health Information Management (5) ORG HLTH CARE/INFO. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 454Finance Concepts for Health Care Managers (5) FINANCE/HTLH MGR. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 455Professionalism and Leadership (5) PROFESSIONAL/LEADER. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 456Quality Assurance and Research in Health Care (5) QA/RESEARCH HLTH. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 460Management Internship (4-6) MGMT INTERNSHIP. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 462Management Project (3) MGMT PROJECT. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 470Legal Concepts for Health Fields (3) LEGAL CONCEPTS/HTLH. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
HIA 480Seminar in Problem-Solving and Decision Making (2) PROB SOLV/DCSN MKNG. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 515Health Care and Society (3) HEALTH CARE SOCIETY. Offered jointly with PHARM 541. Effective WIN/2001.
Business (0981)
T BGEN 550Whole Enterprise Management (4) WHOLE ENTRPRSE MGMT. Effective AUT/2000.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
TCSS 497Internship in Computing and Software Systems (1-10, max. 10) INTERNSHIP IN CSS. Effective SUM/2000 through SUM/2000.
Education (0975)
T EDSP 539Introduction to Exceptionalities (3) INTRO EXCEPTIONALTS. Effective AUT/2000.
T EDUC 593Practicum Seminar I (3) PRACTICUM SEMINAR I. Offered jointly with T EDSP 593. Effective AUT/2000.
T EDUC 503Educational Measurement (3) EDUCATIONAL MSRMENT. Effective AUT/2000.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TCSIUS 331Psychology Research Seminar (3) PSYCH RESEARCH SEM. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCSIUS 430Nonprofit Studies Seminar (1, max. 3) NONPROFIT SEMINAR. Credit/no credit only. Conversion from temporary to permanent status. Effective AUT/2000.
TCSIUS 433Organizational Structures and Sociocultural Systems (5) ORG & SOCIO SYSTEMS. Conversion from temporary to permanent status. Effective WIN/2001.
TCSIUS 453Drugs and Adolescent Development (5) DRUGS ADOLESCNT DEV. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCSIUS 454Communications Law (5) COMM LAW. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXG 357Finding, Evaluating, and Writing Consumer Information (5) CONSUMER INFO. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXG 373Introduction to Writing Poetry (5) INTRO WRITNG POETRY. Conversion from temporary to permanent status. Effective WIN/2001.
TCXG 386Introduction to Drawing (5) INTRO TO DRAWING. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXG 389Art from the Impressionists to the Surrealists (5) IMPRESS TO SURREAL. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXG 478News Writing (5) NEWS WRITING. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXIN 377Mexican Literature in Translation: A Nation's Search for Identity (5) MEXICAN LIT. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TCXUS 486Masculine/Feminine: Film Genre and Gender (5) FILM GENRE & GENDER. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TESC 329Geomorphology and Soils (5) GEOMORPH AND SOILS. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TESC 333Environmental Chemistry (6) ENVIRO CHEMISTRY. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TEST 331Environmental History: Water (5) ENVIRO HISTORY H20. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TIBCG 455Medicine and Morality: Issues in Biomedical Ethics (5) BIOMEDICAL ETHICS. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TIBCIN 350Literary and Philosophical Archetypes of Ancient Europe (5) LIT/ PHIL ANCIEN EUR. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TIBCIN 453Justice and Fate in Ancient Greek Tragedy (5) ANCIENT GREEK TRGDY. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TSMIN 424Imperial China (5) IMPERIAL CHINA. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TSMIN 431The Political Economy of European Integration (5) POL ECON EURO INTEG. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TSMIN 432Drugs, Mafias, and the Arms Trade in Europe (5) DRUGS MAFIA EUROP. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TSMUS 416Current Issues in U.S. Public Policy (5) US PUB POLICY. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
TSMUS 417Urban Problems and Policies (5) URBAN PROB & POLICY. Effective AUT/2000 through SUM/2001.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 513Theories and Methods of Teaching and Learning (3) TEACHING/LEARNING. Effective WIN/2001 through AUT/2001.


Course Prefix, NumberTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Business Administration (0300)
I S 545Database Systems and Applications (4) MOD DATABASE SYST. Change title, short title, prerequisite, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 380Elementary Structures II (4) ELEM STRUCT II. Change credits, contact hours, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 472Introduction to Hydraulics in Water Resources (3) HYDR IN WATER RSRCS. Change course description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 481Environmental Engineering Design (3) ENVRN ENGR DESIGN. Change prerequisite, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 515Earthquake Engineering I (3) EARTHQUAKE ENGR I. Change prefix, number, title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 516Earthquake Engineering II (3) EARTHQUAKE ENGR II. Change prefix, number, title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 517Fundamentals of Wind Engineering (3) FUND OF WIND ENGR. Change prefix, number, course title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 518Reliability and Design (3) RELIABILITY & DESIGN. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 521Seepage and Consolidation (3) SEEPAGE AND CONSOL. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 522Shear Strength and Slope Stability (3) SHEAR STR SLOP STAB. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 523Advanced Foundation Engineering (3) ADV FOUND ENG. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 524Lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Structures (3) LAT EARTH PRESSURES. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 525Soil Dynamics (3) SOIL DYNAMICS. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 526Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (3) GEOTECH EQ ENGRG. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 527Advanced Geotechnical Laboratory (4) ADV GEOTECH LAB. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 528Geosynthetic Engineering (3) GEOSYNTHETICS. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 529Foundation Soil Improvement (3) FOUND SOIL IMPRT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 530Engineering Geology II (3) ENGINEER GEOLOGY II. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 531Rock Engineering (3) ROCK ENGINEERING. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 544Physical-Chemical Treatment Processes (4) PHY CHEM TRT PROC. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 546Topics in Ecological Effects of Waste Water (3) TOP EC EFF WAST WAT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 547Lake Management (3) LAKE MANAGEMENT. Change prefix, number, credits, contact hours, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 548Industrial Waste Treatment (3) INDUSTRL WASTE TRT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 549Advanced Topics in Environmental Engineering, Chemistry, and Biology (3) ADV TOPICS ENV ENG. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 555Topics in Environmental Health (3) TPCS ENVIRNMTL HLTH. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 556Hazardous Air Pollution (3) HAZARDOUS AIR POLL. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 557Air Resources Management (3) AIR RESOURCES MGMT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 558Control of Gaseous Air Pollutants (3) GAS AIR POLL CONT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 559Control of Particulate Air Pollutants (3) GAS AIR POLL CONT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 570Hydrodynamics (4) HYDRODYNAMICS. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 571Hydrodynamics in Water Quality (3) HYDRODYN IN WATER QUAL. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 572Water Wave Mechanics (3) WATER WAVE MECHANIC. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 573Advanced Computational Hydraulics (4) ADV COMP HYDRAULICS. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 574Advanced Hydrology (3) ADVANCED HYDROLOGY. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 575Groundwater Transport Modeling (3) GRNDWTR TRANS MODEL. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 577Water Quality Management (3) WATER QUALITY MNGMT. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 583Airport Engineering (3) AIRPORT ENGINEERING. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 589Transit Systems Planning (3) TRANSIT SYSTEMS PLG. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 590Traffic Systems Operations (3) TRAFFIC SYSTMS OPER. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 591Freight Transportation (3) FREIGHT TRANSPN. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
CEE 597Construction Productivity (3) CONST PRODUCTIVITY. Change prefix and number. Effective WIN/2001.
Forest Resources (0523)
ESC 453Biology and Conservation of Mammals (3) MAMMALOGY. Change credits, contact hours, course description, resource requirements. Effective AUT/2000.
Neurology and Behavior (0650)
NEUBEH 541Neuroendocrinology (3) NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Offered jointly with P BIO 541. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2001.
Medicine (0915)
MED 681Dermatologic Surgery (8) DERM SURG. Change title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
Physiology and Biophysics (0932)
P BIO 509Neuroendocrinology (3) NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Offered jointly with NEUBEH 541. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2001.
Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
REHAB 570Foundations of Occupational Therapy (5) FOUNDATIONS OF OT. Change credits. Effective AUT/2000.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 504Leadership Ethics (3) LEADERSHIP ETHICS. Change title, short title, course description. Effective WIN/2001.
PB AF 593U.S. Energy Policy (3) US ENERGY POLICY. Change course number. Effective WIN/2001.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 582Health Behavior and Preventive Medicine (3-4) HLTH BEHAV PREV MED. Change course description. Effective AUT/2001.
Social Work (0779)
SOC W 502Human Behavior and Social Environment I (3) HUM BEH & SOC ENV I. Drop credit/no credit only status. Effective AUT/2000.
SOC W 503Human Behavior and Social Environment II (3) HUM BEH & SOC ENV II. Drop credit/no credit only status. Effective AUT/2000.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 483Health Education and Child Abuse Issues (2) HLTH ED CHILD ABUSE. Change title, short title, credits, course description. Effective AUT/2000.
T EDUC 504Understanding Educational Research (3) UNDRSTNDNG EDU RSRCH. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2001.
T EDUC 593Practicum Seminar I (3) PRACTICUM SEMINAR I. Offered jointly with T EDSP 593. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2000.


Course Prefix, NumberTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Forest Resources (0523)
ESC 454Aquatic Wildlife Ecology (3) AQUATIC WILDL ECOL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.