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Number 316
May 21, 2001

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at



Business Administration (0300)
PEIProgram in Entrepreneurship and Innovation


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 235Introduction to Environmental Economics (5) INTRO ENVIR ECON. Offered jointly with ECON 235. Effective AUT/2001.
ENVIR 415Sustainability and Design for Environment (3) DESIGN FOR ENVIR. Offered jointly with CEE 495/M E 415. Effective SUM/2001.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 581 Dissertation Writing (3) DISS WRITING. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
CHIN 301Third-Year Chinese, Non-Heritage Track (5) 3RD YR NON HERITAGE. Effective AUT/2001.
CHIN 302Third-Year Chinese, Non-Heritage Track (5) 3RD YR NON HERITAGE. Effective AUT/2001.
CHIN 303Third-Year Chinese, Non-Heritage Track (5) 3RD YR NON HERITAGE. Effective AUT/2001.
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (1029)
CS&SS 505Review of Mathematics for Social Scientists (1) MATH FOR SOC SCIS. Effective SPR/2002.
CS&SS 506Computer Environments for the Social Sciences (1) COMPUT ENVR SOC SCI. Effective WIN/2002.
CS&SS 504Applied Regression (4) APPLIED REGRESSION. Offered jointly with STAT 504. Effective WIN/2002.
Classics (0118)
CLAS 401Undergraduate Seminar in Classics (3-5) UNDERGRAD SEMINAR. Effective WIN/2002.
Economics (0135)
ECON 235Introduction to Environmental Economics (5) INTRO ENVIR ECON. Offered jointly with ENVIR 235. Effective AUT/2001.
General Studies (0185)
GIS 170Currents, Creatures, and Sea Floor of Puget Sound (5) CURRENTS/SEA FLOOR. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2001 to AUT/2002.
GIS 177Cults, Sects, and New Religions (5) SOC OF SECTS/CULTS.Effective AUT/2001 to AUT/2003.
Genetics (0186)
GENET 540Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology: Genome and Protein Sequence Analysis (3) COMP MOL BIOL 1. Offered jointly with MBT 540. Effective SPR/2001.
GENET 541Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology: Molecular Evolution (3) COMP MOL BIOL 2. Offered jointly with MBT 541. Effective SPR/2001.
History (0193)
HSTEU 364Modern Greece: 1821 to the Present (5) GREECE 1821-PRESENT. Offered jointly with EURO 364. Effective AUT/2001.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
EURO 111Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Effective AUT/2001.
EURO 112Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Effective WIN/2002.
EURO 113Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Effective SPR/2002.
EURO 211Second-Year Modern Greek (5) SECOND YR MOD GREEK. Effective AUT/2001.
EURO 212Second-Year Modern Greek (5) SECOND YR MOD GREEK. Effective WIN/2002.
EURO 213Second-Year Modern Greek (5) SECOND YR MOD GREEK. Effective SPR/2002.
EURO 364Modern Greece: 1821 to the Present (5) GREECE 1821-PRESENT. Offered jointly with HSTEU 364. Effective AUT/2001.
Mathematics (0206)
MATH 507Algebraic Geometry (3) ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY. Effective AUT/2001.
MATH 508Algebraic Geometry (3) ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY. Effective AUT/2001.
Philosophy (0221)
HPS 400Colloquium in the History and Philosophy of Science (5) COLLOQUIUM IN HPS. Effective WIN/2002.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 380Cross-Cultural Competence (4) CROSS-CULT COMPTNCE. Effective AUT/2001.
Sociology (0293)
SOC 222Sociology of Sport (5) SOCIOLOGY OF SPORT. Effective SPR/2002.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 504Applied Regression (4) APPLIED REGRESSION. Offered jointly with CS&SS 504. Effective WIN/2002.
Accounting (0301)
ACCTG 575Internship (14) INTERNSHIP. Effective WIN/2002.
ACCTG 576Independent Research Project Proposal (2-) IND RES PROJ PROPSL. Effective WIN/2002.
ACCTG 577Independent Research Project (-4) INDEP RES PROJECT. Effective SPR/2002.
Business Administration (0300)
FIN 562Management of Financial Risk (4) MGMT FINANCIAL RISK. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 520International Trade Policy (4) INTL TRADE POLICY. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 570International Study Tour (2) INTL STUDY TOUR. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
MGMT 520Designing a Corporate Strategy (4) DESIGNING CORP STRAT. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 523Business Ethics in a High Technology Environment (4) HIGH TECH BUS ETH. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 540Managing Human Capital (4) MANAGING HUMAN CAP. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 545Leading and Managing High-Performance Organizations (4) MNG HI PERF ORGS. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 546High Involvement Employees (4) HI INV EMPL. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 547Successful Negotiations (2) SUCCESS NEGOTIATIONS. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 548Dealmaking in High Velocity Ventures (2) HIGH VEL DEALMAKING. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 549Dealmaking in the Global Arena (2) GLOBAL DEALMAKING. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 510New Product Development (4) NEW PRODUCT DEVELOP. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 550Managing Customer Relationships Through Director Marketing (4) CUST REL/DIR MKTG. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 555Entrepreneurial Marketing and Management (4) ENTREP MKTG. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 565Database Marketing and Decision Models (4) DATABS MKTG/DEC MOD. Effective AUT/2001.
MKGT 575Marketing High-Technology Products (4) MKTG HIGH-TECH PROD. Effective AUT/2001.
TMMBA 520New Product and Internet Marketing (4) NEW PROD & INT MKTG. Effective WIN/2002.
TMMBA 521Project Management (4) PROJ MGT. Effective WIN/2002.
TMMBA 522Projects in Technology Management (2) PROJ TECH MGT. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
TMMBA 523Negotiations (1) NEGOTIATIONS. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
TMMBA 525Practicum in Technology Management (2) PRACT TECH MGT. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
TMMBA 528Current Issues in Management (2, max. 6) CURR ISSUES IN MGT. Effective SPR/2002.
TMMBA 530Case Competition in Technology Management (1) CASE COMP TECH MGT. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
Oral Medicine (0817)
ORALM 524Communication Skills in Dentistry (1) COMM SKILL-INTERVIEW. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2001.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 308Computer Tools I for Aerospace Engineers (1) COMPUTER TOOLS I. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 495Sustainability and Design for Environment (3) DESIGN FOR ENVIR. Offered jointly with ENVIR 415/M E 415. Effective SUM/2001.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 415Sustainability and Design for Environment (3) DESIGN FOR ENVIR. Offered jointly with ENVIR 415/CEE 495. Effective SUM/2001.
Technical Communication (0438)
T C 511Visual Media in Technical Communication (5) VISUALS IN TECH COM. Effective AUT/2001.
Law (0852)
LAW E 532Sports Management Law (3) SPORTS MNGMT LAW. Effective SUM/2001 to SUM/2001.
Library (0671)
IMT 582Strategic Planning and Evaluation (3) STRAT PLAN & EVAL. Effective SPR/2002.
INFO 447Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (5) COMP SUPP COOP WRK.Effective WIN/2002.
INFO 454Information Policy: Domestic and Global (5) INFO POL DOM GLOBAL. Effective SPR/2002.
INSC 572Qualitative Methods in Information Science (5) QUAL METH INFO SC. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 508History of Recorded Information (4) HISTORY REC INFO. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 521Principles of Information Services (4) PRIN OF INFO SERV. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 523Advanced Information Systems (4) ADV INFO SERV. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 535Classification Theory (3) CLASSIFICATI THEORY. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 549Special Topics in Information Systems, Architectures, and Retrieval (1-4, max. 18) SPEC TOP INFO SYS. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 582Strategic Planning and Management of Information Technology (3) STRAT MGM INFO TECH. Effective AUT/2002.
LIS 583Staffing Information and Information Technology Positions (3) STAFF INFO TECH POS. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 587Library Technology Systems (4) LIB TECH SYSTEMS. Effective SPR/2002.
Molecular Biotechnology (0952)
MBT 540Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology: Genome and Protein Sequence Analysis (3) COMP MOL BIOL 1. Offered jointly with GENET 540. Effective SPR/2001.
MBT 541Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology: Molecular Evolution (3) COMP MOL BIOL 2. Offered jointly with GENET 541. Effective SPR/2001.
Nursing (0552)
NURS 584Critical and Interdisciplinary Approach to Health Policy (3) CRIT APP TO HLTH POL. Effective AUT/2001.
Business (0881)
B BUS 455Futures and Options (5) FUTURES AND OPTIONS. Effective AUT/2001.
B BUS 465Applied Financial Accounting (5) APPLIED FINCL ACCTG. Effective AUT/2001.
B BUS 466Applied Managerial Accounting (5) APPLD MANGRL ACCTG. Effective AUT/2001.
B BUS 500Financial Reporting and Analysis (2) FINANCIAL RPT ANLYS. Effective AUT/2001.
B BUS 510Management Information Systems (5) MGMT INFO SYSTEMS. Effective SUM/2001.
B BUS 511Electronic Commerce (5) E-COMMERCE. Effective SUM/2001.
B BUS 540New Venture Creation (2) NEW VENTURES. Effective AUT/2001.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
TCSS 480Comparative Languages (5) COMP LANG. Effective SUM/2001 to SPR/2002.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 570Curriculum and Instruction (4-) CURRICULUM AND INST. Effective SUM/2001 to SUM/2001.
T EDUC 571Introduction to Leadership (2-) INTRO TO LEADERSHIP. Effective SUM/2001 to SUM/2001.
T EDUC 572School Law for Educational Administrator (3-) SCHL LAW EDUC ADMIN. Effective SUM/2001 to SUM/2001.
T EDUC 573Supervision of Instruction (3-) SUPERVISION INSTRUCT. Effective AUT/2001.
T EDUC 574Challenges in Educational Administration (3-) CHALLENGES ED ADMIN. Effective AUT/2001.
T EDUC 575Leadership in a Changing Society (3-) LDRSHP CHNG SOCIETY. Effective AUT/2001.
T EDUC 576School-Wide Assessment (3-) SCHOOLWIDE ASSESSMT. Effective WIN/2002.
T EDUC 577School Finance and Educational Policy (3-) SCHL FINANCE POLICY. Effective WIN/2002.
T EDUC 578Professional Development (3-) PROFESSNL DEVELPMNT. Effective SPR/2002.
T EDUC 579Human Resources (4-) HUMAN RESOURCES. Effective SPR/2002.
T EDUC 581Internship for Administrators ([1-14]-, max. 14) INTRSHP ADMINISTRTR. Effective SUM/2001 to AUT/2002.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TCSIUS 454Communications Law (5) COMM LAW. Extension of temporary approval. Effective AUT/2001 to AUT/2001.
TESC 310Environmental Science Research Seminar (3) ENVIRON SCI RES SEM. Conversion from temporary to permanent status. Effective AUT/2001.
TIBCG 596Internship (1-10, max. 10) INTERNSHIP. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2001.
TIBCG 597Thesis (1-5, max. 20) THESIS. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2001.
TIBCG 598Directed Readings (1-5, max. 20) DIRECTED READINGS. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2001.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 539Healthcare Business Strategies: Optimizing Resources (3) OPTIMIZING RESOURCE.Conversion of temporary to permanent status. Effective WIN/2002.
Urban Studies (1031)
T URB 310Urban Society and Culture (5) URBAN SOC & CULTURE. Effective SUM/2001.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 371Anthropology of Development (5) ANTH OF DEVELOP. Offered jointly with ANTH 371. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2002.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 371Anthropology of Development (5) ANTH OF DEVELOP. Offered jointly with ENVIR 371. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2002.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
JAPAN 111First-Year Japanese (0/5, max. 5) FIRST-YEAR JAPANESE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
JAPAN 112First-Year Japanese (0/5, max. 5) FIRST-YEAR JAPANESE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
JAPAN 113First-Year Japanese (0/5, max. 5) FIRST-YEAR JAPANESE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
THAI 411Readings in Thai (3-5, max. 15) READINGS IN THAI. Change credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
THAI 412Readings in Thai (3-5, max. 15) READINGS IN THAI. Change credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
THAI 413Readings in Thai (3-5, max. 15) READINGS IN THAI. Change credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (1029)
CS&SS 526Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences (3) STRUCT EQ MODELS. Offered jointly with SOC 529. Change titles, joint status, course description. Effective WIN/2002.
CS&SS 529Sample Survey Techniques (3) SAMPLE SURVEY TECH. Offered jointly with BIOST 529/STAT 529. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
Geological Sciences (0191)
GEOL 478Geological Time (3) GEOLOGICAL TIME. Change titles, course description. Effective WIN/2003.
Geophysics (0187)
GPHYS 423Introduction to Space Physics (3) INTRO TO SPACE PHYS. Change number, titles, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2002.
History (0193)
HSTAS 241Japanese Civilization (5) JAPAN CIVILIZATION. Offered jointly with SISEA 241. Change number. Effective WIN/2002.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SISEA 241Japanese Civilization (5) JAPAN CIVILIZATION. Offered jointly with HSTAS 241. Change number. Effective WIN/2002.
Mathematics (0206)
MATH 464Numerical Analysis I (3) NUMERICAL ANLYS I. Change credits, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2002.
MATH 465Numerical Analysis II (3) NUMERICAL ANLYS II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
MATH 466Numerical Analysis III (3) NUMERICAL ANLYS II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
Music (0217)
MUSAP 137Class Instruction: Voice (1) CLASSS INSTR-VOICE. Change prefix, course description. Effective WIN/2002.
MUSAP 138Class Instruction: Voice (1) CLASS INSTR-VOICE. Change prefix, course description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2002.
MUSAP 139Class Instruction: Voice (1) CLASS INSTR-VOICE. Change prefix, course description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2002.
MUSAP 237Secondary Class Instruction: Voice (2, max. 6) CLASS INSTR-VOICE. Change prefix, course description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2002.
Physics (0239)
PHYS 121Mechanics (0/5, max. 5) MECHANICS. Change credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2001.
PHYS 122Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion (0/5, max. 5) ELMAG & OSCIL MOTN. Change credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2001.
PHYS 123Waves (0/5, max. 5) Waves. Change credits, contact hours, description. Effective AUT/2001.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 260Psychosocial Aspects of Nuclear War (3) PSYCH-NUCLEAR WAR. Change number. Effective WIN/2002.
PSYCH 553Seminar in Social-Personality Research (2) SMNR SOC-PERS RSCH. Change titles. Effective WIN/2002.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
SLAV 570Special Topics in Slavic Linguistics (3-5, max. 15) SLAV LING TOPICS. Change titles, credits. Effective WIN/2002.
Sociology (0293)
SOC 529Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences (3) STRUCT EQ MODELS. Offered jointly with CS&SS 526. Change titles, joint status, course description. Effective WIN/2002.
SOC 590Special Topics in Sociology (1-3, max. 9) SPCL TOPICS SOCLGY. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 529Sample Survey Techniques (3) SAMPLE SURVEY TECH. Offered jointly with BIOST 529/CS&SS 529. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
Accounting (0301)
ACCTG 420Database Management for Accounting (3) DATABASE FOR ACCTG. Change number, titles, prerequisite, joint status, course description. Effective WIN/2002.
ACCTG 500Financial Accounting (4) FINANCIAL ACCTG. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
ACCTG 501Managerial Accounting (4) MANAGERIAL ACCTG. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
ACCTG 579Special Topics in Accounting (2/4, max. 12) SPEC TOPICS ACCTG. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
Business Administration (0300)
B ECON 500Introduction to Business Economics (4) INTRO BUS ECON. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2001.
B ECON 501Macroeconomics and Global Issues (4) MACRO ECON/GLOBAL. Change titles, credits, course description. Effective SUM/2002.
B ECON 520Financial Markets (4) FINANCIAL MARKETS. Change prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
B ECON 528International Financial Management (4) INTR FIN MGMT. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2001.
B ECON 579Special Topics in Business Economics (2/4, max. 12) SPEC TOPICS IN BECN. Change credits. Effective Aut/2001.
FIN 502Business Finance (4) BUSINESS FINANCE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
FIN 550Advanced Business Finance (4) ADV BUS FIN. Change prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 551Problems in Business Finance (4) PROBS IN BUS FIN. Change course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 552Problems in Corporate Planning and Financing (4) PROB CORP PLN & FIN. Change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 553Problems in Capital Investment Planning (4) PROBS CAP INV PLNG. Change titles, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 555Financing Decisions, Payout Policy, and Corporate Control (4) FINCG PAYOUT & CTRL. Change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 556Business Valuation and Investment Analysis (4) BUS VAL & INV ANLYS. Change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 557New Venture Financing (4) NEW VENT FIN. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 560Investments (4) INVESTMENTS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 561Financial Futures and Options Markets (4) FIN FUT & OPT MKTS. Change prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
FIN 579Special Topics in Finance (2/4, max. 12) SPECIAL TOPICS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 470Management of International Trade Operations (4-) MGT INTL TRADE OPNS. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 550International Business Consulting (4) INTL BUS CONSULTING. Change titles. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 579Special Topics in International Business (2/4, max. 12) SEM SPCL TOPICS IB. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
I S 504Computer-Based Information Systems for Management (4) INFO SYST FOR MNGMT. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
I S 579Selected Topics in Information Systems (2/4, max. 12) TOPICS IN INFO SYS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 500Management and Leadership (4) MGT AND LEADERSHIP. Change prefix, number, titles, credits. Effective SUM/2001.
MGMT 502Business Strategy (4) BUS STRAT. Change prefix, number, titles, credits. Effective WIN/2003.
MGMT 505Business Ethics (2) BUS ETHICS. Change prefix, number, titles, credits. Effective WIN/2002.
MGMT 521Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (4) STRAT MGT TECH INNV. Change prefix, number, titles, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 531Managing Intellectual Property Rights (4) INTL PROP FOR ENTREP. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 530Entrepreneurship (4) ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 532Developing the New Venture Plan (4) DEV NEW VENT PLAN. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 536Software Entrepreneurship (4) SOFTWARE ENTREP. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 544Managing Effectively Across Cultures (4) MNG ACROSS CULTURES. Change prefix, number, titles, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
MGMT 579Special Topics in Management (2/4, max. 12) SPEC TOPICS MGMT. Change prefix, titles, credits. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 501Marketing Management (4) MKTG MGT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
MKTG 512Consumer Marketing and Brand Management (4) CONS MKTG/BRAND MGT. Change titles. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 520Managing Marketing Channels (4) MARKETING CHANNELS. Change titles, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 530Managing the Sales System (4) MNG SALES SYSTEM. Change titles, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 579Special Topics in Marketing (2/4, max. 12) SPEC TOPICS IN MKTG. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
OPMGT 502Introduction to Operations Management (4) INTRO TO OPMGT. Change credits, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2002.
OPMGT 579Special Topics in Operations Management (2/4, max. 12) SPECIAL TOPICS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
QMETH 500Statistical Data Analysis for Management (2) STAT ANLYS FOR MGMT. Change credits, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
QMETH 501Decision Support Models (2) DECSN SUP MODELS. Change credits, prerequisite, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
QMETH 579Special Topics in Quantitative Methods (2/4, max. 12) SPECIAL TOPICS-QM. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
Dentistry (0805)
O S 530P-Oral Surgery (Didactic) (1, max. 3) P-ORAL SURGERY. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
O S 630P-Oral Surgery Clinic (2) P-O S CLINIC. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
Oral Biology (0816)
ORALB 581Secretory Process in Exocrine Glands (1-3) SECR PRC EXCRN GLND. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALB 582Secretory Process in Exocrine Glands (1-3) SECR PRC EXCRN GLND. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALB 583Secretory Process in Exocrine Glands (1-3) SECR PRC EXCRN GLND. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
Oral Medicine (0817)
ORALM 525P-Introduction to Patient Assessment (1) INTRO PT ASSESSMENT. Change titles, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALM 526P-Physical and Oral Diagnosis (2) PHYSICAL & ORAL DX. Change titles, course description, contact hours. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALM 527Introduction to Treatment Planning (1) INTRO TX PLANNING. Change titles, contact hours, course description. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALM 528General Medicine, Disabilities, and Oral Medicine (6) GEN MED DISABLE OM. Change titles, contact hours, course description. Effective SUM/2001.
Orthodontics (0821)
ORTHO 630Introduction to Clinical Orthodontics (1) INTRO CLINIC ORTHO. Drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
Periodontics (0826)
PERIO 530P-Principles of Periodontics (2-) P-PERIODONTICS. Add hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
PERIO 531P-Principles of Periodontics (-2) P-PERIODONTICS. Add hyphenation. Effective AUT/2001.
Prosthodontics (0832)
PROS 660Clinical Prosthodontics (1-2, max. 6) CLINICAL PROS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.
Restorative Dentistry (0835)
RES D 540Implant Dentistry (2) IMPLANT DENTISTRY. Credit/no credit only Change grading system, title, short title, description. Effective AUT/2001.
RES D 541P-Advanced Restorative Dentistry (2) P-ADV RESTORATIVE. Credit/no credit only. Change grading system.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 502Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems (4) INTRO TO MEMS. Offered jointly with M E 504/MSE 504. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2002.
Material Science and Engineering (0423)
MSE 504Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems (4) INTRO TO MEMS. Offered jointly with E E 502/M E 504. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2002.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 504Introduction to Microelectro Mechanical Systems (4) INTRO TO MEMS. Offered jointly with E E 502/MSE 504. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2002.
Library (0671)
LIS 528Information Access in Health Sciences (3) INO ACC HLTH SCI. Credit/no credit only. Offered jointly with MEDED 570. Change joint status, prerequisite, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 537Construction of Indexing Languages (4) CONTRUC INDEX LANG. Change title, credits, contact hours, course description, drop permanent credit/no credit only grading. Effective WIN/2002.
LIS 541Internet Technologies and Applications (3) INTERNET TECH APPS. Credit/no credit only. Change titles, course description. Effective WIN/2002.
LIS 554Information Policy: Domestic and Global (5) INF POL DOM, GLOBAL. Change titles, credits, contact hours, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
Pharmacology (0926)
PHCOL 563Signal Transduction Mechanisms in Neuroplasticity and Neuron Growth (1) SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION. Credit/no credit only. Change number. Effective WIN/2002.
Biostatistics (0700)
BIOST 529Sample Survey Techniques (3) SAMPLE SURVEY TECH. Offered jointly with CS&SS 529/STAT 529. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 480Issues in Public Health (1-3, max. 6) PUBLIC HLTH ISSUES. Change credits, contact hours. Effective AUT/2001.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TIBCG 437Technology in the Modern World (5) TECH MODERN WORLD. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2001.
TIBCG 440Medieval Technology (5) MEDIEVAL TECHNOLOGY. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2001.
TIBCG 590Independent Study (1-10, max. 20) INDEPENDENT STUDY. Change credits. Effective AUT/2001.


Program on the Environment (1014)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved change in admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies, as well as requirements for the minor. Effective AUT/2001.
Biochemistry (0908)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved change in requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry. Effective AUT/2001.
International Studies (0190)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved termination of the Bachelor of Arts major in Russian, East European, and Central Asian studies. Effective immediately.
Neurobiology (1018)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved change in admission and graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree in Neurobiology. Effective AUT/2001.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 354The Comparative Study of Societies (5) COMP STDY SOCIETIES. Offered jointly with SOC 354. Drop course. Effective SUM/2001.
Classics (0118)
GREEK 401Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
GREEK 402Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
GREEK 403Elementary Modern Greek (5) ELEM MODERN GREEK. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Physics (0239)
PHYS 131Experimental Physics (1) EXPTL PHYSICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
PHYS 132Experimental Physics (1) EXPTL PHYSICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
PHYS 133Experimental Physics (1) EXPTL PHYSICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Sociology (0293)
SOC 354The Comparative Study of Societies (5) COMP STDY SOCIETIES. Offered jointly with ANTH 354. Drop course. Effective SUM/2001.
Accounting (0301)
Business Administration (0300)
B A 546Global Business Study Tour (1-2, max. 2) GLOBAL STUDY TOUR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
B POL 555Intrapreneurship and Corporate Venturing (4) INTRAPRENEURSHIP. Offered jointly with MKTG 555. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
B POL 570Strategic Planning Systems (4) STRATEGIC PLG SYSTS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
B POL 575Strategic Decision Making (4) STRATEGIC DECN MKG. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
B POL 579Special Topics in Business Policy (4) SPECIAL TOPICS-BPOL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 501Human Resource Management (3) HUM RES MGT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 510Staffing (4) STAFFING. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 515Performance Appraisal and Compensation (4) PERF APPRSL & COMP. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 525Dispute Settlement and Labor-Management Cooperation (4) DISPUTE SETTLEMENT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 550Leadership (4) LEADERSHIP. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 560Negotiations (4) NEGOTIATIONS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 570Motivation (4) MOTIVATION. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
HRMOB 575Theory and Practice of Organizational Development (4) ORG DEVELOPMENT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
I BUS 471Management of International Trade Operations II (-4) MGT INTL TRD OPNS 2. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 510Product and Price Management (4) PROD & PRICE MGT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 525Strategic Retail Management (4) STRAT RETAIL MGMT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 550Consumer Behavior (4) CONSUMER BEHAVIOR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 552Marketing Issues for New Ventures (4) MKTG ISS NEW VENT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 555Intrapreneurship and Corporate Venturing (4) INTRAPRENEURSHIP. Offered jointly with MKTG 555. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 565Analysis of Multivariate Marketing Data (4) ANL MULTV MKTG DATA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MKTG 575Strategic Market Management (4) STRAT MKT MGMT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
O E 513Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility (4) BUS ETH & CORP RESP. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
O E 514Commercial Law (4) COMMERCIAL LAW. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
O E 550Organization and Management (4) ORGNZN & MANAGEMENT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
O E 560Seminar in Organization Design (4) ORGANIZATION DESIGN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Dentistry (0805)
DENT 540Introduction to Dental Implants (2) DENTAL IMPLANTS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
DPHS 521P-Professional Issues: Management of Patient Behavior (1) P-PI:MGT PT BEHAVOR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
DPHS 530P-Professional Issues: Management of Patient Behavior (1) P-PI: PATIENT BEHAV. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
O S 652P-Smith Hospital, Texas Rotation (2-12, max. 12) P-TEXAS ROTATION. Credit/no credit only. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
PEDO 523P-Communication Skills I (1) P-COMMUN SKILLS I. Credit/no credit only. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Oral Medicine (0817)
ORALM 529Physical Diagnosis (1) PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
ORALM 530Normal and Abnormal Growth and Development: Dental Education in Care of the Disabled (3) GRWTH/DVLP DISABLED. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Library (0671)
LIS 470History of the Book (3) HIST OF THE BOOK. Credit/no credit only. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
LIS 521Materials for General Information Needs (3) MAT-GENL INFO NEEDS. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
Medical History and Ethics (0929)
MHE 545Principles and Practice of Health Care Ethics (6) PRIN PRAC ETHICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MHE 546Principles and Practice of Health Care Ethics (6) PRIN PRAC ETHICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
MHE 547Principles and Practice of Health Care Ethics (6) PRIN PRAC ETHICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2001.
Pharmacology (0926)
PHCOL 563Developmental Toxicology (1) DEVEL TOXICOLOGY. Credit/no credit only. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.