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    Number 321
    November 26, 2001

    This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

    This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

    Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

    Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

    Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at uwcr@u.washington.edu.


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    Biology (0112)
    BIOL 600BIOL 600 Independent Study or Research (1-9, max. 9) IND STUDY/RESEARCH. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SIS 425International Law and Arms Control (5) INTL LAW/ARMS CNTRL. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISEA 538Selected Topics on the Chinese Economy (5) TOPICS CHINESE ECON. Effective SPR/2002.
    Linguistics (0203)
    LING 220Origins of the Germanic Languages (5) ORIG GERMANIC LANGS. Offered jointly with GERMAN 220. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002. Effective WIN/2002.
    Political Science (0244)
    LSJ 376Drugs and Society (5) DRUGS AND SOCIETY. Offered jointly with SOC 376. Effective SPR/2002.
    LSJ 420The Politics of Rights (5) POLITICS OF RIGHTS. Effective SPR/2002.
    POL S 430Civil-Military Relations in Democracies (5) CIVIL-MILI RELATION. Effective SPR/2002.
    Electrical Engineering (0410)
    E E 489Integrated Circuit Laboratory (1) INT CIRCUIT LAB. Offered jointly with MSE 489. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Material Science and Engineering (0423)
    MSE 489Integrated Circuit Laboratory (1) INT CIRCUIT LAB. Offered jointly with E E 489. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Technical Communication (0438)
    T C 496Directed Research in Technical Communication (1-3, max. 10) RESEARCH IN T C. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    T C 596Directed Research in Technical Communication (1-3, max. 10) RESEARCH IN T C. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Nutritional Science (0689)
    NUTR 463Medical Nutrition Therapy II (2) MED NUTR THERAPY IIEffective SPR/2002.
    NUTR 499Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 10) U-G RES. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    The Information School (0671)
    IMT 546Data Communications and Networking. (4) DATA COMM AND NET. Effective AUT/2002
    LIS 511Systems Analysis (4). SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. Effective AUT/2002.
    INSC 550Information Policy (5). INFORMATION POLICY. Effective AUT/2002.
    INSC 600Independent Study or Research (*) INDEPENDENT STUDY. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2002.
    INSC 800Doctoral Dissertation (*) DISSERTATION. Credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2002.
    Nursing (0552)
    NURS 200Critical Approach to Women's Health (3) CRIT WOMEN'S HEALTH. Effective SPR/2002.
    Pharmacy (0610)
    PHARM 439 Community Outreach Service (1) COMM OUTRCH SRVC. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
    BPOLST 492Topics in Policy Research (3-5, max. 10) TOPICS POLICY RSCH. Effective SPR/2002 to SPR/2003.
    BES 316Ecological Methods (7) ECOLOGICAL METHODS. Effective SPR/2002.
    Business (0981)
    T MGMT 532Strategic Human Resources Management (4) STRATEGIC HR MGMT. Effective WIN/2002 to WIN/2003.
    T BUS 550Organizational Change (4) ORGANIZATIONAL CHNG. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    Computing and Software Systems (1023)
    TCSS 460Client/Server Programming for Internet Applications (5) CLIENT/SERVER PROG.
    TCSS 437Mobile Robotics (5) MOBILE ROBOTICS. Effective WIN/2002 to WIN/2003.
    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
    TIBCG 513Teaching Writing as Public Action (5) WRITING AS ACTION. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TIBCUS 353Critical Approaches to Mass Communication (5) APPROACHES MASS COMM. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TIBCUS 354Communication History (5) COMM HISTORY. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TSMG 312Understanding the Real Economy (5) REAL ECON. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TSMIN 311International Human Rights (5) INTL HUMAN RIGHTS. Effective WIN/2002 to WIN/2002.
    TSMIN 328Third World Problems and Prospects (5) THIRD WLD PROB PROS. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TSMIN 329Making of Modern Africa (5) MAKE MODERN AFRICA Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    TSMIN 434The Pacific War (5) PACIFIC WAR. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002
    TSMIN 435Contemporary Geopolitics (5) CONT GEOPOLITICS. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    Urban Studies (1031)
    T URB 312Race and Poverty in Urban America (5) RACE POVERTY AMER. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    T URB 321The History of Planning Theory and Practice (5) HIST PLAN THRY PRAC. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    American Ethnic Studies (0100)
    AAS 101Introduction to Asian American Cultures (5) ASIAN AM CULTURE. Change number, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    AES 333Race and Ethnicity in the U.S. Military (5) RACEÐN MILITARY. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    AES 495Senior Seminar (5) SENIOR SEMINAR. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 101Introduction to African America Studies (5) INTRO AF-AM STUDIES. Change number, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 150Introduction to African-American History (5) INTRO AF-AM HISTORY. Offered jointly with HSTAA 150. Change title. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 498Special Topics in African American Studies (3-5, max. 15) SPEC TOP AFRAM STDY. Change number, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 499Independent Study and Research (1-5, max. 10) IND STUDY & RESEARCH. Change number, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    CHSTU 101Introduction to Chicano Studies (5) INTRO CHICANO STDY. Change number. Effective SPR/2002.
    CHSTU 330Chicano/Chicana Autobiography (5) CHICANO/A AUTOBIOG. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    CHSTU 498Special Topics in Chicano Studies (3-5, max. 10) SPCL TOPICS CH STU. Change number. Effective SPR/2002.
    CHSTU 499Independent Study and Research (1-6, max. 10) IND STUDY & RESARCH. Change number, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    Astronomy (0107)
    ASTR 598Topics in Theoretical Astrophysics (1-5, max. 20) TPCS THEOR ASTRPHYS. Drop CR/NC only. Effective SPR/2002.
    Botany (0115)
    BOTANY 577Molecular Genetics of Plant Development (2) PLANT DEVELOPMENT. Change titles, credits, description. Effective WIN/2002.
    Classics (0118)
    CLAS 205Bioscientific Vocabulary (3) BIOSCIENTIFIC VOCAB. Drop CR/NC only grading. Effective WIN/2002.
    Communications (0131)
    CMU 442Mass Media and Public Opinion (5) MASS MEDIA PUB OPIN. Offered jointly with POL S 452. Change joint status, titles, description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Dance (0133)
    DANCE 110Jazz Technique I (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE I. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    DANCE 111Jazz Technique I (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE I. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    DANCE 112Jazz Technique I (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE I. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    DANCE 210Jazz Technique II (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    DANCE 211Jazz Technique II (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    DANCE 212Jazz Technique II (1-4, max. 4) JAZZ TECHNIQUE II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    Drama (0134)
    DRAMA 401Senior Seminar (1, max. 2) SENIOR SEMINAR. Credit/no credit only. Change titles, credits, description, grading system. Effective AUT/2002.
    Germanics (0192)
    GERMAN 220Origins of the Germanic Languages (5) ORIG GERMANIC LANGS. Offered jointly with LING 220. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
    History (0193)
    HSTAA 150Introduction to African-American History (5) INTRO AF-AM HISTORY. Offered jointly with AFRAM 150. Change title. Effective SPR/2002.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    EURO 140Russia from the Tenth Century to the Present (5) RUSSIA 10TH C-PRES. Offered jointly with HIST 140. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 220Introduction to East European Studies (5) INTR E EUR STUDIES. Offered jointly with HSTEU 220. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 243Russian Civilization (5) RUSS CIVILIZATION. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 248Multi-Ethnic States in Russia, Eurasia, and Eastern Europe (5) MULTI-ETHN STATES. Change prefix, titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 324Soviet and Post-Soviet Society (5) SOV & POST-SOV SOC. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 344The Baltic States and Scandinavia (5) BALT STATES & SCAND. Offered jointly with SCAND 344. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 345Baltic Cultures (5) BALTIC CULTURES. Offered jointly with SCAND 345. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    EURO 378Russia and Asia (3) RUSSIA AND ASIA. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    SIS 225The Silk Road (5) SILK ROAD. Offered jointly with HIST 225. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    SIS 377Turkic Peoples of Central Asia (3) TURK PEOPL CEN ASIA. Offered jointly with NEAR E 375. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2002.
    Political Science (0244)
    LSJ 310Research in Law, Societies, and Justice (1-5, max. 15) RESEARCH IN LSJ. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    POL S 452Mass Media and Public Opinion (5) MASS MEDIA PUB OPIN. Offered jointly with CMU 442. Change joint status, titles, description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Sociology (0293)
    SOC 212Evolution and Revolution: An Introduction tot he Study of Comparative Social Change (5) COMP SOCIAL CHANGE. Change number. Effective SPR/2002.
    SOC 368Sociology of Black Americans (5) SOC BLACK AMERICANS. Change number. Effective SPR/2002.
    SOC 376Drugs and Society (5) DRUGS AND SOCIETY. Offered jointly with LSJ 376. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
    SOC 586Special Topics in Organizational and Industrial Sociology (3) SP TOPICS ORG & IND. Change joint status. Effective SPR/2002.
    Spanish and Portuguese Studies ()
    SPAN 299Foreign Study--Intermediate (4-16, max. 16) FORGN ST INTERMED. Change description. Effective SPR/2002.
    SPAN 351Poetry (3) POETRY. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2002.
    SPAN 376Introduction to Latin American Poetry (3) INTRO LAT AM POETRY. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2002.
    Business Administration (0300)
    EMBA 501Effective Communication Strategies (1) EFF COM STRAT. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 502Teamwork and Managerial Effectiveness (2) TEAMWK & MGR. Credit/no credit only. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 503Managing in the Workplace (2) MANAGING WKPL. Credit/no credit only. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 504Strategic Competitive Analysis (4) STRAT COMP ANLYS. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 505Financial Reporting and Analysis (5) FIN REPORT ANLYS. Change number, titles, credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 506Leadership and Motivation (1-5, max. 15) LEADERSHIP MOT. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 510Statistics for Management (3) STAT FOR MGMT. Change number, titles, credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 511Dynamics of Negotiations (1) DYNAM NEGOT. Change titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 512Managerial Accounting (4) MANAG ACCTING. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 520Financial Management (5) FINANCIAL MGMT. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 521Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (3) LDRSHIP & ORG EFF. Change number, credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 529Special Topics (1-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Change titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 530Decision Support Models for Management (3) DEC SUP MODELS. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 531Global Economic Environment of the Firm (2-5, max. 5) GLOBAL ECON ENV. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 532Marketing Strategies (4) MARKETING STRAT. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 533Operations Management and Systems Analysis (4) OPER MNGT&SYS ANLYS. Change number. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 534Ethical Leadership (2) ETHICAL LEADERSHIP. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 540International Finance (2) INTL FIN. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 541Managing Technology and Innovation (2) MAN TECH INNOV. Change number, titles, credits, contact hours. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 551International Management (1-5, max. 15) INTL MAGMT. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    EMBA 552Managing Change (2) MANAGING CHANGE. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2002.
    Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
    CSE 457Computer Graphics (4) COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Change course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    CSE 557Computer Graphics (3) COMPUTER GRAPHICS. Change course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    CSE 558Special Topics in Computer Graphics (3) SPEC TOP COMP GRAPH. Change course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    CSE 591Current Trends in Computer Graphics (4) TRENDS COMP GRAPHIC. Change course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Electrical Engineering (0410)
    E E 462Principles of Mobile Robotics (4) PRIN MOBILE ROBOTS. Change course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    E E 463Autonomous Mobile Robots (4) AUTON MOBIL ROBOTS. Change titles, prerequisite, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Nutritional Science (0689)
    NUTR 462Medical Nutrition Therapy I (2) MED NUTR THERAPY I. Change number, titles, credits, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Law (0852)
    LAW A 561Law and Economics (4) LAW AND ECONOMICS. Offered jointly with PB AF 519. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
    The Information School (0671)
    INSC 575Research Practicum I(3) RESEARCH PRACT I. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2002.
    Family Medicine (0949)
    FAMED 547Spirituality in Medicine (2) SPIRITUALITY IN MED. Offered jointly with MHE 518. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SPR/2002.
    Medical Education (0918)
    MEDED 537Informatics Research and Evaluation Methods (4) BIOINFORM RESEARCH. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
    Medical History and Ethics (0929)
    MHE 518Spirituality in Medicine (2) SPIRITUALITY IN MED. Offered jointly with FAMED 547. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SPR/2002.
    Pharmacy (0610)
    PHARM 440Pharmaceutical Care Systems I (3) PHARM CARE SYS I. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
    PHARM 534Economic Evaluation in Health and Medicine (3) ECON EVAL HEALTH. Offered jointly with HSERV 583. Change titles, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    PHARM 535Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine (3) HEALTH OUTCOMES. Offered jointly with HSERV 584. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective SPR/2002.
    Public Affairs (0770)
    PB AF 519Law and Economics (4) LAW AND ECONOMICS. Offered jointly with LAW A 561. Change credits. Effective SPR/2002.
    PB AF 544Leadership Seminar 2 (1-3, max. 3) PUB LEADERSHIP SEM. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    Epidemiology (0704)
    EPI 503Public Health Informatics and Surveillance (3) PH INFOR & SURVEIL. Offered jointly with HSERV 503. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    Health Services (0706)
    HSERV 503Public Health Informatics and Surveillance (3) PH INFOR & SURVEIL. Offered jointly with EPI 503. Change titles. Effective SPR/2002.
    HSERV 583Economic Evaluation in Health and Medicine (3) ECON EVAL HEALTH. Offered jointly with PHARM 534. Change titles, course description. Effective SPR/2002.
    HSERV 584Assessing Outcomes in Health and Medicine (3) HEALTH OUTCOMES. Offered jointly with PHARM 535. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective SPR/2002.
    HSMGMT 571Health Care Financial Management (4) HLTH CRE FIN MGMT. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SPR/2002.
    Business (0981)
    T MGMT 432Strategic Human Resources Management (5) STRATEGIC HR MGMT. Change description. Effective WIN/2002.
    Education (0975)
    T EDUC 483Health Education and Child Abuse (3) HLTH ED CHILD ABUSE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.


    Sociology (0293)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved revised admission requirements and program changes for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. Effective WIN/2002.
    Social Work (0779)Faculty Council on Academic Standards approved revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Welfare. Effective SPR/2002.


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    American Ethnic Studies (0100)
    AAS 305Asian American Cultures for Teachers (5) AAS CULT FOR TCHRS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AAS 375The United States Supreme Court and Asian Americans (5) SUPREME CT ASIAN AM. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AAS 390Asian American Family and Personality (5) ASIAN-AM FAM & PERS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AAS 443Undergraduate Field Experience (3-5, max. 15) FIELD EXPERIENCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 251Politics of Institutional Change (5) POL OF INSTI CHANGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 275Civil Rights (5) CIVIL RIGHTS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 321Comparative American Fiction: Race and Ethnicity (5) RACEÐN AMER FICT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 350Ethnic Minority Group Life in America (5) ETH MNRTY GRP LIFE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 360Political Economy of Race in the United States (5) POL ECON OF RACE US. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 363Intellectual Foundations of Ethnic Studies (5) FNDATNS ETHN STDIES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 364American Ethnicity in the Twenty-First Century (5) AM ETHNIC 21ST CENT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AES 401Junior Seminar: Introduction to Research Techniques (5) RESEARCH TECHNIQUES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 200Proseminar Afro-American Studies (5) PROSEM AFRO-AM STDS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 210Resources in Afro-American Research (3) AFRO-AMR RESOURCE 1. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 211Perspectives on African-American Language (5) AFRAM LANG PERSPEC. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 212Creative Expression for African-American Language (5) SURVEY AFRAM LIT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 215The Black Orator's Workshop (5) BLK ORATOR WORKSHOP. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 250The Afro-American and the United States Supreme Court (5) AFRO-AMR&US SPR CRT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 303Basic Krio (5) BASIC KRIO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 304Basic Krio (5) BASIC KRIO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 305Basic Krio (5) BASIC KRIO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 310Philosophy of West Africa (5) PHIL OF W AFRICA. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 330The Social Psychology of the Black Community (5) SOCL PSYCH BLK CMMU. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 406Intermediate Krio (5) INTERMEDITE KRIO.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 407Intermediate Krio (5) INTERMEDITE KRIO.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 408Intermediate Krio (5) INTERMEDITE KRIO.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 410Bantu Linguistics (3) BANTU LINGUISTICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 430Afrocentric Methods of Theories in Black Studies (5) AFROCENTRIC METHODS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 440Community Practica (3-5, max. 15) COMMUNITY PRACTICA. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    AFRAM 480Contemporary Issues in Afro-American Studies (5) AFRAM CONTEMP ISSUE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 202Intermediate Chicano Studies (3) INTERM CHICANO STDY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 207Chicano Consumer Past and Present (3) CHICANO CONSUMER. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 211Beginning Mexican Folk Dance (3) BEGIN MEX FLK DANCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 212Beginning/Intermediate Mexican Dance (3) BEG INTER MEX DANCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 310Intermediate Mexican Folk Dance (3) INTER MEX FOLK DNCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 354Latinos in the United States Labor Market (5) LATINO LABOR MARKET. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CHSTU 494Community Practicum and Internship (3-5, max. 10) COMMU PRACTI INTERN. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Communications (0131)
    CMU 500Seminar in Theory of Communication (5) SMR THEORY OF CMU.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 508Communications Research (5) COMMUNICATION RSRCH.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 509Communications Research II (5) COMMUNICATION RSRCH.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 543Advertising in Society (3) ADVER IN SOCIETY.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 547Communications and Consumer Behavior (3) CMU & CONSUMER BEH.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 550Advanced Communications Methods (1-3, max. 3) ADV CMU METHODS.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    CMU 570The Theory and Criticism of Broadcasting (3) SMR THRY CRIT BDCT.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SISRE 327Dissent in the Soviet Bloc (5) DISSENT SOVIET BLOC. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 343Seminar on Russia, Eastern Europe, Central Asia (5) RUSS E EUR CEN ASIA. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 344Interdisciplinary Seminar on Eastern Europe (5) INTERDSC SEM: E EUR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 360Communism, Literature, and the Movies (5) COMMUNIST FILM LIT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 399Study Abroad: Russian, East European, and Central Asian (1-5, max. 15) STUDY ABROAD REECA. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 402History of Marxist Thought (5) HIST MARXIST THGHT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 403History of Marxist Thought (5) HIST MARXIST THGHT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 415Soviet Marxism (5) SOVIET MARXISM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 419Communist States of North-Central Europe (5) COMMUN STS N C EUR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 457Senior Colloquium (5) SENIOR COLLOQUIUM. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISRE 499Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 15) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISRE 500Interdisciplinary Seminar (3) INTERDISC SMNR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    Political Science (0244)
    SO JU 400Seminar in Society and Justice (3) SO JU SEMINAR. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Sociology (0293)
    SOC 367Immigration and Ethnicity (5) IMMIGRATION & ETHNIC. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Speech Communication (0295)
    SP CMU 522Studies in Medieval Rhetoric (5) STUDY MEDIEVAL RHET.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 523Studies in Renaissance and Modern Rhetoric (5) STDY REN 7 MOD RHET.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 540History of Oral Interpretation (3) HIST ORAL INTERP.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 550Instructional Design in Speech Communication (5) INSTR DESIGN SPCH.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 551Proseminar on Teaching Speech Communication (1-3, max. 3) PROSEM TEACH SP CMU.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 594Seminar in Oral Interpretation (2, max. 6) SMR ORAL INTERPRET.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 595Seminar in Speech Communication Education (3-4, max 12) SMR SPCH COM EDUC.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    SP CMU 598Seminar on Small-Group Discussion and Communication (3-4, max. 12) SM GROUP DISC & COMM.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002
    Electrical Engineering (0410)
    E E 466Design in Electromagnetics, Optics, and Acoustics (4) DESIGN IN EM OP ACO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    E E 488Laser Electronics (4) LASER ELECTRONICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    The Information School (0671)
    INSC 541Social Aspects of Information (5) SOC ASP OF INFO SYS.Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Pharmacology (0926)
    PHCOL 570Molecular Pharmacology of Neurotransmission (1) PHCOL NEUROTRANS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2002.
    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
    BLS 318Global Women's History: Prehistory to 1500 (5) WOMEN'S HST TO 1500. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    BLS 343History of Indian and White Relations (5) INDIAN-WHITE RLATNS.Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    BLS 437Leadership Organizations (5) LEADERSHIP & ORG.Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    BLS 450The Problem of Knowledge in Western Philosophy (5) KNOWL IN WEST PHIL. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.
    BLS 496Tutorial (1-5, max. 15) TUTORIAL. Drop course. Effective SPR/2002.