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    Number 324
    February 25, 2002

    This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

    This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

    Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

    Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

    Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at uwcr@u.washington.edu.


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
    ENVIR 475Environmental Impacts of Small Scale Societies (5) ENV IMPACT SML SOC. Offered jointly with BIO A 475. Effective WIN/2003.
    American Ethnic Studies (0100)
    AAS 300U.S. Pacific Islander Contemporary Culture (5) US PAC ISLND CULTUR. Offered jointly with ANTH 307. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 246African American Politics (5) AFRAM POLITICS. Offered jointly with POL S 246. Effective SPR/2002.
    AFRAM 315Black Identities and Political Power (5) BLACK IDEN/PL POWER. Offered jointly with POL S 315. Effective SPR/2002.
    Anthropology (0102)
    ANTH 307U.S. Pacific Islander Contemporary Culture (5) US PAC ISLND CULTUR. Offered jointly with AAS 300. Effective SPR/2002.
    ARCHY 470The Archaeology of Extinction (5) EXTINCTION. Effective AUT/2002.
    BIO A 475Environmental Impacts of Small Scale Societies (5) ENV IMPACT SML SOC. Offered jointly with ENVIR 475. Effective WIN/2003.
    Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
    CHIN 201Second Year Chinese for Non-Heritage Learners (5) SECOND YEAR CHINESE. Effective AUT/2002.
    CHIN 202Second Year Chinese for Non-Heritage Learners (5) SECOND YEAR CHINESE. Effective WIN/2003.
    CHIN 203Second Year Chinese for Non-Heritage Learners (5) SECOND YEAR CHINESE. Effective SPR/2003.
    Atmospheric Sciences (0108)
    ATM S 586Current Research in Climate Change (2, max. 20) CLIMATE SEMINAR. Credit/no credit only. Offered jointly with ESS 586 /OCEAN 586. Effective AUT/2002.
    ATM S 587Climate Dynamics (3) CLIMATE DYNAMICS. Offered jointly with ESS 587 /OCEAN 587. Effective AUT/2002.
    ATM S 588The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate (3) CARBON AND CLIMATE. Offered jointly with ESS 588 / OCEAN 588. Effective WIN/2003.
    ATM S 589Paleoclimatology: Data, Modeling and Theory (3) PALEOCLIMATOLOGY. Offered jointly with ESS 589 / OCEAN 589. Effective SPR/2003.
    Biology (0112)
    BIOL 120Current Controversies in Biology (2-5, max. 6 ) CURRENT CONTROV. Effective AUT/2002.
    Communication (1035)
    COM 431Rhetorical Criticism (5) RHETORICAL CRITICISM. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 466Digital Journalism (5) DIGITAL JOURNALISM. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 502Communication Scholarship and Public Life (5) COMUNCATN&PUBL LIFE. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 507Interdisciplinary Communication Theory (5) INTERDISC COMM. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 509Collaboration and Scholarship (5) COLLAB & SCHOLAR. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 550European Union Information Society Policy (5) EU INFO SOCIETY POL. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 556Political Communication Research Practicum: Community, Communication, and Civil Engagement (5) POL COM RESCH PRACT. Offered jointly with POL S 594. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 593Communication Internship (1-5, max 15) COMMUN INTERNSHIP. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 594Professional Proseminar (1, max. 6) PROFESNL PROSEMINAR. Effective AUT/2002.
    Comparative Literature (0132)
    C LIT 315 National Cinemas (5, max. 15) NATINAL CINEMAS. Effective AUT/2002.
    Digital Arts and Experimental Media ()
    DXARTS 498Special Topics in Digital Arts and Experimental Media (3-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Effective SPR/2002.
    DXARTS 499Undergraduate Research (1-5, max. 12) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Effective SPR/2002.
    DXARTS 598Advanced Topics in Digital Arts and Experimental Media (3-5, max. 21) ADVANCED TOPICS. Effective SPR/2002.
    DXARTS 600Independent Study or Research (1-9, max. 27) INDEPENDENT SUTDY. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
    Earth and Space Sciences (1034)
    ESS 406Earth Sciences for Middle and High School Science Teachers: Solid Earth (3) EARTH SCI FOR TEACH. Effective WIN/2003.
    ESS 586Current Research in Climate Change (2, max. 20) CLIMATE SEMINAR. Credit/no credit only. Offered jointly with ATM S 586 / OCEAN 586. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 587Climate Dynamics (3) CLIMATE DYNAMICS. Offered jointly with ATM S 587 /OCEAN 587. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 588The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate (3) CARBON AND CLIMATE. Offered jointly with ATM S 588 / OCEAN 5878 Effective WIN/2003.
    ESS 589Paleoclimatology: Data, Modeling and Theory (3) PALEOCLIMATOLOGY. Offered jointly with ATM S 589 / OCEAN 589. Effective SPR/2003.
    Economics (0135)
    ECON 399Economics Internship (1-5, max. 10) ECON INTERNSHIP. Effective AUT/2002.
    Geography (0188)
    GEOG 486Problem Analysis in Urban Ecology (5) PROBS IN URBAN ECOL. Offered jointly with CFR 474. Effective AUT/2002.
    GEOG 487Applied Theory and Methods in Urban Ecology (5) THRY&METHS URB ECOL. Offered jointly with CFR 475. Effective WIN/2003.
    GEOG 488Research in Urban Ecology (5) RESEARCH URBAN ECOL. Offered jointly with CFR 476. Effective SPR/2002.
    GEOG 493Assessing Geographic Learning (2) GEOGRAPHIC LEARNING. Effective SPR/2002.
    GEOG 588Advanced Urban Ecology (5) ADV URBAN ECOLOGY. Offered jointly with CFR 580. Effective AUT/2002.
    History (0193)
    HSTAS 466Islam, Mysticism, Politics, and Performance in Indonesian Culture (5) INDONESIAN CULTURE. Offered jointly with SISSE 466. Effective SPR/2002.
    HSTEU 403Scandinavian Immigration in History and Literature (5) SCAND IMMIGRATION. Offered jointly with SCAND 403. Effective SPR/2003.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SIS 367Comparative Law and Courts (5) COMP LAW AND COURTS. Offered jointly with LSJ 367. Effective SPR/2002.
    SISCA 400Canadian Values and Symbols (5) CDN VALUES/SYMBOLS. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 377The American Jewish Community (5) AMER JEWISH CMMUNTY. Offered jointly with SOC 377. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISLA 489The Mexico-U.S. Border in Literature and Film (5) BORDER IN LIT & FILM. Offered jointly with SPAN 489. Effective SUM/2002.
    SISME 458Israel: Politics and Society (5) ISRAEL POL & SOC. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISRE 465Baltic States since 1991 (5) BALTIC SINCE 1991. Offered jointly with SCAND 455. Effective SPR/2003.
    SISSE 466Islam, Mysticism, Politics, and Performance in Indonesian Culture (5) INDONESIAN CULTURE. Offered jointly with HSTAS 466. Effective SPR/2002.
    Philosophy (0221)
    PHIL 401Advanced Topics in Philosophy (3-5, max. 10) ADV TOPICS IN PHIL. Effective SUM/2002.
    Political Science (0244)
    LSJ 367Comparative Law and Courts (5) COMP LAW AND COURTS. Offered jointly with SIS 367. Effective SPR/2002.
    POL S 246African American Politics (5) AFRAM POLITICS Offered jointly with AFRAM 246. Effective SPR/2002.
    POL S 315Black Identities and Political Power (5) BLACK IDEN/PL POWER. Offered jointly with AFRAM 315. Effective SPR/2002.
    POL S 594Political Communication Research Practicum: Community, Communication, and Civil Engagement (5) POL COM RESCH PRACT. Offered jointly with COM 556. Effective AUT/2002.
    Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
    SCAND 151Finnish Literary and Cultural History (5) FINN LIT/CULTR HIST. Effective AUT/2002.
    SCAND 403Scandinavian Immigration in History and Literature (5) SCAND IMMIGRATION. Offered jointly with HSTEU 403. Effective SPR/2003.
    SCAND 455Baltic States Since 1991 (5) BALTIC SINCE 1991. Offered jointly with SISRE 465. Effective SPR/2003.
    LATV 201Second-Year Latvian (5) SECOND-YEAR LATVIAN. Effective AUT/2002.
    LATV 202Second-Year Latvian (5) SECOND-YEAR LATVIAN. Effective AUT/2002.
    LATV 203Second-Year Latvian (5) SECOND-YEAR LATVIAN. Effective AUT/2002.
    Sociology (0293)
    SOC 287Introduction to the Sociology of Sexuality (5) SOC OF SEXUALITY. Effective AUT/202.
    SOC 377The American Jewish Community (5) AMER JEWISH CMMUNTY. Offered jointly with SISJE 377. Effective AUT/2002.
    Spanish and Portuguese Studies ()
    SPAN 319Mexican Literature (3) MEXICAN LITERATURE. Effective WIN/2003.
    SPAN 479The City and Latin American Literature: Points of Departure (5) CITY & LAT AMER LIT. Effective SPR/2003.
    SPAN 488The Fantastic in Latin American Literature (5) FANTASTIC IN LA LIT. Effective SUM/2002.
    SPAN 489The Mexico-U.S. Border in Literature and Film (5) BORDER IN LIT & FILM. Offered Jointly with SISLA 489. Effective SUM/2002.
    Statistics (0294)
    STAT 502Design and Analysis of Experiments (4) DESIGN ANALYS EXPMTS. Effective AUT/2002.
    Women Studies (0298)
    WOMEN 290Special Topics in Women Studies (2-5, max. 15) SPEC TOP WOMEN STDY. Effective SUM/2002.
    WOMEN 483Topics in U.S. Women's History (5, max. 10) US WOMEN'S HISTORY. Effective SPR/2002.
    WOMEN 598Directed Readings in Women Studies (*, max. 35) DIRECTED READINGS. Effective SPR/2002.
    Business Administration (0300)
    GEMBA 579Special Topics in Global Business (2/4, max. 12) SPEC TOP GLOBAL BUS. Effective AUT/2002.
    Education (0351)
    EDLPS 591Higher Education and Public Policy (3) HIGHER ED POL. Effective SPR/2002.
    Forest Resources (0523)
    F M 402Forests and Economic Development in the Developing World (3) FOREST AND ECON DEV. Effective SPR/2002.
    Law (0852)
    LAW E 525Poverty Law (4) POVERTY LAW. Effective SPR/2002.
    LAW E 551Representing Start-ups (2) REP START-UPS. Effective SPR/2002.
    LAW E 575Telecommunications Law and Policy (2) TELE LAW AND POLICY. Effective SPR/2002.
    Immunology (0927)
    IMMUN 533Host Defense to Cancer and Infection (3) DEFEN CANCER INFECT. Effective SPR/2002.
    School of Marine Affairs (0458)
    SMA 501Integrated Marine Affairs Practice (3) MAR AFFAIRS PRACTICE. Effective AUT/2002.
    SMA 521Governmental Responses to Global Climate Change (3) GOV RESP CLIMATE CHG. <.td> Effective AUT/2002.
    SMA 523International Science and Technology Policy (3) INTL SCI TECH POL.
    SMA 525Marine Protected Area Management and Science (3) MPA MGMT & SCI. Effective SPR/2002.
    SMA 570Thesis Presentation (1) THESIS PRESENTATION. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2002.
    Oceanography (0456)
    OCEAN 586Current Research in Climate Change (2, max. 20) CLIMATE SEMINAR. Credit/no credit only. Offered jointly with ESS 586 / ATM S 586. Effective AUT/2002.
    OCEAN 587Climate Dynamics (3) CLIMATE DYNAMICS. Offered jointly with ESS 587 / OCEAN 587. Effective AUT/2002.
    OCEAN 588The Global Carbon Cycle and Climate (3) CARBON AND CLIMATE. Offered jointly with ATM S 588 / ESS 588. Effective WIN/2003.
    OCEAN 589Paleoclimatology: Data, Modeling and Theory (3) PALEOCLIMATOLOGY. Offered jointly with ATM S 589 / ESS 589. Effective SPR/2003.
    Computing and Software Systems (1023)
    TCSS 398Directed Readings in Computing & Software Systems (1-5, max. 5) READINGS IN CSS. Temporary course. Effective WIN/2002 to AUT/2002.
    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
    TCXG 360Women Artists from the Renaissance to the Present (5) WOMEN ARTISTS. Conversion of temporary course. Effective SUM/2002.
    TCXIN 474Russian History and the Soviet Film (5) RUS HIST/SOV FILM. Conversion of temporary course. Effective AUT/2002.
    TCXUS 471History of Jazz (5) HISTORY OF JAZZ. Conversion of temporary course. Effective SUM/2002.
    TESC 462Restoration Ecology Capstone: Introduction (2) REN CAPSTONE I. Effective AUT/2002.
    TESC 463Restoration Ecology Capstone: Proposal and Plan (3) REN CAPSTONE II. Effective WIN/2003.
    TIBCG 449Museum Studies (5) MUSEUM STUDIES. Effective AUT/2002.
    TSMIN 328Third World Problems and Prospects (5) THIRD WLD PROB PROS. Conversion of temporary course. Effective SPR/2002.
    TSMUS 422Economics of Sports (5) ECONOMICS OF SPORTS Conversion of temporary course. Effective AUT/2002.
    TSMUS 423American Retrospective: American Studies Capstone Course (5) AMER STDY CAPSTONE. Effective AUT/2002.
    Social Work (1019)
    T SOCW 300Historical Approaches to Social Welfare (3) HISTORY SOC WELFARE. Effective AUT/2002.
    T SOCW 310Social Welfare Practice I (3) SW PRACTICE I. Effective AUT/2002.
    T SOCW 320Social Welfare: Contemporary Approaches (3) CONTEMP SOC WELFARE. Effective WIN/2003.
    T SOCW 350Human Biology for Human and Social Services (3) HUM BIO FOR SOC SER. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2002 to WIN/2003.
    T SOCW 402Human Behavior and the Social Environment I (3) HUM BEH SOC ENV I. Effective AUT/2002.
    T SOCW 403Human Behavior and the Social Environment II (3) HUM BEH SOC ENV II. Effective WIN/2003.
    Urban Studies (1031)
    T URB 312Race and Poverty in Urban America (5) US RACE/POVERTY. Conversion of temporary course. Effective AUT/2002.
    T URB 321The History of Planning Theory and Practice (5) HIST PLAN THRY PRAC. Conversion of temporary course. Effective SPR/2002.
    T URB 322Land Use Planning (5) LAND USE PLANNING. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2002 to WIN/2003.
    T URB 330City Worlds (5) CITY WORLDS. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2002 to AUT/2002.
    T URB 415Urban Institutions and Government (5) URBAN GOV/ORGS. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2002 to AUT/2002


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
    ENVIR 101The Living Aquatic World (5) LIVING AQUA WORLD Offered jointly with FISH 101. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    ENVIR 470Communication and the Environment (5) COM & ENVIRONMENT. Offered jointly with ENVIR 470. Change short title. Effective AUT/2002.
    American Ethnic Studies (0100)
    AES 489Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication (5) ETHNICITY & GENDER. Offered jointly with COM 489/WOMEN 489. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    Anthropology (0102)
    ANTH 305Anthropology of the Body (5) ANTHROP OF THE BODY. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Applied Mathematics (0208)
    AMATH 351Introduction to Differential Equations and Applications (3) DIFF EQUATIONS. Change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2002.
    AMATH 401Introduction to Methods in Applied Mathematics I (4) METHODS AMATH I. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2002.
    AMATH 584Applied Linear Algebra and Introductory Numerical Analysis (5) APPL LINEAR ALGEBRA. Offered jointly with MATH 584. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    AMATH 585Numerical Analysis of Boundary Value Problems (5) BOUNDARY VALUE PROBS. Offered jointly with ATM S/ MATH 585. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    AMATH 586Numerical Analysis of Time Dependent Problems (5) TIME DEPNDT PRBS. Offered jointly with ATM S 581/MATH 586. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
    CHIN 311Third-Year Chinese for Heritage Learners (5) 3RD YR CHIN HERITAGE. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2002.
    CHIN 312Third-Year Chinese for Heritage Learners (5) 3RD YR CHIN HERITAGE. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2003.
    CHIN 313Third-Year Chinese for Heritage Learners (5) 3RD YR CHIN HERITAGE. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2003.
    Atmospheric Sciences (0108)
    ATM S 581Numerical Analysis of Time Dependent Problems (5) TIME DEPNDT PRBS. Offered jointly with AMATH 586/MATH 586. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Biology (0112)
    BIOL 473Limnology (3) LIMNOLOGY. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Chemistry (0117)
    CHEM 317Inorganic Chemistry (3) INORGANIC CHEM LAB. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    CHEM 461Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory (3/4) PHYS CHEM LAB. Change credits. Effective AUT2002.
    Communication (1035)
    COM 321Communication in International Relations (5) COMM & INTL RELAT. Offered jointly with POL S 330. Change short title. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 418Communication and the Environment (5) COM & ENVIRONMENT. Offered jointly with ENVIR 470. Change short title. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 489Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication (5) ETHNICITY & GENDER. Offered jointly with AES 489/WOMEN 489. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    COM 567Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication (5) ETHNIC & GENDER. Offered jointly with WOMEN 589. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Dance (0133)
    DANCE 234World Dance and Culture (3, max. 9) WORLD DANCE & CLTR. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 344Early Dance History (3-5) EARLY DANCE HISTORY. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 345Modern Dance History (3-5) MODERN DANCE HISTORY. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 390Dance Teaching Methodologies (3-5) TEACHING METHODS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 493Anatomy for Dance (3-5) ANATOMY FOR DANCE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 544Early Dance History (3-5) EARLY DANCE HISTORY. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 545Late Dance History (3-5) LATE DANCE HISTORY. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    DANCE 590Dance Teaching Methodologies (3-5) TEACHING METHODS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    Earth and Space Sciences ()
    ESS 100Dinosaurs (2) DINOSAURS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 101Introduction to Geological Sciences (5) INTRO TO GEOL SCI. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 102Space and Space Travel (5) SPACE&SPACE TRAVEL. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 103Minerals and Gems (2) MINERALS AND GEMS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 201Earth System Science (5) EARTH SYSTEM SCI. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 202Earthquakes (5) EARTHQUAKES. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 203Glaciers and Global Change (5) GLACIERS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 204Geology of the National Parks (5) GEOL NATIONAL PARKS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 210Physical Geology (5) PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 211Physical Processes of the Earth (5) PHYS PROC EARTH. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 212Earth Materials and Processes (5) EARTH MATERIALS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 213Evolution of the Earth (5) EVOLUTION OF EARTH. Change prefix, number.
    ESS 301Geology of the Northwest (5) GEOL OF NORTHWEST. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 302Great Ice Age (5) GREAT ICE AGE. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 303Geologic Hazards (5) GEOLOGIC HAZARDS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 304Volcanoes and Glaciers of the Pacific Northwest (5) NW VOLC AND GLAC. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 305Earthscapes (5) EARTHSCAPES. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 306Planetary Geology (5) PLANETARY GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 311Geomechanics (5) GEOMECHANICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 312Geochemistry (5) GEOCHEMISTRY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 313Geobiology (5) GEOBIOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 315Environmental Geology (4) ENVIRON GEOLOGY. Offered joint with ENVIR 313. Change number, prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 326Geomorphology (5) GEOMORPHOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 345The Environment of Fuel and Mineral Deposits (5) MINERAL DEPOSITS. Change number, prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 400Field Geology (12) FIELD GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 401Regional Geology of the Pacific Northwest (5) REGIONAL GEOL PNW. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 402International Field Geology (12) INTL FIELD GEOLOGY. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 403Global Geophysics and Plate Tectonics (5) GLOBAL GEOPHYSICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 404Great Geological Issues (3) GREAT ISSUES. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 411Geophysical Continuum Mechanics (3) CONTINUUM MECHANICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 412Seismology (3) SEISMOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 413Geophysics: The Earth (3) GEOPHYSICS EARTH. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 414Geophysics: Fluids (3) FLUIDS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 415Space and Plasmas (3) SPACE AND PLASMAS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 416Geophysics: The Atmosphere (3) GEOPHYS ATMOS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 421Introduction to Geological Remote Sensing (4) INTRO REMOT SENSING. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 422Intermediate Spectral Remote Sensing (4) SPECTRL REMOTE SENS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 424Water in the Environment (3) WATER IN ENVIRONMNT. Offered jointly with ATM S/PHYS 460. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 426Fluvial Geomorphology (5) FLUVIAL GEOMORPH. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 427Hillslope Geomorphology (5) HILLSLOPE GEOMORPH. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 428Landscape Evolution (5) LANDSCAPE EVOLUTION. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 431Principles of Glaciology (3) PRINS OF GLACIOLOGY. Change prefix, number, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 432Glacial Geology (3) GLACIAL GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 433Environmental Change in the Glacial Ages (3) ENV OF GLACIAL AGES. Offered jointly with QUAT 417. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 437Mineralogy (5) MINERALOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 438Optical Mineralogy (2) OPTICAL MINERALOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 439Petrology of Igneous Rocks (5) PETRG/PETRL IGN RCK. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 440Petrography and Petrology of Metamorphic Rocks (5) PETRG/PETRL META RK. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 441Petrology and Petrography of Sedimentary Rocks (5) PETRG/PETRL SED RCK. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 445Geology of Ore Deposits (3) GEOL OF ORE DEPOSIT. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 450Principles of Paleobiology (4) PRIN OF PALEOBIOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 451Invertebrate Paleontology (5) INVERT PALEONTOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 452Fossil Vertebrates (5) FOSSIL VERTEBRATES. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 453Fossil Mammals (5) FOSSIL MAMMALS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 455Stratigraphy (4) STRATIGRAPHY. Change number, prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 456Depositional Environments (4) DEPOSTINAL ENVIRONS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 458Isotope and Trace Element Geology: Lithosphere (3) ISOTOPE GEOL LITHOS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 459Isotope Geology (4) ISOTOPE GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 461Geological Time (3) GEOLOGICAL TIME. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 462Volcanic Processes (3) VOLCANIC PROCESSES. Change prefix, number, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 463Structure and Tectonics (5) STRUCTURE TECTONICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 464Geodynamics (4) GEODYNAMICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 465Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (3) SEIS & ERTHQKE ENGR. Offered jointly with CEE 431. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 466Applied Seismology (3) APPLIED SEISMOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 467Seismic Exploration (5) SEISMIC EXPLORATION. Change prefix, number, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 471Introduction to Space Physics (3) INTRO TO SPACE PHYSICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 490Special Topics (2-10, max. 20) SPECIAL TOPICS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 492Undergraduate Teaching Experience and Outreach (1-2, max. 2) TEACHING OUTREACH. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 495NASA Science and Engineering Research Seminar (1, max. 4) NASA RSRCH SEMINAR. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 498Undergraduate Thesis (5) UNDERGRADUATE THESIS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 499Undergraduate Research (*, max. 15) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 504Great Geological Issues (3) HISTORY OF GEOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 511Geophysical Continuum Mechanics (3) CONTINUUM MECHANICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 512Seismology (3) SEISMOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 513Geophysics: The Earth (3) THE EARTH. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 514Geophysics: Fluids (3) FLUIDS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 515Geophysics: Space (3) SPACE. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 516Geophysics: The Atmosphere (3) THE ATMOSPHERE. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 521Remotes Sensing of the Atmosphere and Climate System (3) REMOTE SENSING. Offered jointly with ATM S 534. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 522Geophysical Data Collection and Analysis (3) DATA COLCTN & ANLYS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 523Geophysical Inverse Theory (3) INVERSE THEORY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 526Sediment Dynamics and Boundary-Layer Physics (4) SED DYN AND PHYSICS. Offered jointly with OCEAN 542. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 528Interpretation of Sediment Structures (2-4, max. 4) SEDIMENT STRUCTURES. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 529Transport Theory and Applications in Geology (3) TRANSPORT THEORY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 531Physics of Ice (3) PHYSICS OF ICE. Offered jointly with ATM S 510. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 532Formation of Snow and Ice Masses(3) FORMATION SNOW & ICE. Offered jointly with ATM S 511. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 533Snow and Ice Dynamics (3) SNOW & ICE DYNAMICS. Offered jointly with ATM S 512. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 534Structural Glaciology (3) STRCTL GLACIOLOGY. Offered jointly with ATM S 513. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 535Ice and Climate Modeling (3) ICE-CLIMATE MODEL. Offered jointly with ATM S 514. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 537Advanced Mineralogy (3) ADVANCED MINERALOGY. Offered jointly with MSE 518. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 538Petrogenesis of Igneous Rocks (3) PETROGEN IGN ROCKS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 540Advanced Igneous Petrology (4) ADV IGNEOUS PETROL. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 545Economic Geology of Sedimentary Rocks (5) ECON GEOL SED ROCKS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 548Geodynamics (3) GEODYNAMICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 549Geomagnetism (3) GEOMAGNETISM. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 550Electromagnetic and Potential Field Methods (3) EMAG & POTEN FIELDS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 551Mineral Physics (3) MINERAL PHYSICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 552Solution Geochemistry (4) SOLUTION GEOCHEM. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 553Electron Beam Microanalysis (4) ELEC BEAM ANALYSIS. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 555Physics and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (3) PHYS CHEM EARTH. Change number, prefix, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 556Magma Physics (3) MAGMA PHYSICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 562Observational Seismology (1, max. 18) OBSERVATNAL SESMOL. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 563Theoretical Seismology I (3) THEOR SEISMOLOGY I. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 564Theoretical Seismology II (3) THEOR SEISMOLOGY II. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 565Low-Frequency Seismology (3) LOW-FREQ SEISMOLOGY. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 568Physics of the Oceanic Lithosphere I (3) OCEAN LITHOSPHERE I. Offered jointly with OCEAN 545. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 573Cloud Microphysics and Dynamics (3) CLOUD PHYS & DYNAM. Offered jointly with ATM S 535. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 574Atmospheric Electrical Dynamics (3) ATMOS ELEC DYNAMICS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 576Space and Laboratory Plasma Physics (3) SPACE AND LAB PHYSICS. Offered jointly with A A 556. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 577Advanced Space Plasma Physics (3) ADV SPAC PLSM PHYS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 578Kinetic Theory and Simulations of Space Plasmas (3) KINETIC PLASMAS. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 579Computational Methods and Modeling in Geophysics I (3) COMPUTAT'L GEOPHYS. Change prefix, number, titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 581Planetary Atmospheres (3) PLANET ATMOS. Offered jointly with ASTR/ATM S 555. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 583Origin of the Solar System (3) SOLAR SYSTEM ORIGIN. Offered jointly with ASTR 557. Change number, prefix, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 590Special Topics (2-10, max. 20) SPECIAL TOPICS. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 594Introduction to Earth and Space Sciences Research (1-2, max. 4) INTRO ESS RSRCH. Change prefix, number, titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 595Earth and Space Sciences Research Methods (2, max. 12) ESS RES MTHDS. Change prefix, number, titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 599Seminar (1, max. 15) SEMINAR. Change prefix, number. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 600Independent Study or Research (*) INDEPNDNT STDY/RSCH. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 700Master's Thesis (*) MASTERS THESIS. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESS 800Doctoral Dissertation (*) DOCTORAL DISSERTATN. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    Geography (0188)
    GEOG 476Women and the City (5) WOMEN & THE CITY. Offered jointly with WOMEN 476. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    GEOG 497Tutorial in Geography (1-5, max. 15) TUTORIAL IN GEOG. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    GEOG 541Research Seminar: Feminist Geographies (5) RES SEM FEM GEOG. Offered jointly with WOMEN 541. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    History (0193)
    HIST 113Europe and the Modern World (5) EUROPE & MOD WORLD. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    HIST 161Survey of the Muslim Near East (5) SURV MUSLIM NR EAST. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HIST 209History of Christianity (5) HIST CHRISTIANITY. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HIST 260Slavery in History: A Comparative Study (5) SLAVERY. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HIST 369The Jewish Twentieth Century in Film (5) JEWS & 20TH CEN FILM. Offered jointly with SISJE 369. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    HIST 493Senior Thesis (5, max. 10) SENIOR THESIS. Change number. Effective SPR/2002.
    HSTAA 101Survey of the History of the United States (5) SURV HIST OF U.S. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 105The Peoples of the United States (5) PEOPLES OF U.S. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 185Introduction to Latin American History: From Columbus to Castro (5) INTRO LAT AM HIST. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 235The American People and Their Culture in the Modern Era: A History of the United States since 1940 (5) AM HIST SINCE 1940. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 283History of the Chicano People to 1848 (5) CHICANO HST TO 1848. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 284History of the Chicano People since 1848 (5) CHICANO HST SNC 1848. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 313African Americans in the American West (5) AFRAM AMER AM WEST. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 316History of American Science (5) HIST AMER SCI. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAA 353Class and Labor in American History (5) CLASS & LABOR. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 301Ancient History (5) ANCIENT HISTORY. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 302Ancient History (5) ANCIENT HISTORY. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 365Medieval England, 1042-1485 (5) MEDIEVAL ENGLAND. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 367Medieval Jewish History (5) JEWISH HIST. Change prefix and number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 411The Roman Republic (5) ROMAN REPUBLIC. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 412The Roman Empire (5) ROMAN EMPIRE. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAS 490Topics in Asian History (5, max. 10) TOPCS ASIAN HISTORY. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 205European Witch Trials (5) EUROPE WITCH TRIALS. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 269The Holocaust: History and Memory (5) HOLOCAUST: HIST & MEM. Offered jointly with SISJE 269. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 323 France since 1814 (5) FRANCE SINCE 1814. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 334Germany 1871-1989 (5) GERMANY 1817-1989. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 352Eastern Europe Since 1918 (5) EUROPE SINCE 1918. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 361Spain and Its Golden Age, 1469-1700 (5) GOLDEN AGE SPAIN. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 367Medieval Jewish History (5) MEDIEVAL JEWISH HST. Offered jointly with SISJE 367. Change number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 368Modern European Jewish History (5) MOD EURO JEWISH HST. Offered jointly with SISJE 368. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 401The Italian Renaissance (5) ITALIAN RENAISSANCE. Change number, titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 402The Reformation (5) THE REFORMATION. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 476Modern Irish History (5) MODERN IRISH HIST. Change course number. Effective AUT/2002.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    RELIG 449Religious Movements: The Sociology of Cults and Sects (5) RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS. Offered jointly with SOC 445. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISEA 439Politics of Divided Korea (5) POL DIVIDED KOREA. Offered jointly with POL S 439. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISEA 555Introduction to Japanese Studies (3-6, max. 6) INTRO JAPAN STUDIES. Change credits, drop hyphenation. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 269The Holocaust: History and Memory (5) HOLOCAUST: HIST & MEM. Offered jointly with HSTEU 269. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 367Medieval Jewish History (5) MEDIEVAL JEWISH HST. Offered jointly with HSTEU 367 Change number. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 368Modern European Jewish History (5) MOD EURO JEWISH HST. Offered jointly with HSTEU 368. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 369The Jewish Twentieth Century in Film (5) JEWS & 20TH CEN FILM. Offered jointly with HIST 369. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISJE 378Contemporary Jewish American Identities (5) CNTMP JEWSH/AM IDNT. Offered jointly with SOC 378. Change number, titles, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISLA 355Social Change in Latin America (5) SOC CHANGE LAT AMER. Offered jointly with SOC 355. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Mathematics (0206)
    MATH 584Applied Linear Algebra and Introductory Numerical Analysis (5) APPL LINEAR ALGEBRA. Offered jointly with AMATH 584. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    MATH 585Numerical Analysis of Boundary Value Problems (5) BOUNDARY VALUE PROBS. Offered jointly with AMATH 585. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    MATH 586Numerical Analysis of Time Dependent Problems (5) TIME DEPNDT PRBS. Offered jointly with AMATH 586/ ATM S 581. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Music (0217)
    MUSIC 449Advanced Piano Repertoire (2, max. 6) ADVANCED PIANO REP. Change credits. Effective WIN/2002.
    Philosophy (0221)
    PHIL 505Seminar in Teaching Philosophy (1, max. 10) SMNR TEACHING PHIL. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    Physics (0239)
    PHYS 520Advanced Quantum Mechanics - Introduction to Quantum Field Theory (4) ADV QM-INTRO QFT. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    Political Science (0244)
    LSJ 331The Politics of Race in the United States (5) POL OF RACE IN US. Offered jointly with POL S 317. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    LSJ 360Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5) US CONSTITUTION LAW. Offered jointly with POL S 360. Change short title, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    LSJ 361United States Courts and Civil Liberty (5) US CTS & CIVIL LIB. Offered jointly with POL S 361. Change short title, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 317The Politics of Race in the United States (5) POL OF RACE IN US. Offered jointly with LSJ 331. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 330Communication in International Relations (5) COMM & INTL RELAT. Offered jointly with COM 321. Change short title. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 360Introduction to United States Constitutional Law (5) US CONSTITUTION LAW. Offered jointly with LSJ 360. Change short title, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 361United States Courts and Civil Liberty (5) US CTS & CIVIL LIB. Offered jointly with LSJ 361. Change short title, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 439Politics of Divided Korea (5) POL DIVIDED KOREA. Offered jointly with SISEA 439. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    POL S 441Government and Politics of Russia (5) GOVT & POL-RUSSIA. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    Psychology (0262)
    PSYCH 306Developmental Psychology (5) DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCH. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 345Social Psychology (5) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 438Social Psychology of Sport (4) SOC PSYCH SPORT Change titles, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 506Personality and Social Development (4) PERS & SOC DEVEL. Change description. Effective Aut/2002.
    PSYCH 515Multivariate Statistics (4) MULTIVARIATE STATS. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
    DANISH 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESTO 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    LATV 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    LITH 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    NORW 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    SWED 490Supervised Reading (1-5, max. 10) SUPERVISED READING. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    Sociology (0293)
    SOC 355Social Change in Latin America (5) SOC CHANGE LAT AMER. Offered jointly with SISLA 355. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    SOC 378Contemporary Jewish American Identities (5) CNTMP JEWSH/AM IDNT. Offered jointly with SISJE 378. Change number, titles, joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    SOC 445Religious Movements: The Sociology of Cults and Sects (5) RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS. Offered jointly with RELIG 449. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Women Studies (0298)
    WOMEN 476Women and the City (5) WOMEN & THE CITY. Offered jointly with GEOG 476. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    WOMEN 489Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication (5) ETHNICITY & GENDER. Offered jointly with AES 489/COM 489. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    WOMEN 541Research Seminar: Feminist Geographies (5) RES SEM FEM GEOG. Offered jointly with GEOG 541. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    WOMEN 589Ethnicity, Gender, and Communication (5) ETHNIC & GENDER. Offered jointly with COM 567. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Education (0351)
    EDC&IManagement of Educational Technology Programs (3) MGMT ED TECH PROGS. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2002.
    EDTEP 543Teaching & Learning in Social Studies (3) SOC STUDIES. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
    A A 301Compressible Aerodynamics (4) COMP AERODYNAMICS. Change titles. Effective WIN/2003.
    A A 302Incompressible Aerodynamics (4) INCOMP AERODYNAMICS. Change prefix number, titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    A A 309Computer Tools for Aerospace Engineers II (1) COMPUTER TOOLS II. Credit/no credit only. Change to credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2002.
    A A 331Aerospace Structures I (4) AEROSPACE STRUCT I. Change titles. Effective WIN/2003.
    A A 332Aerospace Structures II (4) AEROSPACE STRUCT II. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    A A 360Propulsion (4) PROPULSION. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    A A 441Flight Test engineering (3) FLIGHT TEST ENGR. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    A A 461Advanced Propulsion (3) ADVANCED PROPULSION. Change titles. Effective AUT/2002.
    Forest Resources (0523)
    CFR 475Applied Theory and Methods in Urban Ecology (5) THRY&METHS URB ECOL. Offered jointly with GEOG 487. Change effective date. Effective WIN/2003.
    CFR 580Advanced Urban Ecology (5) ADV URBAN ECOLOGY. Offered jointly with GEOG 588. Change effective date. Effective AUT/2002.
    EHUF 477Wetland Restoration (5) WETLAND RESTORATION. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    ESC 457Fish and Wildlife Toxicology (3/5) FISH WILDLIFE TOXIC. Offered jointly with FISH 455. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    Quantitative Sciences (0750)
    Q SCI 456Introduction to Quantitative Fishery Science (5) INTR QUANT FISH SCI. Offered jointly with FISH 456. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    The Information School (0671)
    IMT 580Management of Information Organizations (4) MGMT OF INFO ORGS. Drop credit/no credit only. Effective AUT/2002.
    LIS 529Special Topics in Information Resources, Services and Collections (1-5, max. 18) Change credits, hours. Effective AUT/2002.
    Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
    REHAB 595Clinical Affiliation in Physical Therapy (2-10, max. 30) CLIN AFL PHSY THRPY. Credit/no credit only. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
    FISH 101The Living Aquatic World (5) LIVING AQUA WORLD. Offered jointly with ENVIR 101. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 250Marine Biology (3/5) MARINE BIOLOGY. Offered jointly with OCEAN 250. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 323Conservation and Management of Aquatic Resources (5) CONS & MGT AQUA RES. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 324Biology and Culture of Aquatic Organisms: Sustainability and the Environment (5) AQUA BIOL & CULTURE. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 415Fish Physiology (5) FISH PHYSIOLOGY. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 444Conservation Genetics (5) CONSERVATION GENET. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 455Fish and Wildlife Toxicology (3/5) FISH WILDLIFE TOXIC. Offered jointly with ESC 457. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 456Introduction to Quantitative Fishery Science (5) INTR QUANT FISH SCI. Offered jointly with Q SCI 456. Change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 492Friday Harbor Labs Apprenticeship (9/15, max. 15) HARBOR LABS. Change credits. Effective AUT/2002.
    FISH 552Current Topics in Aquatic Animal Nutrition (5) TOPICS AQ ANML NUTR. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2002.
    School of Marine Affairs (0458)
    SMA 591Marine Science in the Coastal Zone (4) MS IN COASTAL ZONE. Offered jointly with OCEAN 591. Change prefix, number; add joint listing. Effective AUT/2002.
    Oceanography (0456)
    OCEAN 250Marine Biology (3/5) MARINE BIOLOGY. Offered jointly with FISH 250. Change description. Effective AUT/2002.
    OCEAN 591Marine Science in the Coastal Zone (4) MS IN COASTAL ZONE. Offered jointly with SMA 591. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2002.
    Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
    TESC 319Water-Quality Concepts (6) WATER QUAL CONCEPTS. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2002.


    Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
    History (0193)
    HIST 455Topics in African History (5) TOPICS AFRICAN HIST. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 336The Humanist Ideal: From the Greeks to the Renaissance (3) HUMANISM. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 413The Early Roman Empire (3) EARLY ROMAN EMPIRE. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 414The Late Roman Empire (3) LATE ROMAN EMPIRE. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTAM 426Origins of European States (5) ORIGINA EUR STATES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    HSTEU 403Seventeenth Century Europe (5) 17TH CENTURY EUROPE.
    Drop course. Effective AUT/2002
    HSTEU 469Enlightenment, Emancipation, Antisemitism: History of the Jews, 1770-1914 (5) EMANCIPATN/ANTISEM. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SISEA 451Undergraduate Seminar on Japan (5) SEMINAR ON JAPAN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    SISEA 554Introduction to Japanese Studies (2) INTROJAPAN STUDIES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    Psychology (0262)
    PSYCH 413Developmental Psychobiology (3) DEVELOP PSYCHOBIOL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 431Neural Basis of Behavior (5) NEURAL BASIS BEHAVR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 435Laboratory in Vision (3) LAB-VISION. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 439Social Psychology of Sport II (4) SOC PSYCH SPORT II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 463The Pathology of Human Memory (5) PATHOLOGY OF MEMORY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 468Information Processing (4) INFO PROCESSING. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 507Developmental Psychology: Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (4) HIST-DEVEL PSYCH. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 509Leadership and Organizational Effectiveness (3) LEADSHP EFECTVNESS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 512Personality Disorders (4) PERSONLTY DISORDERS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 520Theory of Educational and Psychological Measurement (3) THR ED& PSYCH MSRM. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 528Emotional Development (4) EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 530Negotiation Research and Theory (3) NEGOTIATION. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 545Seminar in Motor Control (2) SMNR MOTOR CONTROL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 576Intervention Techniques With Families (3) FAMILY INTERVN TECHS, Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 578Affective Disorders: Theory and Research (2) AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 579Treatment of Affective Disorders: Methods and Evaluation (2) TRTM AFFECTV DISORD. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    PSYCH 592Clinical Proseminar (1, max. 3) CLINICAL PROSEMINAR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
    SCAND 383 Scandinavian Immigration in History and Literature (2) IMMIGR IN HIST& LIT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    Orthopedics (0922)
    ORTHP 495Athletic Health Care Administration (3) ATH HEALTH ADMIN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    ORTHP 496Advanced Athletic Health Care (3) ADV ATHLETIC HEALTH. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    Environmental Health (0702)
    ENV H 479Environmental Research Design (1) ENV RESEARCH DESIGN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.
    ENV H 558Industrial Ventilation (3) INDSTL VENTLTION II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2002.