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Number 341
September 24, 2003

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at


Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
BENGBengali. Effective AUT/2003.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
General Studies (0185)
GIS 210Introduction to Power Processes (3-5, max. 10) INTRO PWR PROCESSES. Temporary new course. Effective AUT/2003-AUT/2006.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 522Hearing Instrument Modification/Repair (1) HEARING INST REPAIR. Effective SUM/2005.
SPHSC 523Special Topics (3) SPECIAL TOPICS. Effective SPR/2005.
SPHSC 576Otoacoustic Emissions (2) OTOACOUSTIC EMISONS. Effective AUT/2004.
SPHSC 578Hearing Screening (2) HEARING SCREENING. Effective WIN/2005.
SPHSC 579Geriatric Audiology (2) GERIATRIC AUDIOLOGY. Effective AUT/2004.
SPHSC 584Advanced Amplification (3) ADV AMPLIFICATION. Effective AUT/2004.
SPHSC 585Pediatric Amplification (2) PEDIATRIC AMPLICATN. Effective AUT/2004.
SPHSC 586Cochlear Implants (2) COCHLEAR IMPLANTS. Effective SPR/2005.
SPHSC 587Ethics (1) ETHICS. Effective SPR/2005.
SPHSC 590Cerumen Management of Audiologists (1) CERUMEN MANAGEMENT. Effective SUM/2004.
Oral Medicine (0817)
ORALM 517Physical Examination II (2) PHYSICAL EXAM II. Effective SPR/2004.
ORALM 525Physical Examination III (1) PHYSICAL EXAM III. Effective AUT/2003.
ORALM 526General Medicine (2) GENERAL MEDICINE. Effective WIN/2004.
ORALM 528Dental Education and Care of the Disabled (1) DNTL ED&CARE DISABL. Effective SUM/2004.
Technical Communication (0438)
T C 537Advanced Web Site Design (4) ADV WEB DESIGN. Effective WIN/2004.
Law (0852)
LAW H 593Environmental Health Regulation (3) EH REGULATION. Effective WIN/2004
Microbiology (0916)
CONJ 548Modeling Proteins and Proteomes (1.5) MODELING PTOTEOMES. Effective WIN/2004.
Pathology (0924)
PATH 513Molecular Basis of Disease: Aging and Neurodegeneration (1.5) NEURODEGENERATION. Effective AUT/2003.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 431Advanced Compounding Skills (1) ADV CMPDNG SKILLS. Credit/no credit only. Temporary new course. Effective AUT/2003-SPR/2004.
Public Affairs (0770)
PA EX 502Partnership and Accountability (3) PARTNERSHP&ACCTBLTY. Effective AUT/2003
Business (0981)
T BGEN 422Investment Valuation (5) INVESTMNT VALUATION. Temporary new course. Effective AUT/2003-SPR/2004.
T BGEN 525Corporate Finance (4) CORPORATE FINANCE. Temporary new course. Effective AUT/2003-SPR/2004.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 447Anthropology of Chinese Religion (5) ANTH CHIN REL. Change titles, description, drop joint status, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
Art (0105)
ART 205Introduction to Visual Communication Design (5) INTR VIS COM DESIGN. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 206Photographic Visualizations (5) PHOTO VISUALIZATION. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 207Type Design (5) TYPE DESIGN. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 208Survey of Design History (5) SURV OF DESIGN HIST. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 290Beginning Drawing: The Figure (5) BEG DRRAWING FIGURE. Change number, titles, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 292Beginning Painting (5, max. 10) BEGINNING PAINTING. Change number, titles, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 366Editorial Visualizations (5) EDIT VISUALIZATIONS. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 367Communications Programs (5) CMU PROGRAMS. Change number, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 368Case Studies in Corporate Identity (5) STUDIES CORP IDENT. Change number, titles, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 376Typography (5) TYPOGRAPHY. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 377Semiotics (5) SEMIOTICS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 378Information Architecture and Web Design (5) INFO ARCH/WEB DES. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 390Intermediate Drawing (5, max. 10) INTERMEDIATE DRAWNG. Change number, credits, prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 392Intermediate Painting (5, max. 10) INTERMED PAINTING. Change number, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 466Publication Design (5) PUBLICATION DESIGN. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 467Environmental Design (5) ENVIRONMENTAL DES. Change title, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 468Portfolio/Exhibition Presentation (5) PRESENTATION. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 478Information Design (5) INFORMATION DESIGN. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 479Interaction Design (5) INTERACTION DESIGN. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 480Senior Project/Presentation (5) SR PROJ/PRESENT. Change credits, description. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 490Advanced Drawing (5, max. 15) ADV DRAWING. Change number, prefix. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 492Advanced Painting: The Figure (5, max. 10) ADV PAINT/THE FIGURE. Change number, titles, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 494Senior Seminar in Painting and Drawing (5, max. 15) SR SEM PAINT-DRAW. Change Effective WIN/2004.
ART 591Graduate Studio: Drawing (3, max. 15) GRAD STUDIO:DRAW. Change number. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 592Graduate Studio: Painting (3-5, max. 60) GRAD STUDIO:PAINT. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 594Graduate Seminar in Painting and Drawing (3, max. 18) GRAD SEM PAINT/DRAW. Change number, titles. Effective WIN/2004.
Art History (0106)
ART H 315Buddhist Art and Material Culture of East Asia (5, max. 15) Change titles, credits. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 321Arts of Japan (5, max. 15) ARTS OF JAPAN. Change credits. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 366Northern Renaissance Art (5) NORTHERN REN ART. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
Dance (0133)
DANCE 266Dance Composition II (3-5, max. 5) DNCE COMPOSITION II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2004.
DANCE 366Dance Composition III (3-5, max. 5) DNCE COMPOSITION III. Change credits, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
DANCE 371Choreography Workshop (2-5, max. 5) CHOREO WORKSHOP. Change credits. Effective WIN/2004.
Economics (0135)
ECON 422Investment, Capital, and Finance (5) INVESTMNT CAPTL FNAN. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
ECON 422Econometric Methods (5) ECONOMETRIC METHODS. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SIS 367Comparative Law and Courts (5) COMP LAW AND COURTS. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2004.
SISEA 445Religion in China (5) RELIGION IN CHINA. Change-drop joint status with ANTH 447. Effective WIN/2004.
Political Science (0244)
LSJ 367Comparative Law and Courts (5) COMP LAW AND COURTS. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2004.
LSJ 440Criminal Law and Procedure (5) CRIM LAW & PROCED. Change credits. Effective WIN/2004.
POL S 367Comparative Law and Courts (5) COMP LAW AND COURTS. Change joint status. Effective WIN/2004.
POL S 407International Conflict (5) INTERNATL CONFLICT. Change description. Effective WIN/2004.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 507Core Concepts in Cognitive Psychology (3) CORE CNCPT COGN PSY. Change number, titles, credits, prerequisite, description, instructor. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 508Core Concepts in Perception (3) CORE CNCPT PERCEPTN. Change number, titles, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 511Core Concepts in Personality (3) CORE CNCPT PERSNLTY. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 513Core Concepts in Biological Basis of Development (4) CORE CNCPT BIOL DEV. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 514Core Concepts in Cognitive and Linguistic Development (4) CORE CNCPT COGN DEV. Change number, titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 515Core Concepts in Personality and Social Development (4) CORE CNCPT PERS&SOC. Change number, titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 517Core Concepts in Systems of Psychotherapy (3) CORE CNCPT SYST PSY. Change number, titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 518Core Concepts in Behavior Disorders (5) CORE CNCPT BEH DIS. Change number, titles, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 519Core Concepts in Behavior Change (5) CORE CNCPT BEH CHNG. Change number, titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 522Laboratory in Statistical Computation (2) STAT CMPUTATION LAB. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 523Laboratory in Statistical Computation II (2) STAT CMPUTATION LAB. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 524Introduction to Statistics and Analysis (4) COGNITIVE MEMORY. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 525Linear Models and Data Analysis (4) LINEAR MODELS. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 526Multivariate Statistics (4) MIULTIVARIATE STATS. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 527Mathematical Modeling for Psychology and the Neurosciences (3) MATH MODL FOR SYCH. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 528Practical Methods for Behavioral Research (4, max. 8) PRCTL MTHDS BHV RES. Change number, titles. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 529Advanced Research Methods (5) ADV RESEARCH METHDS. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 530Introduction to Latent Variables (4) INTRO LATENT VARBLS. Change number, titles. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 531Research Methods in Clinical and Community Psychology (4) RSCH METH IN CLIN. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 532Single Subject Design and Research (3) SINGLE SUBJ DESIGN. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 537Teaching of Psychology (3) TEACHINGPSYCHOLOGY. Credit/no credit only. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 541Advances in Animal Behavior (3-5, max. 30) ADV ANIMAL BEHAVR. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 542Advances in Behavioral Neuroscience (3-5, max. 30) ADV BEHV NEUROSCNCE. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 544Advances in Clinical Psychology (3-5, max. 30) ADV CLIN PSYCH. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 545Advances in Cognition/Perception (3-5, max. 5) ADV COLGN/PERCEP. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 546Advances in Developmental Psychology (3-5, max. 30) ADV DEVEL PSYCH. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 547Advances in Social/Personality (3-5, max. 30) ADV SOC-PERS PSYCH. Credit/no credit only. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 548Advances in Quantitative Psychology (3-5, max. 30) ADV QUANT PSYCH. Change number, titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 561Current Trends in Psychology (*, max. 30) CURRENT TRENDS PSYCH. Change number, titles. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 563Developmental Psychology and the Human Relationship (4) DEV PSY HMN RLT NAT. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 564Advanced Attitude Theory (5) ADV ATTITUDE THEORY. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 565Quantifying Brain Analysis (3) QUANT BRAIN ANLYSIS. Change titles. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 567Higher Order Cognition (3) HIGHER ORDER COG. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 568Cognitive Approaches to Human Memory (3) COGNITIVE MEMORY. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 573Psychological Assessment of Children (5) CHILD ASSESSMENT. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 576Assessment of Intelligence (5) ASSMT OF INTELL. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 577Psychological Assessment of Adults (3) ADULT ASSESSMENT. Change number, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 578Approaches to Psychological Assessment (4) APPRS PSYCH ASSMNT. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 579Behavioral Assessment (4) BEHAV ASSESSMENT. Change number. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 593Clinical Lectures and Practicum (1-6, max. 24) CLINCL LECT&PRCTICM. Change titles. Effective AUT/2004.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
CR SB 420Literature, Film, and Culture of the Former Yugoslavia and the Yugoslav Successor States (5) LIT FLM CLT YUGOSLV. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 577Industrial and Community Hearing Conservation (2) INDUST COMMUN HRNG. Change number. Effective WIN/2004.
Oral Medicine (0817)
ORALM 513Communications Skills I - Techniques (1) COMM SKILLS I. Change number, title. Effective WIN/2004.
ORALM 514Communications Kills II - Cultural Competency (1) COMMUN SKILLS II. Credit/no credit only. Change prefix, number, title. Effective WIN/2004.
ORALM 515Communication Skills III - Interviewing and Hx-taking (1) COMMUN SKILLS III. Change number, title. Effective WIN/2004.
ORALM 516Physical Examination I (1) PHYSICAL EXAM I. Credit/no credit only. Change number, title, credits, description. Effective AUT/2003.
ORALM 529Stomatology (4) STOMATOLOGY Change, number, title, credits, description. Effective SUM/2004.
Law (0852)
LAW A 522Copyright (3/4) COPYRIGHT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2004.
LAW H 501Fundamentals of Health Law (4) FNDMNTLS HEALTH LAW. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 502Medical Malpractice (3) MEDICAL MALPRACTICE. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 503Medical Ethics and Jurisprudence (3) MED ETH & JURIS. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 507Law, Medicine, and Ethics in the Context of Pain Management (2) PAIN MNGMT LAW. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 510Topics in Law and Medicine ([1-4]-, max. 4) Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 530Disability Law (3) DISABILITY LAW. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 531Disability Law Clinic (4-, max 12) DISABILITY CLINIC. Change prefix, number. Effective SUM/2004
LAW H 534Mental Health and the Law (3) MENTAL HEALTH & LAW. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 540Health and Human Rights (3) HEALTH HUMAN RIGHTS. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 570Biotechnology and the Law (3) BIOTECH & THE LAW. Change prefix.. Effective SPR/2004
LAW H 580Advanced Health Law (3) ADV HEALTH CARE. Change prefix, number. Effective SPR/2004
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 420Ecology of Marine Fishes (4) ECOL MARINE FISHES. Change titles, credits, contact hrs, description, prerequisites. Effective WIN/2004.
FISH 457Design and Evaluation of Marine Protected Areas (4) DESIGN/EVAL MPA'S. Change titles, description.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 334Pharmacy Practice (3) PHARMACY PRACTICE. Change description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2004.
PHARM 445Community Pharmacy-based Programs (1) COMMUNTY-BSD PRGRMS. Credit/no credit only. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2004.
PHARM 504Topics in Drug Safety (1) TOPICS DRUG SAFETY. Change description, drop joint status. Effective WIN/2004.
PHARM 541Health Care and Society (3) HEALTH CARE SOCIETY. Offered jointly with PHARM 541. Change-drop HSERV as joint course. Effective WIN/2004.
Environmental Health (0702)
ENV H 471Environmental Health Regulation (3) EH REGULATION. Change: requesting joint list with LAW H 593 (new).


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Art (0105)
ART 240Introductory Photography (5) INTRO PHOTO I. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 242Intermediate Photography II (5) INTERMD PHOTO II. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 390Sheet Materials (5) SHEET MATERIALS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART 487Senior Research Project, Ceramics (5) SR RESEARCH CERAMIC. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
Art History (0106)
ART H 316Japanese Painting (5) JAPANESE PAINTING. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 385Survey of Early Film History (5) SURVEY FILM HIST. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 386Art of Washington and the Pacific Northwest (5) ART OF WASH&PACNW. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 387American Art From the Revolution to the Civil War (5) AM ART REV-CIVIL WR. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 391Painting Since the Renaissance (3) PAINTING SINCE REN. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 421Early Japanese Painting (3) EARLY JAPANESE PTG. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 422The Kan-Ga Tradition (3) KAN-GA TRADITION. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 423Later Japanese Painting (3) NANGA TRADITION. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 424The Nanga Tradition (3) NANGA TRADITION. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 425Modern Japanese Painting (3) MOD JAPANESE PTG. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 426Japanese Sculpture (3) JAPANESE SCHULPTURE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 427Japanese Ceramics (3) JAPANESE CERAMICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 428East Asian Calligraphy (3) E ASIAN CALLIGRAPHY. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 429Japanese Cinema (3) JAPANESE CINEMA. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 468Northern European Renaissance Landscape Painting, 1400-1700 (3) N REN LANDSCAPE PTG. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 473Dutch Painting of the Golden Age (3) DUTCH PTNG GOLD AGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 474Studies in American Colonial Art (3, max. 6) STDY AMER COLNL ART. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 496Art and Sexual Imagery (3) ART & SEXUAL IMAGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
ART H 4 Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
Political Science (0244)
POL S 418Multinationals and World Order (5) MNC'S & WORLD ORDER. Drop course. Effective WIN/2004.
POL S 471Administrative Processes (5) ADMIN PROCESSES. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2004.
POL S 477Language and Politics (5) LANGUAGE & POLITICS. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2004.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 519Statistical Methods in Longitudinal Research (3) STAT METHS-DEVEL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 545Seminar in Motor Control (2-4, max. ) SMNR MOTOR CONTROL. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 548Seminar in Perceptual Process (2) SMNR PERCPTUAL PROC. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 550Seminar in Psycholinguistics (2) SMNR PSYCHOLINGSTCS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 551Seminar in Psychophysics (2) SMNR PSYCHOPHYSICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 554Seminar in Decision Processes (2) SMNR DECISN PROCESS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.
PSYCH 559Seminar in Current Research in Vision (1) SMNR-VISION RSCH. Drop course. Effective AUT/2004.