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Number 367
January 25, 2006

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at



Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TPOL SPolitical Science. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPANSpanish. Effective AUT/2006.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 100Environmental Studies: Interdisciplinary Foundations (5) INTERDIS FOUNDATION. Effective SPR/2006.
American Indian Studies (1015)
AIS 376First Nations Literature (5) FIRST NATIONS LIT. Effective SPR/2006.
AIS 435Spiritual Encounters: Native Spirituality in the Contact Era (5) SPIRTUL ENCOUNTERS. Effective SPR/2006.
AIS 443Indigenous Film (5) INDIGENOUS FILM. Offered jointly with COM 443. Effective SPR/2006.
AIS 461First Nations Government and Politics in Canada (5) FIRST NAT GOV&POLIT. Effective SPR/2006.
AIS 466Producing the Documentary Short (5) PRODUCING DOC SHORT. Effective SPR/2006.
AIS 498Senior Project (5) AIS SENIOR PROJECT. Effective SPR/2006.
Art (0105)
ART 457Artist Handmade Books (5) ART HANDMADE BOOKS. Effective SPR/2006.
ART 458Alternative Approaches to Drawing (5) ALT APPROACHES DRAW. E Effective SPR/2006.
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (1039)
DXARTS 440Fundamentals of Interactive 3D Art (5) 3D INTERACTIVE ART. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 450Digital Video Foundations (5) DIGITAL VIDEO FOUND. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 495DXARTS Production Studio (3-15, max 30) PRODUCTION STUDIO. Effective SPR/2006.
Communication (1035)
COM 443Indigenous Film (5) INDIGENOUS FILM. Offered jointly with AIS 443. Effective SPR/2006.
Earth and Space Sciences (1034)
ESS 410Marine Geology and Geophysics (4) MAR GEOL & GEOPHY. Joint status with OCEAN 410. Effective SPR/2006.
Economics (0135)
ECON 519Economics of Contracts and Organizations: Empirics (3) CONTRACTS & ORGS. Effective SPR/2006.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 436Social and Political Geographies of South Asia (5) SOC/POL GEOG-S ASIA. Offered jointly with SISSA 436. Effective SPR/2006.
GEOG 536Advanced Research Seminar on South Asian Geographies (5) RES SEM-S ASIA GEOG. Offered jointly with SISSA 536. Effective SPR/2006.
Germanics (0192)
GERMAN 190Crime Scenes: Investigating the Cinema and Its Cultures (5) CINEMA CRIME SCENES. Offered jointly with SCAND 190. Effective SPR/2006.
History (0193)
HSTAA 215American South from the Revolution through the Civil War (5) US S: REV-CIVIL WAR. Temporary. Effective SPR/2006 - SPR/2007.
HSTAA 371Consumption and Consumerism in the Modern U.S. (5) CONSUMERISM IN U.S.. Effective SPR/2006.
HSTEU 370J.R.R. Tolkien: A Mythology for England (5) TOLKEIN-ENGL MYTHOL. Effective SUM/2006.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SIS 216Science and Society (5) SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. Offered jointly with PHYS 216. Effective SPR/2006.
SISSA 436Social and Political Geographies of South Asia (5) SOC/POL GEOG-S ASIA. Offered jointly with GEOG 436. Effective SPR/2006.
SISSA 536Advanced Research Seminar on South Asian Geographies (5) RES SEM-S ASIA GEOG. Offered jointly with GEOG 536. Effective SPR/2006.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 482Advanced Research Methods for Behavioral Psychology (4) ADV RESRCH METHODS. Effective SPR/2006.
Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
SCAND 152Latvian Literary and Cultural History (5) LATV LIT/CULT HIST. Effective SPR/2006.
SCAND 190Crime Scenes: Investigating the Cinema and Its Cultures (5) CINEMA CRIME SCENES. Offered jointly with GERMAN 190. Effective SPR/2006.
Education (0351)
EDLPS 545Knowledge and Data in Relation to Action (3) KNOWLEDGE & DATA. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006
EDLPS 546Leadership Inquiry I: The Design of Research on Local Problems of Practice (3) RESEARCH DESIGN. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 547Leadership Inquiry II: Developing Useful Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence (3) DEVELOPING EVIDENCE. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 548Leadership Inquiry III (3) IMPROVING RESEARCH. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 554Foundations I: Leading for Learning in Complex Educational Systems (3) SYSTEM LEADERSHIP I. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 555Foundations II: Moral and Historical Contexts for the Leadership of Complex Educational Systems (2-4, max 4) LEADERSHIP II. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 556Foundations of Leaderships III: The Dynamics of Organizations, Policy, and Systems Change (2-6, max 6) LEADERSHIP III. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 557Foundations IV: Fiscal and Legal Contexts for Leadership of Complex Educational Systems (2-5, max5) LEADERSHIP IV. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 571Instructional Renewal and the Achievement Gap (3) ACHIEVEMENT GAP. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 572Teaching, Learning, and Instructional Renewal in the Context of Learner Differences (2-5, max 5) INSTRUCT RENEWAL. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
EDLPS 573Professional Learning and Instructional Renewal (2-4, max 4) PROF LEARNING. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 404Infrastructure Construction (4) INFRASTRUCTURE CONS. Effective SPR/2006.
CEE 592Statistical Fundamentals for Construction and Materials Applications (1) STAT FUND CONST APP. Effective SPR/2006.
CEE 594Computer-Aided Construction (3) COMPT-AIDED CONSTR Effective SUM/2006.
CEE 595Construction Materials (3) CONSTRUCTION MATS. Effective SPR/2006.
CEE 596Pavement Construction (3) PAVE CONSTRUCTION. Effective SPR/2006.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (0919)
OBGYN 590HIV and STIs in Women and Children (3) HIV/STI WOMEN&CHILD. Effective SPR/2006.
Pediatrics (0925)
PEDS 660Pediatric General Clerkship - Cheyenne, WY (*, max 24) P-PED GEN CLKSHIP. Effective AUT/2006.
Nursing (0552)
NSG 505Applied Occupational Health and Safety (3) APPLD OCC HLTH SFTY. Offered jointly with ENV H 559and IND E 567. Effective SPR/2006.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 454Hydrothermal Systems: An Interdisciplinary View (3) HYDROTHERMAL. Effective SPR/2006.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 584Doctoral Dissertation Seminar (1) DOC DISSERTATN SEM. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2006.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 482The Health of Population (2) HLTH OF POPULATION Effective SPR/2006.
Pathobiology (0708)
Social Work (0779)
SOC W 545Clinical Social Work With Individuals II: Theory and Practice (3) CLNICAL SW INDIV II. Effective AUT/2006.
Business (0981)
T ACCT 520International Accounting Seminar (4) INTL ACCOUNTING SEM. Effective SPR/2006.
T FIN 521Macroeconomics for Managers (4) MACRO FOR MANAGERS. Effective SPR/2006.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
TCSS 590Special Topics in Computing and Software Systems (5) SPL TOPICS IN CSS. Effective SPR/2006.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TCSIUS 220African American History 1619-1865 (5) AFAM HIST 1619-1865. Effective AUT/2006.
TCXG 367Ideas Through Objects: A Conceptual Approach to Art (5) OBJECTS AND ART. Effective SPR/2006.
TCXUS 245Multi-Ethnic American Literature (5) MULTI ETHNIC LIT. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 117Physical Geology (6) PHYSICAL GEOLOGY. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 120Introductory Biology I (6) INTRO BIOLOGY I. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 130Introductory Biology II (6) INTRO BIOLOGY II. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 140Introductory Biology III (6) INTRO BIOLOGY III. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 141General Chemistry I (6) GEN CHEMISTY I. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 151General Chemistry II (6) GEN CHEMISTY II. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 161General Chemistry III (6) GEN CHEMISTY III. Effective AUT/2006.
TESC 445Estuarine Field Studies (7) ESTURARINE FIELD. Effective SPR/2006.
TIAS 450Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences Capstone (5) IAS CAPSTONE. Effective AUT/2006.
TPOL S 202Introduction to American Politics (5) INTRO TO AMER POL. Effective AUT/2006.
TPOL S 203Introduction to International Relations (5) INTRO INTERNATL REL. Effective AUT/2006.
TPOL S 204Introduction to Comparative Politics (5) INTRO TO COMPAR POL. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 101Elementary Spanish (5) ELEMENTARY SPANISH. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 102 Elementary Spanish (5) ELEMENTARY SPANISH. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 103 Elementary Spanish (5) ELEMENTARY SPANISH. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 110Basic Spanish Review (5) BASIC SPANSH REVIEW Effective AUT/2006
TSPAN 121Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 122 Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 123 Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 134Intensive First Year Spanish (15) INTEN FIRST YR SPAN. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 199Foreign Study-Elementary (2-16, max 16) FORGN ST ELEMENTARY. Effective SUM/2006.
TSPAN 201Intermediate (5) INTERMEDIATE. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 202 Intermediate (5) INTERMEDIATE. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 203 Intermediate (5) INTERMEDIATE. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 210Accelerated Intermediate Spanish (10) ACCERATD INTRM SPAN. Effective AUT/2006.
TSPAN 299Foreign Study-Intermediate (2-16, max 16) FORGN ST INTERMED. Effective SUM/2006.
TSPAN 393Foreign Study (2-10, max 20) FOREIGN STUDY. Effective SUM/2006.
Nursing (0970)
T HLTH 415Representations of Health Policy and Ethics in Film (5) HLTH POL ETHIC FILM. Effective SUM/2006.
Social Work (1019)
TSOCWF 424Information Technology and Human Service Practice (5) TECH & HUM SERVICES. Temporary Course. Effective SPR/2006 - WIN/2007.
Urban Studies (1031)


Earth and Space Sciences (1034)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the Environmental Earth Sciences option for a revised requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree within the existing major in Earth and Space Sciences (ESS-050822). Effective WIN/2006.
Slavic Languages and Literatures (0163)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in Russian (SLAV-051014). Effective AUT/2006.
Jackson School of International Studies (0109)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised requirements for a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Studies (SIS-051116). Effective SPR/2006.
Business Administration (0300)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree with an option in Finance (FINANC-051027). Effective WIN/2006.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
UW Academy (1037)
ACADEM 198Seminar for First Year Robinson Center Students (2) RESEARCH SEMINARS. Change title, credits. Effective WIN/2006.
American Indian Studies (1015)
AIS 201Introduction to American Indian Histories (5) INTRO AMER IND HIST. Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
AIS 230Contemporary Indian Gaming and Casinos (5) IND GAMING, CASINOS. Change title, abbr. Title, credits, contact hours, and description. Effective SPR/2006.
Art (0105)
ART 350Printmaking Special Projects (5, max 15) PRINTMKG SPEC PROJ. Change course description. Effective SPR/2006.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
JAPAN 111First- Year Japanese (0/5, max 5) 1ST-YR JAPANESE. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2006.
JAPAN 112First- Year Japanese (0/5, max 5) 1ST-YR JAPANESE. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2006.
JAPAN 113First- Year Japanese (0/5, max 5) 1ST-YR JAPANESE. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2006.
JAPAN 405History of the Japanese Language (5) HIST OF JAPAN LANG. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2006.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 499Undergraduate Research (1-20, max 20) UNDERGRAD RESEARCH. Change credits. Effective SPR/2006.
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (1039)
DXARTS 470Sensing and Control Systems for Digital Art (5) DIG ART CONTROL SYS. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 451Introduction to Experiments in Digital Video; The Architecture of Time I. (5) EXP DIGITAL VIDEO I. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 452Introduction to Experiments in Digital Video; The Architecture of Time II. (5) EXP DIGITAL VIDEO II. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 453Introduction to Experiments in Digital Video; Video Art and Video Installation. (5) EXP DIGITAL VIDEO 3. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 471Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication I (5) MECHATRONIC ART I. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 472Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication II (5) MECHATRONIC ART II. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
DXARTS 473Mechatronic Art, Design, and Fabrication III (5) MECHATRONIC ART III. Change course number. Effective SPR/2006.
Communication (1035)
COM 417Political Deliberation (5) POL DELIBERATION. Add joint with POL S. 455.
COM 555Political Deliberation (5) POLIT DELIBERATION. Add joint with POL S 558.
Earth and Space Sciences (1034)
ESS 406Earth Science for Middle and High School Science Teachers (3) EARTH SCI FOR TEACH. Drop CR/NC grading. Effective WIN/2006.
ESS 462Volcanic Processes (3) VOLCANIC PROCESSES. Change credits. Effective SPR/2006.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 326Quantitative Methods in Geography (5) QUANT METHODS GEOG. Change title, abbr. title, description. Effective SPR/2006.
History (0193)
HSTEU 484Colonial Encounters (5) COLONIAL ENCOUNTERS Change course description. Effective SPR/2006.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SIS 201The Making of the 21st Century (5) MAKING OF 21ST CENT. Change title, abbr. title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
Physics (0239)
PHYS 216Science and Society (5) SCIENCE AND SOCIETY. Change title, abbr. title, description joint status. Effective SPR/2006.
Political Science (0244)
POL S 455Political Deliberation (5) POL DELIBERATION. Add joint with COM 417.
POL S 558Political Deliberation (5) POLIT DELIBERATION. Add joint with COM 555.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 460Cognitive Neuroscience (4) COG NEUROSCIENCE. Change title, abbr title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
BCS 404Second-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 2ND-YEAR BCS. Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
BCS 405Second-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 2ND -YEAR BCS. Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
BCS 406Second-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 2ND -YEAR BCS. Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
CZECH 404Second-Year Czech (5) 2ND -YEAR CZECH. Change title, abbr title. Effective AUT/2006.
CZECH 405Second-Year Czech (5) 2ND -YEAR CZECH. Change title, abbr title. Effective AUT/2006.
CZECH 406Second-Year Czech (5) 2ND -YEAR CZECH. Change title, abbr title. Effective AUT/2006.
POLISH 404Second-Year Polish (5) 2ND -YEAR POLISH, Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
POLISH 405Second-Year Polish (5) 2ND -YEAR POLISH, Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
POLISH 406Second-Year Polish (5) 2ND -YEAR POLISH, Change title, abbr. title. Effective AUT/2006.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 300Introduction to the Science of Learning: From Biology to Behavior (5) SCIENCE FOR LEARNING. Temporary change. Effective SPR/2006 - SPR/2007.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 543Aquatic Chemistry (3) AQUATIC CHEMISTRY. Drop joint status. Effective SPR/2006.
Industrial Engineering (0418)
IND E 567Applied Occupational Health and Safety (3) APPL OCC HLTH SFTY. Change title, abbr. title, and description. Offered jointly with ENV H 559/NSG 505. Effective SPR/2006.
Neurobiology and Behavior (0650)
NEUBEH 541Neuroendocrinology (3) NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Change course description. Effective WIN/2006.
Nutritional Science (0689)
NUTR 522Nutrition and Metabolism Modules (2-4) NUTR & METAB MODULE. Change title, abbr. title, description, credits. Effective SPR/2006.
Medical History and Ethics (0929)
MHE 596Masters Research Project ([1-12]-, max 12) MASTERS PROJECT. Change hyphenation. Effective AUT/2006.
Physiology and Biophysics (0932)
P BIO 509Neuroendocrinology (3) NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. Change description. Effective WIN/2006.
Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
REHAB 536Patient Evaluation and Clinical Decision Making (1-2, max 8) PATNT EVAL CLIN DEC. Change credits. Effective SPR/2006.
Nursing (0552)
NURS 515Common Adolescent Health Problems (3) ADOLESCENT PROBLEMS. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SPR/2006.
NURS 569Observation and Assessment of Relationships (3) OBS & ASSESS RELSHP. Change credits, contact hours, description. Effective SPR-2006.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 410Marine Geology and Geophysics (4) MAR GEOL & GEOPHY. Add joint status with ESS 410, change prerequisites. Effective SPR/2006.
OCEAN 521Aquatic Chemistry (3) AQUATIC CHEMISTRY. Drop joint status. Effective SPR/2006.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 510Foundations of Public Service in American Democracy (1) FOUND AMER DEMOC. Change title, abbr. title. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 522Public Budgeting and Financial Management (3) BUDGET FINAN MNGT. Change title, abbr. title. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 527Quantitative Analysis I (3) QUANT ANALYSIS I. Change title, abbr. title. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 528Quantitative Analysis II (3) QUANT ANALYSIS II. Change title, abbr. title. Effective WIN/2006.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 559Applied Occupational Health and Safety (3) APPLD OCC HLTH SFTY. Change title, abbr. title, and description. Offered jointly with IND E 567/NSG 505. Effective SPR/2006.
Health Services (0706)
HSMGMT 500Risk and Insurance Seminar (3) RISK/INSURANCE SEM. Change title, abbr. title, credits by 1. Effective WIN/2007.
HSERV 575Cancer Prevention and Control (3) CANCER PREV & CONT. Change title, abbr. title. Effective SPR/2006.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 471Diversity and Equity in Schools and Curriculum (3) DIVERSITY & EQUITY. Change description. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 482Schools and Society (3) SCHOOLS AND SOCIETY. Change title, abbr. title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 501Foundations of Education: Policy, Ethics, and Philosophy (3) FOUNDATIONS OF EDUC. Change title, abbr. title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 548Classroom Management (3) CLASSROOM MNGMENT. Increase course level, change title, abbr. title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 549Teaching Students with Special Needs (3) TCH STDNT W/SP NEED. Increase grade level, change course description, abbr title. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 574Issues in Educational Leadership (3) ISSUES EDUC LDRSHIP. Change title, abbr. title, course description. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 578Group Leadership in Educational Administration (3) GROUP LEADERSHIP. Change course description. Effective SPR/2006.
Nursing (0970)
T HLTH 470Challenges and Controversies in US Health Care (5) CHAL CON HLTH CARE. Change title, abbr. title. Effective SUM/2006.
Social Work (1019)
TSOCWF 350Biopsychosocial Human Services (5) HUMAN BIO SOC SERV. Change credits. Effective SPR/2006.
Urban Studies (1031)
T URB 450Planning for Sustainability (5) PLANNING SUSTAIN. Change title, abbr. title, description. Effective SPR/2006.


Number, PrefixTitle, Credits, Short TitleAction
Comparative Literature (0132)
C LIT 280The Medieval World: Social, Religious, Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages (5) MEDIEVIAL WORLD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
C LIT 281The Medieval World: Social, Religious, Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages (5) MEDIEVIAL WORLD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
C LIT 332Folk Belief and World View (5) FOLK BELIEF. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
C LIT 333Folklife and Material Culture (5) MATERIAL CULTURE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
C LIT 460Cinematic Production (5) CINEMATIC PRODUCT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
C LIT 470Senior Seminar in Folklore (5) FOLKLORE FIELDWORK. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 436Geographical Exploration (5) GEOG EXPLORATION. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
SCAN D 332Folk Belief and World View (5) FOLK BELIEF. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
SCAND 333Folklife and Material Culture (5) MATERIAL CULTURE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
SCAND 470Senior Seminar in Folklore (5) FOLKLORE FIELDWORK. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
Technical Communication (0438)
T C 461Reading in Technical Japanese I (3) READING IN TJ I. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
T C 462Reading in Technical Japanese II (3) READING IN TJ II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
T C 463Reading in Technical Japanese III (3) READING IN TJ III. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
T C 471Oral Communication in Japanese in Technical and Business Settings I (3) ORAL COM IN TJ I. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
T C 472Oral Communication in Japanese in Technical and Business Settings II (3) ORAL COM IN TJ II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
T C 473Oral Communication in Japanese in Technical and Business Settings III (3) ORAL COM IN TJ III. Drop course. Effective AUT/2006.
Forest Resources (0523)
PSE 475Microtechnique (3) MICROTECHNIQUE. Drop Course. Effective SPR/2006.
PSE 483Paper Coating and Converting (3) PAPER COAT&CONVERT. Drop Course. Effective SPR/2006.
PSE 484Secondary Fiber (3) SECONDARY FIBER. Drop Course. Effective SPR/2006.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 514Policy Implementation (3) POL IMPLEMENTATION. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 525Organizational Development in Public Agencies (3) ORG DEVELOPMENT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 568Seminar in Law and Justice (3) LAW & JUSTICE SEM. Drop course. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 583Seminar in Science and Public Policy (3) SMNR SCI & PUB POL. Drop course. Effective WIN/2006.
PB AF 584Seminar in Science and Public Policy (3) SMNR SCI & PUB POL. Drop course. Effective WIN/2006.
Education (0975)
T EDSP 484Special Education Seminar (1-3, max 6) SPECIAL ED SEMINAR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDSP 485Special Education Student Teaching (1-12, max 12) SP ED STUDENT TCHNG. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDSP 540At Risk Student and Students With Disabilities (3) STDS AT-RISK/DISBLD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDSP 548Issues in Transition Planning For Special Education (3) TRNSITION FOR SP ED. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDSP 599Culminating Project (1-13, max. 13) CULMINATING PROJECT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 451Beginning and Remedial Reading (3) BEGIN&REMED READING. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 452Literature and Content Reading (3) LIT & CONTNT READING. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 465Fitness Seminar (3) FITNESS SEMINAR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 473Classroom Assessment (3) CLASSRM ASSESSMENT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 476Technology for Teaching (3) EDUC TECHNOLOGY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 481Reflective Seminar (1) REFLECTIVE SEMINAR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 496Internship (1-5, max 10) INTERNSHIP. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 533Self-Esteem, Self-Concept, and Self-Efficacy: Curriculum and Instructional Issues (3) SELF ISSUES IN CURR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 535Integrated Curriculum: Exploring Critical Issues in Health and Society Through Children's and Young Adult Literature (3) CURRENT HEALTH&SOCIETY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.
T EDUC 551Theories of Organizational Change and School Reform (3) ORG CHNG & SCH RFRM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2006.