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Number 380
March 13, 2007

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on Wednesday, April 25, 2007. The deadline for applications is April 2, 2007.


New temporary courses at UWT will be reviewed like temporary course at UWS and UWB campuses, automatic pre-approval no longer necessary. This does not constitute a change in University curriculum policy or deadlines, but is a termination of a special policy that was established before the branch campus had a fully established Curriculum Committee and procedures in place. **Note: No changes were made in the approval of cloned courses and new course applications, both permanent and temporary, can be submitted up to last meeting before the quarter to be offered starts without a Memo of Responsibility (memo is only for course changes). ***Extended thru SUM/2007 now Effective AUT/2007.


Aerospace Studies (0442)
A S 101 Foundations of the United States Air Force I (1) FOUNDATION USAF I. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 102 Foundations of the United States Air Force II (1) FOUNDATION USAF II. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 103 Foundations of the United States Air Force III (1) FOUNDATION USAF III. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 211 The Evolution of Air and Space Power I (1) AIR & SPACE PWR I. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 212 The Evolution of Air and Space Power II (1) AIR & SPACE PWR II. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 213 The Evolution of Air and Space Power III (1) AIR & SPACE PWR III. Change titles, drop deductible status. Effective AUT/2007.



PHRMRA Pharmacy Regulatory Affairs. Effective SPR/2007.
HIIM Health Informatics and Information Management. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.


Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 503 Role of Scientific Information in Environmental Decisions (3) SCI IN ENVIR DECIS. Effective AUT/2007
ENVIR 511 Environmental Management - Keystone Project I (2) ENVIR MANAGEMENT I. Effective AUT/2007.
ENVIR 512 Environmental Management - Keystone Project II (3) ENVIR MANAGEMENT II. Effective AUT/2007.
ENVIR 513 Environmental Management - Keystone Project III (2) ENVIR MANAGEMENT III. Effective AUT/2007.
ENVIR 600 Independent Study or Research (1-5,max. 15) INDEPENDENT STUDY. Effective AUT/2007.
Construction Management (0052)
CM 530 Project Economics and Risk Analysis (3) PROJ ECON & RISK. Effective WIN/2008.
CM 535 Research Methods in Construction (3) RSCH MTDS IN CONST. Effective SUM/2008.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 540 Anthropology of Place (5) ANTH OF PLACE. Effective AUT/2007.
Art (0105)
ART 370 Drawing for Motion (5) DRAWING FOR MOTION. Effective WIN/2008.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 396 Peer Facilitation - Teaching in Biology (1-2, max. 4) PEER FACILITIATION. Effective AUT/2007.
BIOL 481 Experimental Evolutionary Ecology (5) EXPMTL EVOL ECOLOGY. Effective AUT/2007.
BIOL 482 Advanced Experimental Evolutionary Ecology (2-5, max. 15) ADV EXP EVOL ECOLGY. Effective AUT/2007.
BIOL 563 Experimental Evolutionary Ecology (5) EXPMTL EVOL ECOLOGY. Effective AUT/2007.
BIOL 564 Advanced Experimental Evolutionary Ecology (2-5, max. 15) ADV EXP EVOL ECOLGY. Effective AUT/2
Communication (1035)
COM 514 Critical Discourse Analysis (5) CRIT DISCORS ANLYS. Effective AUT/2007.
Comparative Literature (0132)
C LIT 376 Violence, Myth, and Memory (5) VIOLENCE MYTH MEMRY. Effective SPR/2008.
C LIT 432 Technology and Culture in the Making of Contemporary Empires (5) CNTMP EMPR TECH/CLTR. Effective WIN/2008.
General Studies (0185)
GEN ST 300 Colloquium on Education, Learning, and Society (1, max. 3) EDUC LRNG & SOCIETY. Effective AUT/2007.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 403 Modern European-Islamic Migration, Integration, and Citizenship (5) MIGRATION & CITIZEN. Effective AUT/2007.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
EURO 403 Modern European-Islamic Migration, Integration, and Citizenship (5) MIGRATION & CITIZEN. Effective AUT/2007.
SISSA 202 Introduction to South Asian History, 1500-present (5) INTRO MOD SO. ASIA. Effective AUT/2007.
SISSE 376 Violence, Myth, and Memory (5) VIOLENCE MYTH MEMRY. Effective SPR/2008.
SISSE 432 Technology and Culture in the Making of Contemporary Empires (5) CNTMP EMPR TECH/CLTR. Effective WIN/2008.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 506 Evidence-based Practice in Speech-Language Pathology I (3) EVDNC-BASED PRACT I. Effective AUT/2007.
SPHSC 526 Assessment and Treatment of Literacy Disorders (4) TREAT LIT DISORDERS. Effective WIN/2008.
SPHSC 545 Assessment and Treatment of Voice Disorders in Medical Settings (4) TREAT VOICE DISORDS. Effective AUT/2007.
Education (0351)
ECFS 200 Introduction to Early Childhood and Family Studies (3) INTRO ECFS. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 300 Child Observation and Assessment (5) CHLD OBSRV & ASSESS. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 301 Early Childhood Curriculum (5) EARLY CHLDHD CURRIC. Effective WIN/2008.
ECFS 302 Survey of Infants and Children at Risk (3) INFANT & CHILD RISK. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 303 Service Learning and Research I (3) SRVC LRNG & RES I. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 304 Service Learning and Research II (3) SRVC LRNG & RES II. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 305 Service Learning and Research III(3) SRVC LRNG & RES III. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 401 Understanding Early Childhood and Family Studies Research (3) UNDERSTAND ECFS RES. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 402 Social Policy and Young Children and Families (5) SOCIAL POLICY. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 454 Advanced Service Learning and Research I (3) ADV SRVC LRN RES I. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 455 Advanced Service Learning and Research II (3) ADV SRVC LRN RES II. Effective AUT/2007.
ECFS 456 Senior Project (3) SENIOR PROJECT. Effective AUT/2007.
Education (0351)
EDC&I 540 Teaching the Bilingual-Bicultural Student (3) TCH BIL/BICUL ST. Add parallel course to EDC&I 453 at graduate level, per Provost memo. Effective SPR/2007.
Chemical Engineering (0402)
CHEM E 301 Leadership Seminar (1) LEADERSHIP SEMINAR. Effective AUT/2008.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 463 Limnology Laboratory (2) LIMNOLOGY LAB. Effective AUT/2007.
CEE 505 Engineering Computing (3) ENGR COMPUTING. Effective AUT/2007.
CEE 506 Nonlinear Analysis of Structural Systems (3) NONLNR ANLY STR SYS. Effective AUT/2007.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE 190 Current Topics in Computer Science And Engineering (1-5, max. 15) CURRENT TOPICS CSE. Effective SPR/2007.
Law (0852)
LAW E 510 Banking Law (2-3, max. 3) BANKING LAW. Temporary. Effective SPR/2007 - SPR/2008.
LAW E 560 Contemporary Muslim Legal Systems (2-6, max. 6) CONTEMP ISLAMIC LAW. Temporary. Effective AUT/2007 - SPR/2008.
LAW T 527 Taxation of Financial Instruments (2) TAX FINANCIAL INSTR. Temporary. Effective SPR/2007 - SPR/2008
Surgery (0941)
SURG 671 P-Clinical Clerkship Madigan (12) MADIGAN CLERKSHIP. Effective SUM/2007.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 521 Water Center Seminar (1) WATER CTR SEMINAR. Effective SPR/2007.
Business (0881)
B BUS 551 Investment Management and Practice (4) INVESTMENTS. Effective SUM/2007.
B BUS 601 MBA Internship (4) MBA INTERNSHIP. Effective SPR/2007.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 212 Engaging Performing Arts (5) ENGAGING PERF ARTS. Effective AUT/2007.
BIS 215 Literature into Film (5) LIT INTO FILM. Effective AUT/2007.
BIS 243 Introduction to Environmental Issues (5) INTRO ENVIRON ISS. Effective AUT/2007.
BIS 337 Risk and Resilience (5) RISK AND RESILIENCE. Effective AUT/2007.
BIS 437 Narrative Psychology (5) NARRATIVE PSYCH. Effective AUT/2007.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 525 Child Abuse in Schools: Legal and Ethical Issues (1) CHLD ABUSE IN SCHLS. Effective SUM/2007.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TSMIN 480 Language and Culture of China (15) STUDY ABROAD CHINA. Temporary. Effective SUM/2007 only.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 432 Interpersonal Relationships in Nursing II (1) INTERPER RELATIONSH. Temporary. Effective SUM/2007 - SPR/2008.


College of Engineering (0-J)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised pre-major status from C-PRENGR and C-EXPENG to J-PRENGR and J-EXPENG and the new continuation policy for status as a PRENGR major. (ENGR-20070104). Effective AUT/2007.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission and program requirements for a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree (ME-20070122). Effective AUT/2007.


Program on Environmental Studies (1014)
ENVIR 502 Business Strategy and the Natural Environment (4) BUS STRAT NAT ENVIR. Change number. Effective AUT/2007.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 574 Culture, Society, and Genomics (3) CLTR SOC & GENOMICS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2007.
Art History (0106)
ART H 373 Southern Baroque Art (5) SOUTHERN BAROQUE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2007.
ART H 374 Northern Baroque Art (5) NORTHERN BAROQUE. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 474 Limnology Laboratory (2) LIMNOLOGY LAB. Change joint status, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Economics (0135)
ECON 400 Advanced Microeconomics (5) ADVANCED MICRONECON. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ECON 401 Advanced Macroeconomics (5) ADVANCED MACROECON. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 526 Advanced Quantitative Methods in Geography (5) ADV QUANT MTH GEOG. Change credits. Effective AUT/2007.
History (0193)
HIST 512 Seminar in the History of Science ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR HIST SCIENCE. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HIST 513 Seminar in the History of Science (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR HIST SCIENCE. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HIST 514 Seminar in the History of Science (-[3-6, max. 12]) SMNR HIST SCIENCE. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 555 Seminar: American Intellectual History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SEM AMER INTELL HST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 556 Seminar: American Intellectual History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SEM AMER INTELL HST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 562 Seminar in American Diplomatic History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR AMER DIPL HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 563 Seminar in American Diplomatic History (-{3-6, max. 12]) SMNR AMER DIPL HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 586 Seminar in Comparative Colonial History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SM COMP COLNL HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAA 587 Seminar in Comparative Colonial History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SM COMP COLNL HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 512 Seminar in Ancient History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR ANCIENT HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 513 Seminar in Ancient History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SMNR ANCIENT HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 532 Medieval European Seminar (3-6, max. 12) MEDIEVAL EUR SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 533 Medieval European Seminar (3-6, max. 12) MEDIEVAL EUR SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 534 Medieval European Seminar (3-6, max. 12) MEDIEVAL EUR SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 536 Topics in Early Medieval History (3-6, max. 12) EARLY MEDEVL TOPICS. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 591 Advanced Medieval and Renaissance Seminar (3-6, max. 12) ADV MDVL & REN SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 592 Advanced Medieval and Renaissance Seminar (3-6, max. 12) ADV MDVL & REN SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAM 593 Advanced Medieval and Renaissance Seminar (3-6, max. 12) ADV MDVL & REN SMNR. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 202 Introduction to South Asian History, 1500-present (5) INTRO MOD SO. ASIA. Change joint status. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 523 Seminar in Modern Japanese History (3-6, max. 12) SMNR MDRN JAPN HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 524 Seminar in Modern Japanese History (3-6, max. 12) SMNR MDRN JAPN HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 562 Seminar in Chinese History: 1268-1895 ([3-6, max. 12]-) SM CH HST:1268-1895. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 563 Seminar in Chinese History: 1268-1895 (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SM CH HST:1268-1895. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 564 Seminar in Chinese History: 1268-1895 (-[3-6, max. 12]) SM CH HST:1268-1895. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 572 Seminar in Twentieth Century Chinese History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SEM CH HST MOD PER. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 582 Seminar in Korean History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR KOREAN HISTORY. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 583 Seminar in Korean History (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR KOREAN HISTORY. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTAS 584 Seminar in Korean History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SMNR KOREAN HISTORY. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 522 Seminar in French History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR IN FRENCH HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 523 Seminar in French History (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR IN FRENCH HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 524 Seminar in French History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SMNR IN FRENCH HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 532 Seminar in Modern European History: Germany ([3-6, max. 12]-) SEM MDRN EU HS -GERM. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007
HSTEU 533 Seminar in Modern European History: Germany (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SEM MDRN EU HS -GERM. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007
HSTEU 534 Seminar in Modern European History: Germany (-[3-6, max. 12]) SEM MDRN EU HS -GERM. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007
HSTEU 545 Seminar in Modern Russian History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR MDRN RUSS HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 546 Seminar in Modern Russian History (-[3-6, max. 12]-) SMNR MDRN RUSS HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 547 Seminar in Modern Russian History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SMNR MDRN RUSS HIST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 575 Seminar in Tudor Stuart History ([3-6, max. 12]-) SM TUDOR-STUART HST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
HSTEU 576 Seminar in Tudor Stuart History (-[3-6, max. 12]) SM TUDOR-STUART HST. Change max credits. Effective AUT/2007.
Linguistics (0203)
LING 446 English Phonology (3) ENGLISH PHONOLOGY. Change titles, prerequisite.
SPLING 405 Spanish Phonetics (5) SPANISH PHONETICS. Change number. Effective AUT/2007.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
RMN 401 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RMN 402 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RMN 403 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RMN 404 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RMN 405 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RMN 406 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
SPAN 311 Spanish for Reading Knowledge I (5) SPANISH READING I. Change number. Effective AUT/2007.
SPAN 312 Spanish for Reading Knowledge II (5) SPANISH READING II. Change number. Effective AUT/2007.
SPAN 405 Spanish Phonetics (5) SPANISH PHONETICS. Change number. Effective AUT/2007.
SPAN 410 Creative Writing in Spanish (5) CREATIVE WRITE SPAN. Change level, number, credits, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
BCS 401 First-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 1ST YR BOS/CRO/SERB. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BCS 402 First-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 1ST YR BOS/CRO/SERB. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BCS 403 First-Year Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (5) 1ST YR BOS/CRO/SERB. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 401 First-Year Bulgarian (5) 1ST YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 402 First-Year Bulgarian (5) 1ST YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 403 First-Year Bulgarian (5) 1ST YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 404 Second-Year Bulgarian (5) 2ND YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 405 Second-Year Bulgarian (5) 2ND YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
BULGAR 406 Second-Year Bulgarian (5) 2ND YR BULGARIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
CZECH 401 First-Year Czech (5) 1ST YR CZECH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
CZECH 402 First-Year Czech (5) 1ST YR CZECH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
CZECH 403 First-Year Czech (5) 1ST YR CZECH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
POLISH 401 First-Year Polish (5) 1st YR POLISH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
POLISH 402 First-Year Polish (5) 1st YR POLISH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
POLISH 403 First-Year Polish (5) 1st YR POLISH. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 401 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 402 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 403 First-Year Romanian (5) 1ST YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 404 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 405 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
ROMN 406 Second-Year Romanian (5) 2nd YR ROMANIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 301 Third-Year Russian (5) 3rd YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 302 Third-Year Russian (5) 3rd YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 303 Third-Year Russian (5) 3rd YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 401 Forth-Year Russian (5) 4th YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 402 Forth-Year Russian (5) 4th YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
RUSS 403 Forth-Year Russian (5) 4th YR RUSSIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
UKR 401 First-Year Ukrainian (5) 1ST YR UKRAINIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
UKR 402 First-Year Ukrainian (5) 1ST YR UKRAINIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
UKR 402 First-Year Ukrainian (5) 1ST YR UKRAINIAN. Change titles. Effective AUT/2007.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 547 Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive Communicative Disorders (4) TREAT COG COMM DIS. Change number, titles, credits, description.
Women Studies (0298)
WOMEN 299 Women Studies Community in Colloquia (2) WS COMM COLLIQUIA. Change grading. Effective AUT/2007.
Education (0351)
EDC&I 560 Social Studies Education Programs and Practices (3) SOCIAL STUDIES ED. Change to graduate level, per Provost memo, titles, and description. Effective SPR/2007.
EDSPE 506 Classroom Management of the Physical Problems of Individuals with Severe or Profound Disabilities (3) PHYSICAL MANAGEMENT. Change to graduate level, per Provost memo. Effective SPR/2007.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 484 Decentralized and Onsite Wastewater Management and Reuse (3) ON-SITE WASTE MGMT. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 473 Linear Integrated Circuits (5) LINEAR IC DESIGN. Change credits. Effective AUT/2007.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 333 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (5) INTRO TO FLUID MECH. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2008.
M E 374 Systems Dynamic Analysis and Design (5) SYS DYN ANLYS DES. Change prerequisite. Effective AUT/2008.
Forest Resources (0523)
CFR 529 Water Center Seminar (1) WATER CTR SEMINAR. Change titles, description, joint status. Effective SPR/2007.
Aerospace Studies (0442)
A S 331 Aerospace Studies 300 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 300. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 332 Aerospace Studies 300 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 300. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 333 Aerospace Studies 300 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 300. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 431 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 400. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 432 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 400. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
A S 433 Aerospace Studies 400 (3) AEROSPACE STDYS 400. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
Law (0852)
LAW A 578 International Business Transactions ([1-4]-, max. 4) INTL BUS TRANSACT. Change titles. Effective SPR/2007.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 504 Topics in Molecular Medicine (1.5) MOL MED TOPICS. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2007.
PATH 517 The Biology and Pathologies of Aging (3/4) AGING BIOL & PATH. Change credits. Effective SPR/2007.
Nursing (0552)
NURS 582 Culture, Society, and Genomics (3) CLTR SOC & GENOMICS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2007.
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 474 Limnology Laboratory (2) LIMNOLOGY LAB. Change joint status, description. Effective AUT/2007.
FISH 529 Water Center Seminar (1) WATER CTR SEMINAR. Change titles, description, joint status. Effective SPR/2007.
Pharmaceutics (0614)
PCEUT 506 Pharmacokinetic Principles (6) PHARMACOKINETICS. Change credits, description, prerequisites. Effective AUT/2007.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHRMRA 524 Introduction to Clinical Trials (3) CLINICAL TRIALS I. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2007.
PHRMRA 525 Implementation and Conduct of Clinical Trials (3) CLINICAL TRIALS II. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2007.
PHRMRA 526 Project Management and the Business of Clinical Trials (3) CLINICAL TRIALS III. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2007.
PHRMRA 527 International Regulatory Affairs (3) INTERNAT REG AFFAIR. Change prefix. Effective WIN/2008.
PHRMRA 528 Medical Risk Analysis and Management (3) MED RISK ANALY MGMT. Change prefix. Effective SPR/2007.
PHRMRA 545 Statistical Basis of Quality Assurance (3) STAT BASIS QA. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2008.
PHRMRA 546 Technical Writing for the Medical Products Industries (3) TEC WRITING MED PRO. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2007.
PHRMRA 547 Advanced Topics in Medical Products Regulation (2, max. 6) REG AFFAIRS ADV TOP. Change prefix. Effective AUT/2007.
PHRMRA 548 Biomedical Regulatory Affairs Practicum (1-9, max. 9) REG AFFAIRS PRACTIC. Change prefix. Effective AUT2007.
Epidemiology (0704)
PHG 521 Culture, Society, and Genomics (3) CTLR SOC & GENOMICS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2007.
Health Services (0706)
HIIM 409 Disease Concepts for Managers (4) DISEASE CONCEPTS MGR. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 410 Introduction to Health Care Systems and Health Data Systems (6) HLTH CARE/DATA SYS. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 412 Healthcare Coding, Vocabulary and Revenue Cycle Management (5) HC CODE, VOCAB, REV. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 420 Health Care Computer Systems and Electronic Health Records (5) COMPTR SYS/HLTH. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 421 Health Information Systems Analysis (5) HLTH INFO SYS ANLYS. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 450 Organizational Theory in Health Facilities and Healthcare Delivery (3) ORG HLTH CARE/INFO. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 460 Management Project I (3) MGMT PROJECT I. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 462 Management Project II (3) MGMT PROJECT II. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 470 Legal Concepts for Health Fields (3) LEGAL CONCEPTS/HLTH. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 480 Management, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making (4) PROB SOLV/DCSN MKNG. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
HIIM 499 Independent Study (2-5) INDEPENDENT STUDY. Change prefix. Effective SUM/2007.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 220 Developmental Psychology (5) DEVLOPMENTAL PSYCH. Drop NW designation. Effective AUT/2007.
BIS 270 Abnormal Psychology (5) ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY. Change level, number, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Nursing (0870)
B NURS 407 Cultural and Social Issues in Health Care (5) CULT/SOC HLTH ISS. Change short title, credits, description. Effective AUT/2007.
Business (0981)
T FIN 422 Investment Valuation (5) INVESTMNT VALUATION. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
TCSS 522 Computer Operating Systems (5) OPERATING SYSTEMS. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
TCSS 545 Database Systems Design (5) DATABASE SYST DES. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
TCSS 560 Software Engineering (5) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
TCSS 572 Computing Systems Design (5) CMPTNG SYS DSGN. Change description. Effective AUT/2007.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 587 Field Experience I (1-12, max. 12) FIELD EXPERIENCE I. Change to variable credit.
T EDUC 588 Field Experience II (1-12, max. 12) FIELD EXPERIENCE II. Change to variable credit.
Nursing (0970)
THLTH 501 Issues in Race and Health (3) ISSUES RACE HEALTH. Change titles, description. Effective SUM/2007.


Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 391 Recycling: Ethics, Opportunities and Realities (5) RECYCLING. Drop course. Effective WIN/2008.