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January 20, 2009

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on February 17, 2009. The deadline for applications is February 2, 2009 no exceptions.



Technical Communication (0438)
HCDEHuman-Centered Design and Engineering. Change prefix from T C to HCDE. Effective AUT/2009.
Bioethics and Humanities (0929)
B HBioethics and Humanities. Change prefix from MHE to B H. Effective SPR/2009.


Urban Design and Planning (0050)
SPCICritical Infrastructure Systems: Transportation (3) TRANSPORTATION. Effective SPR/2009.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 526Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism (3/5) POLITICAL ISLAM. Offered jointly with SIS 526. Effective SPR/2009.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SIS 526Political Islam and Islamic Fundamentalism (3/5) POLITICAL ISLAM. Offered jointly with ANTH 526. Effective SPR/2009.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
AKKAD 401Elementary Akkadian I (5) ELEM AKKADIAN. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2009 only.
Dentistry (0805)
DENT 540Pharmacology Update (1) PHARM UPDATES. Effective SPR/2009.
Education (0351)
EDSPE 501Foundations of Special Education (3) FOUNDATIONS SPEC ED. Effective AUT/2009.
EDTEP 560Teaching for Learning in Secondary Schools I (2) TCHING & LRNING I. Effective SPR/2009.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 527Space Power Systems (3) SPACE POWER SYSTEM. Effective WIN/2009.
Chemical Engineering (0402)
CHEM E 220Introduction to Molecular and Nanoscale Principles (4) MOL/NANO PRINCIPLES. Effective AUT/2009.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 250Environmental Pollution: Energy and Materials Balance (2) ENVR POLLUTION. Effective SPR/2009.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE 130Pixels, Numbers, and Programs (3) PIXELS, NUMS, PROGS. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2009 only.
Industrial Engineering (0418)
IND E 549Human Factors in Engineering Design (3) HUMAN FACTORS. Offered jointly with ENV H 548. Effective SPR/2009.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 542Information Structures Using XML (4) INFO STRUCTURES XML. Temporary. Effective SPR/2009 only.
INFX 543Conceptual Database Design (4) CONCEPT DB DESIGN. Temporary. Effective SPR/2009 only.
LIS 596Professional Portfolio (3) PROF PORTFOLIO. Effective AUT/2009.
Bioethics and Humanities (0929)
B H 553International Research Ethics, Law, and Policy (3) INTL RES LAW ETHICS. Add joint to existing LAW H 511. Effective AUT/2009.
Medicine (0915)
MEDEX 510Healthcare for Rural and Medically Underserved Populations (5) RURAL UNSVD HLTH. Effective SUM/2009.
MEDEX 511Healthcare Administration and Public Health (5) ADMN PUBLIC HLTH. Effective SUM/2009.
MEDEX 521Capstone Project I (3) CAPSTONE I. Effective SUM/2009.
MEDEX 522Capstone Project II (1) CAPSTONE II. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 523Capstone Project III (1) CAPSTONE III. Effective WIN/2010.
MEDEX 524Capstone Project IV (1) CAPSTONE IV. Effective SPR/2010.
MEDEX 525Capstone Project V (5) CAPSTONE V. Effective SUM/2010.
MEDEX 528Investigative Skills for Practicing Clinicians (5) INVESTIGATIV SKILLS. Effective SUM/2009.
MEDEX 531Clinical Residencies I (3) CLIN RESIDENCY I. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 532Clinical Residencies II (3) CLIN RESIDENCY II. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 533Clinical Residencies III (3) CLIN RESIDENCY III. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 536Health Policy for Practicing Clinicians (4) HEALTH POLICY. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 537Leadership for Practicing Clinicians (4) LEADERSHIP. Effective AUT/2009.
MEDEX 538The Physician Assistant Profession (4) PA PROFESSION. Effective AUT/2009.
Nursing (0552)
NSG 531Evidence-Based Management of Common Health Concerns: Episodic/Acute Emphasis (1-3, max. 3) EB MGMT HLTH ACUTE. Effective WIN/2010.
NSG 532Evidence-Based Management of Gender-Related Health Concerns (1-3, max. 3) EB MGMT GENDER HLTH. Effective SPR/2009.
NSG 533Evidence-Based Management of Common Health Concerns: Chronic Emphasis (1-3, max. 3) EB MGMT HLTH CHRON. Effective SUM/2009.
NSG 534Evidence-Based Management of Common Mental Health Concerns (1-3, max. 3) EB MGMT-MENTAL HLTH. Effective WIN/2010.
NCLIN 532Advanced Practicum in Community Health Systems Nursing: Overview (3) APCHSN OVERVIEW. Effective AUT/2009.
NCLIN 533Advanced Practicum in Community Health Systems Nursing: Culture (3) APCHSN CULTURE. Effective WIN/2010.
NCLIN 534Advanced Practicum in Community Health Systems Nursing: Assessment (3) APCHSN ASSESSMENT. Effective SPR/2009.
NCLIN 535Advanced Practicum in Community Health Systems Nursing: Policy (3) APCHSN POLICY. Effective AUT/2009.
NCLIN 536Advanced Practicum in Community Health Systems Nursing: Health Systems (3) APCHSN HLTH SYSTEMS. Effective WIN/2010.
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 520Advanced Ecology of Marine Fishes (4) ADV ECOL MAR FISH. Effective SPR/2009.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 518Environmental Health Regulation I (0/2, max. 2) ENV HLTH REGUL I. Effective SPR/2009.
ENV H 519Environmental Health Regulation II (0/2, max. 2) ENV HLTH REGUL II. Effective SPR/2009.
ENV H 549Human Factors in Engineering Design (3) HUMAN FACTORS. Offered jointly with IND E 548. Effective SPR/2009.
ENV H 572Environmental Risk and Society (3) ENVIRON RISK SOCIETY. Effective SPR/2009.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 100Wellness, Body, Mind, and Spirit (5) WELLNESS,BODY,MIND. Effective SPR/2009.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TCOM 230Media Globalization and Citizenship (5) MEDIA GLOBALIZATION. Effective SPR/2009.
TCSIG 180Introduction to Women's Studies (5) INTRO WOMEN'S STDYS. Effective SPR/2009.
TCXIN 465Latin American Visual Arts (5) LATIN AMER VIS ARTS. Effective SPR/2009.
TESC 200Environmental Seminar (1, max. 6) ENVIR SEMINAR. Effective SPR/2009.
TESC 211The Science of Environmental Sustainability (5) ENV SUSTAINABILITY. Effective SPR/2009.
TESC 332Conservation Biology in Practice (6) CONSRV BIOL PRACTICE. Effective SPR/2009.
TESC 341Climate Change (5) CLIMATE CHANGE. Effective AUT/2009.
TESC 430Environmental Modeling (6) ENVIRON MODELING. Effective SPR/2009.
TESC 437Stream Ecology (6) STREAM ECOLOGY. Effective SPR/2009.
TPSYCH 431Sexual Deviance (5) SEXUAL DEVIANCE. Effective SPR/2009.
TPSYCH 432Sex Crimes and Sexual Violence (5) SEXUAL VIOLENCE. Effective SPR/2009.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 360Youth and Juvenile Justice Systems (5) JUV JUSTICE SYSTEMS. Effective SPR/2009.
T CRIM 361Addictions and Mental Illness in Criminal Justice (5) ADDICTNS & MENT ILL. Effective SPR/2009.


English (0136)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in English. (ENGL-20080923)B. Effective WIN/2009.
Germanics (0192)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the elimination of the option and minor in German Cultural Studies; revised admission and program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Germanics; and revised program requirements for the minors in Germanics and German Linguistics. (GERMAN-20080919). Effective AUT/2009.
Music (0217)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy have recommended approval of a new option in Music History within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. (MUSIC-20080527B). Effective WIN/2009.
Music (0217)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy have recommended approval of a new option in Early Music within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree in Music. (MUSIC-20080527C). Effective WIN/2009.
Laboratory Medicine (0948)
The Faculty Council of Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Medical Technology. (LABM-20081022). Effective AUT/2010.


Urban Design and Planning (0050)
SPCI 511Business Continuity Planning (3) BUSINESS CONTIN PL. Change titles, description. Effective SUM/2009.
SPCI 515Capstone (4) CAPSTONE. Was SPCI 514-515, change credits, titles, description. Effective SUM/2009.
American Ethnic Studies (0100)
AES 322Gender, Race, and Class in Social Stratification (5) GEND RACE CLASS. Change to be offered jointly with WOMEN 300. Change titles, prerequisite: Effective AUT/2009.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 375Comparative Systems of Healing (5) COMP HEALING SYSTEM. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2009.
Art (0105)
ART 591Graduate Studio: Drawing (5, max. 15) GRAD STUDIO: DRAWING. Change credits. Effective SPR/2009.
ART 594Graduate Seminar in Painting and Drawing (5, max. 15) GRAD SEM PAINT/DRAW. Change credits, max. credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Art History (0106)
ART H 533Seminar in North American Native Art (5) SEM N AM NATIVE ART. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
SNKRT 411Advanced Sanskrit (5, max. 15) ADVANCED SANSKRIT. Change credits, max. credits. Effective AUT/2009.
SNKRT 412Advanced Sanskrit (5, max. 15) ADVANCED SANSKRIT. Change credits, max. credits. Effective WIN/2010.
SNKRT 413Advanced Sanskrit (5, max. 15) ADVANCED SANSKRIT. Change credits, max. credits. Effective SPR/2010.
Atmospheric Sciences (0108)
ATM S 451Instruments and Observations (5) INSTRUMENTS OBS. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
ATM S 452Weather Forecasting and Advanced Synoptic Meteorology (5) FORCASTING LAB. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 180Introductory Biology (5) INTRO BIOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
BIOL 302Laboratory Techniques in Cell and Molecular Biology (4) LAB TECHNIQS IN CMB. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
BIOL 450Vertebrate Paleontology (5) VERTE PALEO. Change credits, prerequisite, description. Offered jointly with ESS 452. Effective SPR/2009.
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (1039)
DXARTS 200Digital Art and New Media: History, Theory, and Practice (5) DIGTL ART NEW MEDIA. Change credits. Effective AUT/2009.
Chemistry (0117)
CHEM 428Bioinstrumental Analysis (3) BIOINSTRUMENT ANLYS. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
Classics (0118)
CLAS 405Undergraduate Seminar (5) UNDERGRAD SEMINAR. Was CLAS 401, change credits. Effective AUT/2009.
LATIN 405Undergraduate Seminar (5) UNDERGRAD SEMINAR. Was CLAS 401, change credits. Effective AUT/2009.
GREEK 405Undergraduate Seminar (5) UNDERGRAD SEMINAR. Was CLAS 401, change credits. Effective AUT/2009.
Communication (1035)
COM 527Global Communication Research Methods (5) GLOBAL COMM METHODS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
COM 562Global Communication Systems (5) GLOBAL COMM SYSTEMS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
Earth and Space Sciences (1034)
ESS 452Vertebrate Paleontology (5) VERTE PALEO. Change credits, prerequisite, description. Offered jointly with BIOL 450. Effective SPR/2009.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 371World Hunger and Agricultural Development (5) HUNGER AND AGRI DEV. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
GEOG 380Geographical Patterns of Health and Disease (5) GEOG PTTRNS HEALTH. Change credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Germanics (0192)
GERMAN 311Introduction to German Literary Studies (5) LITERARY STUDIES. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
GERMAN 322Introduction to German Cultural Studies (5) CULTURAL STUDIES. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2009.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SISEA 462China's Rise and Its Global Implications (5) CHINA'S RISE. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
Neurobiology (1018)
NBIO 402Sensory Systems: From Molecules to Mind (3) SENSORY SYSTEMS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2009.
Physics (0239)
PHYS 225Introduction to Quantum Mechanics (3) INTRO MOD MECHANICS. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
PHYS 421Contemporary Atomic Physics (3) CONTEMP ATOMIC PHYS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
PHYS 422Contemporary Nuclear and Particle Physics (3) CNTEMP NUCLEAR PHYS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
PHYS 423Contemporary Condensed Matter Physics (3) CONTEMP COND MATTER. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 538Interactive Software for Psychological Research (4) SOFTWARE PSYCH RSCH. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
SPAN 101Elementary (5) ELEMENTARY. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 102Elementary (5) ELEMENTARY. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 103Elementary (5) ELEMENTARY. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 121Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 122Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 123Spanish Immersion (5) SPANISH IMMERSION. Change description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPAN 447Modern Latin American Theater (5) LAT AMER THEATER. Was SPAN 478. Effective SPR/2009.
Sociology (0293)
SOC 366Sociology of Organizations (5) SOC OF ORGANIZ. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2009.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 506Research Methods in Speech-Language Pathology (3) RES METHODS SLP. Change titles. Effective AUT/2009.
SPHSC 507Evidence-Based Practice (3) EVDNC-BASED PRACTIC. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
SPHSC 526Assessment and Treatment of Literacy Disorders (3) TREAT LIT DISORDERS. Change credits. Effective SUM/2009.
SPHSC 532Assessment and Treatment of Neurogenic Cognitive and Language Disorders (4) NEURO COG & LNG DIS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
SPHSC 536Assessment and Treatment of School-Age Communication Disorders (4) SCHOOL-AGE COM DIS. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPHSC 541Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Acquired (2) ACC: AQUIRED. Change credits. Effective SPR/2009.
SPHSC 543Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Dysphagia (2) PEDIATRIC DYSPHAGIA. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
SPHSC 545Assessment and Treatment of Voice Disorders in Medical Settings (2) VOICE DIS MED SETNG. Change credits, abbreviated title. Effective AUT/2009.
SPHSC 546Advanced Neurological Language and Cognitive-Communication Disorders (3) ADV NEURO COMM DIS. Change titles, credits, descriptions. Effective WIN/2010.
SPHSC 548Advanced Neurological Motor Speech Disorders (2) ADV NEURO LANG DIS. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2009.
SPHSC 549Clinical Forum in Speech-Language Pathology (2) CLINICAL FORUM. Change titles, credits, description, prerequisite.. Effective SPR/2009.
SPHSC 554Advanced Offsite Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology (2-12) ADV OFFSITE PRACT. Change credits. Effective SUM/2009.
SPHSC 563Instructional Development Forum (1) INSTRUCT DEV FORUM. Change titles. Effective SPR/2009.
Women Studies (0298)
WOMEN 299Women Studies Colloquium (2) WS COLLOQUIUM. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 300Gender, Race, and Class in Social Stratification (5) GEND RACE CLASS. Joint with AES 322. Was WOMEN 322, change titles, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 494Women Studies Capstone (5) WOMEN ST CAPSTON. Change to graded, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
Oral Biology (0816)
ORALB 575Oral Biology Seminar (1-3, max. 30) ORALB SEMINAR. Change max credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Education (0351)
EDSPE 404Exceptional Children (3) EXCEPTIONAL CHLDRN. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
EDTEP 512Arts in Teaching (3) ARTS IN TEACHING. Change titles, credits, was UCONJ 510. Effective SPR/2009.
EDTEP 544Differentiated Instruction (1-3,m ax. 8) DIFFERENTIATED INST. Change credits, drop hyphenation. Effective SPR/2009.
EDTEP 561Teaching and Learning for Secondary Schools II (2) TCHING & LRNING II. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
EDTEP 562Adolescent Development and Education I (2) ADOL DEV & EDUC I. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2009.
EDTEP 563Adolescent Development and Education II (2) ADOL DEV & EDUC II. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
EDTEP 564Working in Schools (2) WORKING IN SCHOOLS. Change titles, credits, description, DL. Effective SPR/2009.
EDTEP 591First Quarter Field Experience-Secondary (2-5, max. 10) QTR 1 SEC FIELD. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2009.
EDTEP 592Second Quarter Field Experience-Secondary (2-5, max. 10) QTR 2 SEC FIELD. Change credits, description. Effective SUM/2009.
EDTEP 593First Quarter Field Experience-Secondary (2-5, max. 10) QTR 1 SEC FIELD. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
EDTEP 600Independent Study or Research (1-10, max. 18) INDEPNDT STDY/RSCH. Change credits, max. credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Neurobiology and Behavior (0650)
NEUBEH 501Introduction to Neurobiology (3) INTRO NEUROBIOLOGY. Change credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
Law (0852)
LAW H 511International Research Ethics, Law, and Policy (3) INTL RES LAW ETHICS. Add joint status with B H 553, change credits. Effective AUT/2009.
Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics (0918)
MEBI 541Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Evidence (3) INTRO META-ANALYSIS. Change credits. Joint with HSERV 529/EPI 541. Effective SPR/2009.
Nursing (0552)
NCLIN 798Tripartite Immersion Practicum (1-12, max. 12) TRIPART IMMERS PRAC. Change credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 420Ecology of Marine Fishes (3) ECOL MARINE FISHES. Change titles, credits, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2009.
FISH 428Stream and Watershed Restoration (5) STREAM RESTORATION. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective SPR/2009.
FISH 581Case Study Method: Living Marine Resources Management (3) LIVING MAR RES MGMT. Offered jointly with SMA 581. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2009.
School of Marine Affairs (0458)
SMA 581Case Study Method: Living Marine Resources Management (3) LIVING MAR RES MGMT. Offered jointly with FISH 581. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2009.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
EPI 541Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Evidence (3) INTRO META-ANALYSIS. Change credits. Joint with HSERV 529/MEBI 541. Effective SPR/2009.
Epidemiology (0704)
PHG 580Interactive Seminar (1, max. 30) INTERACTIVE SEMINAR. Change max credits. Effective SPR/2009.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 529Introduction to Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis of Evidence (3) INTRO META-ANALYSIS. Change credits. Joint with EPI/MEBI 541. Effective SPR/2009.
Social Work (0779)
SOC WL 577Promoting Well-Being among At-Risk Groups through Prevention Research (3) AT-RISK PREVNTN RES. Change titles. Effective AUT/2009.
SOC WL 578Seminar in Special Topics for Prevention Research (1, max 30) SMNR PREVNTN RSCH. Change titles, max credits. Effective SPR/2009.
SOC W 594Gender and Inequalities in the Global Context (3) GENDER & INEQUALITY. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2009.
Nursing (0870)
B NURS 501Philosophical and Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Practice (3) FNDTN NURS PRACTICE. Change titles. Effective AUT/2009.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TPSYCH 311Personality Theory (5) PERSONALITY THEORY. Change description. Effective SPR/2009


Women Studies (0298)
WOMEN 207Introduction to Feminist Theories (5) INTRO FEM THEORIES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 423Feminism, the State, and Democracy in Indonesia (5) STATE & FEM INDONES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 424Women in Midlife (5) WOMEN IN MIDLIFE. Drop course. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 425Femininity, Feminism, and Antifeminism in Popular Culture (5) FEM/ANTFEM POP CLTR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2009.
WOMEN 534Feminism and History of Women in China (5) FEM&HIST-WM/CHINA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2009.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 527Energy Conversion I (3) ENERGY CONV I. Drop course. Effective WIN/2009.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 250Environmental Pollution: Assessing Problems and Solutions (5) ENVIR POLLUTION. Drop course. Effective SPR/2009.