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September 15, 2009

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on September 15, 2009. The deadline for applications is August 31, 2009.



American Ethnic Studies (0100)
AES 211Environmental Justice (5) ENVIR JUSTICE. Joint with ANTH 211/ENVIR 211. Effective SPR/2010.
Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 211Environmental Justice (5) ENVIR JUSTICE. Joint with AES 211/ENVIR 211. Effective SPR/2010.
ANTH 349Dance/Performance Ethnography (3) DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY. Added joint to existing DANCE 350. Effective WIN/2010.
ANTH 369Special Problems in Anthropology (3-5, max. 10) SPEC PROB IN ANTH. Effective AUT/2009.
ANTH 215Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health (5) MED ANTH/ GLBL HLTH. Effective AUT/2009.
ANTH 415Anthropology and International Health (5) ANTH & INTRNTL HLTH. Effective AUT/2009.
ANTH 422Peoples and Cultures of Central and Inner Asia (5) CLTR CNTRL INR ASIA. Joint with NEAR E 472/SISRE 472. Effective SPR/2010.
ANTH 549Dance/Performance Ethnography (3) DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY. Added joint to existing DANCE 550. Effective WIN/2010.
BIO A 269Special Problems in Biocultural Anthropology (3-6, max. 12) SPEC PROB IN BIOA. Effective WIN/2010.
BIO A 369Special Issues in Biocultural Anthropology (2-6, max. 12) SPEC ISSUES IN BIOA. Effective SPR/2010.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 424Mathematical Biology: Spatiotemporal Models (3) MATH BIO SPAT MODS. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 481Scientific Computing (5) SCIENTIFIC COMPTG. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 482Computational Methods for Data Analysis (5) COMP METH DATA ANLY. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 483High-Performance Scientific Computing (5) HI-PRFM SCI COMPG. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 501Vector Calculus and Complex Variables (5) VEC CAL COMPLEX VAR. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 502Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos (5) INTRO DYN SYS & CH. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 503Methods for Partial Differential Equations (5) METHODS PAR DIFF EQ. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 510Computational Biology and Chemistry (5) COMP BIO & CHEM. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 522Introduction to Mathematical Biology (5) INTRO MATH BIO. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 523Mathematical Biology: Stochastic Models (5) MATH BIO: STOCH MODS. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 524Mathematical Biology: Spatiotemporal Models (5) MATH BIO: SPAT MODS. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 582Computational Methods for Data Analysis (5) COMP METH DATA ANLY. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 583High-Performance Scientific Computing (5) HI-PRFM SCI COMPG. Effective AUT/2009.
Art History (0106)
ART H 260Fashion, Nature, and Culture (5) FASHION NATION CLTR. Add joint to existing EURO/ITAL 260. Effective WIN/2010.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
CHIN 370Ancient China (5) ANCIENT CHINA. Temporary. Effective WIN/2010 only.
JAPAN 434Seminar in Premodern Japanese Literature (5) PRMDN JAPAN LIT SEM. Effective SPR/2010.
JAPAN 435Seminar in Modern Japanese Literature (5) MODRN JAPAN LIT SEM. Effective SPR/2010.
Communication (1035)
COM 289Communication and Difference (5) COMM & DIFFERENCE. Effective AUT/2009.
COM 363Entrepreneurial Journalism Practicum (5) ENTRE JOURN PRACTM. Effective AUT/2009.
COM 552Social Construction of News (5) SOC CONST OF NEWS. Effective WIN/2010.
Comparative History of Ideas (0202)
CHID 442Roma Eterna (5) ROMA ETERNA. Effective AUT/2009
Comparative Literature (0132)
C LIT 441Literature and the Holocaust (5) LIT & HOLOCAUST. Joint with NEAR E 441. Effective SPR/2010.
C LIT 520Methods and Issues in Cinema and Media Studies (5) MTHDS & ISS IN CMS. Effective SPR/2010.
English (0136)
ENGL 211Literature, 1500-1800 (5) LIT 1500-1800. Effective WIN/2010.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SISME 491Methodologies in Near Eastern Studies (5) NEAR E METHODOLOGY. Joint with NEAR E 491. Effective WIN/2010.
SISRE 472Peoples and Cultures of Central and Inner Asia (5) CLTR CNTRL INR ASIA. Joint with NEAR E 472/ANTH 422. Effective SPR/2010.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
NEAR E 441Literature and the Holocaust (5) LIT & HOLOCAUST. Joint with C LIT 441. Effective SPR/2010.
NEAR E 472Peoples and Cultures of Central and Inner Asia (5) CLTR CNTRL INR ASIA. Joint with ANTH 422/SISRE 472. Effective SPR/2010.
NEAR E 491Methodologies in Near Eastern Studies (5) NEAR E METHODOLOGY. Joint with SISME 491. Effective WIN/2010.
NEAR E 591Methodologies in Near Eastern Studies (5) NEAR E METHODOLOGY. Effective WIN/2010.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 463Implicit and Unconscious Cognition (3) IMPLIC & UNC COGNIT. Effective SPR/2010.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
ITAL 343Stylistics and Rhetoric (5) STYLE & RHETORIC. Effective SPR/2010.
SPAN 394Special Topics in Spanish Literature (3/5, max. 10) SPEC TOP - SPAN LIT. May only be repeated once, add to 300-level literature courses used to satisfy 3xx literature elective program requirement. Effective SPR/2010.
SPAN 395Special Topics in Latin American Literature (3/5, max. 10) SPEC TOP - LATAM LIT. May only be repeated once, add to 300-level literature courses used to satisfy 3xx literature elective program requirement. Effective SPR/2010.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 527Nonparametric Regression and Classification (3) NONPARA REGRESSION. Joint with BIOST 527. Effective SPR/2010.
Aeronautics and Astronautics (0400)
A A 534Integrity of Composite Aircraft Structures (3) COMPOSITE STRUCT. Effective SPR/2010.
Program on Environmental Studies (1070)
ENVIR 250Environmental Studies: Data Types and Collection Methods (5) ENVIRONMT DATA METH. Effective WIN/2010.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 594Degree Research Project (3) DEGREE RSCH PROJECT. Effective WIN/2010.
Museology (0657)
MUSEUM 586Philosophy and Ethics of Museum Collections (3) PHILÐICS COLLECT. Effective WIN/2011.
MUSEUM 597Directed Fieldwork in Audience Research (1-5, max. 15) FIELDWRK AUD RESCH. Effective WIN/2010.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 557Microbial Evolution and Ecology (1.5) MICROBIAL EVOLUTION. Effective AUT/2009.
Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery (0923)
OHOHN 685P-Otloaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery Clerkship - Boise (4/8, max. 24) P-OTOHNS BOISE. Clone of OTOHN 680. Effective SUM/2009.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 412Seismic Exploration and Stratigraphy (5) SEIS EXPLO & STRAT. Joint with existing ESS 467. Effective WIN/2010.
Biostatistics (0700)
BIOST 527Nonparametric Regression and Classification (3) NONPARA REGRESSION. Joint with STAT 527Effective SPR/2010.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 462Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (3) TECH ASP OCC SAFETY. Effective WIN/2010.
Social Work (0779)
SOC WF 250Writing for Social Welfare (2) SOC WF WRITING. Effective WIN/2010.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TCOM 440Advertising and Consumer Culture (5) ADV & CNSMR CULTURE. Effective SPR/2010.
TCSIG 250Seminar in Service Learning: A Feminist Approach (5) FEMINISM & SERVCIE LEARN. Effective SPR/2010.
TECON 350Economic History of Europe (5) EURO ECONOMIC HIST. Effective AUT/2009.
TECON 440Global Economic Challenges (5) GLOBAL ECON CHAL. Effective WIN/2010.
TECON 460China's Rise and its Global Economic Implications (5) CHINA GLOBAL ECON. Effective WIN/2010.
TPOL S 440American Foreign Policy in the Middle East (5) AM FOR POL MIDEAST. Effective WIN/2010.
TPOL S 496Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Internship (5-10) PPE Internship. Effective WIN/2010.
TWRT 464Teaching Writing (5) TEACHING WRITING. Effective WIN/2010.



Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences(0963)
Based on the recommendations of the Faculty Council on Academic Policy, the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy has recommended approval of a minor in Mathematics. (TQS-20090327). Effective AUT/2009.
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences(0963)
The Faculty Council on Academic Policy has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the option in Communication within the Bachelor of Art degree in Indterdisciplinary Arts and Sciences. (TCOM-20090507). Effective AUT/2009.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 401Vector Calculus and Complex Variables (5) VEC CAL COMPLEX VAR. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 402Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos (5) INTRO DYN SYS & CH. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 403Methods for Partial Differential Equations (5) METHODS PAR DIFF EQ. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 410Computational Biology and Chemistry (5) COMP BIO & CHEM. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 422Introduction to Mathematical Biology (5) INTRO MATH BIO. Change description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 423Mathematical Biology: Stochastic Models (5) MATH BIO: STOCH MODS. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
AMATH 581Scientific Computing (5) SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
Dance (0133)
DANCE 350Dance/Performance Ethnography (3) DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY. Add ANTH 349 joint. Effective WIN/2010.
DANCE 550Dance/Performance Ethnography (3) DANCE ETHNOGRAPHY. Add ANTH 549 joint. Effective WIN/2010.
English (0136)
ENGL 200Reading Literary Forms (5) READING LIT FORMS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 207Introduction to Cultural Studies (5) INTRO CULTURE STUDY. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 210Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600 (5) LIT 400 to 1600. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 212Literature, 1700-1900 (5) LIT 1700-1900. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010
ENGL 213Modern and Postmodern Literature (5) MODERN/POST MOD LIT. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 225Shakespeare (5) SHAKESPEARE. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 242Reading Prose Fiction (5) READ PROSE FICTION. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 243Reading Poetry (5) READING POETRY. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 244Reading Drama (5) READING DRAMA. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 250American Literature (5) AMERICAN LITERATURE. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 257Asian-American Literature (5) ASIAN-AMERICIAN LIT. Change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 270The Uses of the English Language (5) USES OF ENGL LANG. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 505Spatial Dimensions of Chinese Development (5, max. 10) CHINESE DEVELOPMENT. Change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
EURO 260Fashion, Nation, and Culture (5) FASHION NATION CLTR. Add ART H 260 joint to existing EURO/ITAL 260 joint courses. Effective WIN/2010.
Physics (0239)
PHYS 210Physic by Inquiry I (5) PHYS BY INQUIRY I. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
PHYS 211Physics by Inquiry I (5) PHYS BY INQUIRY I. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
PHYS 212Physics by Inquiry I (5) PHYS BY INQUIRY I. Change description. Effective AUT/2009.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
ITAL 260Fashion, Nation, and Culture (5) FASHION NATION CLTR. Add ART H 260 joint to existing EURO/ITAL 260 joint courses. Effective WIN/2010.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
SLVN 401Introductory Slovene Language (3/5) INTRO SLOVENE LANG. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.
SLVN 404Second-Year Slovene Language (3/5) SECOND-YR SLOVENE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 530Wavelets: Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Theory (3) WAVELETS. Change joint to E E 530. Effective WIN/2010.
Urban Design and Planning (0050)
URBDP 560Inequality, Governance, and Policy in the Metropolitan Region (3/4) METRO REGION POLICY. Joint with PB AD 560. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 530Wavelets: Data Analysis, Algorithms, and Theory (3) WAVELETS. Was E E 524, joint with STAT 530. Effective WIN/2010.
Earth and Space Sciences (1068)
ESS 467Seismic Exploration and Stratigraphy (5) SEIS EXPLR& STRAT. Add joint status with OCEAN 412, change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2010.
Museology (0657)
MUSEUM 583Directed Fieldwork in Museum Operations (1-5, max. 15) FIELDWRK MUS OPERTN. Change titles, description, and grading. Effective WIN/2010.
MUSEUM 584Directed Fieldwork in Archaeology (1-5, max. 15) FIELDWRK ARCHY. Change titles, grading. Effective WIN/2010.
MUSEUM 585Directed Fieldwork in General Collections (1-5, max. 15) FIELDWRK GEN COLLTN. Change titles, grading. Effective WIN/2010.
Genome Sciences (1040)
GENOME 506The Science Education Partnership (5) TEACHER RESRCH EXP. Change to credit/no credit. Effective SPR/2010.
Human Biology (0950)
HUBIO 556P-Hormones and Nutrients (4) P-HORMONES NUTRIENT. Was HUBIO 544/568, change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2009.
Bioethics and Humanities (0929)
B H 497Bioethics and Humanities Special Electives (*-, max. 30) SPECIAL ELECTIVES. Change titles. Effective AUT/2009.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 548Modeling Protein and Proteomes (1.5) MODELING PROTEOMES. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2010.
CONJ 553Clinical Management of HIV (3) CLIN MGMT HIV. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
Microbiology (0916)
MICROM 412Prokaryotic Diversity (3) PROKARYOTIC DIVERS. Change titles. Effective SPR/2010.
MICROM 443Medical Bacteriology Laboratory (3) MED BACTERIOLOGY LAB. Change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
Nursing (0552)
NSG 507Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (3) TECH ASP OCC SAFETY. Joint with ENV H 562. Change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 503Executive Leadership (3/4) EXEC LEADERSHIP. Change titles, credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 506Ethics and Public Policy (3/4) ETHICS & PUB POL. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 517Economics of the Public Sector (3/4) ECON PUBLIC SECTOR. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 525Qualitative Methods for Policy Analysts (3/4) Qualitative Methods. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 529Advanced Multivariate Analysts (3/4) ADV MULTIVAR ANALYS. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 531Development Management in the 21st Century (3/4) DEVELOPMENT MGMT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 532Managing Policy in a Global Context (3/4) MGT POL GLOBAL CTXT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 533Economics of International Development (3/4) ECON OF INTL DEVEL. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 534Rural Development: Economics and Policy (3/4) RURAL DEVELOP ECON. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 544Land Use and Transportation Policy (3/4) LAND USE TRANS POL. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 560Inequality, Governance, and Policy in the Metropolitan Region (3/4) METRO REGION POLICY. Joint with URBDP 560. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 567Community Engagement and Urban Governance (3/4) COMM ENGAG URB GOV. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 576Poverty and Anti-Poverty in the United States (4) POVERTY & ANTI-POV. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 578Asset Building for Low Income Families (3/4) ASSET BUILDING. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PB AF 594Economic Approaches to Environmental Management (3/4) ECON ENVIRON MGMT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PPM 502Research Design (4) RESEARCH DESIGN. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PPM 504Institutional Perspectives on Management (4) INSTL PERSP ON MGMT. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PPM 506Advanced Microeconomics for Policy Analysis (4) ADV MICRO POL ANLYS. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PPM 510Public Policy Analysis (4) PUBLIC POLICY ANYLS. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
PPM 512Data Analysis (4) DATA ANALYSIS. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 562Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety (3) TECH ASP OCC SAFETY. Joint with NSG 507. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 510Epidemiologic Data Analysis (3) EPID DATA ANALYSIS. Change credits. Effective WIN/2010.
Social Work (0779)
SOC W 520EDP Policy/Services (3) POLICY/SERVICES. Change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
SOC W 535Special Topics in Interpersonal/Direct Practice (2/3) I/D PRACTICE TOPICS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
SOC W 548EDP Advanced Practice I (3) ADVANCED PRACTICE I. Change titles. Effective AUT/2009.
SOC W 549EDP Advanced Practice II (3) ADVANCED PRACTICE II. Change titles. Effective AUT/2010.
Education (0975)
T EDUC 540Systems of Prevention and Strategic Supports Seminar (3) PREVENTN & SUPPORT. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
T EDUC 541Reading Methods and Interventions (3) READ METH & INTERV. Joint with T EDSP 541. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
T EDUC 543Math Methods and Interventions (3) MATH METH & INTERV. Joint with T EDSP 543. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
T EDSP 541Reading Methods and Interventions (3) READ METH & INTERV. Joint with T EDUC 541. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
T EDSP 543Math Methods and Interventions (3) MATH METH & INTERV. Joint with T EDUC 543. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2009.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TPOL S 340Middle East Politics (5) MID EAST POLITICS. Was TSMIN 340, change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.


Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 501Seminar in Applied Mathematics (1, max. 6) AMATH SEMINAR. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
AMATH 502Applied Mathematics Clinic (1) APPLIED MATH CLINIC. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
AMATH 503Mathematical Biology I (3) MATH BIOLOGY I. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
AMATH 510Applications of Optimization in Engineering Design (3) APPL OPT ENG DESIGN. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2010.
English (0136)
ENGL 211Medieval and Renaissance Literature (5) MED/REN LIT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 228English Literacy Culture: To 1600 (5) ENGL LIT:TO 1600. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 229English Literacy Culture: 1600-1800 (5) ENGL LIT:1600-1800. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 230English Literacy Culture: After 1800 (5) ENGL LIT:AFTER 1800. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ENGL 264Literature and Science (5) LITERATUR & SCIENCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.