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November 17, 2009

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on December 15, 2009. The deadline for applications is November 30, 2009.


Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (1039)
DXARTS 571Telematic Art I (5) TELEMATIC ART I. Effective SPR/2010.
Center for Humanities (0991)
HUM 594Scholarship as Public Practice (2) PUBLIC SCHOLARSHIP. Effective AUT/2010.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
SISEA 425East Asian for Educators (6, max. 18) E ASIA FOR EDUCATOR. Effective SUM/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
MATH 380Intermediate Topics in Undergraduate Mathematics (3, max. 12) INTERMEDIATE TOPICS. Effective SPR/2010.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
EGYPT 496Intensive Hieroglyphic Egyptian (3) ANCIENT EGYPTIAN. Temporary. Effective WIN/2010 only.
EGYPT 596Intensive Hieroglyphic Egyptian (3) ANCIENT EGYPTIAN. Temporary. Effective WIN/2010 only.
NEAR E 410Middle East Through Cinema (3) MID EAST THR CINEMA. Effective WIN/2010.
NEAR E 510Middle East Through Cinema (3) MID EAST THR CINEMA. Effective WIN/2010.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
SLAV 401Research Methods and Writing (2) RSRCH MTHDS & WRIT. Effective AUT/2010.
Women Studies (0298)
WOMEN 251Introduction to Gender and Popular Culture (5) GENDER/POP CULTURE. Effective SPR/2010.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE 311Foundations of Computing I (4) FOUNDATIONS COMP I. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 312Foundations of Computing II (4) FOUNDATIONS COMP II. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 331Software Design and Implementation (4) SW DESIGN & IMPL. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 332Data Abstractions (4) DATA ABSTRACTIONS. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 333Systems Programming (4) SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 344Introduction to Data Management (4) INTRO DATA MGMT. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 351The Hardware/Software Interface (4) HW SW INTERFACE. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 352Hardware Design and Implementation (4) HW DESIGN & IMPL. Effective SPR/2010.
CSE 486Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 423/BIOEN423. Effective AUT/2009.
CSE 487Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with E E 424/BIOEN 424. Effective AUT/2009.
CSE 488Laboratory Methods in Synthetic Biology (4) LAB SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 425/BIOEN 425. Effective AUT/2009.
CSE 586Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 523/BIOEN 523. Effective AUT/2009.
CSE 587Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with E E 524/BIOEN 524. Effective AUT/2009.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 205Introduction to Signal Conditioning (4) INTRO SIGNAL COND. Effective SPR/2010.
E E 423Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with BIOEN 423/CSE 486. Effective AUT/2009.
E E 424Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with BIOEN 424/CSE 487. Effective AUT/2009.
E E 425Laboratory Methods in Synthetic Biology (4) LAB SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with BIOEN 425/CSE 488. Effective AUT/2009.
E E 523Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with BIOEN 523/CSE 586. Effective AUT/2009.
E E 524Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with BIOEN 524/CSE 587. Effective AUT/2009.
Program on Environmental Studies (1070)
ENVIR 480Sustainability Studio: FYI (5, max. 10) SUSTAABILITY STUDIO. Effective WIN/2010.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 595Capstone I - Planning Project (2) CAPSTONE I. Effective SPR/2010.
INFX 596Capstone II - Project Implementation (3) CAPSTONE II. Effective SPR/2010.
Bioengineering (0745)
BIOEN 423Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 423/CSE 486. Effective AUT/2009.
BIOEN 424Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with E E 424/CSE 487. Effective AUT/2009.
BIOEN 425Laboratory Methods in Synthetic Biology (4) LAB SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 425/CSE 488. Effective AUT/2009.
BIOEN 523Introduction to Synthetic Biology (3) INTRO SYNTH BIO. Offered jointly with E E 523/CSE 586. Effective AUT/2009.
BIOEN 524Advanced Systems and Synthetic Biology (3) ADV SYNTHETIC BIO. Offered jointly with E E 524/CSE 587. Effective AUT/2009.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 558Fundamentals of Prokaryotic Biology (1.5) PROKARYOTIC BIOLOGY. Effective WIN/2010.
Microbiology (0916)
MICROM 540Virology (3) VIROLOGY. Effective WIN/2010.
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (0936)
PBSCI 695P-Advanced Clerkship in Child Psychiatry - CSTC (*, max. 24) P-CHILD PYSCH-CSTC. Effective WIN/2010.
Medicinal Chemistry (0612)
MEDCH 528Biophysical Enzymology and Biopharmaceuticals (3) BIOPHYS/BIOPHARM. Effective WIN/2010.
Pharmaceutics (0614)
PHARM 590Medication Safety in Patient Care (2) MED SAFETY. Effective SPR/2010.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 597Case Studies in Environmental and Occupational Health (1) CASES ENVH OCC HLTH. Effective SPR/2010.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 589Cancer Health Disparities (2) CANCER HLTH DISPAR. Temporary. Effective WIN/2010-WIN/2011.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TECON 417Political Economy of India (5) POL ECON OF INDIA. Cloned from SISA 417. Effective AUT/2009.
TESC 303Sustainable Development in Africa - Study Abroad (12) SUST DVLPMNT AFRICA. Effective WIN/2010.
TESC 316Pacific Northwest Geology (5) PNW GELOGY. Effective SPR/2010.


American Ethnic Studies (0100)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in American Ethnic Studies. (AES-20090507). Effective AUT/2009.
Dance (0133)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Dance and the revised program requirements for the minor in Dance. (DANCE-20090525). Effective AUT/2009.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the option in Statistics within the Bachelor of of Science degree in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences. (ACMS-20090731A). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the option in Social and Behavioral Sciences within the Bachelor of of Science degree in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences. (ACMS-20090731B). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the option in Discrete Mathematics and Alogorithms within the Bachelor of of Science degree in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences. (ACMS-20090731C). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. (MATH-20090918A). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics. (MATH-20090918B). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the option in Philosophy within the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. (MATH-20090918C). Effective WIN/2010.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the option in Teacher Preparation within the Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics. (MATH-20090918D). Effective WIN/2010.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish. (SPAN-20090813). Effective AUT/2009.
Sociology (0293)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admision and program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. (SOC-20090428). Effective AUT/2009.
American Ethnic Studies (0100)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture degree. (LARCH-20090908). Effective WIN/2010.
Chemical Engineering (0402)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission and program requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering degree. (CHEME-20091016). Effective SPR/2010.
Material Science and Engineering (0423)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering degree. (MSE-20091012). Effective WIN/2010.
Medicine (0915)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Doctor of Medicine degree. (MED-20090817). Effective AUT/2009.
Bioethics and Humanities (0929)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Program, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the minor in Bioethics and Humanities. (BH-20090608). Effective AUT/2009.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
Based on the recommendations of the General Faculty Organization, the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy has recommended approval of the conversion of the options within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies to Bachelor of Arts degrees in American Studies; Global Studies; Society, Ethics, and Human Behavior; Culture, Literature, and the Arts; Science, Technology, and Society; and Community Psychology. (BIS-20090415). Effective AUT/2010.
Based on the recommendations of the General Faculty Organization, the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy has recommended approval of the conversion of the option in Environmental Studies within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies to Bachelor of Arts degree in Environmental Studies. (BIS-20090415A). Effective AUT/2010.
Based on the recommendations of the General Faculty Organization, the Faculty Council on Tri-Campus Policy has recommended approval of the conversion of the option in Interdisciplinary Arts within the existing Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Studies to Bachelor of Arts degree in Interdisciplinary Arts. (BIS-20090415B). Effective AUT/2010.


Art (0105)
ART 1243D4M Studio: Materials in Real Space (5) MATERIAL REAL SPACE. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 201Introduction to Ceramics: Handbuilding (5) CERAMIC HANDBUILDING. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 202Introduction to Ceramics: Wheel Throwing. (5) CERAM WHEEL THROWNG. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 272Introduction to Sculpture I: Techniques (5) INTRO SCULPTURE I. Change titles, description, prerequisite: Effective SPR/2010 .
ART 273Introduction to Sculpture II: Structures (5) INTRO SCULPTURE II. Change titles, description, prerequisite.
ART 332Intermediate Sculpture (5, max. 15) INTERMED SCULPTURE. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2010.
ART 333New Materials and Processes in Glass (5, max. 15) NEW MATERIALS GLASS. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2010.
ART 353Intermediate Ceramic Art (5, max. 20) INTERM CERAMIC ART. Change description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2010.
Art History (0106)
ART H 202Survey of Western Art - Medieval and Renaissance (5) WEST ART MED & REN. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 313East Asian Art (5, max. 15) EAST ASIAN ART. Change titles, description, make repeatable. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 382Theory and Practice of Art Criticism (5) THEORY OF ART CRIT. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2010.
ART H 432Oceanic Art (3) OCEANIC ART. Change description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 433Northern Northwest Coast Native American Art: Methodologies in Stylistic Analysis (5) N NW NATIVE AM ART. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.
ART H 435Thematic Studies in Native American Art (5) THEME NATIVE AM ART. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.
ART H 436History of the Arts of Africa I (3) HIST AFRICA ART I. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 437History of the Arts of Africa II (3) HIST AFRICA ART II. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 438History of the Arts of Africa III (3) HIST AFRICA ARTS III. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 483Post-Impressionism to 1918 (5) POST IMPRESSIONISM. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.
ART H 484Topics in Modern Art (5, max. 15) TOPICS MODERN ART. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
CHIN 540Seminar on Chinese Linguistics (5, max. 15) SMNR ON CHIN LING. Change credits, contact hours. Effective SPR/2010.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 401Advanced Cell Biology (3) ADV CELL BIOLOGY. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2010.
Comparative History of Ideas (0202)
CHID 309Marx and the Marxian Tradition in Western Thought: The Foundations of Modern Cultural Criticism I (5) MARX/WEST. THOUGHT. Joint with HIST 309. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
History (0193)
HIST 309Marx and the Marxian Tradition in Western Thought: The Foundations of Modern Cultural Criticism I (5) MARX/WEST. THOUGHT. Joint with CHID 309. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2010.
Landscape Architecture (0053)
L ARCH 553History of Modern Landscape Architecture (3) HIST MDRN LSCPE ARC. Was L ARCH 550, change titles. Effective WIN/2010.
Law (0852)
LAW A 512Secured Transactions (3-4) SECURED TRANS. Change to variable credits. Effective WIN/2010.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 549Assessment and Pharmacotherapy of Older Adults (4) P' THER OLDER ADULTS. Includes PHARM 573 content, change credits, description. Effective SPR/2010.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 100 Personal and Public Health (3) PRSNL & PUBLIC HLTH. Change titles, credits. Effective SPR/2010.
HSERV 482The Health of Populations (3) HLTH OF POPULATIONS. Change credits. Effective SPR/2010.


Art (0105)
ART 436Sculpture Composition (5, max. 15) SCULPTURE COMPOSTN. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 485Advanced Ceramic Art (5, max. 20) ADV CERAMIC ART. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 488Senior Source Presentation, Ceramics (5) SR SOURCE CERAMICS. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART 522Sculpture (3-15, max. 60) SCULPTURE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
Art History (0106)
ART H 204Survey of Asian Art (5) SURVEY OF ASIAN ART. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010
ART H 300Ideas in Art (5) IDEAS IN ART. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 321Arts of Japan (5, max. 15) ARTS OF JAPAN. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 330Tribal Art and Philosophy (5) TRIBAL ART & PHIL. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 331Native Art of the Pacific Northwest Coast (5) NATIVE ART OF PNW. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 350The City of Cairo (5) CITY OF CAIRO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 372Rocco to Romanticism (5) ROCCO-ROMANTICISM. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 414Song China: Painting Production and Cultural Encounters (3) SONG CHINA PAINTING. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 430Chinese Cinema (5) CHINESE CINEMA. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 457Flemish Art 1585-1700 (3) FLEM ART 1585-1700. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 458The Imagery of Heave, Hell, and Purgatory (3) HEAVEN HELL PURG. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 463Italian Renaissance Sculpture (3) ITAL REN SCULPTURE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 470English Art 1500-1800 (3) ENGL ART 1500-1800. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 476French Art Eighteenth Century (3) FRENCH ART 18TH C. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 481Romanticism (3) ROMANTICISIM. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 482Realism and Impressionism (3) REALISM-IMPRESSION. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
ART H 495Italian Fascism: Architecture and Power (3) ITALIAN FASCISM. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
NEAR E 350The City of Cairo (5) CITY OF CAIRO. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.
Law (0852)
LAW A 586Secured Transactions IV (4) SECURED TRANS IV. Drop course. Effective SPR/2010.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 572Clinical Applications of Drug Interaction (2) P-CLIN DRUG INTERACT. Drop course. Effective WIN/2010.