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March 15, 2011

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on April 19, 2011. The deadline for applications is noon on Friday April 1, 2011.



Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (0298)
GWSS Change Women Studies (WOMEN) to Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Science and Technology (1073)
B PHYS Bothell Physics. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM Bothell Chemistry. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.


Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
KOREAN 135 Elementary Korean for Heritage Learners (5) ELEM KOR HERITAGE. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
FRENCH 224 Culture and Media Forms (5) CULTR & MEDIA FORMS. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
FINN 250 Intensive Second-Year Finnish (15) INTNSV 2ND-YR FINN. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
SCAND 155 Danish Literary and Cultural History (5) DANISH LIT/CLT HIST. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Urban Design and Planning (0050)
IPM 502 Introduction to Infrastructure Systems (3) INTRO TO INFRA SYST. DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Education (0351)
EDC&I 528 Foundations of Language, Literacy, and Culture (4) LANG, LIT, & CLTR. Effective AUT/2011 . Approved.
EDLPS 539 History of Urban Education (4) HIST URBAN EDUCATION. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
EDPSY 405 Adolescents and Media: Challenges in the 21st Century Classrooms (3) ADOLESCENTS & MEDIA. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
EDPSY 420 Bullies, Victims, and Bystanders: Social Power in School and Workplace (4) BULLY VIC BYSTNDRS. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
EDPSY 553 School Psychology Services with Special Populations (3) SPECIAL POPULATION. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
EDPSY 554 Response to Intervention for Behavioral Assessment, Consultation, and Intervention (5) BEHAVIORAL ASSESSMNT. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
EDSPE 435 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (3) INTRO TO ASD. DL. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 561 Transportation Planning and Design (4) TRANSPORTATION PLAN. DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
CEE 562 Livable Communities and Design (4) LIVABLE COMM. DL. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
CEE 563 Transportation Choices and Technology (4) TRANS CHOICES. DL. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE P 506 Advanced Topics In Programming Languages (4) ADV TOPIC PROG LANG. Effective SPR/2011. Pending.
C ENV 190 Introductory Topics in Environment (1-5, max. 15) INTRODUCTORY TOPICS. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
C ENV 390 Special Topics in Environment (1-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Effective SPR/2011. Denied.
Quantitative Sciences (0750)
Q SCI 190 Quantitative Analysis for Environmental Science (5) QUANT ANLYS ENV SCI. DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
The Information School (0671)
INFO 101 Social Networking Technologies (5) SOCIAL NETWORKING. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
INSC 561 Professional Development Colloquium Issue (1, max. 12) PROF DVLPMT COLLOQM Effective AUT/2010. Approved.
Bioengineering (0745)
BIOEN 488 Computational Protein Design (4) COMP PROTEIN DESIGN. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
BIOEN 588 Computational Protein Design (4) COMP PROTEIN DESIGN. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Law (0852)
LAW H 542 International Humanitarian Law (3-5) INTL HUMAN LAW. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Microbiology (0916)
MICROM 413 Special Topics in Microbiology (1) TOPICS IN MICRO. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Orthopedics (0922)
ORTHP 655 P-General Orthopaedic Clerkship Boise (*, max. 8) P-GEN ORTHP BOISE. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Pathology (0924)
PATH 678 P-Diagnostic Pathology Clerkship - Medical Examiners Office Alaksa (*, max. 24) P-PATH FORENSIC AK. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
RHB PO 501 Prosthetic and Orthotic Skills (1) P&O SKILLS. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
RHB PO 511 Upper Limb Prosthetics I (4) UL PROSTHETICS I. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Urology (0946)
UROL 684 P-Urology Clerkship Billings (*, max. 8) P-UROL CLK BILLINGS. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 500 Profession of Pharmacy (1) PROFESSION PHARM. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PHARM 594 Pharmacy Practice VI: Medication Quality and Safety (2) PHRMVI MED QUALSAFE. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
PHRMRA 554 Advanced Medical Products Regulation I (2) ADV REG I. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PHRMRA 555 Advanced Medical Products Regulation II (2) ADV REG II. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 506 Software Development Processes (2) SOFT DEVL PROCESSES. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
CSS 507 Software Modeling Techniques (2) SOFTWARE MODELING. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
CSS 508 Software Testing and Quality (2) SFTWRE TEST & QUAL. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
CSS 587 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision (5) ADV COMPUTER VISION. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
CSS 590 Special Topics in Computing (5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPIC CMPTG. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Education (0875)
B EDUC 538 Adolescent Literacy (3) ADOLESCENT LITERACY. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 307 Environmental Justice (5) ENVIRONMENTL JUSTICE. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BISIA 350 Photography and Digital Art (5) PHOTO & DIGITAL ART. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BISIA 450 Image and Imagination (5) IMAGE & IMAGINATION. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Science and Technology (1073)
B BIO 350 Animal Physiology (5) ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B BIO 398 Independent Study in Biology (1-5, max. 10) IND STUDY BIOLOGY. Effective SUM/2011. Denied.
B BIO 399 Undergraduate Research in Biology (1-5, max. 20) UNDERGRAD RSRCH BIO. Effective SPR/2011. Denied.
B BIO 498 Independent Study in Biology (1-5, max. 15) ADV IND STUDY BIOL. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
B BIO 499 Undergraduate Research in Biology (1-5, max. 20) ADV UG RSRCH BIO. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
B BIO 364 Biochemistry (5) BIOCHEMISTRY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BST 310 Mathematical Game Theory (5) MATH GAME THEORY. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
BST 393 Special Topics in Science and Technology (2-5, max. 15) SPECIAL TOPICS. Effective SPR/2011. Denied.
BST 398 Independent Study in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 15) IND STUDY SCI TECH. Effective SUM/2011. Denied.
BST 399 Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 20) UG RSRCH SCI TECH. Effective SPR/2011. Denied.
BST 493 Advanced Topics in Science and Technology (2-5, max. 15) ADVANCED TOPICS. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
BST 498 Independent Study in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 15) ADV IS SCI TECH. Effective SUM/2011. Approvaed
BST 499 Undergraduate Research in Science and Technology (1-5, max. 20) ADV UG RES SCI TECH. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
B EE 398 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10) IND STUDY EE. Effective SUM/2011. Denied.
B EE 399 Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 20) UNDERGRAD RSRCH EE Effective SUM/2011. Denied.
B EE 484 Sensors and Sensor Systems (5) SENSORS. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B EE 498 Independent Study in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10) ADV IND STUDY EE. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
B EE 499 Undergraduate Research in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 20) ADV UG RSRCH EE Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
T INFO 445 Digital Forensics (5) DIGITAL FORENSICS. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T INTL 500 Foreign Study (*, max. 15) FOREIGN STUDY. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
T INTL 599 Foreign Study (*, max. 15) FOREIGN STUDY. Effective SPR/2011. Denied.
TPOL S 123 Introduction to Globalization (5) INTRO GLOBALIZATION. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
TPOL S 330 International Political Economy of Latin America (5) POLIT ECON LAT AMER. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
T FILM 488 Gender and Sexuality in Film (5) GENDER, SEX, & FILM. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
T WOMN 251 Popular Culture and Gender (5) POP CULTUR & GENDER. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 427 Disproportionality Across Systems (5) DISPROPORTIONALITY. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
TSOCWF 427 Disproportionality Across Systems (5) DISPROPORTIONALITY. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.


Honors (0201)
HONORS 100 Honors at the UW - Knowledge Across Disciplines (1) HONORS AT THE UW. Drop CR/NC grading. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
KOREAN 134 First-Year Intensive Korean (15) 1ST YR INTSNV KOREAN. Change description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 471 Cognition in the Real World (4-5, max. 10) COG IN REAL WORLD. Change titles. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 523 Special Topics in Audiology (3) SPECIAL TOPICS AUD. Change titles. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 570 Advanced Regression Methods for Independent Data (3) REGR METHODS: INDEPT. Change description, titles. Joint with BIOST 570. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
STAT 571 Advanced Regression Methods for Dependent Data (3) REGR METHODS: DEPT. Change titles, description. Joint with BIOST 571. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
STAT 572 Advanced Regression Methods: Project (3) REGR METHODS: PROJ. Change titles. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Women Studies (0298)
GWSS 200 Was WOMEN 200. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 206 Was WOMEN 206. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 244 Was WOMEN 244. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 251 Was WOMEN 251. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 255 Was WOMEN 255. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 256 Was WOMEN 256. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 257 Was WOMEN 257. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 283 Was WOMEN 283. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 290 Was WOMEN 290. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 299 Was WOMEN 299. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 300 Was WOMEN 300. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 302 Was WOMEN 302. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 305 Was WOMEN 305. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 310 Was WOMEN 310. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 313 Was WOMEN 313. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 321 Was WOMEN 321. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 323 Was WOMEN 323. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 333 Was WOMEN 333. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 339 Was WOMEN 339. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 341 Was WOMEN 341. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 345 Was WOMEN 345. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 350 Was WOMEN 350. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 351 Was WOMEN 351. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 353 Was WOMEN 353. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 355 Was WOMEN 355. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 357 Was WOMEN 357. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 383 Was WOMEN 383. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 384 Was WOMEN 384. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 385 Was WOMEN 385. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 389 Was WOMEN 389. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 392 Was WOMEN 392. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 405 Was WOMEN 405. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 417 Was WOMEN 417. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 427 Was WOMEN 427. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 428 Was WOMEN 428. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 429 Was WOMEN 429. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 435 Was WOMEN 435. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 438 Was WOMEN 438. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 440 Was WOMEN 440. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 442 Was WOMEN 442. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 444 Was WOMEN 444. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 446 Was WOMEN 446. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 447 Was WOMEN 447. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 450 Was WOMEN 450. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 451 Was WOMEN 451. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 453 Was WOMEN 453. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 454 Was WOMEN 454. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 455 Was WOMEN 455. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 456 Was WOMEN 456. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 457 Was WOMEN 457. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 458 Was WOMEN 458. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 459 Was WOMEN 459. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 462 Was WOMEN 462. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 464 Was WOMEN 464. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 468 Was WOMEN 468. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 474 Was WOMEN 474. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 476 Was WOMEN 476. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 483 Was WOMEN 483. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
GWSS 485 Was WOMEN 485. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 486 Was WOMEN 486. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 487 Was WOMEN 487. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 488 Was WOMEN 488. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 489 Was WOMEN 489. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 490 Was WOMEN 490. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 493 Was WOMEN 493. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 494 Was WOMEN 494. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 495 Was WOMEN 495. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 496 Was WOMEN 496. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 497 Was WOMEN 497. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 499 Was WOMEN 499. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 501 Was WOMEN 501. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 502 Was WOMEN 502. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 503 Was WOMEN 503. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 504 Was WOMEN 504. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 505 Was WOMEN 505. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 510 Was WOMEN 510. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 512 Was WOMEN 512. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 513 Was WOMEN 513. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 526 Was WOMEN 526. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 539 Was WOMEN 539. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 541 Was WOMEN 541. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 542 Was WOMEN 542. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 545 Was WOMEN 545. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 550 Was WOMEN 550. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 555 Was WOMEN 555. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 564 Was WOMEN 564. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 566 Was WOMEN 566. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 572 Was WOMEN 572. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 577 Was WOMEN 577. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 589 Was WOMEN 589. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 590 Was WOMEN 590. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 593 Was WOMEN 593. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 595 Was WOMEN 595. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 596 Was WOMEN 596. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 597 Was WOMEN 597. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 598 Was WOMEN 598. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 599 Was WOMEN 599. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 600 Was WOMEN 600. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 700 Was WOMEN 700. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 701 Was WOMEN 701. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
GWSS 800 Was WOMEN 800. Effective AUT/2011.Approved.
Urban Design and Planning (0050)
IPM 508 Risk Assessment and Business Contnuity (3) RISK ASSMT BUS CONT. Was SPCI 508. Change titles, description, credits, allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Education (0351)
EDLPS 536 Historical Problems in the Transfer of Culture (4) HIST PRBLMS CULTURE. Change titles, credits, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 550 Environmental Chemical Modeling (3) ENVIR CHEM MODEL. Drop joint status. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 430 Biological Oceanography (4) BIO OCEAN. Change description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 431 Special Topics in Biological Oceanography (3) SPEC TOP BIOL OCEAN. Change description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 530 Marine Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses (3) MAR BACTRA &VIRUSES. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 531 Marine Phytoplankton and Biogeochemistry (3) MAR PHYTO BIOGEOCHEM. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 532 Marine Zooplankton Ecology (3) MAR ZOOPLNKTN ECOL. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 533 Marine Benthic Ecology (3) MAR BENTHIC ECOLOGY. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 535 Biological Oceanography (3) BIOL OCEANOGRAPHY. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 570 Marine Microbial Interaction (1-3, max. 9) MAR MICRO INTERACTN. Change description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 572 Marine Protist Ecology (1-3, max. 9) MAR PROTIST ECOLOGY. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
The Information School (0671)
INFO 360 Design Thinking (5) DESIGN THINKING. Change titles, description, allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
INFO 461 Cooperative Software Design (5) COOP SOFTWARE DSGN. Change titles, hours. Effective AU T/2011. Approved.
Bioengineering (0745)
MEDENG 530 Cell Biology (4) CELL BIOLOGY. Was BIOEN 530. Effective AUT/201. Approved.
MEDENG 531 Cell Biology Laboratory (2) CELL BIOLOGY LAB. Was BIOEN 531. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 532 Medical Device Design (4) MED DEVISE DSGN. Was BIOEN 532. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 533 Regulatory Affairs for the Medical Device Industry (4) MED DEVICE INDUSTRY. Was BIOEN 533. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 534 Medical Device Commercialization (4) MED DEVICE COMMERCN. Was BIOEN 534. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 536 Biosensors (4) BIOSENSORS. Was BIOEN 536. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 537 Biomaterials and Biocompatibility (4) BIOMAT & BIOCOMPAT. Was BIOEN 537. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 538 Medical Imaging Diagnostics (4) MED IMG DIAGNOSTICS. Was BIOEN 538. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
MEDENG 539 Clinical Diagnostics (4) CLINIC DIAGNOSTICS. Was BIOEN 539. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Medicine (0915)
MEDECK 620 P-Critical Care Medicine Subinternship - Seattle (8) P-MICU SUB I-SEA. Change titles, description. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
REHAB 506 Procedures II: Basic Physical Examination of the Spine (2) PRODEDRS 2 PE SPINE. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
REHAB 545 Functional Anatomy for Rehabilitation of the Spine (3) FNC ANAT RHAB SPINE. Change titles, credits, description, hours. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
REHAB 801 Practice Doctorate Project/Capstone ([1-4]-, max. 12) CAPSTONE PROJECT. Change credits. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Nursing (0552)
NMETH 591 The Science of Therapeutics: Design and Outcomes (4) THERAPEUTICS:DESIGN. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
NURS 592 The Science of Therapeutics: Theoretical Foundations (4) THERAPEUTICS: THEORY. Change titles. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Biostatistics (0700)
BIOST 570 Advanced Regression Methods for Independent Data (3) REGR METHODS: INDEPT. Change description, titles. Joint with STAT 570. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BIOST 571 Advanced Regression Methods for Dependent Data (3) REGR METHODS: DEPT. Change titles, description. Joint with STAT 571. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BIOST 572 Advanced Regression Methods: Project (3) REGR METHODS: PROJ. Change titles. Joint with STAT 572. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 501 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming I (4) DATA STRUC & OOP I. Change titles, credits, description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
CSS 502 Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming II (4) DATA STRUC & OOP II. Change titles, description, credits, hours. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Education (0875)
B EDUC 552 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary and Middle Science (5) Secondary Science I. Change credits, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
B EDUC 553 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary and Middle Level English, Social Studies, and History (5) SCND ENG/SOCSCI/HST. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
B EDUC 559 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in Secondary and Middle Level Mathematics I(5) SECND MATH I. Change titles, credits, description. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BISIA 401 Literary Journal Editorial Board (2, max. 8) LIT JOURNAL EDIT BD. Was BISSKL 401. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Science and Technology (1073)
B BIO 180 Introductory Biology (5) INTRO BIOLOGY. Was BES 180. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B BIO 200 Introductory Biology (5) INTRO BIOLOGY. Was BES 200. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B BIO 220 Introductory Biology (5) INTRO BIOLOGY. Was BES 220. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 142 General Chemistry I (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY . Was B CUSP 142, change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 152 General Chemistry II (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY . Was B CUSP 152, change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 157 General Learning Strategies for General Chemistry (2, max. 6) GEN CHEM STRATEGIES. Was B CUSP 157. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 162 General Chemistry III (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY . Was B CUSP 162, change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 237 Organic Chemistry I (4) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Was B CUSP 237, change title. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 238 Organic Chemistry II (4) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY II. Was B CUSP 238, change title. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 239 Organic Chemistry III (3) ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Was B CUSP 239, change title. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 241 Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (3) ORGANIC CHEM LAB. Was B CUSP 241, change title, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B CHEM 242 Organic Chemistry Laboratory II (3) ORGANIC CHEM LAB. Was B CUSP 242, change title. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 114 General Physics (4) GENERAL PHYSICS. Was B CUSP 143. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 115 General Physics (4) GENERAL PHYSICS. Was B CUSP 144. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 116 General Physics (4) GENERAL PHYSICS. Was B CUSP 145. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 117 General Physics Laboratory (1) GENERAL PHYSICS LAB. Was B CUSP 146. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 118 General Physics Laboratory (1) GENERAL PHYSICS LAB. Was B CUSP 147. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 119 General Physics Laboratory (1) GENERAL PHYSICS LAB. Was B CUSP 148. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 121 Mechanics (5) MECHANICS. Was B CUSP 149. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 122 Electromagnetism and Oscillatory Motion (5) ELMAG & OSCIL MOTN. Was B CUSP 150. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B PHYS 123 Wave (5) WAVES. Was B CUSP 151. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Business (0981)
T MKTG 560 Managerial and Marketing Research (4) MGR&MARKET RESEARCH. Was T BUS 560, change titles, description. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T INTL 300 Foreign Study (*, max. 15) FOREIGN STUDY. Change credits. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
T INTL 399 Foreign Study (*, max. 15) FOREIGN STUDY. Change credits. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
TESC 404 Costa Rica Field Studies: Ecology and Community (12) COSTA RICA FIELD. Change credits, hours. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
TPOL S 496 Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Internship (5-15) PPE INTERNSHIP. Change credits. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
TWRT 387 Creative Nonfiction Writing (5) CRTV NONFICT WRITING. Add DL. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 412 Health Care Systems (3) HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 371 Helping Skills in Criminal Justice (5) HELPING SKILLS IN CJ. Change prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.


Biology (0112)
BIOL 413 Methods and Problems in Development (3) MTHDS&PROBS DVLPMNT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
BIOL 464 Muscle Physiology and Movement (3) MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 542 Principles and Applications of Molecular Methods (3) MOLECULAR METHODS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
FISH 543 Molecular Techniques (4) MOLECULAR TECHNIQUE. Drop Course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 524 Environmental Chemical Modeling (3) ENVIR CHEM MODEL. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 534 Methods and Measurements in Biological Oceanography (2) METH IN BIOL OCEAN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 571 Marine Primary Productivity (1-3, max. 9) MARINE PRIMARY PROD. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 573 Benthic Biological Processes (1-3, max. 9) BENTHIC BIOL PROC. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 574 Principles and Applications of Molecular Methods (3) MOLECULAR METHODS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 575 Molecular Techniques (4) MOLECULAR TECHNIQUE. Drop Course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Medicine (0915)
MEDECK 621 P-Critical Care Medicine Sub Internship - UWMC (8) P-MICU SUB I-UWMC. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 500 Principles of EBM I: The Design and Conduct of Clinical Research (2) EBM1 CLIN RES DESIN. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 501 P-Profession of Pharmacy (3) P-PROF OF PHARM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 504 P-Pharmacy Practice (3) P-PHARMACY PRACTICE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 511 P-Community Outreach Service (2) P-COMM OUTRCH SRVC. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 512 P-Human Behavior and Communication in Pharmacy (3) P-HM BH & CMU PHARM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 547 P-Gerontological Communication Skills Seminar (2) P-GERONT CMU SKILLS. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 551 Infectious Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) ID PH THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 552 Cardiovascular Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) CV HARM THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 553 Pulmonary Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) PULM PH THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 554 Gastrointestinal Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) GI PH THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 555 Neurological and Psychiatric Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) NEURO/PSY PH MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 556 Renal Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) RENAL PH MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 557 Endocrine Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) ENDO PH THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 558 Hematologic and Oncologic Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) HEME/ONC PH MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 559 Arthritic Disease Pharmacotherapy Module (1-2, max. 2) ARTH PH THER MOD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 575 Institutional Clinical Practicum (5, max. 15) INST CLIN PRAC. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 576 Ambulatory Care Clinical Practicum (5) AMB CARE CLIN PRC. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 578 Advanced Elective Practicum (1-10, max. 20) ADV ELECT PRACTICUM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 579 Senior Care Practicum (1-6, max. 12) SENIOR CARE PRACT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 580 P-Case Studies in Pharmaceutical Care (3, max. 9) P-CASES PHARM CARE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
PHARM 587 P-Pharmacy Calculations (1) P-PHARM CALC. Drop course. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.