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April 19, 2011

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at
The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on May 17, 2011. The deadline for applications is noon on May 2, 2011.



Anthropology (0102)
BIO A 350 Men's Health Across the Lifespan (3) MENS HEALTH. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 540 Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics (5) INTRO CMPFIN/FINECN. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
AMATH 551 Introduction to Trading Systems (3) TRADING SYSTEMS. Allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Art (0105)
ART 101 Narratives in Art and Design (5) NARRATIVE ART/DESIGN. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
KOREAN 395 Foreign Study: Intermediate Korean Literature and Linguistics (1-5, max. 20) KOREAN ABRD-LITLANG. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
KOREAN 495 Foreign Study: Advanced Korean Literature and Linguistics (1-5, max. 20) KOREAN ABRD-LITLANG. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 545 MCD-Biology Professional Skills Seminar (1, max. 6) MCD PROFSSNL SKILLS. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BIOL 565 Community Ecology (5) COMMUNITY ECOLOGY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Communication (1035)
COM 486 Communication and Culture in Rome: Study Abroad (12) ROME COM &CLTR ABRD. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
COM 571 Theories of Technology and Society (5) TECHNOLOGY THEORY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Comparative History of Ideas (0202)
CHID 487 The Cultural Politics of Violence in Contemporary Latin America (5) VIOLENCE IN LAT AM. Joint with SISLA 487. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Dance (0133)
DANCE 120 Dance and the American Experience (5) DANC AMER EXPERIENC. DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
EURO 224 Culture and Media Forms (5) CLTR & MEDIA FORMS. Add joint with FRENCH 224. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
SISLA 487 The Cultural Politics of Violence in Contemporary Latin America (5) VIOLENCE IN LAT AM. Joint with CHID 487. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Linguistics (0203)
ASL 306 Deaf History (3) DEAF HISTORY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
ASL 495 Literature and Poetry (3) LIT & POETRY. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
ASL 499 Independent Study or Research (1-3, max. 3) INDEPNDNT STDY/RSCH. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCH 491 Special Topics in Child Development, Learning, and Mental Health (1-5, max. 30) SPC TOPIC CHILD DEV. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PSYCH 583 Introduction to Dialectical Behavior Therapy (3) INTRODUCTION TO DBT. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Construction Management (0052)
CM 518 Lean Construction (3) LEAN CONSTRUCTION. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Business Administration (0300)
MKTG 415 Foundations of Pricing Strategies (4) PRICING STRATGIES. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 481 Puget Sound and Estuarine Oceanography (3) PUGET SOUND OCEANOG. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
OCEAN 507 Puget Sound and Estuarine Oceanography (3) PUGET SOUND OCEANOG. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Global Health (1058)
G H 539 Methods, Tools, and Data in Global Health (2) MTHDS, TOOLS, DATA. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics (0918)
MEBI 574 Conceptual Foundations for Care Systems Management (3) CON FND CRE SYS MGT. Joint with NURS 524, DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 575 Managing Clinical Effectiveness within Care Systems (3) MNG CLIN EFFECT. Joint with NURS 525, DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 576 Managing Organizational Effectiveness within Care Systems (3) MNG ORG EFFECT. Joint with NURS 526, DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 577 Managing Access and Utilization within Care Systems (3-4) CSM EFFECT ACC UTIL. Joint with NURS 527; DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 582 Database Concepts and Applications in Clinical Informatics (3) DATABASE HEALTHINFO. Joint with NMETH 529; DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 583 Project Management and System Analysis for Health Informatics (3) PROJ MGMT INFORMAT. Joint with NMETH 523; DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 584 Healthcare Information Systems and the Electronic Health Records (3) HEALTH SYS & EHR. Joint with NMETH 524; DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 586 Patient-Centered Interactive Health Communication Technology (3) PT CTR HLTH COM TEC. Joint with NMETH 526; DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
MEBI 587 Introduction to Health Informatics and Systems Thinking (3) INTRO HLTH FORMAT. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 664 P-Chronic Care/Palliative Care - Kline Galland Home (8) P-CHC/PC-KGH. Clone of CONJ 690. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Rehabilitation Medicine (0928)
REHAB 533 Diseases and Diagnosis in Rehabilitation (2-, max. 4) DISEAS DIAGNO REHAB. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
REHAB 542 Gross Anatomy Laboratory - Spine (1) GROS ANAT LAB SPINE. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Social Work (0779)
SOC W 507 Advanced Standing Social Welfare Research and Evaluation (5)ADV RES & EVAL. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Business (0881)
B BUS 363 Intermediate Accounting III (5) INTERMED ACCTG III. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING, Tri-Campus Accreditation.
B BUS 427 Entrepreneurial Marketing (5) ENTREPREN MARKETING. Effective SUM/2011. PENDING.
B BUS 456 Entrepreneurial Finance (5) ENTREPREN FINANCE. Effective WIN/2012 PENDING.
B BUS 467 Advanced Taxation (5) ADVANCED TAXATION. Effective SUM/2011. PENDING, Tri-Campus Accreditation.
B BUS 527 Entrepreneurial Marketing (4) ENTREPREN MARKETING. Effective SUM/2011. PENDING.
B BUS 556 Entrepreneurial Finance (4) ENTREPREN FINANCE. Effective SUM/2011. PENDING.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 503 Systems Programming (4) SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Education (0975)
T EDSM 505 Teaching and Learning Mathematics in the Middle Grades (3) MATH MIDDLE GRADES. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
T EDSP 513 Issues in Autism for Educators (3) AUTISM. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
T EDUC 507 Portfolio Development (1) PORTFOLIO DEVELPMNT. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 435 Nursing Leadership (3) NURSING LEADERSHIP. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 373 Criminal Evidence and Investigation (5) CRIM INVESTIGATION. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
T CRIM 441 Senior Seminar: Professional and Ethical Issues in Criminal Justice (5) SENIOR SEMINAR. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.


Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies (0298)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the program name change from a Bachelor of Arts degree in Women Studies to a Bachelor of Arts degree in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; and from a minor in Women's Studies to a minor in Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. (GWSS-20110302). Effective SPR/2011.
History (0193)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the minor in the History of Science. (HIST-20100124). Effective WIN/2011.
Mathematics (0206)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the option in Mathematical Economics within the Bachelor of Science degree in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences. (ACMS-20110307). Effective AUT/2011.
Law, Societies, and Justice (1057)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission and program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Law, Societies, and Justice. (LSJ-20101215). Effective AUT/2011.
The Information School (0671)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Informatics. (INFO-20110324). Effective AUT/2011.
Health Services (0706)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Health Informatics and Health Information Management. (HIHIM-20110111). Effective SUM/2011.
Health Services (0706)
Based on the recommendations of the Subcommittee on Admissions and Programs, the Faculty Council on Academic Standards has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Health Informatics and Health Information Management. (HIHIM-20110301). Effective SUM/2011.
Business (0881)
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Council, the General Faculty Organization has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree. (BBUS-20110222A). Effective SUM/2011.
Business (0881)
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Council, the General Faculty Organization has recommended approval of the revised admission and program requirements for the option in Accounting within the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree. (BBUS-20110222B). Effective AUT/2011.
Business (0881)
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Council, the General Faculty Organization has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration degree at the Eastside Learning Center. (ELCBUS-20110222). Effective AUT/2011.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
Based on the recommendations of the Executive Council, the General Faculty Organization has recommended approval of the revised admission requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree in Informatics. (INFO-20110324). Effective AUT/2011.
Computing and Software Systems (1023)
Based on the recommendations of the Faculty Council on Academic Policy, the Faculty Assembly has recommended approval of the program name change from a Bachelor of Science degree in Computing and Software Systems to a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and Systems. (TCSS-20110215). Effective SPR/2011.
Urban Studies (1031)
Based on the recommendations of the Faculty Council on Academic Policy, the Faculty Assembly has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Urban Studies. (TURB-20110215). Effective AUT/2011.
Urban Studies (1031)
Based on the recommendations of the Faculty Council on Academic Policy, the Faculty Assembly has recommended approval of the revised program requirements for the minor in Urban Studies. (TURB-20110224). Effective AUT/2011.


Honors (0201)
HONORS 496 Teaching What You Know: Integration of the Honors Core Curriculum (1) H-CORE INTEGRATION. Drop CR/NC grading. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 500 Special Studies in Applied Mathematics (*, max. 24) SPEC STDY APPL MATH. Change max credits. Effective SPR/2011. Approved.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
KOREAN 445 Foreign Study: Fourth-Year Korean (1-15, max. 20) FOREIGN STDY-4TH YR. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 179 Learning to Learn in the Sciences (1-2, max. 6) LEARN IN SCIENCES. Drop CR/NC grading. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BIOL 390 Undergraduate Internship Seminar (1) INTERNSHIP SEMINAR. Change to CR/NC. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
BIOL 405 Cellular and Molecular Biology of Human Disease (3) CEL&MOL BIO DISEASE. Change description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
BIOL 423 Marine Ecological Processes (3) MAR ECOL PROCESSES. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
BIOL 496 Peer Teaching Assistants in Biology (1-5, max. 10) PEER TAS IN BIOLOGY. Change description. Effective SUM/2011. PENDING.
Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (1039)
DXARTS 491 Senior Thesis I (5-) SENIOR THESIS I. Add hyphenation. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
DXARTS 492 Senior Thesis II (-5-) SENIOR THESIS II. Add hyphenation. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
DXARTS 493 Senior Thesis III (-5) SENIOR THESIS III. Add hyphenation. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Communication (1035)
COM 395 Communication Internship (1-2, max. 4) COM INTERNSHIP. Change credits. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
English (0136)
ENGL 101 Writing from Sources I (5) WRIT FM SOURCES I. Change credits. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 200 Introduction to Human Geography (5) INTRO OT HUMAN GEOG. Allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Political Science (0244)
POL S 270 Introduction to Political Economy (5) INTRO TO POL ECON. Allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
POL S 321 American Foreign Policy (5) AMER FOREIGN POLICY. Allow DL. Effective AUT/2011 only, pending DL syllabus. Approved.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
FRENCH 224 Culture and Media Forms (5) CLTR & MEDIA FORMS. Add EURO 224 joint. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
SLAV 351 History of the Slavic Languages (5) HIST SLAVIC LANGS. Change prerequisite. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Construction Management (0052)
CM 250 Construction and Culture (5) CONST AND CULTURE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Prosthodontics (0832)
PROS 520 P-Complete Dentures (4) P-COMPLETE DENTURES. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PROS 524 P-Immediate Dentures (3) P-IMMEDIATE DNTR. Change titles. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
PROS 525 P-Removable Partial Dentures (4) P-REM PAR DNTR. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Restorative Dentistry (0835)
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 426 Sustainable Energy Design (3) ENERGY DESIGN. Change credits, hours. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Human Centered Design and Engineering (0438)
HCDE 513 Globalization and Localization Management (4) GLOB & LOC MGMT. Change titles, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
HCDE 514 Strategies for International Product Management (4) STRT INTL PROD MGMT. Change titles, credits, description, hours. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Atmospheric Sciences (1067)
ATM S 511 Snow and Ice on The Earth's Surface (3) SNOW & ICE ON EARTH. Change titles. Joint with ESS 532. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Earth and Space Sciences (1068)
ESS 532 Snow and Ice on The Earth's Surface (3) SNOW & ICE ON EARTH. Change titles. Joint with ATM S 511. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
ESS 568 Oceanic Lithosphere (3) OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Joint with OCEAN 545. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 545 Oceanic Lithosphere (3) OCEANIC LITHOSPHERE. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Joint with ESS 568. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Law (0852)
LAW A 561 Law and Economics (2-4) LAW AND ECONOMICS. Change credits. Joint with PB AF 519. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics (0918)
MEBI 580 Computing Concepts: From Theory to Application (3) COMPUTING CONCEPTS. Drop joint status with NURS 521, add joint status with NMETH 528, change titles, description, hours, allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
Nursing (0552)
NMETH 523 Project Management and System Analysis for Health Informatics (3) PROJ MGMT INFORMAT. Add joint status with MEBI 583, allow DL. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NMETH 524 Healthcare Information Systems and the Electronic Health Records (3) HEALTH SYS & EHR. Add joint status with MEBI 584; allow DL, change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NMETH 526 Patient-Centered Interactive Health Communication Technologies (3) PT CTR HLTH COM TEC. Add joint status with MEBI 586; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NMETH 527 Introduction to Health Informatics and Systems Thinking (3) INTRO HLTH INFORMAT. Add joint status with MEBI 587; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NMETH 528 Computing Concepts: From Theory to Application (3) COMPUTING CONCEPTS. Add joint status with MEBI 580; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NMETH 529 Database Concepts and Applications in Clinical Informatics (3) DATABASE HEALTHINFO. Add joint status with MEBI 582; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NSG 537 Development and Psychopathology: Parents and Infants (3) IMH DEV & PSYCHPATH. Change titles, description; allow DL. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
NSG 538 Using Infant Mental Health Approaches in Practice Settings (3) INF MH APPROACHES. Change description, prerequisite; allow DL. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
NURS 524 Conceputal Foundations for Care Systems Management (3) CON FND CRE SYS MGT. Add joint status with MEBI 574; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NURS 525 Managing Clinical Effectiveness within Care Systems (3) MNG CLIN EFFECT. Add joint status with MEBI 575; allow DL; change description, hours, prerequisite. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NURS 526 Managing Organizational Effectiveness within Care Systems (3) MNG ORG EFFECT. Add joint status with MEBI 576; allow DL; change description, hours. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NURS 527 Managing Access and Utilization within Care Systems (3-4) CSM EFFECT ACC UTIL. Add joint status with MEBI 577; allow DL; change hours, description. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
NURS 555 Relationship Based Mental Health Assessment of Infants and Toddlers (3) REL BSD MH ASSESS I&T. Change titles, prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Public Affairs (0770)
PB AF 516 Economics for Policy Analysis and Management I (4) ECN POL ANLYS MGT I. Change titles. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PB AF 517 Economics for Policy Analysis and Management II (4) ECN POL ANLYS MGT II. Change titles. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
PB AF 519 Law and Economics (2-4) LAW AND ECONOMICS. Change credits. Joint with LAW A 561. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Business (0881)
B BUS 361 Intermediate Accounting I (5) INTERMED ACCTG I. Change prerequisite, description. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
B BUS 362 Intermediate Accounting II (5) INTERMED ACCTG II. Change prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
TIAS 330 German Culture, History, and Philosophy: Frankfurt am Main (6) GERMN CULTR & HIST. Was TIAS 130; change titles, prerequisite, grading, AoK. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
TIAS 530 German Culture, History, and Philosophy: Frankfurt am Main (6) GERMN CULTR & HIST. Was TIAS 130; change titles, grading. Effective AUT/2011. PENDING.
Nursing (0970)
THLEAD 410 Ethical Issues in Health Care (3) ETHICS IN HLTHCARE. Change titles, description. Joint with T NURS 410. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
THLEAD 450 Initial Connected Learning (1) IN CONNECT LEARNING. Drop joint status with T NURS 450. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
T NURS 410 Ethical Issues in Health Care (3) ETHICS IN HLTHCARE. Change titles, description. Joint with THLEAD 410. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
T NURS 450 Transition to Baccalaureate Education (1) TRANS TO BACCL EDC. Drop joint status with THLEAD 450; change titles, description. Effective SUM/2011. Approved.
Urban Studies (1031)
T URB 205 Images of the City (5) IMAGES OF THE CITY. Change credits. Temporary. Effective SUM/2011 only. Approved.


Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
KOREAN 305 First-Year Korean for Heritage Learners (5) YR 1 KOREAN HERITAGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
KOREAN 306 First-Year Korean for Heritage Learners (5) YR 1 KOREAN HERITAGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
KOREAN 307 First-Year Korean for Heritage Learners (5) YR 1 KOREAN HERITAGE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 442 Oceanography of the Puget Sound (3) OCEAN PUGET SOUND. Drop course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 503 Software Engineering Methods (5) SOFT ENGR METHODS. Drop Course. Effective AUT/2011. Approved.