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November 20, 2012

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at

The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on December 18, 2012. The deadline for applications is noon on December 3, 2012.


Prefixes and Courses

Biology (0112)
BIOL 454 Change Entomology (5) ENTOMOLOGY. Change description, credits Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
BIOL 455 Drop Entomology Laboratory (3) ENTOMOLOGY LAB. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
BIOL 505 Change Problems in Biological Instruction (1-3, max. 10) PROBS BIOLGL INSTR. Change credits Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Center for Astrobiology and Early Evolution (1048)
ASTBIO 575 New Seminar in Astrobiology (1, max. 10) ASTBIO SEMINAR. CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ASTBIO 576 New Astrobiology Colloquium (1, max. 15) ASTBIO COLLOQUIUM. CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ASTBIO 600 New Independent Study or Research (*) INDEPNDNT STDY/RSCH. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Comparative History of Ideas (0202)
CHID 461 New Democracy and Development in Central and Eastern Europe: Study Abroad (5) DEM DEV IN C &E EUR. Add to Cultural and Historical Engagements list. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
English (0136)
ENGL 341 New Studies in the Novel (5) STUDIES IN NOVEL. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ENGL 369 New Research Methods in Language and Rhetoric (5) RESEARCH LANG/RHET. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ENGL 375 New Rhetorical Genre Theory and Practice (5) RHETORICAL GENRE. Core Histories category for major. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ENGL 378 New Special Topics in Theories/Methods (5, max. 15) SPEC TOPIC THEORIES. Core Histories category for major Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ENGL 379 New Special Topics in Forms/Genres/Media (5, max. 15) SPEC TOPIC FORMS. Core Histories category for major. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ENGL 380 New Special Topics in Histories (5, max. 15) SPEC TOPICS HISTORIES. Core Histories category for major. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
JSIS 800 New Doctoral Dissertation (*) DOCTORAL DISSERTATN. - Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
JSIS A 512 New Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies Certificate Capstone (1) RUSS/E EUR CAPSTONE. CR/NC. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
JSIS B 549 New International Investment Law and Practice (4/5) INTL INVESTMENT LAW. Joint with LAW E 549 Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
ITAL 262 New Dante and the Middle Ages (5) DANTE & MIDDLE AGES. Add to ITALIAN major. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
SPHSC 538 New Assessment and Treatment of Cognitive-Communication Disorders (3) COGNIT COM DISORDER. - Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Architecture (0051)
ARCH 220 Drop Introduction to Architectural Structures (2) INTRO ARCH STRUCT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 412 Drop Architectural Illustration and Presentation (3) ARCH ILLUS PRESEN. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 416 Drop Freehand Drawing in the Digital Realm (3) DRAWING DIG REALM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 417 Drop Advanced Topics in Digital Drawing (3) ADV DIGITAL DRAWING. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 420 Drop Structural Design I (4) STRUCTURAL DSGN I. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 421 Drop Structural Design II (4) STRUCTURAL DSGN II. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 422 Drop Structural Design III (4) STRUCTURAL DSGN III. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 439 Drop Light Frame Building Assemblies (3) LI FRAM BLDG ASSEM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 448 Drop Designing Accessible Environments (3) DESGN ACESBLE ENVIR. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 451 Drop Traditional Chinese Architecture and Gardens (3) TRAD CHIN ARCH/GARD. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 453 Drop Japanese Architecture (3) JAPAN ARCHITECTURE. Joint with ART H 419; drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Pending joint application.
ARCH 454 Drop Greek Architecture (3) GREEK ARCHITECTURE. Joint with ART H/CL AR 446; drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Pending joint application.
ARCH 455 Drop Special Studies in Gothic Art and Architecture (3) SP STD GTH ART&ARCH. Joint with ART H 455; drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Pending joint application.
ARCH 461 Drop Recent Architectural Theory (3) RECENT ARCH THEORY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 520 Drop Advanced Wood Structures Design (3) ADV WOOD STRC DSGN. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 551 Drop Scandinavian Architecture of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (3) SCANDINAVIAN ARCH. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 553 Drop Historic Preservation of Architecture, USA (3) HISTC PRSRVN USA. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 562 Drop Regionalism (3) REGIONALISM. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 573 Drop Professional Practice (3) PROFESSIONAL PRACT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 587 Change Design Computing Theory (3) DSGN COMPUT THEORY. Change abbreviated title. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
ARCH 599 Change Independent Thesis Research and Preparation (4) IND THESIS RESEARCH. Change title, abbreviation, credits. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Landscape Architecture (0053)
L ARCH 352 Change History of Landscape Architecture (5) HISTORY OF L ARC. Change Credits. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 353 Change History of Modern Landscape Architecture (5) HIST MOD LAND ARCH. Change credits. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 454 Change History of Urban Landscapes and Environments (5) HIST URBAN LANDSCAPE. Was L ARCH 452; change title, description, credits. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 552 Change History of Landscape Architecture (5) HISTORY OF L ARCH. Change credits Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
L ARCH 553 Change Historiography of Modern Landscape Architecture (5) HIST MDRN LSCPE ARC. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Education (0351)
EDSPE 505 Change Curriculum for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities (4) CUR DEV SEVERE DIS. Change credits, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
EDSPE 507 Change Instructional Methods for Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities (4) INSTRUCT SEV DIS. Change credits. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 306 Drop Construction Engineering I (3) CONSTRUCT ENGR I. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 316 Drop Surveying Engineering (4) SURV ENGR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 320 Drop Transportation Engineering (3) TRANSPORTATION ENGR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 342 Drop Fluid Mechanics (4) FLUID MECHANICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 345 Drop Hydraulic Engineering (4) HYDRAULIC ENGR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 350 Drop Environmental Engineering I (4) ENV ENG WATER-AIR. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 360 Drop Sustainability in Engineering (3) SUSTAINABILITY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 363 Drop Construction Materials (4) CONSTRN MATERIALS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 366 Drop Basic Soil Mechanics (4) BASIC SOIL MECH. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 379 Drop Civil & Environmental Engineering (4) ELEM STRUC I. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 380 Drop Elem Structures II (4) ELEM STRUC II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 392 Drop Basic Civil Engineering Computing (1) BASIC CEE COMPUTING. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CEE 583 Drop Airport Engineering (3) AIRPORT ENGINEERING. Drop course. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE P 564 New Computer Security and Privacy (4) COMPUTER SECURITY. - Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
CSE 140 New Introduction to Data Programming (4) DATA PROGRAMMING. Temporary. Effective WIN/2013 only. Approved.
Human Centered Design and Engineering (0438)
HCDE 520 Change Design and Management of Complex Systems (4) DES & MGMT COMP SYS. Change title, abbreviation. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
HCDE 536 New Interaction Design (4) INTERACTION DESIGN. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Earth and Space Sciences (1068)
ESS 480 New Advanced Methods in Isotope Geochemistry (3, max. 18) ADV ISO GEOCHEM. 400-500. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
ESS 580 New Advanced Methods in Isotope Geochemistry (3, max. 18) ADV ISO GEOCHEM. 400-500. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
School of Environmental and Forest Science (1069)
ESRM 429 Change Environmental Science and Resource Management Seminar (1, max. 6) ENV SCI RES MGT SEM. Change title, abbreviation. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
SEFS 502 Change Analytical Techniques for Community Ecology (4) ANLYS TECH COM ECOL. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
SEFS 535 Change Fire Ecology (4) FIRE ECOLOGY. Change Credits. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
SEFS 541 Change Advanced Landscape Ecology (5) ADV LANDSCAPE ECOL. Change description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Bioengineering (0745)
MEDENG 532 Change Medical Device Design (4) MED DEVICE DESIGN. Allow initial DL through WIN/2016. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
MEDENG 533 Change Regulatory Affairs for Medical Device Industry (4) MED DEVICE INDUSTRY. Allow initial DL through WIN/2016. Effective AUT/2012. Approved.
MEDENG 534 Change Medical Device Commercialization (4) MED DEVICE COMMERCN. Allow initial DL through SUM/2016. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Global Health (1058)
G H 573 Change Clinical management of HIV (3) CLIN MGMT HIV. Drop CR/NC; joint with CONJ 573. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
University Conjoint (0757)
UCONJ 510 Change Introductory Laboratory-Based Biostatistics (2) INTRO LAB BSD BIOST. Change credits. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
UW Elective (0781)
Law (0852)
LAW A 568 Change Collective Bargaining and Labor Arbitration (2-4) COL BARG & LABR. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW B 500 Change Civil Procedure II (2-4) CIVIL PROCEDURE II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW E 513 Change Theories and Tools for Combatting Corruption (1-3) COMATTING CORRUPTN. Change credits. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW E 524 Change Child Advocacy Clinic (3-12) CHILD ADVOCACY CLIN. Drop CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW E 549 Drop International Trademark Law (2) INTL TRADEMARK LAW. Drop course. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW E 549 New International Investment Law and Practice (4/5) INTL INVESTMENT LAW. Joint with JSIS B 549 Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
LAW E 596 Change Wildlife Law Seminar (3) WILDLIFE LAW SEM. Change course title, abbreviation. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
LAW H 528 New Health Law Practicum (1-6, max. 6) HLTH LAW PRACTICUM. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Family Medicine (0949)
FAMED 632 New P-Clinical Clerkship in Family Medicine - Bozeman (12) P-CLCLK FAMED BOZEM. - Effective WIN/2012. Approved.
FAMED 633 New P-Clinical Clerkship in Family Medicine - Leavenworth (12) P-CLCLK FAMED LEAVN. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Genome Sciences (1040)
GENOME 522 Change Journal Club (1, max. 30) JOURNAL CLUB. Change max credits. Effective WIN/2007. Approved.
GENOME 523 Change Research Reports (1, max. 30) RESEARCH REPORTS. Change max credits. Effective WIN/2007. Approved.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 553 Change Clinical management of HIV (3) CLIN MGMT HIV. Drop CR/NC; joint with G H 573. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
MEDRCK 679 New P-Clinical Clerkship Seattle - Great Falls (*, max. 24) P-CLK SEA-GRF. - Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Obstetrics and Gynecology (0919)
OB GYN 631 New P-Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynecology, NWHMC (*, max. 12) P-OBGY-NWHMC. - Effective SUM/2012. Approved.
OB GYN 639 New P-Introduction to Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. Alphonsus (*, max. 12) P-OBGY-ST ALPHON. - Effective SUM/2012. Approved.
Radiation Oncology (0937)
R ONC 694 New P-Clinical Cancer Management - SCCA (*, max. 8) P-CANCER MGMT SCCA. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
R ONC 695 Change P-Clinical Cancer Management - UWMC (*, max. 8) P-CANCER MGMT UWMC. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Surgery (0941)
SURG 654 Change P-Cardiothoracic Surgery - Spokane (4/8) P-CARDIOTHORAC SURG. Change credits. Effective SUM/2009. Approved.
Nursing (0552)
NCLIN 407 New Practicum: Nursing Care of Ill Adults (5) PRACTICUM ADULT NSG. CR/NC. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
NURS 534 Change Aging and Health in Contemporary Society (5) AGING AND HEALTH. Change title, abbreviation, description, add initial DL through SUM/2016. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 301 Change Medications and Health: It's not all about drugs (3) MEDICATIONS & HLTH. Change title, abbreviation, credits, description, CR/NC, contact hours, areas of knowledge. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 512 Change Epidemiologic Methods I (4) EPIDEM METHODS I. Change description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
EPI 513 Change Epidemiologic Methods II (4) EPIDEM METHODS II. Change description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Social Work (0779)
SOC WL 515 New Community Service Practicum (3, max. 6) SERVICE PRACTICUM. CR/NC. Effective SPR/2012. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 581 New Machine Learning (5) MACHINE LEARNING. - Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Education (0875)
B EDUC 230 New Culture, Knowledge, and Education (5) CLTR KNOWLEDGE EDUC. Education & Society minor approved elective. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BCULST 511 Change Portfolio and Professional Development (1) PORTF PROF DEVEL. Change titles, credits, description. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Business (0981)
T BGEN 218 Change Introduction to Business Law (5) INTRO BUSINESS LAW. Add initial DL through SPR/2016. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Institute of Technology (1023)
T INFO 200 Change Programming II for Information Technology and Systems (5) PROG II FOR ITS. Was T INFO 300. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
T INFO 210 Change Foundations of Information Management (5) FNDTNS FOR INFO MGMT. Was T INFO 310. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
T INFO 320 Change Hardware and Software Systems (5) HW & SW SYSTEMS. Change titles. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 370 New Managing Technical Teams (5) MANAGING TECH TEAMS. - Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
T INFO 443 Change Digital Forensics (5) DIGITAL FORENSICS. Was T INFO 445. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 452 Change System Administration (5) SYSTEM ADMIN. Was T INFO 420. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 462 New Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit (5) RISK MGMT TOOLKIT. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 501 New Principles of Cyber Security (4) PRIN OF CYBERSEC. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 502 New Information Assurance, Cyber-security, and Risk Management in Context (4) IA & CS CONTEXT. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 503 New Designing and Executing Information Assurance and Cyber-security Strategies (4) IA & CS STRATEGIES. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T INFO 504 New Network and Internet Security (4) INTERNET SECURITY. - Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T MATH 124 Change Calculus with Analytic Geometry I (5) CALC ANALYT GEOM I. Add initial Add DL through SUM/2016. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
T POLS 439 New Washington Environmental Law (5) WA ENVIRON LAW. Add course to: TENSCI, TEST, TPPE, Law and Policy Minor, Environmental Studies Minor, Restoration Ecology Minor, TSUD-Core electives. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T SOC 455 Change Sociology of Gender (5) SOCIOLOGY OF GENDER. Add initial DL through SPR/2016. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
T HLTH 455 New Knowing Health and Illness through the Arts (5) HLTH& ILL THRU ARTS. Add to THLEAD and Health and Society approved lists. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 200 Change Introduction to Criminal Justice (5) INTRO CRIM JUSTICE. Add initial DL through SUM/2016. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.
T CRIM 272 New Restorative Justice (5) RESTORATIVE JUSTICE. Add to TCJUS major elective list. Effective SPR/2013. Approved.