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October 15, 2013

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 12 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at

The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on November 19, 2013. The deadline for the November meeting is noon on November 1, 2013.


Prefixes and courses

American Ethnic Studies (0100)
AAS 310 New Asian Americans in the Pacific Northwest (5) ASIAN AMERICANS PNW. -. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
CFRM 560 New Actuarial Models and Estimation (4) AS MODELS & EST. Initial DL through SUM/2017. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Art (0105)
DESIGN 300 New Design and Thinking (5, max. 10) DESIGN AND THINKING. -. Effective SUM/2014. Approved.
Asian Languages and Literature (0144)
JAPAN 325 New Introduction to Japanese Film (5) INTRO JPNSE FILM. -. Effective AUT/2014. Approved.
JAPAN 361 New Topics in Japanese Film (5) TOPICS JPNSE FILM. -. Effective AUT/2014. Approved.
JAPAN 591 New Seminar in Japanese Film (5) SMNR IN JPNSE FILM. -. Effective AUT/2014. Approved.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 475 Change Intensive Field Experience in Biology (5) BIOL FIELD METHODS. Change titles, credits, prerequisite, description. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Communication (1035)
COM 457 New Journalism Portfolio (1) JOURN PORTFOLIO. CR/NC. Effective AUT/2014. Approved.
COM 493 New Visual Communication (5) VISUAL COMMUNICATION. -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 560 Change Principles of GIS Mapping (5) PRIN OF GIS MAPPING. Initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
GEOG 562 Change Coastal GIS (5) COASTAL GIS. Initial DL through WIN/2017. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
GEOG 564 Change GIS and Decision Support (5) GIS AND DECISION. Initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
GEOG 565 Change GIS Programming (5) GIS PROGRAMMING. Initial DL through AUT/2017. Effective SUM/2014. Approved.
GEOG 569 Change GIS Workshop (5) GIS WORKSHOP. Initial DL through AUT/2017. Effective SUM/2014. Approved.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
ARCTIC Prefix Arctic Studies -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
ARCTIC 200 New Indigenous Diplomacies and International Relations in the Arctic (3) ARCTIC RELATIONS. -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
ARCTIC 400 New Integrating Policy and Science in Arctic Studies (3) INTEGRATIVE EXP. -. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
ARCTIC 401 New Current Issues Concerning the Arctic Region (3, max. 9) ARCTIC ISSUES. CR/NC. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
ARCTIC 498 New Special Topics in Arctic Studies (1-5, max. 10) SPECIAL TOPICS. -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Music (0217)
MUSAP 443 New Percussion Lab (1, max. 12) PERCUSSION LAB. -. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
FRENCH 320 New French Language and Cultural Identity (5) FR LANG & IDENTITY. Add to approve French major/minor elective lists. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Restorative Dentistry (0835)
RES D 529 Change Implant Dentistry (3) IMPLANT DENTISTRY. Was RES D 535. Effective SUM/2014. Approved.
Education (0351)
ECFS 301 Change Early Childhood Curriculum (5) EARLY CHLDHD CURRIC. Initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
ECFS 303 Change Service Learning and Research in I (1-6, max. 6) SRVC LRNG & RES I. Change credits ;initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
ECFS 304 Change Service Learning and Research II (1-6, max. 6) SRVC LRNG & RES II. Change credits. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
ECFS 305 Change Service Learning and Research III (1-6, max. 6) SRVC LRNG & RES III. Change credits. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
ECFS 312 New Positive Behavioral Support in Early Childhood (3-5) POSITIVE SUPPORT. Initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
ECFS 412 New Learning with Digital Media in Early Childhood (3) DIGITAL MEDIA IN EC. Initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
ECFS 401 Change Understanding Early Childhood and Family Studies Services Research (5) UNDERSTAND ECFS RES. Change credits; initial DL through SPR/2017. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
EDLPS 575 Change Education Policy Implementation (4) ED POLICY IMPLEMENT. Change credits.. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
EDPSY 571 Change Educating Individuals with Biologically Based Disabilities (5) EDU & BIO DISORDERS. Was EDPSY 577; change titles. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
EDTEP 541 Change Dilemmas of Teaching and Learning in Elementary School ([2-4]-, max. 4) DILEMMAS ELEM. Change credits. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
EDUC 210 New Education and the PlayField (3) EDUC & THE PLAYFIELD. Add to ELS minor approved list. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
EDUC 299 Change Education, Learning, and Society Colloquium ([0-1]-, max. 1) ELS COLLOQUIUM. Change credits, add hyphenation; temporary. Effective WIN/2014-SPR/2014. Approved.
Computer Science and Engineering (0406)
CSE 140 New Introduction to Data Programming (4) DATA PROGRAMMING. Extension of temporary. Effective WIN/2014 only. Approved.
CSE 414 New Introduction to Database Systems (4) DATABASE SYSTEMS. Conversion of temporary course. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
CSE P 517 New Natural Language Processing (4) NAT LANG PROCESSING. -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 299 Change Introductory Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10) INTRO TPCS E E. Change max credits, titles. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
E E 399 Change Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (1-5, max. 10) SPEC TPCS ELEC ENGR. Change max credits. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 235 Change Arctic Change (2/3) ARCTIC CHANGE. Was OCEAN 122; change credits. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Graduate School (0992)
HCID 520 New User Interface Software and Technology (3) UI SOFTWARE. -. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
HCID 521 New Prototyping Studio (5) PROTOTYPING STUDIO. -. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Global Health (1058)
G H 531 Change Research and Evaluation Methods for Global Health (3/4) GH RES & EVAL MTHDS. Change titles, description; joint with EPI 539. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
G H 573 Change Clinical Management of HIV (3) CLIN MGMT HIV. Initial DL through SPR/2017; joint with CONJ 553. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 553 Change Clinical Management of HIV (3) CLIN MGMT HIV. Initial DL through SPR/2017; joint with G H 573. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
CONJ 562 New Advanced Topics in Bacterial Physiology (1.5) ADV BAC PHYSIOLOGY. 5 week class. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
MED 557 Change Hispanic Health and Healthcare Disparities (1) HISPANIC HEALTH. Was FAMED 557. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
MEDECK 670 New P-Clinical Medicine Critical Care - Idaho Falls (8) P-CL MED CCU -ID FA. -. Effective AUT/2013. Approved.
Pediatrics (0925)
PEDS 651 New P-Pediatric General Clerkship - Bozeman, MT (12) P-PED CLKSHP BOZEM. Same as PEDS 665. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
Surgery (0941)
SURG 602 New P-Clinical Clerkship - Coeur d'Alene (*, max. 24) P-CLIN CLRCK COEUR. Same as SURG 665. Effective WIN/2013. Approved.
SURG 604 New P-Clinical Clerkship - Bozeman, MT (*, max. 24) P-CLIN CLRCK BOZEMAN. Same as SURG 665. Effective SUM/2013. Approved.
Pharmacy (0610)
PHARM 514 Change Pharmacotherapeutics for Advanced Practice (3) PHARM FOR ADV PRAC. Change credits, titles, description, hours. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
PHARM 536 Drop Principles of Publishing Clinical Evidence (2) PUBLISH EVIDENCE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 534 Change Principles of Publishing Clinical Evidence (2) PUBLISH EVIDENCE. Drop joint status with PHARM 534. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
EPI 539 Change Research and Evaluation Methods for Global Health (3/4) GH RES & EVAL MTHDS. Change titles, description; joint with G H 531. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Health Services (0706)
HSMGMT 531 New Systems Modeling Frameworks for Healthcare (3) SYSTEMS MODELING. -. Effective WIN/2014. Approved.
Education (0975)
T EDLD 572 Change Leadership III: Diversity in Education (5) LDRSHP III: DVRSTY. Initial DL through SUM/2017. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.
T EDUC 565 Change Research and Methods in Teaching Mathematics and Science to English Language Learners (5) MATH & SCI MTHD ELL. Initial DL through SUM/2017. Effective SPR/2014. Approved.