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December 16, 2014

This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 12 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at

The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on January 20, 2015. The deadline for applications is noon on January 2, 2015.

Departmental Curriculum Contacts


Prefixes and courses

Anthropology (0102)
ANTH 308 New The Anthropology of Gender, Women's Health, and Reproduction (5) WOMENS HEALTH & REPRO. Add to MAGH option list; DIV. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
ARCHY 472 New Historical Archaeology (5) HISTORICAL ARCHY. Add to Archaeological Sciences option list. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
ARCHY 473 New Historical Archaeology Laboratory (3) HISTORICAL ARCHY LAB. Add to Archaeological Sciences option list. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
ARCHY 573 New Indigenous Archaeology (5) INDIGENOUS ARCHY. -. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
AMATH 568 Change Advanced Methods for Ordinary Equations (5) ADV METHODS ODE. Change description. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Art (0105)
ART 501 New Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship (2-5, max. 15) GRAD TEACH/MENTOR. CR/NC only. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
DESIGN 320 Change Industrial Design Special Projects (5, max. 15) IND DES: SPEC PROJ. Change description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
DESIGN 501 New Graduate Student Teaching Mentorship (2-5, max. 15) GRAD TEACH/MENTOR. CR/NC only. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 419 New Data Science for Biologists (3) BIO DATA SCIENCE. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BIOL 492 Change Teaching Biology Inclusively to Diverse Audiences(3) BIOTEACH INCL DIVRS. Change titles, credits, description, prerequisite, AoK. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BIOL 505 Change Teaching Biology Inclusively to Diverse Audiences (3) BIOTEACH INCL DIVRS. Change title, description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BIOL 519 New Data Science for Biologists (3) BIO DATA SCIENCE. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Chemistry (0117)
CHEM 142 Change General Chemistry (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Change description. Effective AUT/2015. HOLD for affected unit notification.
CHEM 152 Change General Chemistry (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Change description. Effective WIN/2016. HOLD for affected unit notification.
CHEM 162 Change General Chemistry (5) GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Change description. Effective SPR/2016. Hold for affected unit notification.
CHEM 536 New Chemical Biology (3) CHEMICAL BIOLOGY. 400-500. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Comparative History of Ideas (0202)
CHID 437 New Crime, Law, and Mental Illness (5) CRIME LAW MENTAL ILL. Add to LSJ major/minor lists; joint with DIS ST 437/LSJ 437. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Economics (0135)
ECON 282 New Using Econometrics: A Practical Approach (5) USING ECONOMETRICS. Initial DL through SUM/2018; add to ISS area 1. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Geography (0188)
GEOG 337 New Migration and Development in China (5) MIGRATN/DEV CHINA. Initial DL through WIN/2019; Add to ISS area 2; students may not earn credit for both GEOG 337 and GEOG 435. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
GEOG 479 Change Diversity and Segregation in Cities (5) DIVERSITY IN CITIES. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
History (0193)
HSTAS 454 Change History of Modern China (5) HIST MDRN CHINA. Initial DL through SUM/2018; add to approved ISS lists; change responsible unit; joint with JSIS A 454. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
HSTCMP 414 New The Ocean Frontier: History of Science and Exploration at Sea (5) HIST OCEAN EXPLORTN. Add to approved minor lists; temporary. Effective SPR/2015 only. Approved.
HSTCMP 485 Change Comparative Colonialism (5) COMPAR COLONIALISM. Initial DL through SUM/2018; add to approved ISS areas. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
HSTCMP 507 New The Making of the Modern World: World History since 1500 (5) WORLD HST 1500-PRES. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
JSIS A 130 New Introduction to Slavic Culture and Civilization (5) INTRO SLAV CUL/CIV. Joint with existing SLAV 130. Effective SPR/2015. Pending.
JSIS A 350 New United States – Europe Relations (5) U.S.–EUROPE RELATNS -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 362 New The Political Economy of Africa (5) POLIT ECON - AFRICA. Temporary. Effective SPR/2015 only. Approved.
JSIS A 430 Change The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse (5) SOVIET EMPIRE. Change titles. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 468 New Russia and the International System (5) RUSSIA &INTL SYSTEM. 400-500. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 454 Change History of Modern China (5) HIST MDRN CHINA. Initial DL through SUM/2018; add to approved ISS lists; change responsible unit; joint with HSTAS 454. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 514 Change Thesis Seminar I (2) REECAS THESIS SEM I. Remove hyphenation. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 515 Change Thesis Seminar II (2) REECAS THESIS SEM II. Remove hyphenation. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 530 Change The Soviet Empire: Creation, Consolidation, and Collapse (5) SOVIET EMPIRE. Change titles. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS A 568 New Russia and the International System (5) RUSSIA &INTL SYSTEM. 400-500. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS B 360 New The United States in the World (5) U.S. IN THE WORLD. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS B 425 New Crafting and Influencing United States Foreign Policy (5) CRAFTING U.S. FOR POL. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
JSIS E 101 New Elementary Khmer (5) ELEMENTARY KHMER. -. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
JSIS E 102 New Elementary Khmer (5) ELEMENTARY KHMER. -. Effective WIN/2016. Approved.
JSIS E 103 New Elementary Khmer (5) ELEMENTARY KHMER. -. Effective SPR/2016. Approved.
JSIS E 201 New Intermediate Khmer (5) INTERMEDIATE KHMER. -. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
JSIS E 202 New Intermediate Khmer (5) INTERMEDIATE KHMER. -. Effective WIN/2016. Approved.
JSIS E 203 New Intermediate Khmer (5) INTERMEDIATE KHMER. -. Effective SPR/2016. Approved.
Law, Societies, and Justice (1057)
DIS ST 437 New Crime, Law, and Mental Illness (5) CRIME LAW MENTAL ILL. Add to LSJ major/minor lists; joint with LSJ 437/CHID 437. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
LSJ 437 New Crime, Law, and Mental Illness (5) CRIME LAW MENTAL ILL. Add to LSJ major/minor lists; joint with DIS ST 437/CHID 437. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
LSJ 456 New Institutional Failure (5) INSTITUTNAL FAILURE. Joint with POL S 456; See approved lists. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Near Eastern Language and Civilization (0123)
MODHEB 404 Change Hebrew Poetry (5) HEBREW POETRY. Change credits; for both HEBR 454 and MODHEB 404 starting in SUM/2015. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
MODHEB 407 Change Hebrew in Song (5) HEBREW IN SONG. Change credits; for both HEBR 457 and MODHEB 407 starting in SUM/2015. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
NEAR E 266 New The Modern Middle East and Central Asia (5) MOD ME & CENT ASIA. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
NEAR E 359 New Language and Ethnic Identity in China (5) ETHNIC IDENT CHINA. 300-500. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
NEAR E 560 New Language and Ethnic Identity in China (5) ETHNIC IDENT IN CHINA. 300-500. Effective WIN/2105. Approved.
Philosophy (0221)
PHIL 362 New Topics in Philosophy of Science (5) TPCS IN PHIL OF SCI. Add to approved lists; initial DL through SUM/2018. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Political Science (0244)
POL S 425 Drop War and Deterrence (5) WAR AND DETERRENCE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
POL S 425 New Political Psychology and War (5) POLITCL PSYCH & WAR. See approved lists; reusing number. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
POL S 456 New Institutional Failure (5) INSTITUTNAL FAILURE. Joint with LSJ 456; See approved lists. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Romance Languages and Literature (0264)
SPAN 226 New Spanish for Health Professionals III (3) SPAN HLTH PROF III. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SPAN 610 New Reading Credit for Graduate Exams (5) GRAD EXAMS READING. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
SCAND 342 New Typological and Historical Perspectives on Finnish Language (5) FINNISH LANG TYPOLY. See approved lists; temporary. Effective SPR/2015-SPR2017. Approved.
Slavic Languages and Literature (0163)
RUSS 316 New Extended Russian Through Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (2) EXTEND RUSSIAN-STEM. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
SLAV 130 Change Introduction to Slavic Culture and Civilization (5) INTRO SLAV CUL/CIV. Joint with JSIS A 130. Effective SPR/2015. Pending.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 559 New Measure Theory for Statisticians (3) MEASURE THEORY. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Construction Management (0052)
CM 412 Change Construction Practice (2) CONSTRCTN PRACTICE. Change credits. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
CM 433 Change Construction Labor Relations (2) CONSTR LABOR RELA. Change credits. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
Business Administration (0300)
ADMIN 511 New Fundamentals of Business Administration – Strategy and Marketing (4) FNDMTLS STRAT/MKTG. Initial DL through WIN/2019; CR/NC. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
ADMIN 512 New Fundamentals of Business Administration – People Management, Leadership, and Teams (4) LDRSHP, PPL & TEAMS. Initial DL through SPR/2019; CR/NC. Effective WIN/2016. Approved.
ADMIN 513 New Fundamentals of Business Administration – Accounting and Finance (4) FNDMTLS ACCT/FIN. Initial DL through SUM/2019; CR/NC. Effective SPR/2016. Approved.
ADMIN 514 New Fundamentals of Business Administration – Business Plan Practicum I (2) BUS PLAN PRACTM I. Initial DL through SPR/2019; CR/NC. Effective WIN/2016. Approved.
ADMIN 515 New Fundamentals of Business Administration – Business Plan Practicum II (1) BUS PLAN PRACTM II. Initial DL through SUM/2019; CR/NC. Effective SPR/2016. Approved.
SCM Prefix Supply Chain Management. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 500 New Finance and Accounting for Supply Chain Management (3) FIN & ACCTG. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 501 New Probability and Statistics (3) PROB & STAT. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 502 New Negotiations for Supply Chain Management (2) SCM NEGOT. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 503 New Leadership for Supply Chain Managers (2) SCM LEADERSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 510 New Marketing Strategy and Channel Management (3) STRAT MKTG MGMT. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 511 New Strategic Sourcing and Procurement (2) STRAT SOURC PRCMNT. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 512 New Spreadsheet Modeling for Business Enterprise (2) SPREADSHEET MODELS. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 513 New Operations Management and Process Analysis (2) OP MGT & PRS ANLYS. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 520 New Forecasting, Inventory Management, and Supply Chain Analytics (3) FC, INV MGT & SC. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 521 New Managing Supply Chain Projects (3) MANG SC PROJECTS. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 522 New Lean Management, Total Quality, and Six Sigma (2) LEAN & 6-SIGMA. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 523 New Competitive Strategy (2) COMPETITIVE STRTGY. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 530 New Managing and Mining Big Data (3) MINING BIG DATA. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 531 New Enterprise Systems and Integration (2) ENTERP SYS & INTEG. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 532 New Global Supply Chain and Logistics (3) GLOBAL SC & LOG. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 533 New Special Topics in Supply Chain Management (2) SP TOPICS IN SCM. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
SCM 599 New Supply Chain Leader Series and Practicum (1-2, max. 5) SC LEAD & PRACTICE. CR/NC. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
Dentistry (0805)
DENT 601 New Early Clinical Immersion (6) EARLY CLIN IMMERSN. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL Prefix Dental Clerkship. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 631 New Prosthodontics Clerkship (9) PROS CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 632 New Periodontics Clerkship (9) PERIO CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 633 New Endodontics Clerkship (9) ENDO CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 634 New Operative Dentistry Clerkship (9) OPER CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 635 New Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Clerkship (9) DXTX CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 636 New Oral Medicine Clerkship (9) ORALM CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 637 New Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clerkship (9) OMS CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTCL 638 New Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontic Clerkship (9) PEDO ORTH CLERKSHIP. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
DENTFN Prefix Dental Foundations. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
Education (0351)
ECFS 200 Change Introduction to Early Childhood and Family Studies (3) INTRO TO ECFS. Initial DL through SUM/2018. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
EDLPS 590 Change Student Populations and Experiences in Higher Education (3-4) STUDENT POP & EXPER. Change to variable credit, description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
EDLPS 594 Change Globalization and Internationalization of Higher Education (4) GLOBALIZATION IN HE. Change credits, description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Chemical Engineering (0402)
CHEM E 514 New Advanced Chemical Engineering Laboratory (3) ADV CHEME LAB. Add to approved MS in CHEM E elective list. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 409 Change Engineering Rome: Study Abroad (5) ENGR ROME: STDY ABRD. Change credits, hyphenation. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
CEE 420 New Engineering with Developing Communities (3) ENGR DEVLPING COMM. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
CEE 422 New Energy and Transportation (3) ENERGY AND TRANS. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
CEE 509 Change Engineering Rome: Study Abroad (5) ENGR ROME: STDY ABRD. Change credits, hyphenation. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
SCTL 508 New Collaboration Across the Supply Chain (5) SUPPLY CHAIN COLLAB. Initial DL through SUM/2018. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
SCTL 509 New Practicum II: Analysis and Recommendations (5) PRACTICUM 2. Initial DL through AUT/2018. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
FHL 492 New Ecology and Conservation of Marine Birds and Mammals (9/15, max. 15) MAR BIRD MAMM. Joint with FISH 492. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
MARBIO Prefix Marine Biology. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
MARBIO 270 New Aquatic Ecophysiology (5) AQUATIC ECOPHYSLGY. Joint with OCEAN 270/FISH 270. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
MARBIO 492 New Ecology and Conservation of Marine Birds and Mammals (9/15, max. 15) MAR BIRD MAMM. Joint with FISH 492/FHL 492. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
MARBIO 370 New Evolution in the Ocean (5) EVOLN IN THE OCEAN. Joint with OCEAN 370/FISH 370. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences (0452)
FISH 270 New Aquatic Ecophysiology (5) AQUATIC ECOPHYSLGY. Joint with OCEAN 270/MARBIO 270. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
FISH 370 New Evolution in the Ocean (5) EVOLN IN THE OCEAN. Joint with OCEAN 370/MARBIO 370. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
FISH 461 New Resource Economics for Management and Policy (4) RES ECON MGMT PLCY. Parallel with FISH 561; add to SMEA approved list. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
FISH 492 Change Ecology and Conservation of Marine Birds and Mammals (9/15, max. 15) MAR BIRD MAMM. Change titles, description; add joint status with FHL 492/MARBIO 492. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
FISH 561 New Resource Economics for Management and Policy (4) RES ECON MGMT PLCY. Parallel with FISH 461; add to SMEA approved list. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 270 New Aquatic Ecophysiology (5) AQUATIC ECOPHYSLGY. Joint with FISH 270/MARBIO 270. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
OCEAN 370 New Evolution in the Ocean (5) EVOLN IN THE OCEAN. Joint with FISH 370/MARBIO 370. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 576 New Social Network Analysis (4) SOC NET ANALYSIS. Temporary; Initial DL through WIN/2016. Effective SPR/2015-WIN/2016. Approved.
Museology (0657)
MUSEUM 562 Change Legal Issues in Museums (4) LEGAL ISSUES. Add joint status with LAW E 562. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
MUSEUM 575 New Museum Evaluation Project I (3) EVALUATION PROJ I. CR/NC. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
MUSEUM 576 New Museum Project II (3, max. 9) EVALUATION PROJ II. CR/NC. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
Bioengineering (0745)
BIOEN 316 Change Biomedical Signals and Sensors (4) SIGNALS AND SENSORS. Change credits, hours. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BIOEN 325 Change Biotransport I (4) BIOTRANSPORT I. Change credits, prerequisite, hours. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
BIOEN 326 Change Solid and Gel Mechanics (4) SOLID&GEL MECHANICS. Change credits, hours. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
BIOEN 345 Change Failure Analysis and Human Physiology (4) FAILURE AND PHYSIOL. Change prerequisite. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
University Conjoint (0757)
UCONJ 624 Change Health Equity and Community Organizing (1) ORGANIZING FOR HLTH. Initial DL through SPR/2018. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Law (0852)
LAW E 562 New Legal Issues in Museums (4) LEGAL ISSUES. Joint with existing MUSEUM 562. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
LAW E 591 New Non-Profit Organizations Clinic (1-3, max. 3) NON-PROFIT ORG CLIN. CR/NC. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Family Medicine (0949)
FAMED 669 New P-Clinical Clerkship in Family Medicine – Coeur d’Alene, ID (12) P-CLCLK FAMED CDA. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
Medicine (0915)
CONJ 530 Change Directing Stem Cells Toward Regenerative Medicine (3) HESC & MEDICINE. Change credits. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
MEDECK 675 New P-Clinical Allergy and Immunology – Boise, ID (4) P-ALLERGY BOISE. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
MED EM 662 New P-Emergency Medicine – Bozeman, MT (8) P-EMER MED BOZEMAN. Same as MED EM 606. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
MED EM 663 New P-Emergency Medicine – Billings, MT (8) P-EMER MED BILLINGS. Same as MED EM 606. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Neurology (1016)
NEURL 685 Change Epilepsy and Clinical Electroencephalography (4/8, max. 8) EPILEPSY AND EEG. Change credits. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
NEURL 687 Change Advanced Clerkship in Child Neurology (4, max. 8) ADV CLK CHILD NEURL. Change titles, credits. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
NEURL 697 Change Neurology Away Elective (*, max. 24) NEURL AWAY ELECTIVE. Change titles. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
NEURL 699 Change WWAMI Neurology Special Assignment Elective (4/8, max. 24) WWAMI NEURL SP ELEC. Change titles, credits. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
Epidemiology (0704)
EPI 201 Change Outbreak Investigation and Response (4) OUTBREAK. Change title, credits. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
EPI 514 Change Applications of Epidemiologic Methods (5) APPLIC OF EPI MTHDS. Change credits, hours, abbreviated title. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
EPI 588 Change Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals (3) WRIT RSCH PROPOSALS. Change title, credits, hours; add joint status with HSERV 578. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
EPI 592 Change Program Seminars (1-6, max. 16) PROGRAM SEMINART. Change max credits. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 578 New Preparing, Writing, and Critiquing Scientific Research Proposals (3) WRIT RSCH PROPOSALS. Add joint status with existing EPI 588. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Nutritional Science (0689)
NUTR 411 Change Diet in Health and Disease (3) DIET HLTH & DISEASE. Change titles, description, credits, hours. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
NUTR 420 New Global Nutrition: Challenges and Opportunities (3) GLOBAL NUTRITION. Add to Nutritional Sciences minor approved list. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Pathobiology (0708)
Business (0881)
B ACCT 520 New Accounting for Value (4) ACCT VALUE. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
B ACCT 567 New Advanced Taxation (4) ADVANCED TAXATION. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Center for University Studies and Programs (0864)
B MATH 121 Change Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning (5) ALG & QUANT REAS. Change titles, description, add AoK. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 225 Change Social Psychology (5) SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. Change titles, description. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BIS 257 Change Introduction to Asian American Studies (5) INTRO ASIAN AM STDY. Change description, add DIV. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
Nursing (0870)
BHS 302 Change Global Communities, Culture, and Health Equity (5) COMMUNITY & HEALTH. Change description, add DIV. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
BHS 423 New Global Health: Critical Perspectives (5) GLOBAL HEALTH. Add to Health Studies minor approved list. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
BHS 440 New Health of Military Veterans (5) HEALTH OF VETERANS. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
B IMD 493 New Integrative Studio III Practicum (5) INT STUDIO III PRAC. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Engineering and Mathematics (1092)
B CE New Bothell Computer Engineering. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
B CE 495 New Capstone Design I (2) CAPSTONE DESIGN I. -. Effective WIN/2015. Approved.
B CE 496 New Capstone Design II (3) CAPSTONE DESIGN II. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
B EE 506 New Power Systems (2) POWER SYSTEMS. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
B EE 507 New Signals and Systems (4) SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS. -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
B ME 333 New Thermal Fluids III (5) THERMAL FLUIDS III. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Institute of Technology (1023)
TCSS 450 New Mobile Application Programming (5) MOBILE APP PROG. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
TCSS 461 New Advanced Software Engineering (5) ADV SOFTWARE ENGR. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
TCSS 510 New Enterprise Architecture Foundations (5) EA FOUNDATIONS. -. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
TCSS 511 New Advanced Enterprise Architecture (5) ADVANCED EA . -. Effective SUM/2015. Approved.
TCSS 531 New Cloud and Virtualization Systems Engineering (5) CLOUD VIRT SYS ENG. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
TCSS 544 New Applied Linear Algebra (5) APPL LINEAR ALGEBRA. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T ARTS 120 New Music Appreciation (5) MUSIC APPRECIATION. -. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
TCOM 465 New Contemporary Free Speech Issues (5) FREE SPEECH ISSUES. See approved lists. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
T EGL 305 New The American Indian Movement (5) AM INDIAN MOVEMENT. See approved lists; DIV course. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
T SOC 270 New Introduction to Asian America: Sociological and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5) INTR ASIAN AM STDY. See approved lists. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Nursing (0970)
T NURS 523 Change Assessment and Planning (3) ASSESS & PLAN. Change titles, description, prerequisite. Effective SPR/2015. Approved.
Social Work (1019)
T CRIM 434 New Criminal Homicide (5) CRIMINAL HOMICIDE. See approved lists. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.
T CRIM 450 New Comparative Criminal Justice Systems (5) CMPRTV CJ SYSTEMS. See approved lists. Effective AUT/2015. Approved.