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November 17, 2015

This agenda lists the pending actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 12 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

**Please address any questions or concerns regarding the courses, including overlapping content, proposed on this agenda to the University Curriculum Office at

The next Curriculum Meeting is scheduled to be held on December 15, 2015. The deadline for applications is noon on December 1, 2015.


Prefixes and courses

American Ethnic Studies (0100)
AFRAM 214 Change Introduction to African American Literature (5) INTRO TO AFR AM LIT. Joint with ENGL 258; change titles, description, DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
AFRAM 318 Change Black Literary Genres (5) BLACK LIT GENRES. Joint with ENGL 318; change description; DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
AFRAM 358 Change African American Literature (5) AFRICAN AMER LIT. Joint with ENGL 358; change titles, description; DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Anthropology (0102)
ARCHY 574 Change Meta-archaeology: Philosophy and Archaeology (1-5) META-ARCHAEOLOGY. Change to variable credit. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Applied Mathematics (0208)
CFRM 462 Change Introduction to Computational Finance and Financial Econometrics (5) INTRO CMPFIN/FINECN. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
CFRM 542 Change Financial Data Modeling and Analysis in R (4) FIN DATA MODELING. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
CFRM 543 Change Portfolio Optimization and Asset Management (4) PORTFOLIO OPT. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
CFRM 545 Change Financial Risk Management I (4) FIN RISK MGMT I. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
CRFM 546 Change Financial Risk Management II (4) RISK MANAGEMENT. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
CFRM 554 Change Endowment and Institutional Investment Management (2) ENDOW INVEST MGMT. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Art (0105)
DESIGN 215 New Visual Storytelling (5) VISUAL STORYTELLING. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Biology (0112)
BIOL 313 New Civilizational Biology (4) CIVILIZATIONAL BIO. See approved lists. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (1029)
CS&SS 509 Change Econometrics I: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4) ECONMET1: MATH STAT. Joint with STAT 509/ECON 580; change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
Communication (1035)
COM 294 New Multimedia Skills Workshop (1-3, max. 5) MULTIMEDIA WORKSHOP. CR/NC. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
COM 303 New Social Effects of Technology and Social Media (5) SOC EFFECTS OF TECH. -. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
COM 403 New Dark Sides of Digital Media (5) DARK DIGITAL MEDIA. -. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
COM 572 New Introduction to User Centered Design (5) INTRO USER DESIGN. -. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
COM 573 New Advanced User Design (5) Advanced User Design. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Comparative Literature, Cinema, and Media (0132)
C LIT 376 Drop Violence, Myth, and Memory (5) VIOLENCE MYTH MEMORY. Drop Course; joint with JSIS A 376. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Dance (0133)
DANCE 101 Change Dance and the American Experience (5) DANC AMER EXPERIENC. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Economics (0135)
ECON 408 New Economic Analysis of the Law (5) LAW & ECONOMICS. -. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
ECON 580 Change Econometrics I: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4) ECONMET1: MATH STAT. Joint with CS&SS 509/STAT 509; change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
English (0136)
ENGL 258 Change Introduction to African American Literature (5) INTRO TO AFR AM LIT. Joint with AFRAM 214; change titles, description, DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
ENGL 318 Change Black Literary Genres (5) BLACK LIT GENRES. Joint with AFRAM 318; change description; DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
ENGL 358 Change African American Literature (5) AFRICAN AMER LIT. Joint with AFRAM 358; change titles, description; DIV. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
History (0193)
HSTAA 105 Change The Peoples of the United States (5) PEOPLES OF U.S. Change description. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
HSTAA 231 New Race and American History (5) RACE: AMER HISTORY. DIV; see approved lists. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
HSTAM 320 New Reacting to the Past: Religion and Politics in the European Middle Ages (5) RELIG+POL MID AGES. Conversion of temporary; see approved lists. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
HSTAS 254 New China in the Twentieth Century (5) CHINA IN 20TH CENT. Temporary; joint with JSIS A 254. Effective WIN/2016 only. PENDING.
HSTCMP 368 New Jewish Thought (5) JEWISH THOUGHT. Add joint status with existing JSIS C 358; parallel to HSTCMP 568. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
HSTCMP 568 New Jewish Thought (5) JEWISH THOUGHT. Joint with JSIS C 558; parallel to HSTCMP 368. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
JSIS A 254 New China in the Twentieth Century (5) CHINA IN 20TH CENT. Temporary; joint with HSTAS 254. Effective WIN/2016 only. PENDING.
JSIS A 376 Drop Violence, Myth, and Memory (5) VIOLENCE MYTH MEMORY. Drop Course; joint with C LIT 376. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
JSIS C 358 Change Jewish Thought (5) JEWISH THOUGHT. Add joint status with HSTCMP 368; change titles, description; parallel to JSIS C 558. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
JSIS C 558 New Jewish Thought (5) JEWISH THOUGHT. Joint with HSTCMP 568; parallel to JSIS C 358. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Linguistics (0203)
LING 490 Change Undergraduate Fieldwork/Internship (1-5, max. 15) FIELDWORK/INTERNSHIP. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LING 590 Change Graduate Fieldwork/Internship (1-10, max. 10) FIELDWORK/INTERNSHIP. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Philosophy (0221)
PHIL 115 Change Practical Reasoning (5) PRACTICAL REASONING. DL Renewal. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Psychology (0262)
PSYCLN Prefix Clinical Psychology. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Statistics (0294)
STAT 509 Change Econometrics I: Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (4) ECONMET1: MATH STAT. Joint with CS&SS 509/ECON 580; change titles, credits. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
Business Administration (0300)
EMBA 502 Change Teamwork and Managerial Effectiveness (2) TEAMWK & MGR. Drop CR/NC. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
MKTG 465 Change Marketing Analytics (4) MKTG ANALYTICS. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Education (0351)
EDPSY 380 New Adult Learning and Development (5) ADULT LEARN & DEV. -. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDPSY 579 Change Advanced Practicum in Neuropsychological Assessment and Neurodevelopmental Intervention (2) ADV PRAC NEURODEV. Change titles. Effective AUT/2015. PENDING.
EDUC 370 New Learning Within and Across Settings (5) LRN ACROSS SETTINGS. See Approved lists. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDUC 472 New Individual, Groups, Organizations, and Institutions (5) INDIVIDUALS & ORGS. See approved lists. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDUC 473 New Community Based Research and Practice (5) COMMUNITY RESEARCH. -. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDUC 481 New Community-Based Capstone I (5) COMMUNITY CAPSTONE 1. -. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDUC 482 New Community –Based Capstone II (5-12) COMMUNITY CAPSTONE 2. CR/NC. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
EDUC 483 New Community-Based Capstone III (5) COMMUNITY CAPSTONE 3. -. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
CEE 507 New Structural Stability (3) STRUC STABILITY. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Electrical Engineering (0410)
E E 517 Change Continuous-Space Language Processing (4) CON-SPACE PROC. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Mechanical Engineering (0419)
M E 416 New Engineering Innovation in Medicine Design Preparation (3) ENG INNOV MED DES. Temporary. Effective WIN/2016-WIN/2018. PENDING.
Earth and Space Sciences (1068)
ESS 425 New Tectonic Geomorphology (3) TECTONIC GEOMORPH. Parallel to ESS 525. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
ESS 525 New Tectonic Geomorphology (3) TECTONIC GEOMORPH. Parallel to ESS 425. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Oceanography (0456)
OCEAN 285 Change Physics Across Oceanography: Fluid Mechanics and Waves (3/5) FLUID MECH & WAVES. Change to variable credits, prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
OCEAN 330 New Marine Biogeochemical Cycles (5) MARINE BIOGOCHEM. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
The Information School (0671)
INFX 598 Change Special Topics (1-4, max. 30) SPECIAL TOPICS. Initial DL. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
INSC 515 Drop Ecological Information Systems (4) ECO INFO SYS. Drop Course; joint with LIS 515. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
LIS 515 Drop Ecological Information Systems (4) ECO INFO SYS. Drop Course; joint with INSC 515. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Law (0852)
LAW B 543 Drop Intellectual Property Law in East Asia (3) INTELL PROP E ASIA. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LAW B 543 New Pro Bono Advocacy (2-, max. 4) PRO BONO ADVOCACY. CR/NC; reusing number; temporary. Effective WIN/2016-WIN/2018. PENDING.
LAW B 545 Drop Survey of American Law and Practice (6) SRVY AMER LAW/PRACT. Drop Course. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
LAW B 545 New Deposition Practice (3) DEPOSITION PRACT. CR/NC; reusing number; temporary. Effective SPR/2016- SPR/2018. PENDING.
LAW B 569 Drop Judicial Externship Perspectives Seminar (2) JUD EXTERN PERSP SM. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LAW B 569 New Development Innovations Laboratory (2-, max. 4) DEV INNOV LAB. Reusing number. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LAW B 586 Drop Biology and Law Seminar (1-6) BIOLOGY & LAW SEM. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LAW B 586 New Global Development Law and Policy Workshop (2-, max. 4) GLOB DEV LAW & POL. Reusing number. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
LAW E 534 Drop Human Rights Law: Philosophy and Practice (4) HUMAN RIGHTS PHILOS. Drop Course. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Biostatistics (0700)
BIOST 540 Change Longitudinal and Multilevel Data (3) LONG MULTILEVEL DAT. Change titles. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
BIOST 565 New Statistical Evaluation of Biomarkers (3) STAT EVAL BIOMARK. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences (0702)
ENV H 205 Change Environmental Health in Media (3) ENVIR HLTH MEDIA. Change credits. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Health Services (0706)
HSERV 479 New Black Lives and Police Violence: Racism and the Public’s Health (4) RACISM&PUBLIC’S HLTH. -. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Business (0881)
B ACCT 520 Change Accounting Valuation (4) ACCT VALUATION. Change titles, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0863)
BIS 319 New Public Art and Restoration (5) PUB ART & RSTRTION. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
BIS 416 Drop Problems in International Political Economy (5) PROB INT POL ECON. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
BIS 478 Drop Art Patronage and Markets (5) ART PARON & MARKET. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
BISGWS Prefix Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
BISGWS 302 New Histories and Movements of Gender and Sexuality (5) HSTY & MVMNT GNDR SX. DIV. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
Nursing (0870)
B HLTH Change BHS courses to B HLTH. See spreadsheet. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
B HLTH 424 Change Root Issues in American Indian Health (5) AMER INDIAN HLTH. Was BHS 425; change titles. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Computing and Software Systems (0865)
CSS 263 Drop Programming and Discrete Mathematics (5) PROGRAMMING & MATH. Drop Course. Effective WIN/2016.PENDING.
Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences (0963)
T ARTS 115 New Beginning Piano (3) BEGINNING PIANO. -. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
TESC 234 Change Biology, History, and Politics of Salmon in the Pacific Northwest (5) SALMON IN THE PAC NW. Was TESC 434; change credits. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
TMATH 344 New Fundamentals of Geometry (5) GEOMETRY. See approved lists; check for equivalency. Effective AUT/2016. PENDING.
T WOMN 434 Change Women’s Voices: Transnational Testimonies (5) WMN VOICES: TRNSNTL. Change titles. Effective SPR/2016. PENDING.
Nursing (0970)
T HLTH 465 New Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching (5) HLTH & WELL COACHING. -. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
T NURS 503 Change Advanced Fieldwork I (3) ADV FIELDWORK I. Change titles, credits, prerequisite, description. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.
T NURS 505 New Advanced Fieldwork II (3) ADV FIELDWORK II. CR/NC. Effective WIN/2016. PENDING.