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    Number 300
    December 20, 1999

    This report officially records the actions of the University of Washington Curriculum Review Committee. The Committee meets September through June to consider applications for curriculum changes submitted by the schools and colleges of the University of Washington.

    This report also announces the actions of the Faculty Council of Academic Standards and the Board of Regents regarding program and degree changes.

    Course Change Applications received after the deadline for the specified quarter will be considered for the next quarter for which the deadline has not passed. New courses can be added to the curriculum after the deadline.

    Applications must be received in the University Curriculum Office, 248 Schmitz, Box 355850, by 5 pm on the deadline date. For courses offered jointly by more than one school or college, an application from each school or college must be received by the University Curriculum Office by the deadline date.

    Please address any questions regarding the curriculum process at the University of Washington to the university curriculum office at uwcr@u.washington.edu.








    Anthropology (0102)
    ANTH 361 Anthropology of Travel (5) ANTHRO OF TRAVEL. Temporary course. Effective SUM/2000 to SUM/2001.
    ANTH 450 Language and Gender (5) LANGUAGE & GENDER. Offered jointly with WOMEN 450 and LING 458. Effective SPR/2000.
    ARCHY 477 Archaeology of the North (5) ARCHY OF THE NORTH. Effective SPR/2000.
    History (0193)
    HIST 388 Colloquium: Introduction to History (5, max. 10) INTRO TO HISTORY. Correction to maximum number of credits. Effective WIN/1998.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SISEA 517 Foreign Trade and Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (1-4, max. 4) TRADE LAW/PRC. Offered jointly with LAW E 517. Conversion from a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.
    Linguistics (0203)
    LING 458 Language and Gender (5) LANGUAGE & GENDER. Offered jointly with ANTH 450 and WOMEN 450. Effective SPR/2000.
    Political Science (0244)
    POL S 412 Democratic Theory (5) DEMOCRATIC THEORY. Effective AUT/2000.
    POL S 515 Political Theory Research Seminar (5) POL THEORY RES SEM. Effective SPR/2000.
    Social Science (1025)
    SOCSCI 200 The Family: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (5) THE FAMILY. Temporary course. Effective SPR/2000 to AUT/2001.
    Women Studies (0298)
    WOMEN 450 Language and Gender (5) LANGUAGE & GENDER. Offered jointly with ANTH 450 and LING 458. Effective SPR/2000.


    Accounting (0301)
    ACCTG 199 Accounting Problem Solving (2, max. 4)ACCTG PROB SOLVING. Extension of temporary course. Credit/no credit only. Effective WIN/2000 to SUM/2000.


    Forest Resources (0523)
    CFR 425 Principles of Life Cycle Analysis (3) LIFE CYCLE ANLY. Effective SPR/2000.


    Law (0852)
    LAW E 516 Advanced Criminal Procedure (5) ADV CRIMNL PROCDRE. Effective SPR/2000.
    LAW E 517 Foreign Trade and Investment Law of the People's Republic of China (1-4, max. 4) TRADE LAW/PRC. Offered jointly with SISEA 517. Conversion from a temporary course. Effective SPR/2000.
    LAW T 543 Advanced Partnership Tax (2) ADV PARTNRSHP TAX. Effective SPR/2000.


    Medicine (0915)
    MED 555 P-Mind, Body, and Pen: Writing and the Art of Becoming a Physician (1) P-MIND/BODY/PEN. Effective WIN/2000.


    Environmental Health (0702)
    ENV H 431 Environmental Health Sampling and Analysis II (3) EH SAMPLING II. Effective WIN/2000.
    Epidemiology (0704)
    PHG 509 Multidisciplinary Communication in Public Health Genetics (1) COMMUNICATION & PHG. Offered jointly with HSERV 509. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2000.
    PHG 590 Selected Topics in Public Health Genetics (1-6, max. 6) SEL TOPICS IN PHG. Effective WIN/2000.
    Health Services (0706)
    HSERV 509 Multidisciplinary Communication in Public Health Genetics (1) COMMUNICATION & PHG. Offered jointly with PHG 509. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2000.
    HSERV 550 Policy and Economics: Fundamental and Applications (3) POLIC&ECON-FUND/APP. Effective WIN/2000.
    HSMGMT 543 Social and Behavioral Strategies for Improving Health (3) SOC BHAV STR/IMP H. Effective SUM/2000.
    HSMGMT 574 Financial Management I (3-4) FINANCIAL MGMT I. Effective AUT/2000.
    HSMGMT 575 Financial Management II (4) FINANCIAL MGMT II. Effective WIN/2000.


    Social Work (0779)
    SOC WF 490 Research in Social Welfare (1-3, max. 10) RES IN SOCL WELFARE. Credit/no credit only. Effective SPR/2000.


    Business (0981)
    T MIT 555 Information Technology as a Competitive Advantage (4) COMPET ADV OF IT. Temporary course. Effective WIN/2000 to WIN/2000.
    Nursing (0970)
    T NURS 509 Evaluation and Decision-Making in Health Care (3) EVAL DECISION HLTH. Effective WIN/2000.
    Social Work (1019)
    T SOCW 525 Advanced Concentration Practicum (3-5, max. 18) ADVANCED PRACTICUM. Credit/no credit only. Effective SUM/2000.
    T SOCW 536 Adult Interpersonal Violence and Treatment (3) ADULT INTERP VIOLEN. Effective SPR/2000.



    Urban Design and Planning (0050)
    URBDP 370 Reading the City (5) READING THE CITY. Change credits, change contact hours, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    URBDP 494 Alaska Field Study (2) ALASKA FIELD STUDY. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective SPR/2000.


    Anthropology (0102)
    ANTH 425 Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States (5) ANTH POST-SOVIET. Change course title, change short title, change course description. Offered jointly with SISRE 425. Effective SPR/2000.
    ANTH 433 Sociolinguistics II (3) SOCIOLINGUISTICS II. Change joint status. Offered jointly with LING 434. Effective SPR/2000.
    ANTH 514 Regional Seminar (3-5, max. 15) REGIONAL SEMINAR. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective AUT/2000.
    BIO A 550 Skeletal Biology and Prehistoric Demography (5) SKL BIO & PRH DEMOS. Change course title, change short title, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    Applied Mathematics (0208)
    AMATH 301 Beginning Scientific Computing (4) BEG SCI COMPUTING. Change course description, change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 351 Introduction to Differential Equations and Applications (3) DIFF EQUATIONS. Change course description, change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 352 Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis (3) LINR ALG & NUM ANLY. Change course description, change prerequisites. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 403 Introduction to Methods in Applied Mathematics III (4) METHODS AMATH III. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 510 Applications of Optimization in Engineering Design (3) APPL OPT ENG DESIGN. Change joint status from temporary to permanent. Offered jointly with IND E 510. Effective SPR/2000.
    AMATH 563 Methods of Partial Differential Equations II (3) MET PART DIF EQ II. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 564 Methods of Partial Differential Equations III (3) MET PART DIF EQ III. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 585 Approximate Numerical Analysis II (5) APPROX NUM ANALYSIS. Change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    Atmospheric Sciences (0108)
    ATM S 508 Geochemical Cycles (4) GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES. Change prerequisites, change joint status. Offered jointly with OCEAN 523 and CHEM 523. Dropping joint status with GPHYS 508. Effective SPR/2000.
    Biology (0112)
    BIOL 591 Problems in Biological Instruction (1-3, max. 3) PROBS BIOLGCL INSTR. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective SPR/2000.
    Chemistry (0117)
    CHEM 523 Geochemical Cycles (4) GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES. Change prerequisites, change joint status. Offered jointly with OCEAN 523 and ATM S 508. Effective SPR/2000.
    Drama (0134)
    DRAMA 374 History of Greek and Roman Theatre (5) GREEK/ROMAN TH HIST. Change course description, change course title, change short title. Effective SUM/2000.
    DRAMA 377 History of Medieval and Renaissance Theatre (5) MEDIEVL/RENSNCE HST. Change course description, change course title, change short title. Effective SUM/2000.
    DRAMA 471 History of the English Restoration and 18th Century Theatre (5) ENGLISH RESTORATION. Change course number, change course title, change short title. Effective SUM/2000.
    Geophysics (0187)
    GPHYS 404 Geophysics: Fluids (3) FLUIDS. Change course title, change short title, change prerequisites. Effective SPR/2000.
    GPHYS 504 Geophysics: Fluids (3) FLUIDS. Change course title, change short title, change prerequisites. Effective SPR/2000.
    GPHYS 508 Geochemical Cycles (4) GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES. Drop joint status with ATM S 508. Effective SPR/2000.
    History (0193)
    HSTEU 445 Twentieth-Century Russia (5) TWENTIETH CENT RUSS. Change joint status. Offered jointly with SISRE 448. Effective SPR/2000.
    Jackson School of International Studies (0190)
    SISRE 425 Anthropology of the Post-Soviet States (5) ANTH POST-SOVIET. Change course title, change short title, change course description. Offered jointly with ANTH 425. Effective SPR/2000.
    SISRE 448 Twentieth-Century Russia (5) TWENTIETH CENT RUSS. Change joint status. Offered jointly with HSTEU 445. Effective SPR/2000.
    Linguistics (0203)
    LING 434 Sociolinguistics II (3) SOCIOLINGUISTICS II. Change joint status. Offered jointly with ANTH 433. Effective SPR/2000.
    Political Science (0244)
    POL S 509 Political Theory--Core (5, max. 10) POL THEORY--CORE. Change short title, change long title, change credits, change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    Scandinavian Languages and Literature (0281)
    SCAND 340 Kalevala and the Epic Tradition (5) KALEVALA. Change course title, change short title. Effective AUT/2000.


    Civil and Environmental Engineering (0403)
    CIVE 445 Environmental Engineering Design Studies (4) ENV ENG DES STUDIES. Change prefix, change prerequisites. Effective SUM/2000.
    Industrial Engineering (0418)
    IND E 510 Applications of Optimization in Engineering Design (3) APPL OPT ENG DESIGN. Change joint status from temporary to permanent. Offered jointly with AMATH 510. Effective SPR/2000.
    Mechanical Engineering (0419)
    M E 426 Sustainable Energy Design (4) ENERGY DESIGN. Change course title, change short title, change prerequisites, change contact hours, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    M E 473 Instrumentation (4) INSTRUMENTATION. Change credits, change contact hours, change course description. Effective AUT/2000.
    M E 481 Combustion Engines and Alternatives (4) ENGINES. Change course title, change short title, change prerequisites, change credits, change contact hours, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.


    Quantitative Sciences (0750)
    Q SCI 291 Analysis for Biologists I (5) ANLYS FOR BIOL 1. Change short title, change long title, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    Q SCI 292 Analysis for Biologists II (5) ANLYS FOR BIOL 2. Change short title, change long title, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    Q SCI 293 Analysis for Biologists III (5) ANLYS FOR BIOL 3. Change course description. Effective SPR/2000.
    University Conjoint (0757)
    UCONJ 444 Interdisciplinary Collaborative Teams in Health Care (1-5, max. 10) COLLAB TEAMS. Change credits, change contact hours, change course description. Effective SPR/2000.


    Law (0852)
    LAW A 538 Estate Planning Workshop (3-4) ESTATE PLANN WKSHP. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective SPR/2000.
    LAW A 564 Legal History (1-4, max. 4) LEGAL HISTORY. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective SPR/2000.


    Family Medicine (0949)
    FAMED 546 Preclinical Hospice Volunteer Training Elective (3) HOSPICE VLNTR TRNG. Change credits, change joint status. Offered jointly with MHE 517. Effective SPR/2000.
    FAMED 547 Spirituality in Medicine (1, max. 3) SPIRITUALITY IN MED. Change credits, change joint status. Offered jointly with MHE 518. Effective SPR/2000.
    Medical History and Ethics (0929)
    MHE 517 Preclinical Hospice Volunteer Training Elective (3) HOSPICE VLNTR TRNG. Change credits, change joint status. Offered jointly with FAMED 546. Effective SPR/2000.
    MHE 518 Spirituality in Medicine (1, max. 3) SPIRITUALITY IN MED. Change credits, change joint status. Offered jointly with FAMED 547. Effective SPR/2000.


    Oceanography (0456)
    OCEAN 523 Geochemical Cycles (4) GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES. Change prerequisites, change joint status. Offered jointly with CHEM 523 and ATM S 508. Effective SPR/2000.


    Health Services (0706)
    HSMGMT 502 Evidence Based Health Care Planning (3-4) EVIDENCE BSD HC PLNG. Change credits, change contact hours. Effective SPR/2000.



    Anthropology (0102)
    ANTH 216 Oceania (3) OCEANIA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 230 Comparative Tribal Religion (5) COMP TRIBAL RELIG. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 325 Anthropology of Japanese Religion (5) ANTH JAPANESE RELIG. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 350 Cultural Evolution (3) CULTURAL EVOLUTION. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 357 Text and Performance in Island Southeast Asia (5) TEXT PERFORM SEASIA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 371 Political Anthropology (3) POLITICAL ANTHRO. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 372 Anthropology of Law (3) ANTHROPOLOGY OF LAW. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 373 Stateless Societies: An Ethnographic Approach to Non-centralized Political Systems (5) STATELESS SOCIETIES. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 408 New Guinea Societies (5) NEW GUINEA SOC. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 409 Micronesian Societies (5) MICRONESIAN SOC. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 415 Applied Ethnography (3) APPLIED ETHNOGRAPHY. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 419 Islamic Peoples of Southwest and South Asia (5) ISLAMIC SW & S ASIA. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 433 Anthropology of Performance (3) ANTH OF PERFORMANCE. Drop course. Effective WIN/2000.
    ANTH 439 Law in Changing Societies (5) LAW IN CHNG SOCIETS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 442 Anthropological Aspects of Communication (5) ANTH ASPECTS COMMUN. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 483 Women in Evolutionary Perspective (5) WOMEN EVOL PERSPECT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 493 Advanced Topics in Expressive Culture (3) WADV TPC EXPRESV CLT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 522 Seminar in South American Indians (3) S AMERICAN INDIANS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 529 Seminar in Expressive Culture (3) SEM EXPRESSIVE CULT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 540 Anthropology and the Subject (3) ANTH & THE SUBJECT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 541 Seminar in the Psychological Aspects of Culture (3) PSYCH ASPECTS CULT. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    ANTH 558 Types and Techniques of Transcription (3) TRANSCRIPTION TECHS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    BIO A 371 Evolutionary Perspectives on the Human Condition (4) EVOL PERSPECTIVES. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    BIO A 375 Biology of Human Race (3) BIOLOGY OF HUMAN RACE. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    BIO A 489 Early Evolution of the Hominidae (5) EARLY EVOL HOMINID. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    BIO A 490 Later Evolution of the Hominidae (3) LATER EVOL HOMINID. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    Applied Mathematics (0208)
    AMATH 508 Calculus of Variations II (3) CAL OF VAR II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 518 Topics in Applied Optimization (3) TOPICS APPL OPTMZTN. Offered jointly with MATH 518. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 519 Tensor Analysis (3) TENSOR ANALYSIS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 530 Parallel Numerical Algorithms (3) PARA NUM ALGORITHMS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 550 Mathematical Topics in Analytical Dynamics (3) TOPICS IN DYNAMICS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 551 Mathematical Topics in Solid Mechanics (3) MATH SOLID MECH. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 552 Mathematical Topics in Fluid Dynamics (3) MATHEMATICAL FLUIDS. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    AMATH 589 Advanced Topics of Applied Analysis (3) TECH APPL ANAL III. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    Art (0105)
    ART 249 Serigraphy (5) SERIGRAPHY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    ART 352 Images on Paper (5) IMAGES ON PAPER. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    ART 455 Advanced Printmaking (5) ADV PRINTMAKING. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    Drama (0134)
    DRAMA 378 History of the English Theatre and Its Drama 1500-1700 (5) ENGL THTR 1500-1700. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.
    Geophysics (0187)
    GPHYS 508 Geochemical Cycles (4) GEOCHEMICAL CYCLES. Drop course. Effective WIN/2000.
    Linguistics (0203)
    LING 541 Syntactic & Semantic Development (3) SYNTAC & SEMAN DEV. Offered jointly with SPHSC 541. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.
    Mathematics (0206)
    MATH 518 Topics in Applied Optimization (3) TOPICS APPL OPTMZTN. Offered jointly with AMATH 518. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    Political Science (0244)
    POL S 510 Analytical Political Theory (5) ANALYTICAL POL THRY. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    Speech and Hearing Sciences (0296)
    SPHSC 541 Syntac & Semantic Development (3) SYNTAC & SEMAN DEV. Offered jointly with LING 541. Drop course. Effective SUM/2000.


    Technical Communication (0438)
    T C 530 Technical Japanese I (4) TECHNICAL JAPAN I. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    T C 531 Technical Japanese II (4) TECHNICAL JAPAN II. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.
    T C 532 Technical Japanese III (4) TECHNICAL JAPAN III. Drop course. Effective AUT/2000.


    Forest Resources (0523)
    EHUF 406 Curatorial Practices in Public Gardens (3) CURATE PUBLC GARDEN. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.
    EHUF 461 Public Outreach in Urban Horticulture (3) PUBLC OUTRCH U HORT. Drop course. Effective SPR/2000.