Key Components of PACES

PACES provides adults with active seizure conditions with the tools they need to manage their conditions effectively.


Training & Practice

Personalized Goal-Setting & Support

Group Programs

Qualified Facilitator Teams

Program Structure

The PACES training program features a standardized structure that has been demonstrated to work:


8 group sessions (in person or by phone). Each session runs 60-75 minutes.


Adults with epilepsy, 5-8 per group.


Tandem team: One mental health professional, one peer facilitator with epilepsy.

Resource Requirements

  • Telephone conference line and toll-free number; a private conference room if offering the group in person.
  • Two facilitator manuals, sufficient participant manuals, and stress reduction CDs.
  • Staff or volunteer time outside of group sessions to (a) screen potential candidates for program eligibility; (b) send weekly follow-up information to participants in relationship to lifestyle goals; (c) make weekly reminder calls in advance of session meetings; and (d) follow up with participants after the program has ended.
  • If conducting the group in person, consider light refreshments.


Currently PACES training is sponsored by the CDC, allowing it to be delivered at no cost. For additional information on beginning and sustaining a PACES training program in your area, please contact our team.

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