2011 CBDNA Conference at the University of Washington. . .

The administrators at the University of Washington need to know of the high regard in which I and the other members of the College Band Directors National Association now hold you and the University of Washington – both institutionally and musically. We had high regard for you before, but had no idea that your school had the resources and facilities for such an important conference, and the generosity to open the campus to college faculty, students and administrators from around the world. [The UW Wind Ensemble performance] was not just good, not just worthy of the conference, but world-class! It was brilliantly programmed (so as to be an enviable model for many of us), expertly played, artistically superb, and pioneered genuine interdisciplinary collaborations with technology, the world of video games, and film.  


Thomas C. Duffy, DMA| Professor (adj) of Music | Director of University Bands

Yale University | Immediate Past President, CBDNA



         I want to thank you for your hard work in presenting the 2011 CBDNA National Conference recently on your campus. I have attended many such conferences over the past thirty years, but have never attended one any better prepared and executed than yours. Having hosted such events myself, I know from firsthand-experience the time and energy that is required to bring to life a major conference such as this.

         I also want to congratulate you for the inspired performance that closed the conference. It would have been enough to simply play host to the event, but you also gave us the pleasure of experiencing your many musical talents in a concert performance quite unlike any we have ever heard at a CBDNA event. From the opening reel of Halo to the final notes of Mackey, this was a truly inspired and imaginative program. Bravo for a job well done.

         Rest assured that you made a lasting impression on all of the attendees. This was one of the most enjoyable, entertaining, educational and enlightening conferences in recent memory. I will reflect fondly upon my experiences on your campus for a long time to come.


Patrick Dunnigan, Ph.D. | Director of Bands | Florida State University




Thank YOU Tim! It was an inspiring conference and all of your students were fantastic, both musically and professionally.


Sarah McQoin | Director of Bands | Texas Tech University




I have hosted two College Band Directors National Association National Conferences: one during my tenure at The Ohio State University, and the other in my present position at the University of Minnesota. Hosting a National Conference of this magnitude with over four hundred people in attendance is a daunting task. Professor Salzman and his staff did an outstanding job of ensuring that the conference was organized with a schedule that was able to successfully facilitate a multitude of performances, dress rehearsals, clinic sessions, and meetings over four days. My colleagues join me in congratulating Professor Salzman and the University of Washington for hosting one of the most memorable and productive conferences in recent history.


Additionally, it was our pleasure to hear the University of Washington Wind Ensemble in concert on Saturday afternoon, March 26, 2011, and again in conjunction with the Seattle Symphony that evening. The Saturday afternoon concert was outstanding, expertly programmed, and led by Professor Salzman with a great sense of artistry, sensitivity, and commitment. It was a special pleasure to hear members of your School of Music faculty who were featured prominently in this concert. The University of Washington School of Music was represented with great distinction by your students and by your faculty. The evening collaboration with the Seattle Symphony was a wonderful tribute to the music of Alan Hovhanness conducted by Gerard Schwartz; a wonderful example of an important community connection between the University and a major arts organization in Seattle.


Craig Kirchhoff | Professor of Music | Director of University Bands

University of Minnesota




…a huge thank you for the absolutely incredible job you and your staff did hosting this year's CBDNA National Conference. I truly cannot imagine the work that must have gone into planning and executing such a massive event but I want to thank you most sincerely for making it one to remember. From the concerts to the presentations, the event was perfect in every way! I particularly enjoyed the level of involvement by the Seattle Symphony and Maestro Schwarz. To hear him say that he will mention University programs when discussing the cultural landscape of the city was uplifting and energizing.


Secondly, I want to congratulate you and your fine ensemble on two stunning performances. Not only was the concert at Meany well-crafted, thought provoking, and played with the utmost musicality, it showed tremendous courage. In my opinion, these convention performances should serve as a vehicle for us as a profession to stretch our conventional notions of what a concert should be. Your use of video clips, film and a jazz trio with the ensemble was a breath of fresh air and I for one couldn't have enjoyed it more! All the better things were when we headed downtown that night and heard and watched Maestro Schwarz conduct your ensemble in front of a packed and enthusiastic audience. While sitting there before the concert I couldn't help but think that so much was on the line for us as a profession. Would the audience accept a wind band? Would they feel that the level of performance was up to the professional standards that they have come to expect? Of course the ensemble performed magnificently and the audience loved it. This was a truly special moment for us in the wind band world.


Robert J.Ambrose | Director of Bands | Associate Director | School of Music

Georgia State University




Thanks for doing such a great job of hosting the CBDNA conference. Everything I had heard about Seattle and UW was true – an incredible setting for a phenomenal conference and I completely fell in love with the city! The performances of the UW Wind Ensemble on Saturday were superb. The programming was incredibly imaginative and the performances were inspiring. I look forward in particular to performing the Huck Hodge piece and appreciate being able to be part of the consortium. Bravo and thanks to you and everybody involved with the conference.


Andrew Mast, DMA | Director of Bands | Associate Professor of Music

Lawrence University Conservatory of Music




I sincerely enjoyed your performance of Precious Metal at the CBDNA conference and I'm sorry I missed telling you in person. I thought the entire conference was very organized, and the students and faculty at UW are fantastic musicians. Since we are members of the Precious Metal consortium, it was a pleasure to hear the piece live for my first time. I thought the second movement was particularly well done, given the difficulty of the somewhat aleatoric nature of that movement and the sound-descriptions of the different "sheens." Congratulations again on a great performance, and to the entire UW faculty for a fantastic conference.


James L. Tully | Director of Bands | Coastal Carolina University




…from Twitter:


Blown away by Univ. O' Washington. A truly artistic/immersive/entertaining experience. New Music Fans, this is where It's At.

Jonathan Newman | Composer | New York City


Never has an hour of live music gone faster than the first half of the UW winds...whoa!

Chad Nicholson | Director of Bands | Indiana University - Fort Wayne




Last March, I had the pleasure of attending the CBDNA National Conference hosted by the University of Washington. As an alumnus (BA/BM, Music Education, ‘97), I could not have been more proud of my alma mater. Tim Salzman and the UW Wind Ensemble did a spectacular job as hosts to some of the most prominent conductors, composers and musicians in the country. I hope the faculty and staff at Washington are as proud of this successful event as many of the alumni who were in attendance.

Dr. Emily A. Moss | Director of Bands | California State University Los Angeles



Please forgive the lateness of this e-mail, but I wanted to express again (in writing this time) how much I enjoyed your performance, program, and the wonderful job you did hosting the conference on your beautiful campus in a terrific city. Congratulations to you and your students. Please also give Donna my best — she sounded terrific — and what a joy to see her again.


Robert W. Rumbelow, DMA | Director of Bands | University of Illinois




Simply put....thank you for everything you did to make this a truly extraordinary conference. You and your students gave two terrific performances that were highlights for me and I thank you for that. Although I have not ever hosted a conference of this magnitude, I can imagine what a monumental task this was and you did it with grace, humility and made it look easy. It was particularly gratifying for me to witness your personal stamp on your community. Your incredible musicianship, vision, compassion and pride in your community was noticed and admired by all. Thank you!

Glen Adsit | Director of Bands | Associate Director of Instrumental Studies

The Hartt School




First, congratulations for a wonderful concert last week. Your program was one of the most interesting I have seen at a CBDNA conference and the students performed beautifully. The trio was unbelievably good! As you know, I left Washington in 1986, about the time you arrived. As one who grew up in Washington, I know some of the history of the band program at UW, and what I heard from your group last Saturday confirms the outstanding work you have done to build the program. Please pass along my congratulations to your students for their outstanding performance.


Secondly, we are all grateful to you, your students, faculty and staff for hosting the National Conference. From my perspective, the conference went off without a hitch. It was well organized and everyone was friendly and helpful. Special thanks to Vu and Erin!! Having a national conference in the Pacific Northwest was long over due and UW/Seattle was definitely the right choice.


On behalf of our organization and our members, thank you for this significant contribution to our profession.  


Eric Rombach-Kendall | President CBDNA | Professor of Music/Director of Bands

University of New Mexico




Congratulations on a terrifically organized conference, and a spectacular performance on Saturday.


Dr. Evan Feldman | Wind Ensemble Conductor | Assistant Professor

Director of Undergraduate Studies | The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill




Congratulations again on the fabulously successful CBDNA Conference you and your staff hosted last week. It was a triumph, both organizationally and musically. Your group's Saturday performances – both in the afternoon, and in the evening downtown – were wonderfully effective.


Richard Clary | Professor of Music | Director of Wind Ensemble Studies

The Florida State University




I would like to extend my congratulations on a job well done in hosting the 2011 National Conference of the College Band Directors National Association. Everything was done in a first-class manner, including the wonderful performance given by the University of Washington Wind Ensemble. Yours is a wonderful campus (and concert hall!) in one of the most interesting places I have had the pleasure to visit. It was my first trip to the Northwest and I plan to return as often as I can!


I would also like to thank your fantastic graduate students, in particular, Vu Nguyen and Erin Bodnar. Both were professional, diligent and thorough in handling so many details.


Rod Schueller | Director of Bands | Texas State University




Congratulations on a very special closing CBDNA concert last week in Seattle! The concert was thought provoking and well-prepared. It was great to see Donna Shinn play the Sparr and Erik Reed playing principal trumpet as well. Two very special people!

The concert was particularly extraordinary in that you were so preoccupied with organizing an amazing conference on top of the concert preparation. Bravo to everyone!!  


Joseph Missal | Director of Bands | Oklahoma State University




I wanted to write and congratulate you on a highly successful and engaging conference. I recognize the immense amount of work and planning that something like that entails and I hope you are feeling awfully good about it all!


Cynthia Johnston Turner | Associate Professor | Director of Wind Ensembles

Cornell University




What a great concert on Saturday—the perfect way to end the conference. I know you are very proud of the work the ensemble put forward, and I'm also sure you are as proud of the grad students who helped run the conference—they were terrific too. As always I am very proud to be a UW alumni, even more so now after the conference, and especially after the Wind Ensemble performance—thanks!


Alexander R. Treviño, Ph.D. | Director of Athletic Bands | Associate Director of Bands | Old Dominion University