Electrical Fires
Difficulty in Creating Electrical Fires

Many researchers and investigators have attempted to intentionally start electrical fires in vehicles and found it difficult to accomplish. They have generally found that protective systems (such as fuses) are effective, and circumstances that support fire and propagation are very specific. At least 2 researchers have published reports of failed attempts to create an electrical fire.

1.         Cole [1] made 4 attempts to cause a fire by electrical short in a 1989 Oldsmobile Cutlass without success. Smoke and fumes were produced without flame.

2.         Hrynchuk [2] was unable to produce a fire from shorting of fused circuits, but did produce a fire by shorting an unfused (bypassed) power line to ground under the instrument panel of a 1980 GMC Sierra Grande.

Recall investigations have confirmed that electrical fires do occur.



  1. Cole, L.S., The Investigation of Motor Vehicle Fires, Third Edition, 1992.

  2. Hrynchuk, R.J., "A Study of Vehicle Fires of Known Ignition Source," International Association of Arson Investigators, Alberta Chapter, Edmonton, Alberta, January, 1983.