Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |

Selected Members

Engelbert Pernerstorfer | Victor Adler | Richard von Kralik | Friedrich Eckstein
Gustav Mahler | Sigfried Lipiner | Max Gruber | Hugo Wolf

Hugo Wolf

b. 1860 Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia), d. 1903, Vienna

Hugo Wolf was apparently involved in the Circle only relatively loosely. He shared a strong devotion to Wagner, declaring himself a devout Wagnerian after first hearing his operas in 1875.  He shared a room for a time with Circle members and fellow students Mahler and Rudolf Krzyzanowki, and he may have been introduced to the Circle by that connection. Wolf's letters  suggest that his contact with the Circle encourage him to study to some degree the ideas of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.

See also his entry in the Encyclopedia of Austria

Engelbert Pernerstorfer | Victor Adler | Richard von Kralik | Friedrich Eckstein
Gustav Mahler | Sigfried Lipiner | Max Gruber | Hugo Wolf

Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |