Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |


19th c. Liberalism | Theatrical Symbolism | Renewal | Wholeness
Vegetarianism | Socialism | Nationalism


Socialism was a key ideology for some members of the circle. Pernerstorfer and Adler both played significant roles in the formation of the Austrian Social Democratic movement (as described in their respective entries here). They developed their socialist views in alignment with their nationalism as well as with the cultural emphasis within the Circle. Indeed, the Austrian Social Democratic movement was observed to be one of the most highly cultured in Europe; the unusual degree of emphasis on theater, song, and art in service to the socialist cause is arguably due in significant part to the influence of Adler. Kralik set out to develop a socialist religion, complete with hymns and scriptures. Their socialism was also shaped by their intellectual inheritance from Nietzsche, Wagner, and Schopenhauer. Socialism was percieved as the means for creating a society in which all members of that society would be able to participate in awareness of the world-will.

19th c. Liberalism | Theatrical Symbolism | Renewal | Wholeness
Vegetarianism | Socialism | Nationalism

Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |