Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |


19th c. Liberalism | Theatrical Symbolism | Renewal | Wholeness
Vegetarianism | Socialism | Nationalism


Richard Wagner's theories included the espousal of vegetarianism due to the participation of animals in the same world-soul as humans. The members of the Pernerstorfer Circle inherited this idea with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Mahler wrote in October of 1880 that he had been a vegetarian for a month. Victor Adler was apparently interested, but concerned that it would lower the appeal of any movement that was trying to mobilize the working classes. But there was enough consistency in participation for members to gather at a vegetarian restaurant at the corner of Wallnerstrasse and Fahnengasse which appealed to various groups of Wagnerites in the city.

19th c. Liberalism | Theatrical Symbolism | Renewal | Wholeness
Vegetarianism | Socialism | Nationalism

Vienna 1900 - The Pernerstorfer Circle | Close Window |