
Theater in Vienna 1900

Charlotte Wolter


Charlotte Wolter was born at Cologne and started her acting career at Budapest in 1857. From 1859 to 1861 she worked for the Victoria Theatre in Berlin. In 1861 she left for the Thalia Theatre in Hamburg and in 1862 she was contracted by Heinrich Laube, director of the Burgtheater in Vienna, where she was engaged until her death. She played well known parts like Lady MacBeth, but also starred in Grillparzer's plays, like "Hero", "Sappho" and "Medea". She also managed to turn Wilbrandt's "Arria und Messalina" into a success thanks to her powerful portrayal of Messalina (In 1875 Hans Makart would paint her as Messalina). Her outcry during dramatic moments became famous as the "Wolter-Schrei". In 1876 she married count Charles O'Sullivan de Grass.