Theater in der Josefstadt

Theater in Vienna 1900


The Theater in der Josefstadt is the second oldest theatre in Vienna. It was founded in 1788 as one of the smaller private suburb stages by the actor Karl Mayer, holding the royal privilege to stage performance of not only literal content but also musical, dance (ballet) and pantomime. Unlike the upper class Burgtheater, the Theater in der Josefstadt was a stage for the working class public, called Volkstheater. The mission of this theatre was to entertain with small productions, often in cabaret style, and to represent the working class.

In 1924 Max Reinhardt took over the direction to become a major influence in its reputation as a world-class theatre. He founded his famous acting conservatory, Reinhardt-Seminar, where young artist receive training in his style to this day as one of the ivy-league acting conservatory in the German-speaking realm.