
  • B.Sc.—Physics & Political Science (minor) (State University of N.Y.: Stony Brook)
  • M.Sc.—Biophysics (State University of N.Y.: Buffalo)
  • Ph.D.—Statistics and Biomathematics (Univ. of N. Carolina: Raleigh & Chapel Hill)
  • Academic & Administrative Position

    Other Work Experience

    1. Commercial fisherman, Great South Bay, New York and Atlantic Ocean
    2. Consultant: Natural resource distpute resolution
    3. Stock assessments and risk analyses of shark population
    4. IUCN Shark Expert Panel (2001-2008)
    5. Arctic Biodiversity Assessment Team
    6. Founder, UW Shark Research Lab

    Visitng & External Scientist Position

    Expertise In:

    1. Arctic policy formulation and Arctic biology
    2. Conflict Resolution in Natural Resources and Arctic Policy & Governance
    3. Fisheries Policy, Ocean Governance, and Human Dimensions
    4. Quantitative Stock Assessment, population dynamics, and math modeling
    5. Elasmobranchs, shark biology and pop. dynamics, tropical and cold-water
    6. Marine Biology

    Research Interest

    I have two primary areas of interest that may seem at odds, but they are not when viewed especially from convservation and harvest stategies.

    Once of these is Arctic policy and conservation. Our group in the Canadian Arctic Studies Center is having major roles in Arctic policy and governance. We work with Asian, European, Russian and Canadian governmental agencies, especially relative to Arctic Council issues, procedures, etc. This work has also a strong flavor of Inuit policy and governance.

    The second interest is in the conservation management of elasmobranches, especially sharks and in cold water, such as the Arctic. This work has been applied in theNorth Pacific and North Atlantic environment.

    Personal Philosophy

    Philosophy has a role in everything we do. The preceding activitives and publications are tangible statements of philosphy. What is not tangible is the cultural role of graduate student committe supervision.

    One of the primary activities of a committee supervisor is to encourage an atmosphere where meaningful research questions are raised and solutions sought. This atmosphere is built around attitude and training and is enhanced by frequent meetings privately and with the students as a group. In group meetings, new approaches and results are discussed, practice presentations made, and ideas kicked around. The students act as a sounding board for each other, often providing ideas, but always being critical.

    Graduate Committee Chairs (2001-2011):

    Fifteen Students, Theses/dissertations on sharks and fisheries; UW Shark Research Lab
    Current: Four students, Theses: completes/in process on analyses of fishereis and Arctic Policy


    When available, student names are linked to their websites.



    Research Project

    Alexandre Silva


    Atlantic Coast Blue Shark: Conservation

    Ian Taylor


    Dogfish / Elasmobranch Stock Assessment

    Jason Gasper


    Creel Census in Glacier Bay National Park

    Rustin Director


    Dogfish Shark Harvest Policy