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Alvin B. Tillery Jr. to Lecture on Immigration in the African American Mind

By April 4, 2017January 5th, 2021Events, News, Visiting Speakers

Alvin B. Tillery Jr., Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, will deliver the WISIR Distinguished Lecture for Spring Quarter on Monday, April 10, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. in the Petersen Room in Allen Library (Room 485). The title of his lecture is “Immigration in the African American Mind: Reverse Racial Triangulation and Proxy Representation, 1830-1945.”

Tillery is Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University. He is the author of Between Homeland and Motherland: Africa, U.S. Foreign Policy, and Black Leadership in America (Cornell University Press, 2011), co-winner of the W. E. B. Du Bois Award for 2012. His articles have appeared in Political Research Quarterly, Studies in American Political Development, American Political Thought, Journal of Black Studies, and The Washington Post. He is currently at work on two books — the first entitled Immigration in the African American Mind: Forging People of Color Politics, 1850-1970, the second Paint the White House Black: The U.S. Presidency in Black Political Culture.

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